VOL. 43 - DOC. 1 WORLD COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 'COMMISSIONER' MAILING LIST 22 Addresses Alphabetical by Individual Mrs Susanna Agnelli Dr. Volker Hauff On, Sotto Segretarlo Bundeshaus Ministero Degli Affari Esteri Görrestrasse 15 Palazzo della Farnesina 5300 Bonn 1 00100 Rome Federal Republic of Germany Italy Dr Mansour Khalid Dr. Saleh Abdulrahman AlAthel No.5, chemin PréFélix Executive Director and 1292 Bellevue Chairman of the Board Geneua National Center for Science Switzerland and Technology (SANCST) P.O. Box 6086 Professor Istuan Lang Riyadh Secretary General Saudi Arabia Hungarian Academy of Sciences Roosevelt Tér 9 Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland Budapest 1051 Prime Minister Hungary Prime Minister's Office Akersgatan 42 Dr. Ma Shijun Block Hget Director Oslo 1 Research Center of Ecology Norway Academia Sinica 7 Zhongguancun Road HE. Mr Bernard T.G. Chidzero 100080 Beijing Minister of Finance. Economic People's Republic of China Planning and Development Private Bag 7702 Mrs. Margarita Marino de Botero Causeway Diagonal 72, No. 230 Harare Este Zimbabwe Bogota Colombia HE. Mr. Lamine Mohammed Fadika Minister of Marine Affairs HE. Judge Nagendra Singh Chairman of the National Council President for Environment International Court of Justice Cite Administrative The Peace Palace B.P.U 67 2517 KJ The Hague Abidj an The Netherlands Ivory Coast 'COMMISSIONER' MAILING LIST - 2 - 'COMMISSIONER' MAILING LIST - 2 Dr. Paulo Nogueira-Neto Academician Vladimir E. Sokolou First SecretaryofEnvironment, Memberofthe Presidiumofthe Science and Technology Academy of Sciences of the USSR National Council of Environment doMr.B. Mikailov Rua Pedrosa Alvarenga, 1245 USSR Commission for UNEP S Andar 11 Gorky Street CEP-04531 Sao Paulo Moscow Brazil U.S.S.R. HE. Dr. Saburo Okita Mr. Janez Stanounik Chairman Member of the Presidency of the Institute for Domestic and Socialist RepublicofSlovenia International Policy Studies Erjavceva 17 Fukokuseimei Bldg. 6100 Ljubljana 2-2 Uchisaiwaicho 2-Chome Yugoslavia Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 100 Mr. Maurice F. Strong Japan American Water Development Inc. Suite 2950 Mr. Shridath S. Ramphal 1099 18th Street Secretary General Denver, Colorado 80202 of the Commonwealth Secretariat USA Marlborough House Pall Mall ExOfficio London SW1 SHX United Kingdom Jim MacNeill Director Mr. William D. Ruckeishaus Environment and Sustainable Perkins Cole Law Firm Development Program 1900 Washington Building Institute for Research Seattle, Washington 98101 on Public Policy U.S.A. 275 Slater Street Ottawa, ON H.E. Mr Mohamed Sahnoun Canada K1P 5H9 Ambassador to the United States of America Embassy of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria 2118 Kalorama Road, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 U.S.A. HE. Emil Salim MinisterofState for Population and Environment Jala Merdeka Barat 15 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia Dr. Bukar Shaib P.O. Box 2280 Maiduguri Nigeria 0582e/jan 88 OS82efjan 88 VOL. 43 - DOC. 2 WORLD COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 'DOEM' MAILING LIST 27 Addresses Alphabetical by Country Mr. Martyn Eggough Chief, Inter-Agency Programme Co-ordination Section United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) P.O. Box 300 A-1400 Vienna Austria Mr. Usvaldo Sunkel Co-ordinator, Joint Environment and Development Unit Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Edificio Naciones Unidas Avenida Dag Hammarskjold Vitacura, Santiago Chile Mr. N.A. Cole Chief, Environment Co-ordination Unit (ECU) Economic Commission for Africa(ECA) P.O. Box 3001 Addis Ababa Ethiopia 0581e/jan 88 'DOEM' MAILING LIST - 2 Mr. S. Dumi.trescu Deputy Assistant DirectorGeneral United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 7, Place de Fontenoy 7S700 Paris France Dr. B.H. Dieterich Le Manoir Rte de Nyon F-01220 DivonneLesBains France Mr.A. Hamza Chief, Environment Coordination Unit (ECU) Economic Commission for Western Asia (ECWA) Khairat Building Saadoun Street Baghdad Iraq Mr. MS. Zehni Director, Research and Technology Development Food and Agriculture Organization OF the United Nations (FAO) Via delle Terme di Caracella 00100 Rome Italy 0581e/jan 88 'DOEM' MAILING LIST - 3 Mr. PD. Tewari Loan Investment Office International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 107 Via dcl Serafico 00142 Rome Italy Mr.A. VidalNaquet Special Assistant to the Executive Director World Food Council (WFC) Via deile Terme di Caracalla ROME Italy Mr. Ian GM. Taylor External Relations Officer World Food Programme (WFP) Via delle Terme di Caracalla Rome Italy Ms. K. Landauer Pr'ograrnme Officer (Natural Resources) United Nations University (UNU) 29 Floor, Tobo Seimel Building Shibuya 2chome Shibuyaku, Tokyo 150 Japan Mr.F. Schlingemnann Interagency Affairs Officer United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) United Nations Office at Nairobi P.O. Box 30030 Nairobi Kenya Mr.C. LopezPolo Chief, Environment and Human Settlements Division Economic Commission for Europe(ECE) Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland 0581e/jan 88 'DOEM' MAILING LIST - 4 Ms. Merle Opelz Head, International Atomic Energy Agency Office at Geneva (IAEA) 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Mr. 1.1. Mathew Senior Advisor for Environmental and Habitat Questions International Labour Office (ILO) 4 route des Morillons 1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland Mr.V. Erchov Principal Officer Policy Evaluation and Coordination Unit United Nations Conference on Trade arid Development (UNClAD) Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Swi t z e r land Mr. M.Essaafi. UN Disaster Relief Coordinator Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator(UNDRO) Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Mr. O.K. Smith Deputy SecretaryGeneral World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 41 Avenue GiuseppeMotta Case Postale No. 5 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Mr.K.F. Jalal Chief, Environment Coordination Unit (ECU) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) United Nations Building Raj.adamnern avenue Bangkok 2 Thailand 0581e/jan 88 'DOEM' MAILING LIST - S Mr.A. Morozov Director, Marine Environment Division International Maritime Organization (IMO) 4 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR u.k. Ms Jane Jopling Department of International Economic & Social Affairs (DIESA) United Nations New York, N.Y.10017 U.S.A. Mr. M. Bartolo Department of Technical Cooperation for Development (DTCD) Policy Coordination Branch United Nations New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. Mr. Peter Hansen Executive Director U NC IC United Nations New York, NY 10017 U.S.A Mr. Kenneth King Director, Technical Advisory Division United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) One United Nations Plaza New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. Executive Director United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) 4.85 Lexington Avenue New York, NY U.S.A. 0581e/jan 88 'DOEM' MAILING LIST - 6 Mr. Francis Stewart United tions Children's Fund (UNICEF) 866 United Nations Plaza New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. Mr. J. Lee Office of Environmental Health Affairs The World Bank 1818 H. Street, NW. Washington D.C. 20433 U.S. A. 0581e/jari 88 VOL. 43 - DOC. 3 (mJORLD COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 'EMBASSY' MAILING LIST 116 Addresses Alphabetj.cal by Country Outside of Switzerland British Embassy Mrs Aud Wiig Setor de Embaixadas Sul, Royal Norwegian Embassy Quadra 801 P.O. Box 46363 Conj unto K Rehani House (CP 07-0586) Nairobi Brasilia D.F. Kenya Brazil Mr Miguel Runeo M. Claude Levasseur Embassy of Argentina CEGEP Lionel Groulx Inkognitogt 1OA 100 rue Duquet 0238 Oslo 2 SteThérèse, Québec Norway 37E 3G6 Canada Mr Kenneth Macartney Embassy of Canada M. Richard Pérusse Oslo Conference des recteurs et des Prin Norway CP 124 Succursale Place Desjardins Montréal, Québec H.E. Ambassador Philippe Peltier 1158 183. Canada Embassy of France 80 Drammensveien OSLO 2 Mr Halle Hansen Norway doRoyal Norwegian Embassy Shanti. Path Chanakyapari Mrs Inger Henriksen 110021 New Delhi Secretary India Royal Norwegian Embassy P.O. Box 4276 92, Montague Avenue Ha rare Zimbabwe -' - Mr Haakon Hjelde In Switzerland Chargé d'Affaires Royal Norwegian Embassy P.O. Box 4276 H.E. Mr. Osualdo LOPEZ NOGUEROL 92, Montaa'.'3 Avenue Ambas sador Harare Permanent Mission of the Zimbabwe Argentine Republic 110, Au. LoulsCasal Case postale 292 In Switzerland 1215 Geneva 15 Switzerland HE. Mr Jean RETTEL Ambas sadeur HE. Mr Georg REISCH Délégation permanente de la Ambas sador Commission des Communautés Permanent Mission of the Européennes Republic of Austria 37-39, rue de Uermont 9-11, rue de Uarembé Case postale 195 1211 Geneva 20 1211 Genève 20 dC Switzerland Switzerland HE. Mr K.arim E. ALSHAKAR H.E. Mr J.Alan BEESLEY, Q.C. Ambas sador Ambas sador Permanent Mission of the Permanent Mission of Canada State of Bahrain lOa, Au. de Budé 31, chemin William Barbey 1202 Geneva 1292 Chambésy Switzerland Switzerland Mr. M. Akbar KHERAD H.E. Mr A.H.S. Ataul KARIM Chargé d'affaires a,i. Ambassador Permanent Mission of the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan People's Republic of Bangladesh 20, rue Crespin 65, rue de Lausanne 1206 Geneva 1202 Geneva Swi t z e r land Switzerland H:E. Mr N KERROUME HE. Mr André ONKELINX Ambassador Ambas sador Permanent Mission of the Permanent Mission of the People's Democratic Republic Kingdom of Belgium of Algeria 58, rue de Moillebeau 308, route de Lausanne 1211 Geneva 19 1293 Bellevue Switzerland Swi zerland HE. Mr Tobgye S. DORJI Ambas sador Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan 9, chemin du Champ d'Anier 1209 Geneva Switzerland 'EMBASSY' MILING LIST - 3 - 'EMBASSY' MAILING LIST 3 HE. Mr Alfonso CRESPO RODAS HE. Mr Hector CHARRY-SAMPER Ambas sador Ambas sador Perrnanant Mission of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bolivia Republic of Colombia 3, place Isaac Mercier (icr étage) 17-19, Ch. du Champ-d'Anier 1201 Geneva 1209 Geneva Swi tzerland Sw i t z e r 1 a n d H.E. Mr Paulo NOGUEIRA BATISTA HE. Mr Ellas SOLEY SOLER Ambas sador Ambas sador Permanent Mission of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Brazil Republic of Costa Rica 33, rue Antoine-Carteret 89, rue de la Servette 1202 Geneva 1202 Geneva Swi t z e r land Switzerland HE.
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