BAN id Weekly, (entered •• Second-Clan Matter at the Post- ! VOLUME XLVI, NO. 18. i at R«d Bonk, N, J., under th« Act o( March »d, 18711, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1923. ' $1.50 PER YEAR. 1 TO IS big bay wilK'ows on the second MORE GUNNERS. 1 BIG PARADE OF CHILDREN. A BIG APARTMENT HOUSE. floor. All of the apartments FROM COAST TO COAST. ACCUSED BY MANY FOLKS. TAKING A FOREIGN TRIP. VL.&ffiY WOMAN'S flUt Over Four Hundred Gunning Li- will have big windows in the front cemes lisued in Red Bank. KALLQWE'EN PROCESSION OF THE GEORGE B. SANDT RESI- and rear; and in addition, four of FOUR GIRLS TRAVEL 7,000 FOUR CHARGES MADE AGAINST MR. AND MRS. EDV/1N A. DAVIS LARGE ESTATE LEFT BY Mil* Gunning licenses issued by Miss 400 MARCHERS. DENCE BEING TORN DOWN. the- apartments will have windows MILES IN A FORD. /" , NEW YORK AUTO1ST. ON A TRIP ABROAD. ELIZABETH CRAWFORD. on one fiide. , Amy E. Olsen, the borough clerk a^ Refreshments Served to Little Tots On ltt Site at the Corner df Broad All the trees now on the place \ Miss Jennie S: and Three For- Walter T. Hammond to Have Be- Ked Bank, now number more than They Sailed Yesterday and They She Was Over 86 Years Old «l and Prize# Awarded—Everything Street and Leroy Place Will be which are not within the lines of mer Middletown Village Young lated Hearing Friday on Com•1(10- . Three weeks ago The Regis- Will Spend Four Months in Cities Moat of tins Property Go«» Done on tho Streets-^No Build- Erected a Building 120x142 Feet, the1 building will be saved nnd much Women Got Back L.it Week plaints Growing Out of a Jitney ter printed a of those, who hid in Italy, France, Switzerland, Grand-Nieces and Grand. ings Available for Youngsters:'—'J With Ten Apartment*. additional shrubbery and ever- from a Trip of Four Months. Bus Accident Last July. 1 received hunting licenses up to th.it England and Scotland. —Wills of Two Freehold Wont*** linu Four .hundred Red Bank young- greenB will je planted. Kach oc- Miss Jennie Smock of Burden Charged by three persons with '- Licenses have since beer, is- Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin A. Davis of The work of demolishing the for- [ to tht Miss Klijabeth Crawford of Key* otora took part in a Hallowe'en pa- mer George li. Sundt rcsidenco at' cupant of an apartment' will have a place and Misses Alice, Helen'and assault and battery and charged ;™ il following persons: Spring street sailed yesterday on port, who died October 21st at th« J il l'rioil rade last Wednesday night. The lawn or grounds in front of the Kathleen Cuulfield of Perth Amb'oy, with driving an automobile while n .sunn, the steamer UereliK-^ria fnr a four the corner of Broad street and Le- .M UII l.h.y.l liimv. Hgu of 8lj'i year;;, left a will which affair was given under the direction roy place was begun last week. The apartment which may be ernhel- ! formerl_ ^y of Middletown village, re- drunk, Walter T. Hammond of New lidwurd .Murphy, The.mas llcra months' trip abroad. Abmit LWU -hi; mad.! January Kith, l!)20. Mill of the "Ili-Y" club, with Joseph C. house will be torn, down to make lished with plant3 or flowers to suit [ turned "home last week from '. Yurie will have to appear before Jus- Clillurd Duiinii, An-hilislit II Dalby, months will he spent in Italy, where Crawford was the last of her Smith us director. The procession I). J. Lcv-.-n. Juhu (VIM, way for apartment building. each individual taste. * tomobile trip of four months to tice Klmer ('. Wiiinwright at the Mr. Davis will study interior <let-or- eration and her relatives i was formed on Monmouth street in Arthur W. Shut! .Samuel- Gullen, The property was bought from Sig- The building will cost from .California and other parts of thetown hall at Ked Bnnk on Friday William l.lii-1-i.-l', llartdla I.ontinc. •itions as exhibited .in many of the principally of nieces and front of the town hall and the line" mund Eisner several months ago by $125,000 to Jlfjfl.OOO. The rental Wdst. They made the trip in nafternoon at two o'clock, or his Josrph Mil-;, . Hardy M. liurk-tt, famous cathedrals and other huild- and grand-niecca and gra of march was over, the principal Henry J. McDonald of Deal. The of the.apartments has not yet been Ford suburban owned by the Miss bondsman, Commissioner Thomas Mclvin H««.'. Jolm )lny«, ino;s m:itle famous bji the wurk of eves. She IVIIS a m.-mber of thC streets of the town. On Hudson Morris W.'l, h, John K. Contni-r, new building which is to go up on fixed, but they will probably range ! Caulfield. They saw all the great Beatty of Long Branch, will forfeit architett>, artisans, painters ami wealthy Crawford family and ah*' avenue refreshment tickets were is- y g Joseph l-'ai.tniifi, William I', llronn, the lot is expected to be completed from $125 "to IflfiO per month. I.nin, Mitchi'll, decorators. ' The trip will include left a very large estate. Most Of sued to the youngsters and when the 'natural wonders of the West. They $2,000'bail. Hammond's arrest was , Enr early in the spring, but the exact met with varied experiences, includ- the outcome of an accident last, Wallace Wihun, J. It. Rue, Jr.. three weeks spent in Rome, two I'.er iiiV was .pent in HnlmdM toWIl* parade wound up on Harding road date of its completion will depend TEA AT THE WOMAN'S CLUB. YV .-liter l-rntien. wec'ks in Naples, one week (-ju-li il ing some automobile accidents which August, when his automobile ' fi™rK<- ^K.111, y. .shia. am! *!ie moved to Kcypati in front of the high school 400 I.i.im tlnrtmp.ti, r largely on the weather conditions thrilling but not serious and. plunged into a jitrley bus well filled V^ '^'" .Milan, Venice and at Laki; Lucerne, about t"ii yeiw-s ;t; o. The will Wi doughnuts and 1,(100 apples -"were Mrs. Louis J. Sieling Holds the First Ernest I'. Illaki-ley, throughout the winter. which were singularly few in num-witith passengers. TThhe collisiollii n oc- Arn,,i,i Vuurhevi Ilntiiel II.-i-li.-r;. two weeks in Paris, two weeks- in pmbatcd \:i':,t Friday. Tho wit* distributed. This was done on the of a Series of Teas. Umvnnl Johnson. The new apartment building will ber considering tho fact that they eurrcd in Middletown township, Thomiis GJII'MUL- London, a week at Glnscow and ;KLni>.;s<.:; to tl svill were Anna Of street. It wns far from eiisy to Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Louis J h Kii-k Vic;.. not be like the apartment liouses of traveled more than 7,000 miles. near William B. Conover's farm. " " '''""'<"'• tour through .Scotland. WyeWyekoff,k - Fl(Fldre'tiff. i Wyekoff and Kd« serve such a large, number of little Lek'h Ehcrley, Wal-.rr Curmlelnrl. New /Yor, k cit..y ,bu t in .appearanc_„ e it J- Sioling, the president of the Red i Tnegirls took tur'ns at driving Several persons were injured and „ Ahinn John M. Cmu-furd. Mr. Davi.s's time will be taken un ward lorniiin. Hiss Crawford tots, but with tho assistance of Du ! )hn Ca will be a ggood deal like- the apart-' j Bank Woman's club, held the first aml th di(1M their sle(,pinB ina charges-of assault and battery were j Henry Henn.MI, largely with his studies, le.it he will l<.ft t r nephew, John "W, Craw- tective Sergeant. Joseph ISniy and | of a series of monthly teas which j t(,nt except on tw0 ortnrI ,e u(Tas_ made by three of them, or by mem- K. Ce<.r«» Taylor, . J 11 VI It m'UUVU ,,,,tV*» .IIV^V u ** • a «# — • IS*W1*W\^ A<> \s y/ V V|| V 1* ^ V *- ^111 <^ U \JV V U^ •»«».•»«»* »T w------ u— — - - - j — »J take time olT to vNit tin; antiquitiei ford, a set of bluel; walnut furnl" m&nt houses which were built in ChnHea. 5. K.nitli, John Cijnrviu, 1 Sergeant Harry VanNote every Kngland two or three centuries ago. ! will be continued through the win- i ion g when they mc(. f,.iends. 'r|K,y ||, Ors off ththeiir filfamiliesi . TThhe charg he G<< of Italy nnd the other countries vis- lure, ;t mahogany clock which had ! child was treated, The two officers Thu architecture of the • building ter. .Many club members dropped , wore fnvorC(j |)y fajr weather most of driving an automobile while : K'n| •or.. I.nl'.p Alien I). Pnoi-, ited, and also to view the natural belon:;"d to her father, a chair marche,,.«.^du wit„..,h .th ....c . youngsters and | will alao conform to thoae buildings, ! in during the afternoon. The tea ; o{ thc timc and in Wyoming th(.y drunk was made by Trooper Wil- k I.nProbti Hoynl E. H.m, wonders ar.d scenic beauties of the kiiDv.rt as "the IJuv/nc chair," diriingT Homy M(i«i.-c, helped to direct Hie parade. George; known aa the Elizabethan Stylo. In- | was given in the club library, which j ^ere eSpecjajiy fortunate, as cloud- liam II. Marshall, who alleged in his I'ooin fiirnituie, sideboard, mahog* _ „.-.
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