VOL. XXIII NO. 27 TUESDAY , OCTOBER 3, 1989 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Malloy talks to faculty State of University lauds ND staff By KELLEY TUTHILL teaching faculty as positive Assistant News Editor steps taken in the last few years. University President Father “We have seen a steady im ­ Edward Malloy covered topics provement in the percentage of such as academics and funding women on the faculty,” said as well as topics as diverse as Malloy. He was not as pleased parking and his role as Univer­ in respect to the recruitment of sity President, in the state of minority faculty. “This is a na­ the University address to the tional problem, and 1 might faculty Monday. add, a national disgrace.” The University has estab­ ■ Faculty response / page 3 lished some goals in respect to minority faculty recruitment Malloy focused first on the and Malloy said that the admin­ academic side of the University istration will do its best to see including the faculty, the aca­ that the goals are reached. demic infrastructure “that pro­ A pivotal change in the com­ vides the proper tools and con­ position of the faculty is the ■ text for the faculty’s work,” addition of 60 endowed profes­ and the institutes and centers sorships and 40 more in a of Notre Dame as well as the lesser stage of funding, said graduate and undergraduate Malloy. programs. “We continue to struggle with AP Photo “In my opinion the quality certain dilemmas that inflict National Day fireworks display and productivity of our faculty higher education in general. We has never been higher,” said have not yet arrived at a fully Fireworks explode over Beijing's Great Hall of the People during a celebration of the 40th anniversary of Malloy. adequate system to prepare, the founding of the People’s Republic of China Sunday night at Tiananmen Square. He said that standards for monitor and reward graduate hiring and promotions have students and/or young faculty been raised. As a result, ac­ as teachers in a classroom and cording to Malloy, Notre Dame laboratory that is comprable to is in a better position to com­ what prevails through their Provost hears minority complaints pete for research grants and to scholarly endeavors.” exercise leadership roles in Malloy said that the faculty By SANDY WIEGAND planned. Street Blues on October 11, and scholarly societies. has not achieved a parity in News Copy Editor John Hamill was approved as the Senior Block Party is being “Notre Dame’s faculty has teaching loads across disci­ Student Senate Parliamentary planned. become more visable, better re­ plines and colleges. He also The first meeting of minority for the 1989-90 academic year The Junior Class formal is on spected and more influential,” said that large class sizes are a club presidents to assess the during the meeting. Friday. Malloy stated. problem and make for imper­ method of filing complaints A Student Senate representa­ The Sophomore Class w ill be He cited improvements in sonal classroom situations. against faculty for racially of­ tive of Saint Mary’s said that a raffling two tickets for the Mi­ faculty salaries and additions fensive remarks took place at newsletter giving more cover­ ami game, and Sophomore to the regular, research and see STATE / page 5 the Student Senate meeting age to Saint M ary’s activities is Class Night at Bruno’s Pizza is Monday. being planned. Saint M ary’s has on Oct. 5. There is a form al method of also been discussing activities The Freshman Class w ill have filing complaints to the for Alcohol Awareness Week, its next meeting on Wednesday provost’s office, said Student which is the week of Oct. 15 to and Dean Emil Hoffman w ill be Body President Matt Breslin, 21. present. The class w ill have an but in the past it has mainly Upcoming activities men­ outing with the Sophomore been applied to cases of sexual tioned by organization repre­ Class at Beacon Bowl on Oct. harassment. According to Fa­ sentatives include a Hall Presi­ 19. ther Oliver Williams, associate dent’s Council Family Focus The Student Senate has re­ provost, racist statements have meeting on Oct. 4 at which Fa­ ceived suggestions for an off- not been much of a problem ther Michael Himes will speak campus SYR dance, and is con­ here previously. of “The Catholic Family in sidering arranging one. The Steffanie Keller was approved Translation.” Senate is also looking for a as chairperson for campus me­ The National Association of means of remedying the limited dia reports. The committee’s Graduate Students will hold availability of the Careers goal will be to examine Notre their Midwest Regional Confer­ Placement Library, which is Dame media through speaking ence from Oct. 6 to 8. Regis­ presently open on weekdays to members of both printed and tration is Friday, and the con­ from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. broadcast media to find out ference w ill include a lecture on The roles of Student Senators specifics about policies and in­ Saturday by Thomas Linney . and Cabinet were discussed re­ formation about money and The Senior Class cruise on the cently. Many cabinet members readership. “Spirit of Chicago” is Friday. expressed a wish for indepen­ A survey of students and fac­ Departure time has been dence and the ability to become ulty regarding the effectiveness changed to 8 p.m. The Senior involved in a more diverse vari­ of the various media is also Class will be going Center ety of issues. Saint Mary’s celebrates annual Fall Fest By KATIE MOORE supplied for Thursday’s activity Blajda said. News Staff and Fall Fest T-shirts and cups Blajda also reported on a will be available on Friday. meeting with the Director of An all-school picnic kicked off Saint Mary’s Security Depart­ Saint Mary’s Fall Fest Monday, The Board of Student Affairs ment Richard Chlebek. “The reported Mary Beth Blajda, vice also discussed the formation of meeting was very positive. He president of student affairs, a Notre Dame Liason Commit­ wanted to know of any way he ^during the Board of Student tee to open communication be­ could help us,” said Blajda. Affairs meeting. tween Saint Mary’s and Notre Dame’s Student Government. Among the topics discussed, Fall Fest activites continue on Concentration on improving re­ better lighting on the walkway Tuesday with the movie lations between women at Saint between the parking lot and AP Photo “Rainman.” The world’s biggest Mary’s and Notre Dame was McCandless Hall was focused Reading the news Twister game will be the activ­ emphasized. on. ity for Wednesday. “We’re go­ While his colleague examines passing vehicles, a soldier reads ing to attempt to break the “ Since this is an all-wom en’s Ideas for the promotion of the news on the death of the ousted President Ferdinand Marcos record, so all are welcome^” college, we would like to share the National Alcohol Awareness at a military checkpoint in Santiago. The "Marcos loyalists'" are said Blajda. all of our programs which are Week, which is planned to run now on their third night vigil to urge the Government to allow geared towards wompn with in­ from Oct. 15 through Oct.21, Marcos’ body to be buried in his hometown in northern Philippines. Beverage gardens will be terested Notre Dame students,” were also discussed. Tuesday, October 3, 1989 page 2 The Observer WORLD BRIEFS Good things come to he At 6 feet tall and 200 pounds, Igor Ladan, age 7, is still growing. He's come thousands of miles from his native Soviet Union in hopes doctors can remove a dangerous tumor from his who ‘power naps’ skull and stop his abnormal growth. At the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., surgeons plan to remove a rare pituitary gland Ever since 1 came to Notre Dame, I adhered to tumor from the boy doctors call a “ pituitary giant.” one basic rule which has governed my academic career: W h e n the going NATIONAL BRIEFS “When the going gets tough, the tough go to gets tough, the sleep." Anytime, anyplace, any day — there’s nothing tough go to sleep.’ Drug abuse has been identified as the nation's greatest that can beat a quality nap. Naps fall into two problem by 61 percent of those surveyed in the Media General-As­ categories: marathon naps and power naps. Robyn Simmons sociated Press poll. Nearly one-third of American adults know A marathon nap is by far the best kind of nap someone who uses cocaine, but most say drug abuse is not a seri­ Assistant Accent Editor you can take. You simply turn off the lights, ous problem in their own neighborhoods, a poll has found. While draw the shades, take the phone off the hook, President Bush pursues a multibillion-dollar war on illegal drugs, curl up in bed and tell everyone you’ll wake up saying they are "sapping our strength as a nation,” just 14 per­ “whenever.” Since there’s no time limit to a section will learn to respect your napping rights cent in the survey called the problem “ very serious” where they marathon nap, it is quite possible that you can and run screaming once they see you put the note live. take a nap in the afternoon and not wake up up on the door. PTL founder Jim Bakker testified Monday at his until the next morning. Sure, you may miss out By now you might be saying, “It sounds great, fraud trial that he and his wife, Tammy, accepted $3.1 million in on turning in a crucial homework assignment, but I don’t have time for naps." Sure you do! bonuses while the ministry’s finances foundered.
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