ST ANTHONY of PRO-LIFE SYRIAN REFUGEE Padua relics procession in crisis at break- welcomed to Glasgow led ing point, says Scotland by Fr Keenan SCIAF witness Page 3 Pages 4-5 Page 6 No 5542 YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS THE YEAR OF FAITH Friday November 1 2013 | £1 NUNCIO’S MESSAGE OF HOPE LAUNCHES ST NINIAN INSTITUTE By Ian Dunn POPE FRANCIS’ envoy to the UK has offi- cially opened Scotland’s first Catholic higher education institute in Dundee with a message of hope. When Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Mennini was in Dunkeld Diocese for the opening ceremony of the new St Ninian Institute, last Thurs- day, he said the new facility will serve ‘all those looking for meaning’ in life. Archbishop Mennini also told the SCO that he was ‘hopeful’ a new bishop would be appointed for Dunkeld Diocese before Christmas. The nuncio said the opening of the college was a ‘significant’ moment as he conferred the Holy Father’s blessing upon it. “I think the institute will be a great tool for promoting the Gospel among Catholics but also everyone who is seeking meaning in their life,” he said. “It can have a big role in society, promoting peace, justice and understanding.” The institute will offer long-distance learning modules in Catholic theology and culture, and pro- vides opportunities for ecumenical initiatives. Stu- Archbishop Antonio Mennini and Mgr Ken McCaffrey of Dunkeld dents will be able to attend residential weekends and Diocese with pupils from St John’s High School and St Paul’s lectures at its base in St Joseph’s Convent in Dundee. Academy at the official opening of St Ninian Institute in Dundee PIC: PAUL McSHERRY I Continued on page 6 At-risk Catholic adoption agency honoured I St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society shortlisted for professional award as legal battle goes on By Martin Dunlop origins’ counselling. to offer the care and support they have become Fr White added that he hopes the agency’s new synonymous with at the Glasgow agency. A SCOTTISH Catholic agency battling to premises, which will be named St Margaret’s Cen- “It is a great tribute to the staff and the whole St retain its charitable status has been short- tre for the Family, will enhance St Margaret’s Margaret’s family that, despite the distressing listed for the prestigious UK National Adop- approach to adoption and education. threats hovering on the horizon, they have been tion Week Awards. Referring to Pope Benedict XVI’s writing in recognised by the national authority for excellence The work of St Margaret’s Children and Family Deus Caritas Est, St Margaret’s chairman said that of service,” Mr McGuigan said. Care Society has been recognised by the British ‘charitable activities are not an add on, but are Association for Adoption and Fostering, which has intrinsic to our Faith.’ Clients shortlisted the Glasgow-based charity, alongside “This is an essential element to the expression Among those who have benefited from the ‘excel- two other agencies, for the Voluntary Adoption of our Faith and it goes to the heart of our court lent’ service offered by St Margaret’s is Emily Service of the Year Award. case,” Fr White said. Bradley, who, with her husband, Scott, recently The news has come as a welcome boost for the adopted two children through the Glasgow agency. team at St Margaret’s, who are currently fighting a Challenges ruling from the Office of the Scottish Charity Reg- Mesarowicz said. “St Margaret’s is Scotland’s A cloud still hangs over St Margaret’s future, how- I Continued on page 4 ulator (OSCR) that threatens its future. smallest voluntary adoption agency but we have ever. OSCR has ruled that the agency’s constitu- . purchased new premises close to our current base tion—which states that St Margaret’s is established Boost for agency at Charing Cross in Glasgow. ‘to assess the suitability of applicants as adoptive Responding to the awards’ announcement, “Our new home is in the process of being refur- parents in accordance with the teachings of the Michael Mesarowicz, St Margaret’s director, said bished and we are hopeful that we will be able to Catholic Church’—is not providing ‘public bene- it comes as ‘a great boost for staff and the many move in soon. Being named in the top three agen- fit’ and, therefore, it says the agency must be families we work with, of all faiths and none, who cies in our field across the UK is a very welcome removed from the Charities Register. know of the good work we do on a daily basis to recognition of the work we do.” A decision from the Scottish Charities Appeal help find families for children in need.’ Fr Tom White, chairman of St Margaret’s, said Panel on St Margaret’s case is expected this month. “Despite the distressing challenges we have he believes the agency has been shortlisted for the Brian McGuigan, a member of St Margaret’s faced over the last year, we are committed to Adoption Week Awards due to its ‘pioneering’ board, said that, even in the face of adversity and improving and expanding our services,” Mr work with attachment issues for children and its an uncertain future, staff members are continuing SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 2013 What’s On A weekly guide to upcoming Church events SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3 [email protected]. I Mass for close of the Talk begins at 7.30pm and Year of Faith, 11.30am, St is followed by refresh- Mary’s Cathedral, Edin- ments. burgh, Principal celebrant and preacher Archbishop FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 Leo Cushley with the Bish- I 50th Anniversary of St ops of Scotland. All wel- Aidan’s HS, Wishaw. come. I St Columba’s HS, Dun- MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 fermline, re-dedication cer- -FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8 emony of Second World I Aberdeen Diocesan War memorial, remember- pilgrimage to the Holy ing all former pupils who Island of Lindisfarne. lost their lives in the war, Resident at Marygate Cam- 2.30pm. bridge Houses on Holy Island. For further informa- tion, visit: http://www.dio- SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 ceseofaberdeen.org I Musica Sacra Scotland, Giving thanks for the arts, and the artists national music day, Turn- Archbishop Philip Tartaglia and Stephen Callaghan TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5 bull Hall, Glasgow Univer- By Martin Dunlop therefore, that we should pray for all of those I of AGAP are seen here with award winners Melisa Year of Faith Talks: Put- sity. A full-day conference working in the arts and for those who, by the Cambell and Orla Drummond of Notre Dame High ting Faith into Practice, by for parish musicians, clergy ARCHBISHOP Philip Tartaglia of policies and decisions they make, influence School, who took best group award with Jamie Lee Julie Clague, Immaculate and laity on music in Glasgow spoke of the place of art in the the creative cultural life of the archdiocese.” Brown (who was not there on the night.) Carrie Ann Conception Hall, Maryhill, Catholic Liturgy. For fur- Church’s New Evangelisation, as St Speaking in his homily last Friday, Arch- Doherty of Our Lady’s High School took the junior 7.30pm-9pm. ther information, visit: Patrick’s Church, Anderston, hosted a bishop Tartaglia highlighted Pope Francis’ award.They are seen here with Professor John www.musicasacrascot- Mass of Thanksgiving for the Arts last call to ‘go to the boundaries’ and proclaim THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 Spence of Strathclyde University and David Collins land.org.uk Friday evening. the Faith. “Art can bring the Church to peo- and Tony Docherty of Dignity Caring Funeral I Glasgow Faith Forum The annual Archdiocese of Glasgow Arts ple that may not hear Her message any other Services, who sponsored the competition Talks-God Reveals His I Friends of Blairs Memo- Project (AGAP) Mass provides the opportu- way,” the archbishop said. PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Face: Jesus Christ, Saviour rial Mass, SS John Cantius nity for Stephen Callaghan, AGAP creative In a light-hearted moment, the archbishop and Redeemer, by Fr and Nicholas, Broxburn. director, and his team to give thanks to all noted, however, that he could not consider Thanksgiving Mass, is currently hosting Dominic Rolls of Glasgow For further information, those who have contributed to their mission himself ‘a great art critic.’ AGAP’s schools’ art exhibition, entitled, University. Talk for young contact James Cassidy by throughout the year. “It was to the great shock of my prede- Creation: Through the Eyes of St Francis. people aged 16-25, Turn- email at: “The desire to have a Mass of Thanksgiv- cessor, Archbishop Mario Conti, that I once Following the Mass, winners of AGAP’s bull Hall, Glasgow Univer- [email protected] ing for the Arts is borne out of the very ethos passed up the opportunity to visit the Prado recent Schools Art Competition were pre- sity. For more information or by telephone on: 00353 of AGAP, which seeks to draw together the Museum in Madrid so I could go on a tour of sented with their prizes by the archbishop visit glasfaithforum on 419884438. various strands of creative endeavour within Real Madrid’s Santiago Bernabeu Stadium,” and sponsors of the competition. Facebook or email: glas- the Archdiocese of Glasgow so as to glorify he recalled. God,” Mr Callaghan said. “It is important, St Patrick’s Church, the venue for the I [email protected] E-mail [email protected] THE new Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Leo INSIDE YOUR SCO INDEX Cushley, returned to his home diocese of Motherwell to cel- NEWS pages 1-7 GAELIC page 9 page 21 ebrate a Mass of Thanksgiv- LOCAL NEWS COMMENT pages INTIMATIONS ing with clergy, friends and pages 2,3,4 10-11 pages 17-19 parishioners last Thursday evening.
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