" All Fol'Dll 0 . - SPECIAL PRICES Insurance oN NEW 1962 BEDfORD, VANS. Contact THE ': DAILY NEWS Water St. r[RRA NOVA MOTORS f1962) ,LTD. Elizabeth Av • R • 50's oVle rea • • eence u. s. To I Russian Missile .. launching Subs Try.' Six- Outflank N.. America Defence Syste~ By DAVE MciNTOSH , Orbit Flight I OTTAWA (CP)-The existence of Russian missile - launching sub­ . , ,n~rines means that North America's defence system has been largely Ho·w D01es REET WASHINGTON (API - 'l'lel United States announced Wed· ,utflanked, officials said Wednesday. ,. nC.ldny plans to try the next bIg, step in its man-in-space 111'0- I They emphasized that this doesn" make North A~e~tca~ Air D~. An.MP gram, a six - orbit journey ;'ance Command obsolete because the air thl'eat to thiS contment WIll around the earth ending in mid- ~ Paciflc late this summer. continue, 'd' E \ .. MER Navy cmdr. Walter Schirra, But whereas the ballistic missile warning system r.m Distant ar y , Resign? a 39-year·0Id combat pilol, was W"'rn'lng radar' ·\'Ine ,'n the Canodia n Arctic, Alaska and .Gr.eenland i By JA:llES NELSON fER picked as the astronaut. If he .. I b '1 OTTAWA (CPJ - A fourth- : I is unable to make the !light, could alert North America to rocket or bomber attack, a mlssl e om· term socialist member, of Par. ,. his backup pilot, air force Capt, Id' h t • liament has created a iegal L. Gordon Cooper, 36, will ~e barment by submarine cou come Wit ou warn,"~, I tangle by apparently wanting to in the capsule. ! This is one reason why .:ten. 'I resinn from the Commons-and I 0 • The ·Nationn Aeronautics. an d . Laurence S. Kuter, chic f 0 f Greenland and Iceland ant I Ice·! TI lere.is a research .pl'O"r<lm ~ ,t not knowing how to go about It. Space Administration did .,ot i NORAD recently callcd for ex· land and ScotlaQd -' which pre·. on hydr?IOII craft mmed t':t iii, prohlem is: How do yon say flatly thnt the !light will he tcnsion 'ot the ballistic missile sumably would be the main exit, con.structlOn. of ?xtremelv ,\. resinn from the Commons when launched as a six· orbit mission, warnin" system. I· roule for· Russinn suhmarines: antl·submarme ,hipS. h' 'thcr~ isn't a fully • constituted only that "we arc hoping and It iso also why the defence headed for Norlh America, : Chief nal'31 research. o~i .House to resign from7 planning for a six·OJ·bit nigh!.", departments of Canada and the A $22,000.000 dcs!roycr COil· ICIW. concerns extcllslon '[rhart Regier, first elected in ......!" ..... The an.nouncement itldica~ed . United Stales are pt'cssing re· versiun program to fit the war· ~onill' ranges. 19.1:t lind relurned last week ' Ihat events hefore and dunng r search i n t 0 an underwaler ships with hclicopler landmg I with a sweeping majority in 3l'CHAREST, Romania-Soviet Pri!1le Minister Nikita Khrushchev (left). the flight could lead to fellT!' locean surveillance system, platforms is scllCdulcd to be6in 5 TV· Rrili,h Columbia'~ Burnaby. b Gl h orbits. • I\lAVE 350.l\1l1.E RANGE next month. The helicopters witl Couitlam constituency. waills ~lrrl'1 · Pl'Col1lpanied by Romanian president and Communist party os.s leorg ,e If the six, ot'hil~ arc cO,m· 1 Intelligence SOllrces say SOI'iet carry underwater detection gear: ays . to give liP his seal in Parlia- , R.~ 151 G:lc(\J'!;iu-Dej. walks clown a red carpet shortly after the RUSSian leader S pleted, the flight Will Inst nme submadnes right now have n -sonar-which can he lowcred I ment to make roum fot. T. C, :,100 ,: !!\';\I here: Khrushchev said he has set no deadline rOl' an East German hours, This compares I\'i~h 4', capability, of launching nllclear into the wa.ter. :1Ilt! torpe~oe~. i, _I I Dougla~. national leader of the b A'" b hours of the three Ol'llltS of missiles against ;.Iorth Amer· It is pOSSible. hut not IIke'Y'1 :\CIV Democt'atic Part,'. WilD :'r,,('e trea!\' (mel does not want to "drop OLlr bam saver merlea ecause astronauts ,John Glenn Rnd ica's coastlincs, T~ley es!ir:n~le that this program wilt b,e de.; Puerls "'as defeated June 18 in Regina ,r 1he Beriin issue.-( UPI Photo). Malcolm Scott Carpenter, the /their pt'esenl maxImUm hrlllg ferred by the govcrnment s an-! ' t City. Dn first U.S. spacemen to circuit range at 3:;0 miles with the nouneed cut in expenditures. i -'. I' ! The XDP Constilueney Associ- the globe, distinct possibility of (ar greater 'i'IVla Iat ion for the Vancollver·area st­ Regardless o( how many or· range before long. A TI seat I'otcd 16;; to 11 Tuesd3Y John', bits arc attempted, the takeo!l Even the present range means ng ry :night to allow Mr. Regier to .re. ...... New point will remain at Cap~ Can· that a submarine could stand : I By nOI) CURRIE ! sign to pave the way for IIIr. rade Figures Shed averal, Fla,. as in the Glenn and 350 miles of! Halifax and lob , LO:'l:DO;.l lepl _ An official I,. Douglas to stand in a byelec- • -' ! r Carpenter flights, n nuclear warhead into the sea· I investigating hody said Wednes-. tion tbcre, ! • - .'. NEED DAY,~IGHT,. port, At PM day much of the ,television se.en i ~Ir, Regier, who is coming '. , .j But It PaCifIC landmg IS neees· Some recent an'ti . submarine . in Ilritain is "trivial, vaptd, i here to bone up on the legal ' ••. , !lI sary for the longer flights be· measures: puerile and cheaply 5ensa-I'technicalities of the situation, ight On Dollar Problem cause daylight is required for The rudiments of a stationary WINNIPEG (CPI - Vernon tional," says the finat decision will be . nukt safe recovery of the asJronnut underlVatet· submarine alarm Thomas Butterfield. 39. 1V~5 The Pilkington commission, made at an NOP caucus .July 8 15 1'0,. LId .. II. AL.\,'I; DONNELLY to 1.968,tOO,000... terrents. have been added by de· and his capsule. system will be in place well off given two - year suspend~d which set to work months 112 in Winnipeg . £,( I 18 I. • 11\1\\\'.\ ICPJ_ Problems of Both export !i·nd imPort rig· valuation 'of tllli ilolIar to 9211.t Ol£icials placed the time Canada's coasts by next year. sentence Wednesday for. setting ago .said viewers were .led· up RETURN '\~RIT JULY alld national production mes were affected by ,the f:!x· cenls U,S. - meanmg, a U.S, chirra's fIlght only as ."some . The system will be based on. fire to .three'> boxc'urs 'liccinise Iwith the "sordid. unsa.vory imd ,Six. days after that meeting, affec1ed the embattled change discount on the Cana· dollar costs $1.68 Canadian- lime late lhi! summer.'" Un· moored .sonobuoys' dropp'ed hy hcwas,angry at PrJme ;>'linister repotitivc programs" ?!fet·cd. ~t i the 46.year,0.ld. schOOl t~ncher • dollar before' Its May I dinn dollar, .since both forpign and by the new tnri!! sur· official word was that it will aircraft far out at sea in the Dielenbakcr. singled out commer.clal te1evI-' wtll be 0 f fie t a II y declared ··'c'··e'\'.·'I"'llation were indicated in seliing and buying ,generally char.ges 'applied this. week to come In late August Or ear.y likely channels of approach for BI1tterlie1d, who pic a de d sion for most blame, Ielected. The election writs for ,~~OlCfnment reports Issu~d are done in tcrmR of U.s, dol· just over hali' o( Cannda's im· September. submarines bent on bombarding ~uilty earlier to a public mb· The publicly - owned BBC is the June 18 election are, to he North America. chicf charge, told the court 1.e j doing a pretty good job. the! returned .July 18 accordlrg to "Wil U\i~~ne:;o,,)'. lars. In April 8 U.S, dollar was port trade. I Ore rcport ~how~d thnt Ms .. worth nearly $1.0:; Canadian. The first·quarter· merchandise Underwater experiments in got angry at lift. Diefenbaker Iocmmission said in iLs .124·page Ithe .l'ice:regal proc1am~ticn llIl· d, 'r !liC ~rowinJ: discount on liw! compared to 9!1 cenl s a year trade deficit was added to' a the Canadian Arctic have shown because he was laid ofE his .;ob. report released Wednesday. But del' whIch the electIon was' Approve, that it is possible to place wartj· Trying to leave Winnipeg on i the 13 companies illl'olvcd in h~ld. ;, rJpid me.. tn lmpo\' t' em' I'tel'. deficit on "invisible" tl'ansac· I IUC st. John'. I , I' th (' st lour The Irade figures made !t lions-things like payments to ing b a I' ri e r s act'oss narrow a freight Irain, he missed it aad; the commerrial independent nct-, There is machinery fer a ,I i~~ ofr IIl'mg ]%2 oulstrippede Ir! an Japparent that imports rose dtil" forcl'gn l'nl'estor5 811d touri!;t hodies of water. 1 set fire to some. nearby box· Jwork wcr~ growing fat on the' member 10 withdraw before Ihe in exports to produr;e ing .Ianuar)' . April despite the spending--:f~r a halance of pity· Independence PATROl, "GAP" ' ,cars to appease Ius :lnger. I "exccssII'e' profits of an mfer- i writs are returncd.
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