:Southard Elected· Highlander Presid~nt;·:.Gevirlz W '51 FED. SUBSCRIPTION. SmUh, Marmer,- Preece· Capture Cabinef:Posts· . J•···. : . Bob Southard captured fo~ the rest of the semester.· The ~enior ·poll was ·taken Ml DRIVE UNDE.RWAY NOW ~he office of senior aye pres~ Among the· jobs falling to the TUesday,:.·The results· will be re· ~dent in a · hotly-contended girls' and boys' vice-presidents le!t;sed _soon'. _Navy blue and plaid * Sports, Society !Highlander election last Fri_. are the presentation of the sen· Highlander. swea.ters. wer·e· re· ior mothers' tea and the recog· '.. Boys,_Girls . Latest Events day. Rounding· out the cab­ nition assembly. veal~d on the. campus I8st week. inet are Ethel Gevirtz; girls' .. In the near future, a High· This 'will be the · first time in . In. Every Issue vice-president; Jim Smith, boys' . Hainllton~ history that a Scotch Attend State vice-president; Donna Preece, · lander couneil will be set. up, · plaid will grace the: senior colo.r The winter '51 Federalist sub· secretary and Beebe Marmer~ censisting of a · representative-· cane. The gii-ls and boys who attend­ scription drive is wnderway. Six­ 'treasurer. from each homeroom. SPecial . plans are already well under ed Girls' and Boys' State last teen news-filled issues of the To Southard will fall the re• committees will be created to· · June had a hot time literally and Federalist, g1vmg a complete handle such activities· as the tea, way for. the Highlander. class.; ,sponsibility of planning 1the com· figuratively. · The temperature record of the semester, are In •mencement exercises and coordi· recognition assembly, and com· book, · with Marilyn Kornbloom of 106 degrees was nothing com­ store for subscribers. Don't miss !nating all senior aye .activities mencement. • anl;l ~ete Spitzer co~edi.ting. pared to the heat of political ar­ the latest developments in stu­ gument. Those who attended dent body affairs. See your Girls' State were Sally Hughes friends' names in the social and Bl2, and Gloria Barsimentob alumni columns. Read news of '1312. The boys were Ray Sine· the gridiron and basketball court tar A-11, Harold Erickson B-12, on the spm·ts page. Tom Eagle B-12, Wallace Aitken B-12, and Bill Bacon B-12. These The Fed~>rallst drive beg-an students were chosen from many yest~>rday and will eontinne nnly who turned in applications. until next Thursday. That m~>ans After a train ride up to Sacra· that there Is only one wee!• in mento, the boys were welcomed whic>h to subscribe. by the legislative secretary, sub­ Fo1· a number of semes1 ers, stituting for the governor who the Federalist has bec>n awarded was in Virginia on'business. The first class rating among high boys arrived on Saturday, June school newspapers all over the alexander hami//on, hlqh, schoot 17. The girls arrived on the fol­ nation, which have been judged lowing Wednesday. by the Columbia Scholastic PrC'ss • VoL 38, No. 2 Los Angeles, Calif. Friday, Sept. 29, 1950 During their eight-day stay, Association. In the Los Angeles the boys really had a packed City College city-wide high school schedule. Here is a typical day; competition, the Federalist has • · 6:300-Get up, dress. received the first place award in 6:30-Flag raising. news coverage for two years. 6 :45-Breakfast. Summer '50 editor Ed Neilan 8 :30-Clean quarters. gamered U. S. C,'s widely· 9.00-Political meetings. sought four-year joumalism 10:00-Court trials, includipg scho Jars hip. ' a divorce, and a murder trial: In spite of rising publlshinl!; "Who Killed Filmore, the Frog?" costs, the price of a semest~>r's By JACK FERRUCCI 12:30-Lunch. subscription to the Federalist re· 1:30-Free. mains only GO cl'nts, Jess than "Tirebiter Is Dead" 5:30-Dinnet·. four cents an issue. This seme!!• There is a lesson to be bad Evening-Political Rallies and tl'r's goal 1!11 1800 subscrihl'rs. in the meaning of the word entertainment. Two orcllld!l wl11 be awardl'!l­ "news" in the recent death 10:00-Lights out. one to a' Fedl'rallst repr!'sl'ntn­ of George Tirebiter, U.S.C.'s Ray Sinetar who won the table tlve and one to teacher of some tennis championship, was nomi- · 100 percl'nt room at the eon• beloved c a n i n e mascot. nated for governor. elusion of the drive. George was only a dog, but The boys took trips to the Add your home-room to the when he nipped his--last tire State Capitol and to Sutter's list of 100 percent' subscribed. the other day, his loss was Fort.. They got a good look at Remember, the drive proper will mourned far wider than the the state fair grounds, as that be on for only one week. The grief-stricken halls of Troy. is where they stayed. Approxi· price is only 60 cents a semestcr. The story hit the pages of • · mately 750 boys attended. You can't afford to miss the every daily in the city and The girls' schedule was some· Federalist. reached far and wide over what different. They mostly at· This semester the Federalist Tepresentatives will not be Issued the air waves. The Daily Tr~ tended classes about govern­ ment. They elected city, coun· receipt books, but will take the jan carried a huge banner ty, and state officials and final· subscriber's money to the 1nlsi­ t h a t cried in anguish: ly governor. Gloria Barsimen· ncss office, which will issue the "TIREBITER IS DEAD.'' tob lost the governorship by six recejpts. May we join the world votes. The cfasses were held in Mail subscriptions from alum­ in paying tribute to lovable Sacramento Junior High School. ni are always welcome. The cost SEASIDE FROLIC-The fact that the 'editors like pictures of pret· The primary purpose of Girls' is the same-60 cents. George, The Tirebiter. ty girls in bathing suits is not the only reason why we carry this The Democratic Way and Boys' State is for girls and According to present pl11.ns. a picture. It gained more than a little notice by capturing the coveted picture of representatives of 100 The season passes are an Grand Prize, the Sweep Stakes Award, in the 1950 Eastman Kodak boys from all over California to. • learn about civic and national percent rooms will be taken by example of bow things get photography contest. · · . government and to give them a the photography department and done a r o u n d .here when . better understanding of it. will appear in the Federalist at enough of the student body the close of the drive. i~ behind them. The discus· Big, Little Sisters C. Gross Leaves sion that touched off legisla~ Hold Gala Party Hamilton Post tion on the passes came up Orchids to You! Statue of Alex in the House of Represent­ Sixth period turned out 'to be Calvin Gross, boys' vice-prin· To the young man who is atives last semester. For a cipal for a little more than two probably responsible for more a time of fun instead of study enjoyment on the Yankee campus Attracts Yanks time the subject was for~ weeks, left the Hamilton faculty gotten, but Hamilton wanted for the girls new to Hamilton than anyone else, goes this "Meet you at the statue," are last Monday when the First La· last Tuesday, surprising the familiar soun!iing words to all its passes and energetic de~ week's beautiful Sada orchid. mand on the part of the stu­ dies and the Girls' League spon· many friends he had made dUt'· Mr. X is an ex-Past.eurite and Hamiltonian ears, but why iR it dent body revived it. Three sored the se,mi-annual Big and ing his short stay. Mr. Gross was a member of the Highlander that everyone is drawn to that one of a select group chosen by class. certain spot like steel to a mag· plans were offered to the Little Sister party. The "little In the A-11 net, or mustard to a hot dog? homerooms and the present sisters" were the new girls, and Harvard University to receive a he began his Is is because students new to plan was finally adopted. the "big sisters" were the 12th special un:versity fellowship. His career to bring the hallowed halls of Hamiville Hamilton has its season grade girls. successor is not known at the more cheer to are just afraid of getting lost? No, thai couldn't be it! Seniors passes. Now let's support Entertainment was presented time of this writing, Hamiville b y serving on as well as sophomores are found them. in the auditorium. Jo Blake, Before he left, Mr. Gross Letters to the Fed stat-ed: "I am very sorry to be both Rally and huddled around ils base. popular A-12, sang and danced. 1 While we're on the sub­ leaving Hamilton. It has been Assembly Maybe it's because they like Co m mitties. to watch the expressions of tJ-,e ject of "The Democratic A fashion show, narrated by · easy to make friends here, and I Way," we would like to add Nancy McCollum, showed the have certainly enjoyed working­ At the same students descending the stairs, as time he held they gaze hopl'fully, but ala~. a 11 that we've never quite un­ sweaters of eacb girls' service with you an. Best wishes for a pleasant year." the important office of Boys' in vain, as they try to find their derstood why more Yanks club.
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