Sale 752A Thursday, October 28, 1993 AUTOGRAPHS AND HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS ~Yt4e; AUCTION GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE TOWER, 17th FLOOR • 65 EAST 55th STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 • TEL. (212) 753-6421 ~lftdtyd AUCTION GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE TOWER, 17th FLOOR · 65 EAST 55th STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 TEL. (212) 753-6421 • FAX (2 12) 753-6429 Robert A. Siegel Chairman Scott R. Trepel President Administration Descriptions Helen Galatan-Stone David Petruzelli Rosanne Trepel Scott R. Trepel Sale 752A Thursday, October 28, 1993 Arrangement of Sale Category Pages Colonial and Revolutionary War 5-9 Early New York History .. 10-11 Presidents and First Ladies ... .... .. ... .... .. 12-33 Politicians and Statesmen .................... 33-37 Harry S. Truman signature on bank check marked "Garnished" (lot 2218) Prominent Americans ....... 37-40 Prominent Women ......... .. 40-41 Foreign Rulers Autographs, Historical Documents and Politicians ..... ..... .. .. 41-42 and Ephemera Military ........ .... .......... ... .. 42-45 Aviation .. ............... ........ 45-47 Jurists and Supreme Featuring Court Justices .. .. .... ....... 47-49 A Nathaniel Greene letter from a Mid-West Estate Financiers and Manufacturers ..... ......... 49 Early American History: A Document Signed by Peter Stuyvesant and a letter from the first English Scientists and Physicians ... 49-50 Governor of New York, Richard Nicholls Paleontology A Specialized Woodrow Wilson Collection and Related .... ....... .. .... 51-53 Selections from a Collection of Signed Checks Explorers .. ........... .... .... ... 53-54 Authors and Journalists .... 54-58 Thursday, October 28, 1993 Artists and Illustrators ..... 58-59 at 1:00 p.m. Animators and Cartoonists ............. ...... 59-60 Entertainers ... ................ 60-62 Pre-Sale Exhibition Sports Figures ................. 62-63 Monday, October 25 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 26 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Com posers and Wednesday, October 27 10 :00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Musicians ..... ...... .. .. , ..... 63-64 Thursday, October 28 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Opera Figures ..... ... .... .... 64-65 Additional viewing by appointment. Ephemera ...... ........ ... ...... 66-70 World War I Posters ..... ... 69 Balances .... ........... ...... .... 70 Conditions of Sale The property described in this catalogue will be down to the highest bidder, for any reason whatso­ offered at public auction by Robert A. Siegel ever. In the event that any buyer refuses or fails to Auction Galleries, Inc. ("Galleries") on behalf of make payment in cash for any lot at the time it is various consignors and itself or affiliated compa­ knocked down to him, the auctioneer reserves the nies. By placing a bid on any lot, the bidder right to reoffer the lot immediately for sale to the acknowledges acceptance of and will be bound to highest bidder. these Conditions of Sale. 7. If the purchase price has not been paid within I. The highest bidder acknowledged by the auc­ the time limit specified above, nor lots taken up tioneer shall be the buyer. The term "final bid" within seven days from the date of sale, the lots will means the last bid acknowledged by the auctioneer, be resold by whatever means deemed appropriate which is normally the highest bid offered. The by the Galleries, and any loss incurred from resale purchase price payable by the buyer will be the will be charged to the defaulting buyer. Any sum of the final bid and a commission of 10% of account more than thirty days in arrears will be the final bid ("buyer's premium"), together with subject to a late payment charge of 1'12% per month any sales tax or use tax which may be due on the as long as the account remains in arrears. Any sale. expenses incurred in securing payment from delin­ 2. The auctioneer has the right to reject any bid, quent accounts will be charged to the defaulter. to advance the bidding at his discretion and, in the 8. All lots are sold as genuine. Any lot which is event of a dispute between bidders, to determine accompanied by an expert certificate (for U.S. the successful bidder, to continue the bidding or to items, the accepted authority is The Philatelic reoffer and resell the lot in dispute. The Galleries' Foundation), dated within the past five years of record of the final sale shall be conclusive. the sale date, is sold "as is" and in accordance 3. All bids are per numbered lot in the catalogue with the description on the certificate. Such lots unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer at may not be returned for any reason, including but the time of sale. The right is reserved to group two not limited to a contrary certificate of opinion or more lots, to withdraw any lot or lots from the obtained after the sale. Buyers who wish to obtain sale, or to act on behalf of the seller. The Galleries a certificate for any item that is not accompanied will execute bidding instructions on behalf of by a certificate dated within the past five years may clients, but will not be responsible for any errors in do so, provided that the following conditions are the execution of such bids. met: (I) the purchase price must be paid in full, (2) 4. Lot numbers followed by the symbol 0 are the item must be submitted to an acceptable offered subject to one or more of the following expertizing committee with a properly executed conditions: (i) the lot is subject to a minimum final application form within 21 days of the sale, (3) a bid ("reserve"), below which it will not be sold, (ii) copy of the application form must be given to the the Galleries have advanced monies to the seller Galleries, (4) in the event that an adverse opinion and have a financial interest in the lot, (iii) the is received, the Galleries retain the right to resub­ Galleries have guaranteed the seller a minimum mit the item on the buyer'S behalf for reconsidera­ sale price, and (iv) the Galleries may have owner­ tion, without time limit or other restrictions, (5) ship interest in the lot, either in part or whole. The unless written notification to the contrary is re­ absence of the symbol 0 means that the lot is ceived, items submitted for certification will be offered without reserve. considered cleared 90 days from the date of sale, 5. Any lot, the description of which is obviously and (6) in the event any item is determined to be incorrect, is returnable, but only if the lot is "not as described", the buyer will be refunded the returned within 14 days of receipt. All disputed purchase price, plus interest accrued on the pur­ lots must be returned intact with the original chase price at the prevailing Treasury Bill Rate packing material. The following lots may not be from the date of payment, and the certification fee returned for any reason: Lots containing ten or up to $100.00 unless otherwise agreed. more items; lots from buyers who have registered 9. Until paid for in full, all lots remain the for the pre-sale exhibition or received lots by property of the Galleries on behalf of the seller. postal viewing, thereby having had the opportu­ 10. Agents executing bids on behalf of clients will nity to inspect them before the sale; any lot be held responsible for all purchases made on described with "faults" or "defects" may not be behalf of clients unless otherwise arranged prior to returned because of any fault or defect. No the sale. illustrated lots may be returned because of center­ II. The buyer assumes all risk for delivery of ing, margins or other factors shown in the illus­ purchased lots, and agrees to pay for all out-of­ trations. pocket costs incurred in shipping. 6. Successful bidders, unless they have established credit with the Galleries prior to the sale, must ROBERT A. SIEGEL make payment in full before the lots will be N.Y.C. Auctioneer's License No. 371761 delivered. Buyers not known to the Galleries must SCOTT R. TREPEL make payment in full within three days from the N.Y.C. Auctioneer's License No. 795952 date of sale. The Galleries retain the right to demand payment at the time the lot is knocked RASAG 4/92 Terms and Abbreviations Used III Descriptions of Autographs Definition of Terms Autograph Letter Signed (ALS): A complete or large part of manuscript letter with signature, entirely In the hand of the person identified. lYped Letter Signed (TLS): A mechanically typed letter with the autograph signature of the person identified. Letter Signed (LS): A manuscript letter written in another hand, which bears the autograph of the person identified. Autograph Document Si~ed (ADS): A manuscript document with signature, entirely in the hand of the person identified. Document Signed (DS): A document, either printed or in another's hand, which bears the autograph signature of the person identified. Autograph Endorsement Signed (AES): An endorsement with signature, entirely in the hand of the person identified. Autograph Note SiS!.led (ANS): A note or endorsement with signature, entirely in the hand of the person identified. Signed: The autograph signature of the person identified, unless otherwise indicated (autopen, secretarial signature, etc.) Condition Documents and letters should be expected to have folds, staple holes or minor defects caused by previous mounting. Photographs may have creases at corners or mount remnants on back. Such faults will be described when they affect the text or signature. Estimates Estimates have been provided as a guide to bidding. Lots may realize more or less than the printed estimates. Reserves, where tbey exist, will not exceed the estimate. Abbreviations ADS Autograph document signed AES Autograph endorsement signed ALS Autograph letter signed ANS Autograph note signed cds Circular datestamp postmark DS Document signed LS Letter signed ms.
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