Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Uown""he Wotertown-Ookviile Weekly Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community in Litchfieid County VOL. 23 NO. U33 Subscription Price, $5.00 Per Year -ice i5 Cents. ..EPT'EMBER, 25, 2969 EDITORIAL Francis P. Flynn District To Decide Water town .has lost a native son and one of its staunchest supporters. Many of us have lost a friend. Francis P. Flynn, who died last Friday, was a .life- Tonight Whether long resident of the community who had served it in. many capacities during his 73 years, He had been a member of the Board of Education, a Prosecutor in the former town, court, and, a former •member and chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the To Continue SuiTie District Committee and, Wa.ten.own Fire District,., He probably had served as Vater Boa TO of the Watertown, moderator at scores of Town and Fire District ?i,re District Till meet 'Ms evening •Thursday) at District meetings over the years, He maintained a strong leadauarters to decide wnether interest in the town and its government until the day of >r not to continue with its suit his death. .tmtesting 'iie legality •« the xmso'idation ordinance. Mr. Flynn was a devoted family man who took pride 1 in talking of Ms two children. In the years since Ms District Committee Chairman 3alpb Colter' said Tuesday that retirement, he and Mrs, Flynn enjoyed, so much their •fie meeting will be held in visits with their children, in California. :onsuitation with, the District's We find it 'difficult to express our feelings at the loss attorneys, with the wnole matter 'JO be examined in fight of 'the suffered, by all of us. We know we are joined by many in *esuits -n ,.ast Saturday's Watertown • in extending our sincerest sympathy to referendums ,»n ae members of the Flynn Family. .: o n s o 11 d a. lion i u e s 11 o n. Watertown Ji strict 'oters D a 11 o te d again against .consolidation, £7-354. vnile Garside Raps Commission 0 a k v I 11 e 3 i s trie t •' o t e r s registered -jverwneimingiy :n favor. 626-30. On Promotions; Meeting Uso to be considered, tonight is a letter (ram Town, Council Asked For Explanations Chairman fti, chard C. 3ozzuto wno said that in view >M the The "precipitious" action of the department., which tie outcome oi the referendum, ne the Police Commission, in termed top heavy with; brass. fiopedi no further legal action is making five promotions There now are eight officers and £ontemoiated by the District. "It immediately after dismissing 1,3 patrolmen, on 'the 21-man would seem to me to be to no Carlo J. Palomba as Chief last force. avail and only involve both of our week was protested by He asked that 'the special bodies as wen as an citizens oi Councilman Richard C. Garside closed meeting be held as soon :he "own n additional. at Monday's meeting of the as possible for the Commission jnnecessarv legal cost. Town, Council,. to give the Council a full 'ie continued: "Mv iwn The political implications of explanation as to the reasons for personal recommendation to the the Board's move was obvious, the promotions at this time, ana Council at :ts text regularly he said, but he raised several 'the rationale behind 'the creation cneduied 'meeting will be that, other questions which he asked. of the captaincy. TOP BRASS in Watertown's Police Department are tie two officers above. Joseph Ciriello. sea tea. was promoted to Chief by ne :own retrain from any to> have answered by the full Mr. Caulfield said that the -.inner legal action, ana that we Commission at a special, closed Commission had, nothing to hide :ie Police Commission last weeic. after having served as acting' .-•hief for the past three1 months. He previously was deputy enief... "cnunue with the business at meeting with 'the Council. The and with the exception of the '.and oi consolidation with the Named Deputy Chief to succeed Ciriello was Edmono R Diono. motion finally passed by a, 4-3 question on the captaincy, which I'akville Fire District as was vote with one abstention after (Continued On .'Page 16) standing, wno was promoted to that position from, the rant, oi r^miested by 'the overwhelming considerable 'discussion, both as sergeant. Also promoted were Sgt. Michael Daddona 'to the newiv .sprovai oi 'the citizens oi that to' the Commission's action and, Clayton Spencer created post of Captain Patrolman Michael Ezzo to Sergeant, and. ^.strict." Patrolman frank D'Amoco to detective sergeant. the need for the meeting to' be r. Bozzuto said that now that held behind, closed doors, Heads United Find I;e rnetonc of the campaign lias "What was the all-fired, hurry" Advance Gifts uD'Si'ded,. he nones tie Council about making the promotions so Mrs. George Christie, General Pmlomba Dismissal Finai id the District can wore soon alter the dismissal of the Chairman of Watertown "s 1970 The dismissal Jt Carlo ... raiomba ..n :ouri. ia,d •©getter 'to assure Watertown's former Chief, Garside asked? He usauaiified iiirnseif from, any progress. adding "further United. Fund Campaign to raise Palomba, as Watertown .Police 1 emphasized 'that .he 'had no '112,100, announced 'today that Chief was made final bv ".lie .urther part in the Palomba case •e c r I mi nations J no e g a i quarrel with the individual Clayton B. Spencer, 47 Academy .Board of Police Commissioners .,,fiQ aid not vote. 'langiements will do nothing to choices for the positions, ..but Hill, will, serve as chairman of ','ast week. '~'",e dismissal stemmed from, ameliorate ,»ur mutual questioned why the promotions the Advan.ee Gifts Section, of the Com mi ssione rs .a ri ra!omba s .;rrest jna irooiems. were made last Wednesday after campaign^ Richmond: and ..arnes i. :UDseauent conviction in court ie asked that suD-committees the Police Commission ted been, Mr. Spencer, a native >JI" Cipnano voted to upnoid their m a cnarge of obstructing an, M the two groups oegin meeting advised,,, he said, by Town Hartford, is married and has two decision of July II in wnich they jificer concerned viih ".lie again o uscuss nutuai Attorney Sherman R. S'lavin to children. He is the Director of •Jismlssed Palomba •ram. .us laministration at :ustice. ie, iroDiems ana cited the auesuon delay the appointments until, it Development at the Taft School. iifice and, as a memoer oi the aiong with Attv. Donald T M zoning as the most important could be determined whether or a, member of the Watertown Depa rtme n i., 2 o m mi ssi on e r •Tiaie. Watertown., ormer srooiem at present, rie proposed not Palomba will appeal Ms Tennis Club and the Republican James Caulfield. an attorney, ijsi siant Circuit Jourt "Jiat some mutually acceptable dismissal to Common Pleas Town Committee. vno earlier 'bad represented Prosecutor. fere fiven 1 r r a n ge m e n t ie :ea c n ed, Court, A, graduate of Taft, Mr. xisoenoed 'Jiree nontns ail. vnerebv Watertown creates one "Palomba might appeal and Spencer received Ms .Bachelor's .alienees. era, u, planning and, .inning' Local Youngsters : we might wind up with, two Degree in. History from, Yale and, "slomba now nas 30 'days from ontmuea. On Page 161 chiefs,'" he .said, presently is studying for tiis Raise $1,84. For -oi. 17 in which to appeal tne He also raised serious question Master's Degree at 'Trinity. He "'iice Commission's 'decision to concert Assn. concerning 'the creation of a served as a Naval Lieutenant in Jimmy Fund .mmon Pleas Court Captain's 'position, which went to the Pacific. i Carnival for the oeneiit oi 4embersniD Drive "Sgt. Michael. Daddona. Garside in accepting the chairman snip ".he Jimmy Fund "was :ie.id Blood moDile itarts Oct. $ emphasized thai; when the and a goal of $7,450 for the recently by a group oi children in budget was being considered six, Advance Gifts Section, Mr. :he Bunker Hill Rd area A total "'*]« f ate now n concert weeks ago, no mention was 'made Spencer said: ""The United Fund of $184 was realized, receipt at Visit Slated socia uon completed plans at a by the Police Commission as to' is the most efficient and which, has been, acknowledged by Board meeting 'this wee*, for the the need for a, captaincy. He also effective means by which we can the Boston Red Sox baseball club Next Thursaav "inuai memDersniD drive wnlch .pointed, out, thai, James Caulfield, all. show our concern for those in which sponsors the fund. '^e Red Cross Bloodmooile seems Oct. 6. the Council's liaison, man on the need, in our community. Each of Children participating were viii tie ,.n. Vatertown MI Tris 'year tne Association will Police Commission, became the .31 human care agencies 1 Christopher Bentley, :,n wnose Thursday, Oct. 2, seeKinga quota sresent five concerts, awee as "very ' upset'" when the which benefits from this vard the event was meld. John JI 150 pints. The unit will set ap aart of the regular series ana Commission's request for four campaign needs and. deserves Campion. Francis Jampion. .rom 12:45 to 6 p.m. at 'the First two in the Alfred, tort Senes. new patrolmen was cut to' 'three',. our generous support, Daniel Campion., iaymond. Jong relational Church,. wnsored, by Taft School. He said, he would like an "During the next few weeks,," Vollmar.
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