CONTENTS 2018 CONTENIDO Category Page # Category Page # Category Page # Category Page # BEVERAGES CAke mix 19 CHipotLe 30 First Aid 38 CoConut FLAkes 19 ContAined Fruits 30 Foot CAre 38 ALoe drinks 4 Cooking miLks 20 dried Fruits 30 HAir CAre 38 AtoLe 5 Cooking mixes 19 Hominy 30 LAxitive 38 CHoCoLAte drinks 4 Cooking oiLs 20 imported CAnned Fruits 30 Lip BALm 38 CoConut drinks 4 Corn stArCH 19 JALApeno 31 Liquid HAnd soAp 38 CoFFee 4 FLAvoring 19 moutH WAsH 40 CoFFee CreAmer 4 FLour mix 19 nAiL CAre 38 domestiC sodA 8 FROZEN FOODS Frosting 19 nAturAL produCts 38-39 drinking WAter 8 geLAtin 20 Frozen Fruits 34 pAin reLieF 39 energy drinks 5 Honey 20 Frozen veggies 34 sHAmpoo & Conditioner 39 FLAvored drinks 5 Lemon JuiCe 20 reAdy Foods 34 sHAving needs 39 Hot & CoLd teA 8 oLive oiL 20 skin CAre 39-40 imported drinks 5-6 pAnCAke mix 20 skin CreAm 40 JuiCe 6 REFRIGERATED pegABLe seAsonings 23 stomACH reLieF 40 miCHeLAdA 7 CHeeses 32 sALt 20 suppLements 40 minerAL WAter 8 CHorizo 32 sHortening 21 tootHBrusHes 40 miLk drinks 6 CoFFee CreAmer 32 soup BrotH 21 tootHpAste 40 neCtAr drinks 6-7 CoLd drinks 32 spiCes & seAsonings 21-22 poWder mix - miLk 7 CoLd miLks 32 stuFFing mix 23 poWder mix - WAter 7 dAiry CreAms 32 GEN. MERCHANDISE sugAr 21 sports drinks 8 deLi meAts 32-33 syrups 22 BAtteries 41 vitAmin WAter 7 mArgArine & Butter 33 tWAng 23 BLAnkets 41 prepAred geLAtin 33 vinegAr 22 CHArCoAL needs 41 yogurt & smootHies 33 SNACKS & COOKIES yeAst 23 gAmes 41 gLue 41 BreAd & pAsteries 11-12 inseCt sprAy 41 CHiCHArrones 12 PET NEEDS PANTRY ITEMS kitCHen goods 41 CHips 9 CAt Food 34 BBq sAuCes 24 LigHters 41 Cookies 10-11 CAt Litter 34 CAnned soup 24 mAtCHes 41 CrACkers 11 dog Food 34 CArAmeL 24 outdoor needs 41 Freeze pops 9 CereAL 24 piñAtAs 41 iCe CreAm Cones 9 ContAined Foods 26 BABY NEEDS seWing needs 41 nuts 11 dressing 24 pegABLe snACks 12 BABy CAre 35 grAvy 24 popCorn 9 BABy diApers 35 CANDLES Hot sAuCe 25 BABy drinks 35 snoW Cones 11 2-dAy CAndLes 42 Hominy 26 BABy Food 35 tACo sHeLLs 11 Cup/Box CAndLes 42 instAnt soup 25 BABy JuiCe 35 Long CAndLes 42 JeLLy spreAds 25 dry BABy Food 35 sCented CAndLes 42 CANDY ketCHup 25 poWder miLk 35 pALLet oF CAndLes 42 CAndy BArs 13 mAC & CHeese 26 AmeriCAn gum 13 mArinAdes 25 DISPOSABLES AmeriCAn LoLLipops 15 mAsHed potAtos 25 CLEANING SUPPLIES mAyonnAise 25 ALuminum FoiL 36 CHiLi poWder 16 ACCessories 43 mexiCAn sALsAs 27 BAtH tissue 36 CoConut CAndy 16 Air FresHeners 43 mustArd 26 CoFFee FiLters 36 Fruit CAndy 16 BAtHroom CLeAners 45 oAtmeALs 24 disposABLe Cups 36 gummy CAndy 17 disHWAsHing Liquid 43 peAnut Butter 26 disposABLe pLAtes 36 HArd CAndy 17 drAin CLeAner 43 piCkLes & oLives 26 FACiAL tissue 36 mArsHmALLoWs 16 dryer sHeets 43 prepAred moLe 26 gArBAge BAgs 36 mexiCAn CHoCoLAte 16 FABriC soFteners 43-44 seAFood items 26 oven BAgs 36 mexiCAn FAvorites 17 gLAss CLeAners 44 seAsoning sAuCe 24 pAper nApkins 36 mexiCAn gum 16 LAundry BAr soAps 44 sHrimp items 26 pAper toWeLs 36 mexiCAn LoLLipops 17 Liquid BLeACH 44-45 spAgHetti sAuCes 26 pLAstiC CutLery 36 mints 13 Liquid CLeAners 45 tomAto sAuCes 27 roAsting pAns 36 miLk CAndy 17-18 Liquid detergents 44 storAge BAgs 36 noveLty CAndy 13-15 oven CLeAner 45 tootHpiCk 36 oLd time FAvorites 15 RICE, PASTA, BEANS poWder CLeAners 45 peAnut CAndy 15 BuLk sizes 29 poWder detergents 44 penny CAndy 15 HEALTH & BEAUTY CAnned BeAns 28 sponges 45 piñAtA CAndy mix 18 dry BeAns 28 AFter sHAve 37 tAmArind CAndy 18 pAstA 29 BirtH ControL 37 seAsonAL CAndy 18 STORE SUPPLIES riCe 29 Body soAps 37 groCery BAgs 46 CoLogne 37 BuLk Cups 46 COOKING NEEDS CougH & CoLd 37 FRUITS & VEGGIES priCe mArking 46 BAking needs 19 CougH drops 37 CACtus 30 store dispLAy signs 46 BAdiA spiCes 22 deodorAnts 37 CAnned Fruits 30 store needs 46 BreAd CrumBs 19 eye CAre 38 CAnned vegetABLes 31 BuLk spiCes 19 Feminine Hygiene 38 Banner Wholesale Grocers 3 312-421-2650 BEVERAGES 2018 REFRESCOS Item # Description Pack Size # de Articulo Descripción Paquete Tamaño 3310 T'best Aloe Vera Original 12 1.5 Lt BEVERAGES 3311 T'best Aloe Vera Pineapple 12 1.5 Lt 3300 T'best Coconut Drink Original 12 1.5 Lt 3302 T'best Coconut Mango Drink 12 1.5 Lt 3308 T'best Coconut Mango Drnk Tray 12 16 Oz 3305 T'best Coconut Pineapple Drink 12 1.5 Lt Item # Description Pack Size # de Articulo Descripción Paquete Tamaño 3309 T'best Coconut Pineapple Drink Tray 12 16 Oz 3307 T'best Original Coconut Drink Tray 12 16 Oz ALOE DRINKS (Bebidas de Aloe Vera) COFFEE (Cafe) 3616 Aloevine Aloe Pina Colada 12 50.7 Oz 3615 Aloevine Aloe Watermelon 12 50.7 Oz 5486 Bustelo Coffee Brick Pack 24 10 Oz 3598 Aloevine Coconut Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5484 Bustelo Coffee Decaf Can 12 10 Oz 3613 Aloevine Grape Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5485 Bustelo Coffee Instant 12 3.5 Oz 3609 Aloevine Guava Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5483 Bustelo Coffee Regular (can) 12 10 Oz 3610 Aloevine Kiwi Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5637 Cafe Legal Decaffenated Coffee 6 7 Oz 3601 Aloevine Mango Drink 10 16.9 Oz 5638 Cafe Legal Ground Roast W/cinnamon 6 11 Oz 3607 Aloevine Mango Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5621 Cafe Legal Instant Coffee 12 3.5 Oz 3600 Aloevine Original Drink 10 16.9 Oz 5635 Cafe Legal Instant Coffee Jar 6 7 Oz 3606 Aloevine Original Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5619 Cafe Legal Roast & Ground Pouch 30 1 Oz 3614 Aloevine Peach Drink 12 1.5 Lt 24599 Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee French Vanilla 12 13.7 Oz 3602 Aloevine Pineapple Drink 10 16.9 Oz 24597 Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Mocha 12 13.7 Oz 3608 Aloevine Pineapple Drink 12 1.5 Lt 24598 Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Original 12 13.7 Oz 3612 Aloevine Pomegranate 12 1.5 Lt 5591 Folgers Classic Decaf Can 6 11.3 Oz 3603 Aloevine Pomegranate Drink 10 16.9 Oz 5514 Folgers Classic Roast/store Supplies 1 48 Oz 3604 Aloevine Strawberry Drink 10 16.9 Oz 5590 Folgers Classic Rst Can 6 11.3 Oz 3611 Aloevine Strawberry Drink 12 1.5 Lt 5592 Folgers Classic Rst Can Shipper 24 11.3 Oz 2527 Okf Aloe Coco 12 16.9 Oz 5593 Folgers Classic Rst Instant Shipper 36 8 Oz 2521 Okf Aloe Mango 12 16.9 Oz 5582 Folgers Coffee Instant 12 3 Oz 2520 Okf Aloe Original 12 16.9 Oz 5589 Folgers Coffee Instant 6 8 Oz 2522 Okf Aloe Pineapple 12 16.9 Oz 56222 Nescafe Cafe Con Leche 12 10.58oz 2523 Okf Aloe Pomegranate 12 16.9 Oz 5640 Nescafe Cafe De Olla 100gr 12 3.5 Oz 2524 Okf Aloe Strawberry 12 16.9 Oz 5624 Nescafe Clasico 6 3.5 Oz 2371 Okf Aloe Vera Coco 12 50.7 Oz 6572 Nescafe Clasico (300 Gr) 8 10.5 Oz 2374 Okf Aloe Vera Mango Drink 12 50.7 Oz 56181 Nescafe Clasico (50 Gr) 12 1.7 Oz 2373 Okf Aloe Vera Original Drink 12 50.7 Oz 5617 Nescafe Clasico Decaf 6 7 Oz 2376 Okf Aloe Vera Pineapple Drink 12 50.7 Oz 5618 Nescafe Clasico Decaf 6 3.5 Oz 2377 Okf Aloe Vera Pomegranate 12 50.7 Oz 5646 Nescafe Classico 6 7 Oz 2378 Okf Aloe Vera Strawberry Drink 12 50.7 Oz 5641 Nescafe De Olla 6 7 Oz 2372 Okf Aloe Vera Watermelon 12 50.7 Oz 5622 Oro Instant Coffee 12 3.5 Oz 2528 Okf Aloe Watermelon 12 16.9 Oz 5623 Oro Instant Coffee 6 7 Oz 5600 Puro Gusto Classic Cappuccino Mix 1 9 Ct (Bebidas de Chocolate) 5601 Puro Gusto Mocha Cappuccino Mix 1 9 Ct CHOCOLATE DRINKS 5602 Puro Gusto Vanilla Cappuccino Mix 1 9 Ct 5783 Abuelita Chocolate 6tab 12 19 Oz 14636 Starbucks Doubleshot Energy Mocha 12 15 Oz 57861 Abuelita Granulado 6 11.2 Oz 14627 Starbucks Doubleshot Mexican Mocha 12 15 Oz 57864 Carlos V Chocolate Drink Mix 12 14.1 Oz 14638 Starbucks Doubleshot Vanilla 12 15 Oz 57853 Choco Milk Drink Mix Chocolate 12 14.1 Oz 14639 Starbucks Frappuccino Dulce De Leche 12 13.7 Oz 5657 Hershey Cocoa 12 8 Oz 14628 Starbucks Frappucino Caramel 12 13.7 Oz 5796 Ibarra Choco Choco Powder Canister 6 14.1 Oz 14626 Starbucks Frappucino Coffee 12 13.7 Oz 14624 Starbucks Frappucino Mocha 12 13.7 Oz COCONUT DRINKS (Bebidas de Coco) 14623 Starbucks Frappucino Vanilla 12 13.7 Oz 2451 Coco Lopez Cream Of Coconut 24 15 Oz (Crema para Cafe) 13776 Foco Coco Juice 24 17.6 Oz COFFEE CREAMER 13777 Foco Coco Juice 24 11.8 Oz 5841 Coffe-mate French Vanilla 6 16 Oz 13792 Foco Roasted Coconut Juice 24 11.8 Oz 5840 Coffe-mate Liquid Original 12 32 Oz 13793 Foco Roasted Coconut Juice 24 18 Oz 5846 Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Coconut Milk 6 16 Oz 13773 Foco Tamarindo Juice 24 11. Oz 5847 Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Sweet Creamer 6 16 Oz 13771 Goya Coconut Milk 24 13.5 Oz 5842 Coffee-mate Hazelnut 6 16 Oz 13775 Goya Coconut Water 24 11.8 Oz 5830 Coffeemate Original 12 6 Oz 13788 Goya Coconut Water 24 17.6 Oz 5831 Coffeemate Powder Original 12 11 Oz 1670 La Pref Cream Of Coconut 12 15 Oz 5832 Coffeemate Powder Original 12 16 Oz 3312 T'best Aloe Vera Mango 12 1.5 Lt 5833 Coffeemate Powder Original 12 22 Oz 5836 Coffeemate Powder Original 6 35.3oz Banner Wholesale Grocers 4 312-421-2650 BEVERAGES 2018 REFRESCOS Item # Description Pack Size Item # Description Pack Size # de Articulo Descripción Paquete Tamaño # de Articulo Descripción Paquete Tamaño ATOLE (Corn Starch Drinks) IMPORTED DRINKS (Bebidas Importadas) 1557 Klass Atole Arroz Con Leche 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 3976 Bana-nina Soda 6 2 Lt 1552 Klass Atole Chocolate 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 34722 Boing Apple Glass 24 12 Oz 1555 Klass Atole Coco 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 34719 Boing Grape Glass 24 12 Oz 5770 Klass Atole Floor Stand In & Out 240 1.52 Oz 34718 Boing Guava (glass) 24 12 Oz 1553 Klass Atole Fresa 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 34720 Boing Mango (glass) 24 12 Oz 1560 Klass Atole Guayaba 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 34717 Boing Peach Glass 24 12 Oz 1556 Klass Atole Nuez 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 34721 Boing Strawberry (glass) 24 12 Oz 1554 Klass Atole Vanilla 12pk 12 1.52 Oz 37726 Boing Tetra Guava 12 1 Lt 5752 Maizena Chocolate 2 24 Ct 37725 Boing Tetra Mango 12 1 Lt 5753 Maizena Coconut 2 24 Ct 34723 Boing Tetra Peach 12 1 Lt 5755 Maizena Strawberry
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