John Profumo (Bowtie) Part 3 of 8

John Profumo (Bowtie) Part 3 of 8

I ,/ _ h ll llohr $'111van;11~ 6-aagang B1 t 1 Ir I L Blinkthin Ir Ln t ,. Q; . - _oAt1nrnqeaa-cl -ihl ..w Ilncht, HI r Ar. L- 1g&'¬?Q -J5. F mu ma " - -~ Jl R011 flllf IIlIl,I9l3 _ I!'¬ ..,. 92- :2 92 ¬ i! . I =53!-Q. tit i*"'.§_..7'|'1....EI-IIIII $1HQ - - 92 C "H? I- U ufurnttn 1; a nun-nun John t 5;-H.-=.'§.1"'3."{12|nu anti ti $1111 kdfic I-ct, involving $1-I tuners an llmrotnr are Built- w L...----J D: :1 art! inc ., gvguaziunta c the tavern relationship with that out -rm .'.'-'....':*.~:s=..~:,m*c v W :n:'m am m-mu E; 1Q . 1 KL lice: of been late-via-ad ad £1» 1 1 i:8vria tbltuchulagcatifh .1;".1: 1 fan 1 MN nmua it to can g:-vice M! Q31! 792IwI- ' "" A___ _.-_...4-___,._ .---____-.,_ _ I . -U - V v -I . ¢ a ' . 1 __/'F '_¢"< n ..., . 4. 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Y . ~ ~- » .v1;= 0.»IIR*r-:1-" "" it ~ -: fr:_ I _,__. - .. _ ,;__. _ , {PriorilyorIct0Jo[Ia3H|IgJ _ =;1"1s . -- - "1 "-1. _-____._............._._..__..._.____._____.____....._.._......L....-......;.__. _ ____¢.-----1--.11--I-_q._ ."" _ _-.__. 'I 92_ _.._ ' I @- T0: I es-sans!DIREC'l'O_R , F BI -. ' Y"-"" -.¢-.3 " SUBJECT: JOHN.§: Qa0FuMo- "'1- 1 u ll in - fl 2 CHRISTINEKEELER $11?-' - » _-_ - FROM:'_ IS-R-GREATsAc,'11~mfwBRITAIN 05-02003! YORK - A . ' . ='-__ Hi ".'_' - -' '' }92a .1 ' '1 I 1 ' 1. , 3;,Y.-1, . 5; ' Reviewof records at Bedfor-d" 1 I l I -- 7 'V l+0th Street NYC, and inquiry of ?%'' a:|. '!l.!I!l||lI.ll" e to establishWaldorf-Astoriapresence otel 'the' NYC ofon /2. 6 H 6 :0Ysie5 - ' t either of thesehotels uring , u 92 Review Y: - I of records at the Bedford Hotel resulted 1,, 1 in the location of the 0111 for xzznsa and RICE-DAVIES 30 for the period B/16-18/62. The following telephone calls ;- were _made on 7the /15 dates indicated: AllM, Mlm-B» ~T'N'lINTA|N.E{I PL 7-1000 ."_,__ . 7/la 7/17 _PL MU7-1600 1-1900 '0 F?-"~i-T!. Iii:--E4! .15->1 92;nU.»-ii.-'_-5.-ll -"".f'=I?*n A Telephone0 BM inquiry established that 7/3<>1@§y0s<>PL 7- 9 Tl is 1 esp - subscribedb by the House of Revlon, 698 Sth Avenue ,' NYC. I _: The British Overseas Airways Corp. is the subscriber s Y;JQ j_'-;,_._ tq MU 1-1000. j j _ _ ~ £55 ;1 ..;B <00-00210! A.Y ll Y 1 1- n§$°$Z_1~1<05-00003! 0 P5-org é5é72/ J h 'u " I JUN29 1953* ' . 4- -v -92 4 I E 7__ _ -H _ ,, __ _ ", ~..*_,|-1. , e _ ,,». raved: Sent Y "M Pg; ' 4-750 Rev.4-17-85! 92»- 1 xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Z; FEDEHIL BUHEMI UF |llVE$T|GlT|U" FOIPA DELETED PIGE ll|F0lIMTl0ll SHEET BK Page a! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, IIIBIB indicated, explain this deletion. Cl C] materialDeleted availableexernption underfor release to/yo/u._/ // s!J! ' 3 f l f _ /I l withsegregable no Cl Infonnation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. lnfonnation pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agenc!/ ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. Pages containinformation furnished by anotherGovernment agency ies!. You will be advisedby the FBI as to the releasability ofthis information following our consultation with the other agencyes!. Cl Pagetsl withheld for the following reasontslz [E For your information: __ _1_ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 65-68218» / 3 §? XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX -~: =1u- 7 ;-- ;~~1-- : 4- ;-- -- * ~ ~ .__ __ 7 _-.,_,.._ _ _ _ vllnuul.11." __ UNITED STATES GOV mu ZNT .1: Memorandum ""'° "'*'°""~== °"'-"" -BY DIPARIIIII IIVIII GEM!!! Calm! Q, 1wp=42u._m_ ""'' ... 1,:::i & r 1. c Sull 1 Q T*92??73?"53 ».... IUD _.-/'5 - Belmont ?,, "°"' 7 6 9 511 EMZIIUIII 13 :""'- Bramgan ea "'"- sum-<=r cmzsrmr J" mm Ducllsslylu I>f=ul?!iITl!1£@ii1¢-MI! 1 BWM mi g JOHN manna mmm szazmn-r - R$3L4 gazzam - K 7 5 ,,_, , On basis of limited identifying data availabl to identify only one of these individuals in our files and died 1111958. Eight of the individuals listed are be? 1-m-»-1 +» 1-- presentjy in am U s. and 1: was approved mu _rz¢1a'5§"i}':.~=%'§'-uZ?¢a to interview them.

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