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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 No. 185 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR gotiated in July by the President and called to order by the President pro RENEWABLE FUEL STANDARDS the Speaker, and approved by each of tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, a the congressional leaders, we had the whole bunch of us Midwest biofuel Sen- necessary commitments to move for- f ators sent a cover letter with our com- ward in good faith and avoid partisan ments to President Trump. Those com- riders that would stall the entire ef- PRAYER ments were in regard to the biofuel fort, but, of course, that didn’t happen. But failing to secure funding for the rules that are out for public comment. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- Federal Government before the end of The President has been a supporter of day’s opening prayer will be offered by the year is not an option. Chairman biofuels and the EPA shouldn’t under- Msgr. Anthony J. Marcaccio, of St. SHELBY continues to lead efforts to set- Pius X, from Greensboro, NC. cut President Trump’s support of RFS. tle on subcommittee allocations that The guest Chaplain offered the fol- I urge the EPA and Administrator can earn bipartisan support. Today, lowing prayer: Wheeler to adjust the proposed supple- these efforts are ongoing, and with our Let us pray. mental rule to account for actual deadline to prevent a funding lapse rap- Blessed are You Lord, God of all cre- waived gallons, using hard data from idly approaching, I am encouraged that ation. You are the giver of every good past practices, to send an unambiguous the House will apparently be voting gift, of life and liberty, of peace and signal to the marketplace. today on a continuing resolution to prosperity, of wisdom, understanding, I am glad to have the opportunity to keep the Government funded until De- and right judgment. comment, and I encourage all farmers, cember 20, while talks continue. These We ask that in Your divine mercy, biofuel producers, and anybody else in- talks must continue because it is vital You would bless our Republic and espe- terested in supporting the RFS to that we work in good faith to fund im- cially the work of our Senators, that make their comments. Those com- portant priorities for the coming year, they may discern ‘‘all that is true, all ments should be along the lines of what but what is needed in the near term is that is honorable, all that is right, all was agreed to in the Oval Office on to keep the Government open for the that is excellent and worthy of praise’’ September 12, which the EPA regula- next several weeks while this work for our Nation. tions don’t reflect properly. goes on. In this moment, make us mindful of So tell the EPA that you want the This is not rocket science. The House all that has brought us together as a September 12 agreement agreed to. Go needs to send us the short-term fund- country, and how it far surpasses that to regulations.gov or to the Iowa Farm ing bill which the Senate can pass and which can divide us, so in all things de- Bureau or Iowa Corn websites before which the President will sign. That is liberated and done here, we may be pre- the deadline on November 27 to tell the the way to keep the government open served as one Nation under God. Amen EPA to stand behind the President’s while our important discussions con- and Amen. Oval Office agreement. tinue to make progress toward closing I yield the floor. out the appropriations process and get- f f ting full-year bills to the floor. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LEADER NOMINATIONS The President pro tempore led the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: jority leader is recognized. on another matter, for weeks Repub- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the f licans have been trying to move for- United States of America, and to the Repub- ward significant bipartisan legislation lic for which it stands, one nation under God, APPROPRIATIONS for the American people. Senate Re- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, publicans are trying to get our Demo- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. my colleagues are well familiar with cratic colleagues to let us consider de- FISCHER). The President Pro Tempore. my repeated calls for bipartisan fense funding. House Republicans have Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I progress in funding the Federal Gov- tried to get Speaker PELOSI to finally ask unanimous consent to address the ernment. For more than 2 months, as allow a vote on the USMCA, and in Senate for 1 minute as in morning busi- the appropriations process idled at par- both Chambers we have been asking ness. tisan roadblocks, I pointed out just Democrats to stop slow-walking the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without how straightforward this entire process conference committee for the critical objection, it is so ordered. could have been. With the road map ne- Defense bill, the NDAA. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6631 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:52 Nov 19, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19NO6.000 S19NOPT1 Sspencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 19, 2019 Alas, our Democratic colleagues have to acquire power and to acquire influ- engages in all of them. Iranian leaders not been willing to budge on any of ence. A few weeks ago, the leader of will either listen to their own citizens those things. As a result, while the Iran’s terrorist Quds Force reportedly and start behaving like a normal na- Senate waits for the House to send us flew to Iraq for secret meetings to tion or they will be treated more and short-term funding legislation, we will guide Iraqi leaders through the pro- more like the backward pariahs they spend our time on the personnel busi- tests there. have become. ness. Here is what this Iranian thug told I suggest the absence of a quorum. Yesterday, we advanced the nomina- the Iraqis: ‘‘We in Iran know how to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion of Justice Robert Luck, of Florida, deal with protests.’’ Enough said. clerk will call the roll. to be a U.S. circuit judge for the Elev- Well, a violent crackdown on peace- The senior assistant legislative clerk enth Circuit, with the support of a bi- ful protesters is not going to resolve proceeded to call the roll. partisan majority. anything. What Iraqi and Lebanese Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Justice Luck brings an impressive leaders must do is stop listening to the ask unanimous consent that the order and well-rounded legal record, includ- poisonous advice of Iranian tyrants, for the quorum call be rescinded. ing a clerkship on the Eleventh Cir- who are losing their own grip on their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cuit, service in the U.S. Attorney’s Of- own people, and start addressing their objection, it is so ordered. fice for the Southern District of Flor- own citizens’ demands for transparency f ida, and years spent ruling from the and reform. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY State bench. Iraq and Lebanon should give their LEADER Today, we will also advance the nom- people what they want—less corrup- ination of Justice Barbara Lagoa, of tion, less malign foreign influence, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Florida, also to serve on the Eleventh more opportunity, and the rule of law. Democratic leader is recognized. Circuit Court of Appeals. A graduate of That is the path forward for Iraq and f Columbia University School of Law, Lebanon. Commit to prosperity and HONG KONG Justice Lagoa has spent years prac- pluralism at home, combat corruption ticing law, serving as a Federal pros- and injustice within all sects and con- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, ecutor, and ruling from both the State fessions, protect the sovereignty of over the past few days and weeks, re- appellate bench and the Florida Su- your country, pursue peace with your ports about the democratic protests in preme Court. neighbors, and enjoy support from the Hong Kong have grown more and more I look forward to confirming both of United States as well. troubling. The authorities in Hong these impressive nominees, along with I would note that in contrast to Kong have cracked down violently on Adrian Zuckerman, the President’s Hezbollah’s thugs, Lebanon’s Armed some of the protesters, firing hundreds nominee to serve as our Nation’s Am- Forces by most accounts continue to of rounds of tear gas at a local univer- bassador to Romania. be one of Lebanon’s few institutions of sity and even using lethal force in a few tragic situations. As many have f national unity. The LAF has respected the rights of protesters, protected observed, some of the pictures coming THE MIDDLE EAST them from violence, and sought to de- out of Hong Kong are reminiscent of a Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, escalate tensions on the street. war zone. on a final matter, I spoke yesterday I know the U.S. military believes its Yesterday, the Chinese Communist about the courageous people of Hong training and partnership with the LAF Party dealt another blow to Hong Kong who are standing up to Beijing is paying off, helping it to be a more Kong’s special status, criticizing the and speaking up for their freedoms.
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