Quote of-the-Week: --'. .----- --------.---------.- "It's not how sincere you are that counts, it's how sincere you seem." --Oscar Wilde THE DO E Student ~wspaper 0 Widener f{1niversity Volume 50INumber 29 Friday, March 14, 1997 Greelt~ Life ' 'On Education I fJ\[S I'Df£ TJ-{IS A Regional Scale Department f£'Dlrr'I00£ By: Lori Townsend Reports on Staff Writer Campus Crime Greek life on campus is changing. but By: Colleen DeBaise one brother has the upper hand in the College Press Service Campu/li•• Northeast Intrafraternal Council (NEIFC). For the first time in NEIFC, the For every 100,000 college students, 65 · president comes from a campus with less were the victims of a violent crime in than 20 fraternities in its Greek system. 1994, the Education Department said in The new president of NEIFC is Christian Art Museum its first-ever report on campus crime. P. Chace. He is former president of page 8 Broken down into categories, that Widener's IFC and Theta Chi Fraternity. means nine students were raped out of Chace is the second Theta Chi brother to Bear Story every 100,000 students, 21 were robbed become president of NEIFC in a row. page 5 and 35 were assaulted. Only one out of His main responsibility as president is every I million students was murdered. to plan the next conference for the region. What's Up At Widener the report said. The yearly conference brings members of page 11 Christian P. Chace, Senior Also, 257 students out of 100,000 each chapter's fraternities together to . - were the victims of burglary or car theft. learn more about risk management, lead­ ers attending the conference. He also Spring Break The report was required by the 1990 ership, and motivation. They take these wants problems of small and larger-sized page 9 Student Right-to-Know and Campus skills back to their chapters and apply schools to use a tracking system. This Security Act, which mandates that col­ them. Chace wants to change the format way, the problems faced by both and/or Honors Week Sch~dule leges and universities receiving federal of the conference from a lecture to one either of the universities will be able to be pages 6-7 funds must disclose campus crime statis­ that includes activity between the broth- continued on page 9 tics. However, critics of the report say many campuses still underreport crime State Re-p.-Kirkland Honored I)n or near campuses and that campus Ente,tainment crime logs and disciplinary hearings By Project Prepare remain closed. The Education Department was By: Anthony Leone exhibited by Anderson. Past recipients of required to issue a report on campus Staff Writer the award have included former crime statistics by 1995. David A. Congressmen Bill Gray and Bob Edgar, Longanecker, assistant secretary of edu­ Howard Stern's Private Parts The Widener University Project Rev. Leon Sullivan, former Philadelphia cation, told reporters that it was 18 page 4 Prepare Program has chosen State School Superintendent Constance months late because "we simply couldn't Representative Thaddeus Kirkland (D- Clayton, and former Philadelphia Mayor get started and completed by the dead­ St. Patrick's Day Humor 159) to receive the Jesse Anderson W. Wilson Goode. line." page 5 Award. The award will be presented to Anderson was the Rector of St. The report indicated that crime rates Kirkland by President Robert 1. Bruce on Thomas Episcopal Church in were higher at universities with on-cam­ Crossword Thursday, April 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in Philadelphia. The church, founded in pus housing. At colleges with on campus page 11 Lathem Hall. The entire campus commu­ 1794 by a group of freed slaves, is the housing, there were 113 violent crimes nity is invited to attend. nation's oldest Black Episcopal Church. per 100,000 students, compared to 29 The award is named after Rev. Jesse An active civil rights leader. Rev. crimes for those without. Anderson, one of the original Advisory Anderson was a friend and adviser to Dr. More than 10 percent of colleges . Board members for Widener's Project Martin Luther King, Jr.. He participated failed to publish crime reports; also, 16 In 1969, in many community activities, especially percent failed to use FBI or state crime those which supported the advancement definitions required by the law. The of people of color. biggest offenders in both cases were trade This year's recipient, State schools and colleges with fewer than 200 Representative Thaddeus Kirkland, is students, such as cosmetology or techni­ known as a "remarkable community cal schools. activist" who works tirelessly for the But critics say the biggest problem 159th Legislative District (comprised of with the department's statistics is that Chester, Chester Township, Eddystone, they do not paint a true picture of campus Marcus Hook, Trainer & Upland). First crime. elected in 1992, Kirkland was re-elected That's . because the statistics don't Athlete of the Week to his third term in 1996. As a member of include incidents reported to officials page 12 the Pennsylvania State House, he serves other than the police, such as counselors on the Education and Urban Affairs at rape crisis centers and deans, says Men's Basketball Summary Committees and is the treasurer, and past Security on Campus, Inc., a non-profit page 12 vice-president, of the Pennsylvania watchdog group. Legislative Black Caucus. Thaddeus 'Kirkland, State Rep. ' The group was founded in 1987 by Swimming Wrap Up Prior to becoming a full-time legisla- ' Howard and Connie Clery, whose daugh­ page 12 started as a program to academically pre­ tor, Kirkland was a community service ter Jeanne was raped, sodomized and pare educationally and economically dis­ coordinator for Crozer Chester Medical murdered in her dorm room at Lehigh NCAA March Madness advantaged students for college. Students Center. Involved in many community University. page 12 in the program participate in a seven­ activities throughout his life, Kirkland, "Although these crimes are required to week summer program and receive coun­ the Associate Minister of Community be reported under the Campus Security seling and tutorial services. The award is Baptist Church, catapulted onto the polit- Act, we have found that a culture of given to an individual, who by deed and example, best embodies the qualities continued on page 8 continued on page 8 Page 2 THE DOME Friday, March 14, 1997 EDITORIAL PAGE Editorial Question of the Week? What is the first thing you ~o in The Dome would like to begin by extending our sympathies to the brothers of Theta Chi concerning the loss of their dog, Bear. Although it is impossible to ever replace Bear,' we feel that the Widener community needs an "icon." When the new residential the morning when you wake up? units were built along thirteenth street, an exception was made in' the housing regula­ .' '...:~- tions which allowed Theta Chi to keep their mascot. However,:l stipulation was added that upon the event of his death the fraternity could not replace their pet. We think .... .... another exception should be made. Bear was not just important to the brothers of Theta it.*-'"., \ ..... ...,. Chi, he was known to and appreciated by everyone on campus. ".-. ~ We understand the university's position regarding pets on campus--if one fraternity f': ... or sorority has a dog, then why can' t they all? Clearly it would not be practical to have so many animals roaming the campus, but one acknowledged mascot is feasible. The LSI · ~ ~ presence of a mascot promotes unity on campus by linking commuters, faculty, and "Hit my snooze button" "See what girl paid a visit resident students. Howe'ver, the question still remains: Which Greek organization Keri Stone to the honey-hut run by should be permitted to have the pet? One possibility is selecting the organization with my roomate" the most community service, through a raffle or fund-raiser, etc. Rick Felice For the last eight years Bear has been a part of the Widener community and he will "Go back to sleep" be missed. The university should recognize the important presence he was on campus. Shawn Denpster It would be unfortunate to let the sense of community that Bear represented end with "Scratch myself" his death. Jim D'Antonio ' dj"",-~p" ~"'" 1··· ... 't; ' . __ ~ . 1383-133? -' . .. - qo"u'll <:Sa" "Curse at my alarm clock" Ted Boecher "Go to dinner" cJ".(;.f.f,,' Amy Winchester See story on page 9 "Ask her what her name is" C.B. Meisenhelter The Dome Widener University "Shut the alarm off" "Take a p***" Box 1175 Becky Saltzman Chris Cush Chester, PA 19013 (610) 499-4421 "I have private time" "Throw a dip in" Tom Robson Keith McCarson The Dome is published by the students of Widener University for "Open up the car door the college community on Fridays during the academic year, e'xcept and go home" during final examinations and immediately following vacations. Britt Boegershausen Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily coincide with those of the administration. It is Dome policy that unsigned letters to the edi­ "Kick Britt out of my car "Twist my underwear and drive away" straight" tor will not be accepted. Mail subscription price is $15 per year. Chris Carbo David Lively Postage paid by Chester, Pa. 19013. 'Wait for Mr. Happy to die The Dome reserves the right" not to publish all materials received and down" no letters to the editor will be printed unless they are signed and con­ Joe Barowski tain a phone number. "Brush my teeth" "Pick the sleep out of my Terri Phillips eyes" Editors-jn-Chief: Brian Arcidiacono and Chris Mahan Kendra Licata Advertising
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