SELECT AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE Committee on Indian Affairs [Created pursuant to S. Res. 4, 95th Congress; amended by S. Res. 71, 103d Congress] 838 Hart Senate Office Building 20510–2251 phone 224–2251, fax 224–5929, http://indian.senate.gov meets first Tuesday of each month Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii, Chairman. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, of Colorado, Vice Chairman. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Frank H. Murkowski, of Alaska. Harry Reid, of Nevada. John McCain, of Arizona. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico. Paul D. Wellstone, of Minnesota. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Maria Cantwell, of Washington. STAFF Staff Director/Chief Counsel.—Patricia Zell. Executive Assistant.—Eleanor McComber. Senior Counsel.—Karen Atkinson. Counsels: Jennifer Chock, Janet Erickson, Diana Kupchella. Legislative Interns: Lisa Nelmida, Christina Parker. Minority Staff Director / Chief Counsel.—Paul Moorehead. Executive Assistant.—Morgan Litchfield. Deputy Chief Counsel.—Steve McHugh. Senior Counsel.—Aurene M. Martin. Counsels: Theresa Rosier, JoJo Shifflett. Professional Staff.—Robert McGhee. Legislative Aides: Michael Creager, Lee Frazier, Roxanne Taylor. Office Manager.—Tana Towney. Systems Administrator.—Dawson Foard. Printing Officer.—John Mogavero. Clerk.—Marilyn Bruce. Receptionist.—Shannon Hager. Select Committee on Ethics [Created pursuant to S. Res. 338, 88th Congress; amended by S. Res. 110, 95th Congress] 220 Hart Senate Office Building 20510–6425, phone 224–2981, fax 224–7416 Harry Reid, of Nevada, Chairman. Pat Roberts, of Kansas, Vice Chairman. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. George Voinovich, of Ohio. Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas. Craig Thomas, of Wyoming. 373 374 Congressional Directory STAFF Staff Director / Chief Counsel.—Victor Baird. Counsels: Adam Bramwell, Kenyen Brown, Elizabeth A. Ryan. Chief Clerk.—Annette M. Gillis. Professional Staff.—Marie Mullis. Special Assistant for Financial Disclosure.—John Lewter. Systems Administrator.—Danny Remington. Staff Assistants: Amy Hooper, Courtney Kaezyk, Dawne Vernon. Select Committee on Intelligence [Created pursuant to S. Res. 400, 94th Congress] 211 Hart Senate Office Building 20510–6475, phone 224–1700 http://www.senate.gov/∼intelligence Bob Graham, of Florida, Chairman. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama, Vice Chairman. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Jon Kyl, of Arizona. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma. Dianne Feinstein, of California. Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Pat Roberts, of Kansas. Richard Durbin, of Illinois. Mike DeWine, of Ohio. Evan Bayh, of Indiana. Fred Thompson, of Tennessee. John Edwards, of North Carolina. Richard Lugar, of Indiana. Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Ex Officio Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. STAFF Staff Director.—Alfred Cumming. Minority Staff Director.—Bill Duhnke. Chief Clerk.—Kathleen P. McGhee. Special Committee on Aging [Reauthorized pursuant to S. Res. 4, 95th Congress] G–31 Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510–6400, phone 224–5364, fax 224–9926 http://aging.senate.gov John B. Breaux, of Louisiana, Chairman. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Larry E. Craig, of Idaho. Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin. Conrad R. Burns, of Montana. JAMES M. JEFFORDS, of Vermont. Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama. Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin. Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Susan M. Collins, of Maine. Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas. Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming. Evan Bayh, of Indiana. Tim Hutchinson, of Arkansas. Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware. Peter G. Fitzgerald, of Illinois. Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan. John Ensign, of Nevada. Jean Carnahan, of Missouri. Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska. Select and Special Committees of the Senate 375 STAFF Staff Director.—Michelle Easton. Chief Clerk / Systems Administrator.—Patricia Hameister. Deputy Clerk.—Noelle Demers. Chief Investigative Counsel.—Lauren Fuller. Investigative Counsel.—Cecil Swamidoss. Press Secretary.—Scott Mulhauser. Professional Staff: Elaine Dalpiaz, Janet Forlini, Phil Thevenet. Legislative Correspondent.—Lisa O’Beirne. Staff Assistants: Dana Dupre, Arika Pierce. Minority Staff (SH–628), 224–1467, fax 224–8660. Staff Director.—Lupe Wissel. Executive Assistant.—Zola McMurray. Chief Policy Advisor / Counsel.—Andrew Patzman. Senior Counsel.—Janine Scott. Investigator / Counsel.—Nina Mrose. Deputy Investigator / Counsel.—Omar Valverde. Senior Health Policy Advisor.—Lisa Kidder. Communications Director.—Jeff Schrade. Legislative Assistant.—Brandon Heiner. Staff Assistant.—Trenton Wright. Democratic Policy Committee 419 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–3232 Byron Dorgan, of North Dakota, Chairman. Patty Murray, of Washington, Regional Chair. Paul Wellstone, of Minnesota. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island, Regional Chair. Dianne Feinstein, of California. Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana, Regional Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Chair. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. Paul S. Sarbanes, of Maryland. Charles E. Schumer, of New York. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia. Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas. Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii. Evan Bayh, of Indiana. Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin. Harry Reid, of Nevada, ex officio. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut. Barbara Mikulski, of Maryland, ex officio. STAFF Staff Director.—Chuck Cooper. Special Assistants: Celine Senseney, Jeff Mitchell. Policy Advisors: Bethany Dickerson (Education), Jennifer Duck (Judiciary, Labor), Evan Gottesman (Defense, Military), Peter Umhofer (Environment, Energy), Ted Zegers (Economic Policy). Publications Director.—Doug Connelly. Publications Office: Alex Fisher, Katharine Moore, Chris Tishue. Voting Records Office: Clare Amoruso, Sam Mitchell, Michael Mozden. Archivist.—Marguerite Beck-Rex. 376 Congressional Directory Steering and Coordination Committee 712 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–9048 John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts, Chairman. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Carl Levin, of Michigan. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Herbert H. Kohl, of Wisconsin. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware. Barbara Boxer, of California. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. Tom Harkin, of Iowa. Max Cleland, of Georgia. Max Baucus, of Montana. John Edwards, of North Carolina. Bob Graham, of Florida. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Paul Sarbanes, of Maryland. Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii. Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois. STAFF Staff Director.—Jodi Sakol. Associate Directors: Ilia Rodriguez, Melody Scales. Technology and Communications Committee 619 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–1430 John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Chairman. Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina. Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York. Patty Murray, of Washington. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota, ex Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. officio. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Harry Reid, of Nevada, ex officio. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota. Barbara Mikulski, of Maryland, ex officio. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana, ex officio. John Edwards, of North Carolina. STAFF Staff Director.—Joseph Trahern. Deputy Staff Director.—Sean Richardson. Administrator.—Mary Helen Fuller. Radio Producer.—Russ Kelley. Editors: Ike Blake, Toby Hayman. TV Producer.—Nathan Ackerman. Internet Technology Advisers: Jackie Armstrong, Brian Barrie, Jeff Hecker. Videographers: Clare Flood, Brian Jones, Kevin Kelleher. Press Assistant.—Sara Kuban. Democratic Conference 709 Hart Senate Office Building, phone 224–4654, fax 228–4513 Secretary.—Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland. Liaison to Leadership.—Jennifer Luray. Select and Special Committees of the Senate 377 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 430 South Capitol Street SE., 20003, phone 224–2447, fax 485–3120 Patty Murray, of Washington, Chair. Bill Nelson, of Florida, Vice Chairman. Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota, Majority Leader. Majority in the 21st Century: Ben Nelson, of Nebraska. Charles Schumer, of New York. Labor Council: Dianne Feinstein, of California. Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Board of Trustees: Mark Dayton, of Minnesota. John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Trial Council: Virginia. Harry Reid, of Nevada. Robert G. Torricelli, of New Jersey. John Edwards, of North Carolina. Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut, High Technology Council: (Honorary Chair). Patrick Leahy, of Vermont. Majority Trust: Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico. John B. Breaux, of Louisiana. Ron Wyden, of Oregon. Jon Corzine, of New Jersey. Women on the Road: Leadership Circle: Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan. Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas. Barbara Mikulski, of Maryland. Tom Carper, of Delaware. Native American Council: Business Roundtable: Daniel Inouye, of Hawaii. Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. STAFF Executive Director.—James Jordan. Communications Director.—Tovah Ravitz. Political.—Andrew Grossman. Director, Research.—Michael Gehrke. Deputy Director, Research.—Benjamin Jones. Finance Director.—Diana Rogalle. Director of Campaign Assistance.—Stephanie Schriock. Majority Trust.—Allison Griner. Leadership Circle / DSCC Roundtable.—Julie Walden. Director of Computer Operations.—Jeff Ferguson. Deputy Director of Computer Operations.—Tim Nelson. Systems Analyst.—Bob Ishikawa.
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