DOCUMENT RESUME ED 291 256 FL 017 184 TITLE Language and Automation. An International Reference Publication. Number 4, Winter 1970. INSTITUTION Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 171p.; For the spring 1970 issue, see ED 039 532. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Bibliographies (131) -- Collected Works - Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Language and Automation; n4 win 1970 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; *Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; Computer Assisted Instruction; *Computer Oriented Programs; Computer Science; Humanities; Information Science; Information Sources; Linguistic Theory; Machine Translation; Publications; Social Sciences; *Technological Advancement ABSTRACT This issue of the journal contains citations of articles and other publications, many in translation, on aspects of information science of interest to the language field, including: linguistics and computation, mechanical translation, quantitative linguistics, computer science, information science, theoretical linguistics, languages, machine-assisted language learning, automation in the humanities and social sciences, language sciences, and related fields and applications. It also contains cumulative subject and author indexes for the journal's 1970 issues. (MSE) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** Published spring, summer. fall, winter by the Center for Applied Linguistics under the auspices of the international Committee on Computational Linguistics Editors A. Hood Roberts. Executive Editor Alfred Pie'.rzyk. Managing Editor (System Development) Adam G. Woyna. Managing Editor (Operations) Editorial and Production Staff Bernarda Erwin. Production Coordinator Catherine Ho Ilan, Technical Editor Frances Lamberts. Technical and Graphics Coordinator Jo) Varley. Technical Editor Bonn' Zarger, Production Assistant Promotion Manager Elizabeth Marckwardt Technical Consultant Allene Grognet Editorial Advisory Board Etsutaro lwabuchl (Japan) Hans Karigren (Sweden) Christine A. Montgomery (USA) Development and initial publication of Language and Automation Is supported in part by a National Science Foundation grant (GN-771) to the Center for Applied Linguistics within the scope of a Language Information Network and Clearinghouse System (LINCS) prototype study. The Language and Automation data base is provided by the cooperating institutions. Cc respondence concerning recent documents. bibliographic data. and details of current research should be sent to the bibliographers at the appropriate cooperating institutions or to Adam G. Woyna. Center for Applied Linguistics. 1717 Massachusetts Avenue. N.W., Washington. D.C. 20036. Subscription rates for the 1970 volume only (4 Issues): institutions 51000. individuals $700; sample issue 52.00. Please make checks payable to the Ccntcr for Applied Linguistics. Correspondence concerning subscriptions including requests for airmailing should be addressed to the Office of the Controlller. Ccntcr for Applied Linguistics. 1717 Massachusetts Avenue. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Copyright 'D 1971 by the Ccntcr for Applied Linguistics Library of Congress catalog card number: 73-144-217 Printed in the United States of Amcnca 3 Language and Automation An International Reference Publication Number 4Winter 1970 CONTENTS Preface Cooperar'' Institutions w Document Availability iv Periodicals Cited in issues 1-4, 1970 v Subject Categories 1 General (1209.70-1217.70) 1 Linguistics and Computation (1218.70-1247.70) 2 Mechanical Translation (1248.70-1260.70) 9 Quantitative Linguistics (1261.70-1279.70)12 Computer Science (1280.70-1327 70) 16 Information Science (1328.70-1399.70) 26 Theoretical Linguistics (1400.70-1485.70) 43 Languages (1486.70-1556.70) 57 Machine Aided Language Learning (1557.70-1598.70)68 Automation in the Humanities and Social Sciences (1599.70-1608.70) 78 Language Sciences (1609.70-1637.70) 80 Related Fields and Applications (1638.70-1665.70) 86 Serial Announcements 92 Reviews92 Extended Availability93 Cumulative Subject Index, 1970 96 Cumulative Author Index, 1970 138 1 PREFACE Language and Automation is designed to meet the growing demand for substantial, timely coverage of the literature dealing with the interfaces of linguistics, computation, information science, and related fields. It constitutes a significant experiment in international cooperation under the auspices of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics in an area of increasing importance within contemporary science and technology. The Language Information Network and Clearinghouse System (LILACS) project of th Center for Applied Linguistics has initiated an appropriate data base to which valuable bibliographic information is being contributed by a number of cooperating institutions in several countries. With support from the National Science Foundation, the concept of cooperation is being explored with a view toward the eventual establishment of an international information network for the language sciences. To the extent possible, new ways of processing and publishing bibliographic data will be investigated. Technical complexity and economic considerations will of necessity limit our innovations. The active cooperation of all the users of Language and Autc nation is vited. Institutions willing to join the cooperative network for bibliographic information are asked to contact the executive editor at their earliest convenience. Readers are urged to send in their comments, so that Language and Automation can be made more responsive to their needs. A. Hood Roberts Alfred Pietrzyk Adam G. Woyna 5 ii l COOPERATING INSTITUTIONS Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel Coordinator: Asa Kasher Centre d'Etudes pour la Traduction Automatique, Grenoble, France Coordinator Bernard Vauquois Bibliographer: Marie-Claude Rochas Division of Computer Research and Technology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Coordinator: Milos Pacak Bibtiograpker: George Dunham IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown He:ghts. N.Y. Coordinator. Warren 2. Plath Bibliographer: H. Catharine Dietrich Institut fur deutsche Sprache, Mannheim. Germany Coordinator: Paul J Wolfangel Bibliographer: J. Boening Laborator Algebraicke Lingvistiky, Charles University, Prague. Czechoslovakia Coordinator: Petr Pitha Bibliographer: Eva Benesova The MITRE Corporation. Bedford, Mass. Coordinator Richard S Glantz The National Language Research Institute, Tokyo, iapan Coordinator: Etsutaro Iwabuchi Bibliographer: Shiro Hayashi Oddeleni matematicke lingvistiky, Ustav pro jazyk cesky CSAV. (Department of Mathematical Linguistics, Institute of the Czect. Language), Prague, Czechoslovakia Coordinator: Marie Tesitelova Bibliographer: Marie Ludvikova Projet de Traduction Automatique (CETADOL), University of Montreal, Canada Coordinator: Brian Harris Bibliographer: Giles Gauthier The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif. Coordinator. Martin Kay Bibliographer: Dolores Lofgren Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington. D.C. Coordinator. A Hood Roberts Bibliographers Frederick Bauman, Catherine Hollan, Ludmila Okreglak. Hedi St Denis, Joy l'arIcy (Indevcr). Carl Wilson iii 6 DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY The institutional affiliation of the first authoris given, where known, in the third line of each entry, directly following the author'sname. For documents which can be obtained from one of the sources below, availability information is given insquare brackets at the end of the bibliographic citation. Dissertation Abstracts: Document must be ordered from UniversityMicrofilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. Donot send payment with order; an invoice will be sent at time of shipment. Minimumcharge for any order is $3.00. Order by publication number and author'sname and specify kind of copy (microfilm or xerography) desired. ERIC: Documents must be ordered, by the ED numbergiven, from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, LEASCO Information Products,Inc., 4827 Rugby Avenue Bethesda, Md. 20014. The prices 'or hard copies (HC) andmicrofiche (MF) are listed for individual documents as part of the availability information. As of March 1971, MF are $0.65 per title; HCare $3.29 per 100 pages ($3.29, 1-100 pages; $6.58, 101-200 pages; $9.87, 201-300 pages). Paymentmust accompany orders under $10.00; there is no handling charge. All U.S. paymentsmust include appropriate sales tax. Where MF or HC is not indiciated, inquiries concerning thedocument's availability should be directed to the author or publisher. KVAL: Documents may be ordered by PM number fromResearch Group for Quantitative Linguistics (KVAL), Fack, Stockholm 40, Sweden NTIS: Documents can be ordered, by the number given,from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS-- formerly Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va.22151. Most Clearinghouse reports are priced as follows: inpaper copy (HC) $3.00 (1-300 pages); $6.00 (301-600 pages); $9.00 (601 up pages); microfiche (MF)$0.95. Any document more than two years old costs a minimum of $6.00. For other documents the pricesare listed in the individual citations. For orders of fiveor more copies of a single report, a 'mice quotation should be obtained from NTIS OSTI: Reports from OSTI can be obtained from the Of Fce forScientific and Technical
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