Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1937-05-13 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1937). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1631. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1631 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TO SERVE TO SPREAD THE STUDENTS THE XAVERIAN NEWS THE SPIRIT OF XAVIER Official Newspaper Of Xavier University OF XAVIER VOLUME XXIT. CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937 NO. 22 BALL SET FOR TOMORROW Dolly Eslinger's Ba n d Date Set For Da·n-t-e -Cl-ub---,- Xavier-Night-On-The-Ohio Signed For Event 0 Which is to End Social A.nnual Is s 11 e ,_______ r _Ba_n~qu_e-..1t j Scheduled For Tuesday Season. :r The annual banquet and social ~ et e er meeting of the Dante Lecture On Island QUeefl steamer Of Musl Club of Xavier University, now completing its seventeenth year MAKETEWAH of existence, wil~ be held imme­ COUNTRY CLUB Several Additions Are diately following the semester l(emble Fourth Annual Boat To Be Made In Year· examinations which are sched­ Ride Held For ·Stu· uled to begin'-May 29. This was announced yesterday Sixth dents, Parents And To Be Scene of Summer hook Which Goes To by Leonard C. Gartner, presi­ Press Next Week. dent of the or.ganization. The Friends Of Xavier Uni· Formal, . Chairman event is held especially. to honor In Contest Thomas F. Hogan An­ the graduating members of the versity. :Publication date for ·the Mus­ Club who are in addition to nounces. keteer Annaul has been set for Gartner, Raymond J. Kemble, St. Louis University May 28, the eve of the final ex­ Jr., Louis J. Haase, and Leonard CLYDE TRASK PLAYS aminations, Leonard V. Griffith, V. Griffith. Wins First Honors In Dolly Eslinger, popular Queen editor, announced this week. The ·banquet will probably be FOR MOONLITE RIDE City maestro, will provide the No definite theme for the Mus­ held at the Palace Hotel, the Annual Competition.. music for the Senior Ball to be keteer has ,been chosen for this year, according to Griffith's an­ scene of a successful banquet held tomorrow night at the Mak­ last Spring. Prior to that, the Alumni Association Aids etewah Country Club, located nouncement. He would not dis­ Raymond J. Kemble, Jr., a close to whom the book was ibe­ banquet had been held at Swiss senior in the college of liberal off· Reading Road just north of Gardens. In Plans For Affair; California Avenue. · ing <ledicated this year. arts, was awarded sixth place in Leo C. Voet, business manager Student Committees In 'Dhis was announced today by the annual intercollegiate Latin · 'l'homas F. Hogan, III, chairman of the annual, has announced Electi· on·. contest, conducted among the ten Charge Of Tickets. that the book would go to press Of . of the committee in char.ge of Thursday or Friday of this week. Jesuit colleges and universities in the event. The annual must be set in forms the Chicago and Missouri pro- Xavier-Night-On-'.Ilhe-Ohi'O, the · The ball will be held on the for several weeks before it can • Officers In terrace-· of the Maketewah which be distributed, thereby insuring vinces. / annual moonlight boatride up the is rated as one of the finest open­ the permanency of the book. Philnpedian This marks the second consec- Ohio <>n •the J:sland Queen for air dansants in the middlewest. The annual is expected to have , V · . utive year in which Kemible has all gr.cups affiliated with Xavier The committee decided to hold a hundred an<l seventy-six pages. placed in the .contest. Last year, University and St. Xavier High School will take place next Tues- the ev~nt there •after a lapse ·of It includes both the student, he was awarded .fourth place. day evening, several years. In 1935 tJhe •ball alumni, and parents' organiza­ Ninety-Seventh S ea s .on was held at Kenwood Country tions of the day and evening di­ Top honors in the contest went The boat will leave the foot of to St. Louis University with the 1 B d Club. and· last. · year ·.-at Castle visions . of the Universities and For Activities In J)e· 'University of Detroit running roa way at 8:15 o'clock and re­ Farm. will have ias an added feature turn at the usual time, shortly this year the section devoted to hating Society. second by the margin of one after midnight. Only a limited number of tick­ point. ets are available for the Senior the field artillery unit of the Re­ For many years Xavier has Effovts are being made by the Ball according to the announce­ serve Officers Training Corps. Officers in the Poland Philo· carried off honors in the contest. Student Councils of both the men<t issued by Chairman Hogan. pedian Society for next year high school and the University Tickets are O'btainable from r--------------· will ibe elected at the usual bi· Kemble, who will be graduat- to make the affair a family party. Hogan or the other committee- CAMPUS CHATTER monthly meeting next Monday ed in June, will receive the Lat- The students, alumni, dads and men who are James G. Farasey afternoon after the scheduled in medal at the Commencement mothers clubs of bo.th institu­ and William C. Haughey. "Campus Chatter," fifteen­ debate. Exercises. This medal was the tions are co-operating in the sale As an anti-climax to a crowd­ minute p r o gram featuring This marks the ninety:..seventh gift of Howard N. Ragland, at- of tickets. ed University spring social cal­ campus news from Xavier and election since the foundation of torney. / endar, the Senior Ball is e~ect­ the University of Cincinnati is the club in 1840 when Father Other colleges and universities Ticket Sales I ed to attract both the graduate now heard on Saturday at John P. Poland organized a group participating in the contest were Tickets are on sale by the S'tu- and undevgraduate friends of 12:15 p. m. The program was of enthusiastic debaters cm the Creighton University, Marquette dent committees representinir Xavier. formerly heard on Monday old St. Xavier College campus. University, Detroit University, both the university and high lights but was shifted several Retiring officers of the debat­ Regis College, Rockhurst Col- school student bodies. Arrangements ing society are: Vincent E. Smith, lege, St. Louis University, Loy- Special enter.tainment, includ­ In announcing the engagement weeks ago. Edward P. Von'­ derHaar, Xavier publicity di­ president; Leonard C. Gartner, ola University of Chicago, John ing dancing to the music oif Clyde of the Eslinger band, Hogan stat­ vice presi<lent; Albert A. Steph­ Oarroll University and St. John's Trask aind his orchestra, will be ·ed that the committee was de­ rector, conducts the Musketeer half of the program. an, secretary; and Edward J. College of Belize, British Hon- provided for those who make the liberating among three local or­ Kennedy, ·chairman of debates. duras. trip. _ chestras ibut chose Eslinger be­ cause of Ibis reputation with Members of the faculties of Xavier students and his popu- ----------------------------------------"'"' both schools will be present to larity with the younger folk of meet the parents of the students Cincinnati. and friends of the institutions. "All plans for the senior ball Petition System Stimulates Joseph R. Kruse, president of are now completed," Rogan stat­ the Xavier Student Council, said, ed. "Adv,ance ticket sales point in urging the students to attend to an unusually large crowd, for tne boat-ride: this return to Maketewah Coun- Interest. In Class Election: "We expect to make the boat. try Club, one of the most pop- !.------------------------------------------....: ride a general get-acquainted ular dancing pavilions in the Senior Class Election Js re-election. D. Bruch, Albert A. Stephan, party for the parents, students, city." Petition System Robert E. Cummins, John E. Fo­ and friends of both Xavier Uni­ iin the event of rain, the Ball Huh Of Activity As garty. The Juniors will elect versity and St. Xavier iHigh will be held indoors on the Mak- The results of the class elec- Friday, tomorrow immediately School. etewah dance floor. Many Applicants Toss tions will be published immedi- after Mass in Room 1-08. The event will be summer- ately after voting, it was an- "Reception conimititees have formal. Hats In Ring. nounced. TJJ.e candidates were Sophomores been appointed to insure that required to submit petitions to those who make the trip will The sophomores will also elect 'mix' in a general get-together. ....................................-..-an ..... Council re'presentatives, · certify­ tomorrow. C a n d i d a t es for The annual class elections at ing that their candidacy had the "Ti<:kets should be purchased Junior offices whose petitions from the commi.ttee of students • • • The at Xavier University will be held approval of fifteen of their fel­ had been filed W€dnesday night next week up till Friday, ac­ low-classmates. a.t Council headquarters were at the University. The Univer­ cording to an announcement by \Introduced last . year as a sity shares only in the recei.pts Jack A. Jones, William M. Reil­ pl'ior to the ride." WEEK the Xavier University Student means of ending the elections in ly, and Robert H.
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