Stein Eriksen A TIMELINE OF HIS LIFE Table of Contents Stein Eriksen, The Man & His Achievements . 3 Stein Eriksen Lodge & Deer Valley Resort . 10 Enhancements to Stein Eriksen Lodge . 17 Awards of Excellence . 24 Stein Collection . 31 Photo & Video Gallery . 37 www.steinlodge.com | 2 Stein Eriksen, The Man & His Achievements www.steinlodge.com | 3 Stein Eriksen is born in Oslo Norway 1927 www.steinlodge.com | 4 1949 Wins Slalom event in Norway 1927 www.steinlodge.com | 5 1949 Wins Bronze Medal at World Championships in Aspen, Colorado 1950 www.steinlodge.com | 6 1952 Wins Gold Medal in Men’s Giant Slalom and Silver Medal in Slalom www.steinlodge.com | 7 1952 1954 Wins Gold in Slalom, Giant Slalom, & Combined at FIS World Championships in Sweden www.steinlodge.com | 8 2015 The Loss of a Legend www.steinlodge.com | 9 Stein Eriksen Lodge & Deer Valley Resort www.steinlodge.com | 10 Deer Valley Resort opens. Stein Eriksen serves as the Director of Skiing for over 35 years 1981 www.steinlodge.com | 11 1982 In March 1982, the Lodge begins to take shape www.steinlodge.com | 12 SteinStein EriksenEriksen LodgeLodge OpensOpens InIn DeerDeerSteinValleyValleyEriksen Lodge Opens In Deer Valley ing rooms for corporate types Stien Eriksen has done Cost for a four-night mini- nearly everything in the ski whoing roomswant forto corporaterecreate typesand ing rooms for corporate types Stien Eriksen has done mumCoststayfor duringa four-nightthe regularmini- Stien Eriksen has done Cost for a four-night mini- business one could do; now keepwho upwanton business.to recreate and who want to recreate and nearly everything in the ski skimumseason:stay during$220 theto $300regulara nearly everything in the ski mum stay during the regular he is adding his name to business one could do; now keepThe lodgeup on willbusiness.be open all keep up on business. business one could do; now night.ski season: $220 to $300 a ski season: $220 to $300 a another enterprise, the Stein he is adding his name to year,Thewithlodgethewillwarmbe weatheropen all The lodge will be open all he is adding his name to night. 30 night. Eriksen Lodge at Deer The lodge also features another enterprise, the Stein fareyear, includingwith the warmhorsebackweather year, with the warm weather another enterprise, the Stein rooms, all available Valley.Eriksen Lodge at Deer deluxeThe lodge also features 30 Eriksen Lodge at Deer Theriding,farelodgeincludingtennis,also featureshorsebackgolf 30and fare including horseback Valley.The newly constructed faci- withdeluxethe rooms,Europeanall touchavailableof Valley. deluxehiking,riding,rooms,as tennis,wellallas availableswimminggolf and riding, tennis, golf and lity,ThewhichnewlyopenedconstructedDec. faci-15, roomwith theservice,Europeanconcierge,touch of The newly constructed faci- withinhiking,thethelodge'sEuropeanas wellall-yearastouchswimmingheatedof hiking, as well as swimming ski addslity, whichto DeeropenedValley'sDec.acco-15, cableroomtelevision,service, in-lodgeconcierge, lity, which opened Dec. 15, roompool.in theservice,lodge's all-yearconcierge,heated in the lodge's all-year heated skiing modationadds to DeercollectionValley'sand acco-has passcablepurchasingtelevision, andin-lodgeheatedski adds to Deer Valley's acco- cablepool.If youtelevision,don't feelin-lodgelike ski pool. beenmodation-designedcollectionto meetand thehas walkwayspass purchasingto the slopes.and heatedSki modation collection and has passinIfthepurchasingyouwinterdon'torfeelandtakinglikeheatedpartskiingin If you don't feel like skiing standardsbeen -designedof skierstowhomeetdon'tthe seasonwalkwayscost:to $110the slopes.to $165Skia been -designed to meet the walkwaysanyin theofwintertheto theaforementionedorslopes.taking partSki in in the winter or taking part in a summer activities, you can worrystandardsaboutofcostskiersas whomuchdon'tas night,season cost:with $110four-nightto $165 a standards of skiers who don't seasonany ofcost:the$110aforementionedto $165 a any of the aforementioned out the lodge's can comfortworry aboutand class.cost as much as minimum.night, with a four-night worry about cost as much as night,worksummerwithactivities,ina four-nightyou can summer activities, you three ways to health spa or have yourself comfortThe lodgeand hasclass.25 luxury minimum.There are eat comfort and class. minimum.work out in the lodge's work out in the lodge's in lodge, the Birkebeiner done over in the beauty suitesThe equippedlodge haswith25 customluxury Therethe are three ways to eat The lodge has 25 luxury Therehealtharespathreeor wayshave toyourselfeat health spa or have yourself fire- Restaurant, the Troll Hallen salon. Europeanequippedkitchenswithandcustom in the lodge, the Birkebeiner suites equipped with custom in donethe lodge,overtheinBirkebeinerthe beauty done over in the beauty suites Lounge and the Glittertind Of course, Stien has opened placesEuropeanin bothkitchenslivingandroomfire- Restaurant, the Troll Hallen European kitchens and fire- Restaurant,salon. the Troll Hallen salon. Room. Each offers its own another sports shop inside and masterin bothbedrooms.living roomYou Lounge and the Glittertind places in both living room LoungeOf course,and theStienGlittertindhas opened Of course, Stien has opened places you canand soakmasteryourbedrooms.bones in Youan cuisine.Room. Each offers its own and master bedrooms. You Room.theanotherlodge,Eachsportsoffersso shopits owndon'tinside another sports shop inside also a oversizedcan soak whirlpoolyour bonesbathtubin an cuisine.The lodge includes can soak your bones in an cuisine.havethe tolodge,leave soon thoseyou don'tdays the lodge, so you don't oroversizedsun yourselfwhirlpoolon outsidebathtub stateThe liquorlodge alsostore,includesa gifta oversized whirlpool bathtub Thewhenhavelodgeyouto leaveneedalso onequipment.includesthose daysa have to leave on those days decks.or sun yourself on outside shopnewsstandstate liquor store,and ameet-gift Stein Eriksenor sun yourself on outsideLodgestatewhenThe liquorhotelyou Opensneedisstore,managedequipment.a giftby In Deer Valley when you need equipment. decks. shopnewsstand and meet- decks. shopnewsstandRandThe Clark,hotel iswhoandmanagedformerlymeet- by The hotel is managed by managedRand Clark,the whoSandsformerlyHotel ing rooms for corporate types Rand Clark, who formerly Stien Eriksen has done Cost for a four-night mini- managedCasino thein LasSandsVegas.Hotel who want to recreate and managed the Sands Hotel nearly everything in the ski mum stay during the regular EriksenCasinosaysinguestsLas Vegas.will be keep up on business. Casino in Las Vegas. business one could do; now ski season: $220 to $300 a he is adding his name to treatedEriksenwithsays "Norwegianguests will be The lodge will be open all Eriksen says guests will be night. hospitality" from the minute another enterprise, the Stein treated with "Norwegian year, with the warm weather treated with "Norwegian The lodge also features 30 -andtheyhospitality"arrive. fromHe thesaysminutethe including horseback hospitality" from the minute Eriksen Lodge at Deer fare Valley. deluxe rooms, all available bellmen-andthey arrive.are trainedHe insaysit. the riding, tennis, golf and -andthey arrive. He says the The newly constructed faci- with the European touch of bellmenAccordingare totrainedthe inlodge'sit. hiking, as well as swimming bellmen are trained in it. lity, which opened Dec. 15, room service, concierge, releaseAccordingon itsto opening,the lodge'sit in the lodge's all-year heated According to the lodge's employs a of hundreds, adds to Deer Valley's acco- cable television, in-lodge ski release onstaffits opening, it pool. release on its opening, it from pass purchasing and heated employschefsa staffto housekeepersof hundreds, If you feel like skiing employs a staff of hundreds, modation collection and has and everyone else. don't walkways to the slopes. Ski from chefs to housekeepers in or taking part in from chefs to housekeepers been -designed to meet the Eriksen says the lodge the winter cost: $110 to $165 a and everyone else. was aforementioned and everyone else. standards of skiers who don't season built to give guests "an any of the night, with a four-night Eriksen says the lodge was summer activities, you can Eriksen says the lodge was worry about cost as much as unforgettable mountain built to give guests comfort and class. minimum. built to give guests "an work out in the lodge's "an ' to unforgettable mountain spa or have yourself unforgettable mountain it:' The lodge 1hasJ 25 luxury There are three ways eat experience." health suites equippedv with custom in the lodge, the Birkebeiner experience." done over in the beauty experience." European kitchens and fire- Restaurant, the Troll Hallen salon. course, has opened - places in both livingI room Lounge and the Glittertind Of Stien f and masterK1 bedrooms. You Room. Each offers its own another sports shop inside can soak your bones in an cuisine. the lodge, so you don't oversized whirlpool bathtub The lodge also includes a have to leave on those days Stein's Lodge: Norwegian hospitality. or sun yourself on outside state liquor store, a gift when you need equipment. decks. shopnewsstand and meet- The hotel is managed by Rand Clark, who formerly managed the Sands Hotel Casino in Las Vegas. Eagles Bump Miners; Eriksen says guests will be treated with "Norwegian hospitality" from the minute On December 16, Stein -andthey arrive. He says the bellmen are trained in it. Region Play Opens Fri. According to the lodge's release on its opening, it What it came
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