Evergreen Cemetery stiffs the living PAGE3 ~Com paper Company www.allstonbrightontab.com , FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2005 Vol. 9, No. 45 44 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ HOLD EVERYTHING ~G Caitlyn Mutt, 6, holds up a photo of the students from her school, Yihlch she was allowed to retrieve Monday. Later that day, the Archdiocese announced It migtit still setl the building to the Presentation School Foundation for a new school, Instead of turning It into a tribunal. Many OLP teachers out ofjobs Archdiocese holds talks with parents By Audit! Guha from the archdioce-.e in recent cc-,e decided to do-.e the school By Audltl Guha tation School this summer, Pre­ The joint statement issued soon S Vv •ER STAFF WRITER weeks. l\\.O days before the June 10 clos­ sentation School Foundation after states, "the Archbishop is Come September, many of the "I was too bus)." ),aid fourth­ ing date, locking teachers and stu­ The Our Lady of Presentation members are cautiously hopeful. committed to working with the 12 teachers will be without a job. grade teacher Brenda Hendon. a dents out of a building with no Scbool may have been granted a Archbishop Sean O'Malley met Presentation School Foundation Wi th the archdiocese closing 14-year veteran. ··Most of us diplomas or awards. "I have a lot temporary reprieve from execution a group of detennined community in a good faith effort to pursue the the Our Lady of Presentation were tr) ing to focus on clo!>ing of stuff in the school, including but no one is sure for how long. members at 3 p.m. on Monday to goal of a negotiated sale of the School in Oak Square last week, out the year under difficult cir­ per.onal belongings." said fifth­ Almost two years after the consider their $2.5 million propos­ Our Lady of the Presentation the teachers now have nowhere to cumstances." grade teacher Richard Donovan Bobton Archdiocese announced it al to buy the building and open a school property to the Presenta- go and have received no help It did not help that the archdio- TEACHERS, page 6 wduld close Our Lady of Presen- school in Oak Square. OLP, page 6 Lift, but Bless us, Lord no jerk Russian-born weightlifter prince This J~ By Anna Yudlna ; year's <X>RR£Sl'O'i:>ENT \ Le\ Ep~hte) n may be • Brighton's mot famous winners athlete. Sure. most peo­ ple wouldn't look at the 72-year-o d Ru sian im­ EN R AINMENT migrant and thmk he has a cJo-,et full of gold Bare facts of medals. But they would be wrong. 'Take Me Out' Ep hte) n came off a long hiatu from ..,.SEEPAGE 15 weightlifting to \\.in a Cl 'ES> PliOTO silver medal in 2002 and Lev Epshteyn In St. a gold medal in 2004 Petersburg In 1975, Commentary 10 in the Pan-American lifting 135 kilograms. Champion hip . Community Notes 27 "I've started to work out in 19.t8 m Russia," PttOTO BY ZAAA TZANEV Epshteyn -,aid. ··When I worked at the fac tory, I had Grandson Mlchael Colarossi, 6, and grandpa Denny of Brighton share a moment at St. 'tnthony's School annual Crime I 9 to defend my cousin from hooligans. That's why I've feast and camlva! June 4. The annual celebration drew lots of people for the rides, gam~, music and food. decided to register in section on boxing. But it was so Destinations 20 LEV, page 13 Library Notes 8 Call For a Free Obituaries 21 '.\L\EL (:lllROPRA<:TH: Mortgage Loans Market Analysis! Opinion 10 Dover FINE Ol!IENTAL RllGS & CARPETING Local knowledge. Sports FREE IN·HOME Experienced answers. All Sizes & Widths ~21 . 2 5 Auto DESIGN Many Styles Shawmut Properties CONSULTATION 134 Tremont Street • Brighton Work Injuries & RUG TRIAL Peoples & Colors federal Savings Bank All AMERICAN HOME AID, INC. Your Neigl1borlwml Re11ltor® Allston 229 \onh Han;ml Strm Medical Suppl·es 556 Cambridge t., Brighton Brighton 4 35 \tarket Street - Tel. 617-787-2121 (617) 254--0707 • www.pfsb.com 151 Sutherland Rd. • Brighton ~ www. C2 l slrawmuLcom www dO\l~rrug com C;i \lcmb<T fnfL 617-713-4300 7 (617) 787-8700 .. '; Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, June 17, 2005 F www.allstonbrightontab.com Allston-Brighton History •1 I Then Now ' By Wiiiiam Marchione BRIGHTON-ALLS• 'I H ST "!CAI. SOCIElY This week's contest was one of our toughest yet, but we still got a good response from people who Next week's . recognized the Cenacle House. Here we see a postcard view from the late 1920s of the Roman :·.... Cathollc Cenacle Retreat House and Convent at 206 Lake St. In Brighton. The Cenacle Retreat House contest was founded by an order of nuns, the Rellg1ous of Our Lady of the Cenacle, In September 1 910 In a large farmhouse formerly owned by the Paine family, which was prominently situated at the eastern end of Nonantum Hiii on a 17-acre estate. The Cenacle was the first retreat house for Catholic women Hint: Do you know this handsome In the Archdiocese of Boston. Demand for Its services grew so rapidly that by 1912 a much larger 19th ~entury landmark t hat Is now structure was built In front of the old Paine mansion, a "stately brick edifice, In the French Gothic a firehouse? If so, fax your answer style," designed by the eminent architectural firm of Maginnis & Walsh (who a few years later designed to 781-433-8202 or e-mail It to the orlglnal Boston College complex at Chestnut Hiii). The 1912 Cenacle building encompassed only [email protected]. All the main entrance and the right wing of the existing building. In 1922, a matching left wing was added. winners get their names In next week's TAB. The EF Language Institute now owns the bulldlng. having acquired It about 10 years ago. Winners 1. Barbara Berry 5. Colleen Salmon 2. Barbara Forbes 6. Richard B. Sullivan 3. Greg Laycob 7. Linda Walsh 4. Maureen McGrail Housing counseling helps make We want your news! I Key contacts: homeownership a reality Edllor ...................... ....... Nick Katz (781) 433-8365 Wekome to lhe Allston-Brighton TAB! • .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. ......... [email protected] We are e;iger to <;en·e as a forum for lhe Reporter .. Aud t Guha (781) 433-ll3;I&-...,.. Taking that initial step toward a home oftheiro.,.,n remained out they need to move toward a per­ unity Plca.-.c '<!nJ u:-. calenJar list- be of reach. H( m 1 t place to i purchasing a home could over­ r!C\\ of Greg 1) 433-8345 comnuut} llllrJ'CSt. Wor­ whelming and intimidating for provide free ad\ i..:e and guidance Last year, HUD awarded $43.7 Please mail the • • • . • • 111111111111 r@cnc ....im some people. But help does exist. on a variety of is~ue.., throughout million nationwide to approved malion to ~i<.;k Kau~ editor. AJl,ton­ Advertising Director. Cris Warren (781) 433·8313 Individuals should first contact a (and after) tht: home-buying housing counseling agencies to Brighton TAB. P.O. Box 9 112, Needham, Advertising sales ... •. Harriet Steinberg (781) 433-7865 MA 02492. You may fax material to (781) Real Estate sales . Mark R Macrelli (781) 433-8204 Ue:i, as i t more than 709,000 people housing counseling agency ap­ process, including credit i 433.8202. ~--~ Russian section advertising .. • . Yuri Tabansky (6171 965-1673 proved by the U.S. Department of fair housing la.,., s. detennining across the country with under­ Our deadline for recieving press rel~ is Classifledftlelp wanted . •. .•........ •. (800) 624-7355 Housing and Urban Develop­ how much one can afford to pay '>tanding the challenges that go MO(lday, 5 p.m.• prior to lhe next Friday's Calendar tis11ngs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • (781 ) 433-8211 ment. to avoid loan default, under..tand­ along with buying a home. Ten is.-;ue. Newsroom fax number . •. .... •........•. (781) 433-8202 esident., are invited to call us with Art /II ti f b (781 ) 433-8203 Housing counseling takes the ing closing costs cmd much more. agencies in Ma-;sachusetts re­ s s ngs ax num er .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. sto~ idea.~ or reaction to our coverage. To subscribe, call . •• (888) 343-1960 mystery out of buying a home. It Housing counselors also help cei \'ed funding last }ear. Ple4.-;e call General TAB number ... • ................... (781) 433-8200 is an invaluable tool that helps people find rental hou mg, and Among these agencies is the All ton-Brighton TAB Editor Nick Katz ALdlJ Gdla Order photo reprints . • • . ••.•. (866) 746-8603 low- and moderate-income fami­ assist the homele population All<,ton Brighton Community at 081) 433-8365 or News Reponer Erin News e-mail ............ • • . .. aPston·bnghtoOO:alc.com lies and individuals who thought with finding tran.,itional hou ing De\'elopment Corporation, 15 Smith at (781) 433-8333 with your ideas and sugges- • Sports .. • •.. aJlston-brighton.spo~(nc.com North Beacon St., Allston - uonji. I Events calendar . .. [email protected] 1 617-787-3874. For a listing of The Allston-Bnghton TAB (USPS 14-706) is published by TAB Community Newspapers, 254 Second Ave .. Needham. MA 02494, weefdy. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA. Postmaster: Send address corrections to the Allston-Bnghton TAB. 254 Second agencies, visit HUD's Web site at Ave:. Needham. MA 02494. 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