Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute 1st Global Congress Saturday March 20, 2021 09:00 - 16:30 EET “Hippocrates unites the five continents” Valuable data on the global epidemic - Hippocratic Medical Science in combination with the Ancient Medicine of other countries – From Hippocratic to Modern Medicine Live Webcast Register free Now and Watch the e-Congress Live www.livemedia.com/hippocratesyear21 Organizer: Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute Co-Organizers: International Hippocratic Foundation, Kos Faculty of Medicine University of Thessaly Larissa, Greece Sponsored by Medical Association of Athens ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΩΝ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΑ ΑΠΟΔΗΜΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΑΣ Under the Co-Organizers: auspices of: HELLENIC REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR GREEKS ABROAD AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY The scientific event is held under the auspices & the sponsorship of: Medical Association of Athens Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 Organizer: Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute Co-organizers: International Hippocratic Faculty of Medicine University Foundation, Kos of Thessaly Larissa, Greece Under the auspices of: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΩΝ Ministry of Health Region of Attica ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΑHellenic ΑΠΟΔΗΜΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ Republic ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΑΣ Ministry Foreign Affairs HELLENIC REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR GREEKS ABROAD AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY The scientific event is held under the auspices & the sponsorship of: Medical Association of Athens Ιατρικός Σύλλογος Αθηνών Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 President of the 1st Global Congress George Patoulis President of G.D.H.I, Governor of the region of Attica President of Athens Medical Association Organizing Committee Scientific Committee President President Antonios Polydorou Konstantinos Kouskoukis Members Members Fotios N. Patsourakos Athanasios D. Giannoukas Efstathios Tsoukalos Stefanos Geroulanos Konstantinos Koumakis Nikolaos Papantoniou Ioannis Datseris Konstantinos Pantos George Zoumis George Kassaras Victoria Polydorou George Marinos Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute 1st Global Conference March 20th, 2021 Hippocrates unites the five continents Scientific Program 09:00 - 09:30 Registration 09:30 - 10:30 Opening Ceremony Welcome 09:30 - 10:30 1. President of the Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute, and the Congress Governor of the region of Attica President of Athens Medical Association George Patoulis 2. Greek Minister of Health Vasilis Kikilias 3. Greek Minister of Tourism Charis Theocharis 4. Cypriot Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth Prodromos Prodromou 5. Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vlasis Konstantinos 6. President of International Hippocratic Foundation of Kos, F. Minister Aristotelis Pavlidis 7. Dean of Faculty of Medicine University of Thessaly Larissa, Greece Athanasios D. Giannoukas, MD, MSc, PhD, FEBVS 8. President, Hellenic Medical Society of New York Panagiotis Manolas, MD, F.A.C.S 9. President, Hellenic Medical Society of Australia Marinis Pirpiris MBBS, BMedSci, GradDipEpidBiostat, MEpi, PhD, FRACS, FAOrthA 10. President, Federation of Hellenic Medical Societies of North America Spyros Mezitis MD, PhD 11. President, World Hellenic Biomedical Association Nicholas Katsanis, MD, PhD 12. President, Cyprus Medical Association Petros Agathangelou MD Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 10:30 - 10:45 Hippocratic Awards ceremony “HIPPOCRATIC ETHOS – PATHOS – LOGOS” President of G.D.H.I and the Congress George Patoulis, to Prof. Panagiotis Manolas President of I. H. F of Kos, Aristotelis Pavlidis to Prof. Afksendiyos Kalangos Dean of Faculty of Med. Prof. Athanasios D. Giannoukas to Prof. Kypros Nikolaidis A’ Vice President of G.D.H.I Dr Konstantinos Pantos to Prof. Marinis Pirpiris B’ Vice President of G.D.H.I Prof. Konstantinos Kouskoukis to Dr. Spyros Mezitis Treasurer of G.D.H.I. Dr. Fotios N. Patsourakos to Prof. Nicholas Katsanis Secretary General of G.D.H.I H. Prof. Antonios Polydorou to Dr. Petros Agathagelou 10:45 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:00 Chair: Dimitris Filippou - Antonios Polydorou 11:00 - 11:15 Prehippocratic epidemics and the plague of Athens, Stefanos Geroulanos 11:15 - 11:30 From Hippocrates to the translational research for the Pandemic Covid-19, Manolis Dermintzakis 11:30 - 11:45 From Hippocrates to the virus Covid-19 mutation and the effective ness of vaccines nowadays, Elias Mossialos 11:45 - 12:00 Effect of Pandemic on the emotional health now and post, Pavlos Kymissis 12:00 - 13:00 Chair: Elizabeth Johnson - Nikos Papantoniou 12:00 - 12:15 Influence of Hippocratic medicine on Australia Medicine, Marinis Pirpiris 12:15 - 12:30 Chinese medicine in antiquity in relation with Hippocratic Medicine, Peng Daiyin 12:30 - 12:45 Indian medicine in antiquity in relation with Hippocratic Medicine, Dr Sanjay Cherian 12:45 - 13:00 Egyptian medicine in antiquity in relation with Hippocratic Medicine, Ayman Mohaned Fakhrey 13:00 - 14:00 Chair: Daniel Coriu - Mariana Karamanou 13:00 - 13:15 A history of Hippocrates studies in Romania. The Academic School of Bucharest, 18th century, and the teachings of Iatrosophy. Octavian Buda Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 13:15 - 13:30 Modern Hippocratic Thermal Medicine, Konstantinos Kouskoukis 13:30 - 13:45 I n fl u e n c e o f H i p p o c r a t i c m e d i c i n e o n G r e a t B r i t a i n M e d i c i n e , Kyriaki Sonidou 13:45 - 14:00 From Holistic Hippocratic medicine to the modern Cardiothoracic Surgery for children, Afksendios Kalangos 14:00 - 14:30 Break 14:30 - 15:30 Chair: Christoph K. Naber - Olga Sarantopoulos 14:30 - 14:45 The Hippocrates imprint in the contemporary interpretation of bio-ethics, Vassilios Papalois 14:45 - 15:00 The Impact of Hippocratic medicine on the Cyprus Medicine in the antiquity, Evagoras Nikolaides 15:00 - 15:15 Influence of Hippocrates on Austria Medicine,Kurt Widhalm 15:15 - 15:30 Influence of Hippocrates on Russian Medicine in the Antiquity, Ana - toly F Romanchishen 15:30 - 16:30 Chair: Panagiotis Skandalakis – Michael Koutsilieris 15:30 - 15:45 Influence of Hippocrates on German Medicine,Erich Theo Merholz 15: 45 - 16:00 Influence of Hippocrates on Italian Medicine in the Antiquity, Fabio Zampieri 16:00 - 16:15 From Hippocrates to the New Era of Medicine, Natalia Linos 16:15 - 16:30 Hippocrates Oath and the latest medical thoughts, George Dangas Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 FACULTY Hippocrates unites the five continents George Patoulis President of the Congress Governor of the Region of Attica President of Athens Medical Association President of Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute Chair persons and Speakers 11:00 - 12:00 Chair: Dimitrios Filippou - Antonios Polydorou Dimitrios Filippou MD President of the National Organization for Medicines, Athens, Greece Professor, Department of Anatomy and Surgical Anatomy, Medical School, NKUA Na- tional and Kapodistrian University of Athens | uoa Polydorou A. Antonios M.D Honorary Professor Gr.T.Popa Medical School General Secretary G.D.H.I F. Director, Interventional Cardiac Depart. Athens General Hospital “Evagelismos” Speakers Geroulanos J. Stefanos MD, PhD. Dr.h.c. FACS, FCCM, FESCCM, FEACTS, FSSS, FICA hon Hon. Professor of Surgery University of Zurich Professor emer. of History of Medicine, University of Ioannina,President Internation- al Central Committee of the International Hippocratic Foundation,Chair of Medicine World Academy of Letters & Sciences, Cambridge Emmanouil (Manolis) Dermitzakis, PhD Professor, Department of Genetic Medicine and Development Director, Health 2030 Genome Center Director, Institute of Genetics and Genomics in Geneva (iGE3) Elias Mossialos Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy Deputy Head of Department of Health Policy and Director of LSE Health Co-Chair International Committee on Organ Transplantation Onassis Foundation. Global Doctors’ 1st e-Congress Hippocratic Institute March 20, 2021 Pavlos Kymissis, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,Behavioral Services and Pediatrics at New York Medical College F. Dean and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Nicosia Medical School 12:00 - 13:00 Chair: Elizabeth Johnson - Nikolaos Papantoniou Elizabeth O. Johnson Dean, School of Medicine Professor of Anatomy European University Cyprus Nikolaos Papantoniou, MD. PhD Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Maternal Fetal Medicine National Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece F. President of Hellenic Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology President of Southeast European Society of Perinatal Medicine Gen. Secretary of International Hippocratic Foundation Speakers Marinis Pirpiris MBBS, BMedSci, GradDipEpidBiostat, MEpi, PhD, FRACS, FAOrthA Professor, President Hellenic Medical Society of Australia President, Australian Orthopaedic Trauma Society President, Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Trauma Society Chair, AO Trauma Asia Pacific Community Development Peng Daiyin Professor of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine President of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine Sanjay Cherian MD, PhD, MBA Vice President & Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon Frontier Lifeline Hospitals
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