According to the Registrar’s Office, ‘fo r no particular reason,” classes are cancelled E L GAUCHO on Voi. 48 - No. 119 Unruh Claims Reagan No A.S. Constitution Support lOf wants gop Ticket 03823308■ _ I Election- Stamos SACRAMENTO (AP) —— Democratic Assembly Speaker Jesse M. Unruh said Wednesday that Gov. Reagan doesn't know or care much about his legislative program, and really wants to be By JIM B E T T IN G E R EG City Editor on the Republican national ticket this election year. The leader of majority Democrats in the legislature mixed Leaders o f several student groups yesterday rebutted the charges made by Gary national politics freely with California legislative matters in his Artoux, that recent A.S. elections are invalid. Greg Stamos, A.S. President, reasserted weekly news conference, continuing the months-long verbal bat­ that “ there are no grounds for the invalidation on the basis o f the Associated Students tle which has marked the 1968 session. Constitution. We are given the power to raise our fees, and that is all the amendment Unruh, deeply involved himself in the presidential cam­ did.” He restated the fact that the funds do not go to “ charity,” as Artoux has con­ paign of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.) also contended that Reagan is being used by New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller in a tended; “they go to finance new programs— programs which are needed.” Stamos explained that Leg drive to keep former vice presi­ Council refused to listen to Ar- dent Richard M. Nixon from toux's case last week because capturing the GOP presidential they felt that the case properly nomination, belonged to Judicial Committee. Unruh started his news When questioned about A r- conference by noting Reagan's toux's chances in the courts criticism Tuesday that the gov­ (Artoux has declared that he ernor's legislative program is w ill take the case as far as he stalled by Democrats, especial­ needs to gain satisfaction), Sta­ ly in the Assembly, m os stated only that "on the “ Quite clearly," the speaker basis of my knowledge of the said, "the governor just doesn't courts, I would think that he know what's going on in this doesn’ t have any grounds.” state even with his own pro­ g r a m ," DEFENSE BRIEF MAJORITY OF ONE Stamos also announced that a brief in defense of the amend­ Unruh said 18 of the 19 b ills ment will be presented to Judi­ asked by Reagan to help him cut c ia l Committee when Artoux's costs and balance the budget charges are heard. The brief are in the senate, where Re­ centers around the claim that publicans have a one-vote ma­ no election procedures were jority if the two parties tie violated and that the proposed 20-20 and Lt. Gov. Robert H. program s do not fa ll under the Finch is present to cast the tie­ jurisdiction of the Charities breaking vote. Committee. Unruh added, “ Clearly, the Other leaders’ reactions governor doesn't know where SENIOR CLASS G IFT— Dave Moss, Senior Class President, presents plans for the Senior Class Gift, a were varied. AJ3. President­ his own program is . I suspect elect Paul Sweet admitted that he really doesn't care very fountain to be placed between the new Storke Tower and the Art Building, to Vice-Chancellor Stephen he does not take the Artoux much . if the governor's S. Goodspeed and Dean Kay G odd art, as members of the Senior Class Council look on in the background. charges seriously: “ If I thought legislation hasn't moved, it's they were more serious, I might because, apparently, he doesn’t have more of a reaction. know where it is or what it is ." " I w ill say that I think that If the Reagan bills do clear COLLEGE OF INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES there are less racial tensions the Senate, Unruh said, they here now than before, not m ore, will be given fair treatment in as Gary stated. The one who is the lower house. toungling’ things is Artoux." BLAME DEMOCRATS Generalize, Not Specialize Bill James, founder of the Racial and Ethnic Workshop, "But until it is before us, I stated bluntly, " I don’t think don't see how he can have i t ' By MARILYN SENESE for the College is in the final would begin with 200 students he (Artoux) knows what he’s both ways and lay off on the stages before a committee of the and increase with 100 students a EG Reporter talking about. He keeps talking Democratic majority in the As­ Academic Senate. year until the desired 500 to Increasing dissatisfaction The new College would serve 700 enrollment is reached. about Constitutional rights be­ sembly the failure of his pro­ ing denied, but I think he's just g r a m ." among students and faculty with those students more concerned highly compartmentalized and with general education and the UNSPECIALIZED LEARNING angry with the amendment. I A sharp reply came from don't think he really cares about Paul Beck, Reagan's press sec­ specialized undergraduate pro­ issues and problems not falling The purpose of the program the students." retary, who said "The speak­ grams has led to the proposed exclusively within the standard is to emphasize interdisciplin­ establishment of a College of disciplines, and those less sure ary approaches to learning e r ’ s comments clearly show RACIAL TENSION he is the one who doesn't know Inter - Disciplinary Studies at of their occupational and pro­ rather than the traditional spec­ fessional goals. Enrollment James also asked for some (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) UCSB. Presently the plan ialties. Therefore it would d e ­ licate neither departmental de­ real answers from Artoux: marcations or divisions nor would like to see the 'Negroes,* courses already available in as he calls them, that are on his committee. I would also like Pre-enroHment Packets Posted Pronto, the C ollege of Letters and Sci­ ences. (Continued on p. 8, col. 3) The programs of the students enrolled in the College would Schedule Sent to Students Second consist of (a) general education and (b) an area of concentra­ Adams Senior tion or major. The approach to The Pre-Registration Packet which will be will file preferred program cards by mail only.) the general and specialized edu­ mailed beginning May 10 to the local address of 4. A local address card. cation would be through the in­ all continuing students is being prepared by the 5. A fee statement. ter-disciplinary courses when­ Class Lecturer Registrar's Office. The early mailing of the ma­ The basic procedure for pre-enrollment rem ains the same. Students w ill be pre-enrolled ever possible. terial gives students the advantage of reading the The First Annual Senior on a first come—first serve basis in accordance It is felt that the students instructions and becoming familiar with the con­ Class Lecture will be pre­ with date of filing and class level. Time no longer could best acquire abroad hu­ tents of the packet prior to the arrival of the sented Thursday night by permits the processing erf preferred program manistic background preparing Fall Quarter Schedule of Classes and Pre-enroll­ the Class of 1968, at 7 in cards manually so that the procedure has been them far specific inter-discip­ ment Counseling. linary work through sharing a Campbell Hall. The Pre-registration Packet will contain: altered slightly to make pre-enrollment adaptable common intellectual experi­ Larry Adams, Lecturer 1. Three preferred program cards pre­ fo r machine processing. Extreme caution should ence. This would be embodied in Political Science and punched and printed with the alpha number. This be taken against loss or mutilation of the pre­ in an extensive course tracing a member of the Steering has been done as a measure of protection for the ferred program cards. These cards are con­ the development of western so­ Committee for the March student against transposing the eight digit alpha sidered a part of the official registration packet ciety, philosophy, and culture. to Sacramento, w ill speak number or filing the cards without the number and and replacement w ill be made at the expense of Six units per quarter of each on the topic, “ Politics: thus making the cards invalid for processing. the student. Students; who p refer not to take ad­ student's program would be de­ 1968.” 2. An instruction sheet which you are urged vantage of pre-registration should plan to com ­ plete their programs during open registration in voted to this study for approxi- Admission is fre e . to read carefully. 3. A return-addressed envelope. (A ll students September. (Continued on p. 8, co l. 4 ) PAG E 2 ----E L GAUCHO---- THURSDAY. MAY 2. 196 8 Poor People’ s March on Wash­ ington—a Martin Luther King M EETIN G S planned march—will be hfeld Scuba Club meets tonight at Sunday at Santa Barbara City 7:30 in N.H. 1131. Dr. Rutten, C ollege from 2 til dusk. Octo­ head of G.M. medical staff, will CAMPUS KIOSK ber Country and Tim Morgan speak on safety aspects and will be featured. People . are treatment of diving injuries. A asked to bring non-perishable film w ill also be shown. canned food, medical supplies, ***** day at 4 in the M ilitary Science must attend the meeting Mon­ in PJS. 2007. Interested faculty and funds which w ill be col­ Junior Class Council meets Building.
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