The original documents are located in Box 23, folder “3/20/76 - New York City (3)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 23 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library • Barbara Grimaldi Assistant Director Public Relations New School for Social Research 66W12St, NYC 10011 (212) 741-5668 Feb. 24, 1976 Sally, Enclosed are invitations and programs from each of the Parsons Fashion Critics Awards Shows that have taken place since 1972, ' when they were begun on the occasion of the School's Diamond Jubilee. Also enclosed is a Parsons catalog, some invitations to the 1976 show -- I think all of these will help you get a better idea of the School and of the event. Will have the press release ready shortly and will definitely get it to you before we send it out. Will also brief you on the outcome of the meeting set for this coming Tuesday, March 2 -- the one I spoke to you about and had hoped Patty Matson would attend. If there is anything else you need or if you have any questions, please call at any time. If you can't reach me here at the office, call me at home at 212-MU4-7238. Sincerely, . .. Board ol Trualffl. New Sohool lor Seta.I Research and ParsoM School of D.. lgn John R. IWrell, President Auguat Heckacher Alfred J, M•rrow Orin Lehman, Cltfllr-n Dorolllf Hlrahon Roy R. Neuberger The Plue, New York City our annual Leon11 ._.,.., Nathan W. Levin Sylvia Ravitch 1118maey CIM Morri. L. Levinson Rodman Rockefeller Fasfllon Show, 7:00 pm student collecllon "8lph lllJMn Vera Q. List Richard C. Sacha Elinor GUmlMIA Henry A. Loeb Jerome A. Siegel BenfMllll ~n ludor Lubin Edward Swayduck Cocktails, 8:15 pm we are proud to present Julius Horwitz, Ex-ollh:io BoaN of Owe,..,., Paraon School ol D11lgn a retrospective look at Sytyla Rllvllcb, Cll•lrman Marjorie Grl1wold CtefN a. BeMuon Jack Laur wtnfam Beneneon Rlchatd Dey Manning $150 per person Donald Brooks' costumes WltUam ltftzer Mottle Pairnls P1raon1 School of Deelgn Doftltlcl Brookti Mrs. J. c. Penney afflllated with Lewt1 Davia Richard Schw•rtz The New School for the stage Wftlfem Fine Mra. .ierome A. Sl•gel 88 West 12th S1rHt David Finn Jeny lllverman New York, New York 10011 cinema and televlslon Mrs. Adam L. Gimbel Chester Weinberg 212/675-2700 exten.ton 131 Thursday, 18 April 1974 No Strings, Diahann Carroll In addition to Critics Awards Show Sponsoring Commlllee Jerry Siiverman, Chairman The Cardinal, Romy Schnelder, Carol Lynley Lee Abraham The Plaza, New York City Bererool In the Perk, Elizebeth Ashley, Robert Redford Bruce A. Gimbel John Miller Pel Sandler our annual Fede In Fede Out, Carol Burnett Adrl ydney Glitter Henry Moss RlclierCI J. Schwartz Rich Little Rich Girl, JHn Simmons CllHord D. Anderson CharlH Glueck John A. Mulqueen Gerald Shew Fashion Show, 7:00 pm student collection Flore The Red Menace, Liza Minelli J. A. Beer 11 Robert Goldworm Harry A. Murrey Richard Shapiro On A Clear Dey You Can See Forever, Berber• Harris Alen Baron George J. Greenberg Leo Narducci Rosemary Sheehan The Carol Channing Television Spectacular George Bayli1 Marjorie Grl1wold Ire Nelmark Nathan Shelnmen Cocktails, 8:15 pm we are proud to present Sier, Julle Andrew• Gerald H. Blum E1telle Hamburger George E. Parker, Jr. Morton Slegenleld Promises PromlsH Stella Blum Albert Harris Mollie Pernl1 Bernard Siskind LHt or the Red Hot Lovers, Nell Simon Nat Borlskln Chuck Howard John Pomerantz Geraldine Stutz a retrospective look at Darling Lill, Julie Andrews, Rock Hudson Joseph Brodie Allan R. Johnson Lew Prince Ben Sommers Baby Wann• Klas, Joanne Woodward, Paul Newman Felix Colangelo Kasper Richard Raines Gu1teve T... er $150 per person Donald Brooks' costumes Night Watch, Joan Hackett Anne Cole Oscar Kolin Edward Rayne Michael H. Thomas Minnlee Boys, Shelly Wlnter1 Jo Cop land Harold Krensky Shannon Rodger• David M. Trecy Holiday John Detjen1, Ill Lawrence Lechman Dominic Rompollo Merv 8. Traub for the stage Good News, Alice Faye, John Payne David W. Dlckereon Kenneth Jay Lane Jerrie Rosenberg Charles W. Veysey Mia Farrow Television Specie! Angelo Donghia Jeck Lazer M. N. (Chip) Rubenstein Norman V. WHchler Black tie, r.s.v.p. cinema and television Irene, Jene Powell William Fine Willlam J. Lippincott Rich rd Salomon Chester Weinberg Terminal Men (MO'lfie Ver•lon), Joan Hackett Helen Geliend Ferris Megarily P ul A. Salomone Nancy White I . PARSONS SCHOOL OP -­ jNALD •ROOKS P•nons School of~ le OM of the Throughout hll brilliant career 11 one of nation'• foremoat colleg• al lie Fine MCI Alnerica'• lading tMhlon dellgners, Applied Arta. It WI founded In 1• bJ DoMld 8rooka ha •llO crutecl costumes wma..n 11err1n a-,• 1Nc11111 AIMrlcllR torlhe ......... lilmmnd ............ UA palnler MCI educmtor. The School .. lllnelli, Julie Anclrews, Dl8tulnn carroll, lnltiallJ devoted to IM educatloa al S.rbr• Streland, Ethel Mermen, Jomnne eculpton •nd pain..,. •nd wu knoWA • Woodward, carol Chennlng, Robert the Ch.. ScllooL Uler it-.... the Redford, Eliabeth AlhleJ •nd Mill F•rrow New York School of Fine md Applied Arla, •re M10ft9 the mrs tor whom Brooks ha end In 1141 It - ,....IMd lo Mnor d11igned coetumel over the past fourteen Frank Alvllll PmnoM, • longtime IMullJ ,_,..He wu ...rdecl The New York ~end,........, .... profo11adly DN1M Crltlca A-rd in 1113 tor "No influenced the ln1lllution'1 devMclp••nL Strinp," sterrlng Dillhann canoll, •nd In Februery or trro, P'llrlOlll......., with AcademJ Aw•rd NomiMliona far~ the New School for Social R._.rch, one C09klR'8e tor "The Cllrdlnltl," .....,,.. llnd of the country'• mo9t progt 111tN ul\IHClllllK "Derllng UIL" Todliy, P•nons ha an enrollment of He 1111 d11lgned coelumea flDr •••At 1111111 11PProximet•IJ 700 ltudenll. • 145-rnember thulrlcal ~ Including -­ memor... hill • " ..retool In The P•rk," fllculty •nd llbout 10.000 ............ "On A Clellr 0., You Cen SM Ferenr," lludent bodJ COIMI from thlrlJ4ghl ea.tel and ......,....... fONlgn countrlM. "Proml111, P1MWIH1.'' "FMle OUt FMle In," ....... " ...................'Good With the fo,...._. Fuhian DNllR Mewl." The number of lndlvtdu•I costumes Dep•rtment in the world, ,......, "'°""' Donllld Brooke ... lllllgned ruM f•r itl alumni •nd f~, ... fMen • ........ Into the thouunda. For Julie Andrewa' force in the lllOV...._. that ... 9hlft9cl ... role .. Gertnlde Law•- In .... llm internatloMI t•lhlon capit•I from P•r19 lo ......... he d11lgned .... DY8I' ..coalUIMI. New York. The o.,.t..m•a......., Al lhi• retl'OIPKlive began to ..ke IMpe, to the nHde of 8ewenla Av.,.. .... no one ... more •ltonllhed by the of resulted In • ...,.,nc,.•lnl ....., volume of work then Don1ld Brook• superbly .........., ........... wk himself. He ha al..,a viewed his clellgna ii the lite blood of .... ..._.. lndl ..... tor Ille lheetre n • dellghtful hobby. RANDO~ U. STAM•AUGH TODAY"S PASHION SHOW R•.,..._ U. 8tM1111ugh, Pr11lll1lll of ,....,... SchoOI of Dealgn .,,...ma• B. Al.._. and Calllpl"f, "-•olld Ille collection of clothel deligned Md enllN llfOl••l•Ml •rw IO .V...... executed In lta entirety bJ studenta. Joining the Altman mff after hi• working under the guidance of lelldlng grldullllon lroat Columbia~. American dellgnera. Mr• ........._h moved tM up...,...... From IC01'81 of dffiln lketche• (croqul•) rMka, wappoinlldGenenll 111........_ which NCh student createa. the beat •re Ma..., Md Vke-Prnldelll in 1111, MCI •lected tor convenlon Into...,.._ ,,..,.... In 1•. dlmenlionlll tonna, "'8n Into n.. pattema Under hl8 IMdililhlp, 8. Allnlll11 llrict llnd fl~, for execution In fllbrlc, on eomp.ny h•• moved qulelly MID "8 11-roleaiOMI moclela. fnhlon forefront. ....., IDllllg allht Cit G•nnentl Included In todQ'a fuhlon thDW the Altmlln approach, .......... by • ,..,....nt only• portion of nMrly 150 low profile 1nd conoenlnllloft • ••lltJ, orlglMI clellgna m.cle during the achool Mrvlce Ind Integrity, Mr. ltllln'I lgll ... y.. r. The ones to be llK>wn were aelected hi• nsoci•t•• h.ve been cre.. lng • 18Y9r•I weeks qo by • Jury of Selectloft, livelier, more exciting up-to-1111• IRlnute c:ompoaec1 of people ICtlve In the ch•nicter th~ ... llore. TM eld fuhlon lnduatry; dellgnera. ...... Mltora. •nd the new •re belllg -111111 Ill• retail.... fllbric and pnnent ...........,... llpprolldl .... hu .... -.... ....... Profe11iOMI deligners who aerved during •nd quality ueoc:imted ..... .... the put ,.., •• crltlca tor mmny categories Artm.n lllbel. of gllrlMftl problema wlll, tonlghl, prel9nl Al llr. s .......... r11111tty ...._.: Gold anc1 st1ver Thlmblel, .,.....,.. or ''Altman'• ....... wet ls tM conlld9itee clelignexcellence,tothe......,.who our customera tine llt tlle ...,,., We bald cre.ted the best dHlgn In uch category. on th•t ....... It wellfd be dlllleUlt t9 tlnl Each honoree ... lllected by the • more 10lld toundllllen. dellgner who •rved •• critic tor NCh pnnent problem. PARSONS AM RICAN D SIGNER AWARDS SCHOOL OF DESIGN ANNUAL A Donald Brooks jNALD BROOKS FASHION AWARDS SHOW B Joseph Costantino STUDENT COLLECTION Eleanor Fl Throughout his brilliant career as one of America's leading fashion designers, Meredith CHll•..,• E Black voile & jersey: Candice Brearley C Stan Herman Donald Brooks has also created costume! Beach dress & tanksult: Jon Calcagno D Chuck Howard for the theatre, film and television.
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