Tanzania Annual Report 2018 Ensuring rights and choices for all Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled Cover image © Gonzalo Bell/UNFPA Tanzania Foreword 1 UNFPA in Tanzania 4 Sexual and reproductive health and rights 8 HIV and AIDS 21 Adolescents and youth 26 Gender equality and women’s empowerment 36 Humanitarian assistance 42 Population data for development 46 Resources and partnerships 50 Foreword © Edgar Kiliba/ United Nations 2018 was a year of expansion for UNFPA in Tanzania. We government to bolster systems that ensure contraceptives continue to put the most vulnerable and marginalized at the are available to the people of Tanzania wherever they live forefront of our efforts, including those in fragile settings, and whenever they need them. We engage with religious in support of Tanzania’s vision and priorities. leaders, communities and health professionals to break through barriers to voluntary family planning access, For the women of Simiyu Region, this meant stepping adopting a culturally-sensitive and rights-based approach. up efforts, under the leadership of government, to make Ensuring appropriate education and information on sexual motherhood safer by renovating 38 health facilities to and reproductive health and rights is available is vital provide maternal and newborn health services, including in strengthening utilization and making services more emergency obstetric and newborn care. More women in accessible. this region are now delivering at health facilities, no longer constrained by distance to access the high-quality and life- The voices and participation of young people are pivotal saving services they so desperately need and deserve. for propelling the country forward. Our programmes focus on ensuring that young people have “a place at the table” We have scaled-up innovative approaches to reach so that they are involved in all decisions that affect them. marginalized women in rural areas of the country with Tanzania’s youthful population presents an enormous quality maternal and newborn health services, boosting the opportunity for development, but their potential will only role of midwives and using new technologies, including the be harnessed if they can successfully navigate their way mobile learning system “mhealth”, to build the capacity of through adolescence. We support young people to not only on-the-ground health workers to deal with the complications open up the window of opportunity but to drive forward they face when they bring life into the world. and shape their own future prospects. With their active participation, we empower young people to play a vital role Protecting the sexual and reproductive health and rights in their own development and in their communities, helping of individuals and couples, including young people, by them to acquire life skills and promoting positive civic ensuring they have access to reproductive health services action. Working with young people and witnessing their and information is central to our work. We continue to determination and abundant energy to make a difference to invest in voluntary family planning services, working with their lives and that of their peers has been humbling and 1 UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | TANZANIA.UNFPA.ORG inspiring; these thought leaders and change makers are at UNFPA continues to invest in strengthening and building the very heart of our activities in Tanzania. the capacity of government and national institutions to improve the quality, coverage and availability of gender- We work on all fronts to advance gender equality and women’s disaggregated data. Without data equality, there can be no empowerment in Tanzania, supporting the Government of gender equality, and consistent, comparable statistics on the United Republic of Tanzania to implement the National women’s and girls’ outcomes must be available to monitor Plans of Action to End Violence Against Women and several gender-related targets under national programmes Children. Our work with a range of government and civil as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNFPA society partners at the national and community level builds also supports the localization of SDG reporting mechanisms awareness of the rights’ of women and girls and engages by aligning targets of national plans with the goals of men and boys on these issues. We work with duty bearers to regional and international agendas. With these mechanisms ensure timely and effective justice for survivors of gender- in place the government can track their progress on the based violence and support comprehensive prevention and commitments they have made. response services for women and girls’ who are or have been subjected to violence, including in humanitarian settings. We continue to make headway, with demonstrable results, in advancing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of Our strong partnerships in the three refugee camps in all people of Tanzania, in ending gender-based violence, and Kigoma Region mean that women and girls have access in building capacity for the generation of population-related to voluntary family planning services, safe spaces, and data. life-saving maternal health care. This year 97 per cent of deliveries in the refugee camps took place at health facilities, Our results would not be possible without the strong attended by a skilled healthcare provider. This was, in part, partnerships we have forged at all levels – with Ministries; due to the redefined role of traditional birth attendants as Regional and Local Government Authorities; United Nations facilitators between communities and the healthcare system Agencies; Civil Society Organizations; and Development in Nyarugusu Camp, as well as UNFPA’s-supported midwives Partners – all dedicated and committed to making a and emergency reproductive health commodities. We are sizeable and positive difference to the lives of Tanzanians, also working with, and supporting, the local population particularly women and girls, adolescents and young people. of Kigoma that are hosting 292,646 refugees to strengthen Do join us in reading more about our work and successes in access to quality and consistent sexual and reproductive 2018. health services. Ms. Jacqueline Mahon UNFPA Representative, United Republic of Tanzania. Foreword 2 3 UNFPA ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | TANZANIA.UNFPA.orG © Gonzalo Bell/UNFPA Tanzania UNFPA in Tanzania Active in Tanzania since 1975, UNFPA Tanzania is a UN Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), reflecting ‘Delivering as One’ country where a total of 15 resident our commitment to achieving transformative results – ending agencies, in addition to eight non-resident agencies, support the unmet need for family planning, ending preventable the implementation of the United Nations Development maternal deaths, and ending gender-based violence and Assistance Plan II (UNDAP II 2016-2021) where UNFPA harmful practices. The eighth country programme is aligned leads the UNDAP II Thematic Results Group on Democratic with the African Union’s 2063 Roadmap for the continent’s Governance, Gender Equality and Human Rights.1 socioeconomic transformation, which emphasizes women and youth as drivers of development, and with the Global UNFPA Tanzania, under its eighth five-year country Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. programme, responds to national priorities as outlined in the Government of Tanzania’s second Five-Year Development Our work in Tanzania is founded in equality, inclusiveness Plan (2016-2022) and the Revolutionary Government of and universal enjoyment of rights and our efforts prioritize Zanzibar’s Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty the most marginalized and vulnerable, including those in III, 2016-2020 (MKUZA III) in alignment with the National humanitarian settings. Visions (the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and Zanzibar Vision 2020). Our programme, carried out in partnership with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania as part of Looking forward, our eighth five-year country programme the UN Delivering as One model, and with implementing supports UNFPA’s Strategic Plan 2018-2021, grounded in the partners, focuses on the following areas. principles of the Programme of Action of the International 1 There are four Thematic Result Areas under UNDAP II: Inclusive Growth; Healthy Nations; Resilience and Democratic Governance; Human Rights and Gender Equality. UNFPA IN TANZANIA 4 Sexual and reproductive health and rights Gender equality and women’s empowerment • Increasing access to quality sexual and reproductive • Supporting the Government of Tanzania and the health information and services, including voluntary Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, through the family planning, and contributing to the availability of a National Plans of Action to End Violence against Women range of quality reproductive health commodities to meet and Children, to tackle gender-based violence (GBV) at the the diverse needs of population groups including young policy and implementation level. people and women and those in fragile contexts. • Establishing “One Stop Centres” and building duty bearers’ • Improving infrastructure and strengthening human capacity to deliver effective prevention and response resources for health to provide quality reproductive, services for women and girls who are or have been subject maternal and newborn health services, including to violence. emergency obstetric and newborn care,
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