INDEX Abbott, Lyman, 269 Ames, Fisher, 23, 37 Abstinence, 83 Ames and Company, 394 Acrehus, Israel, 485, 502, 506, 508-509 Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Adams, John, 30, 95, 135, 474, 480 Freedom, 1822-1832, by Robert V Rem- Adams, John Quincy, 442 mi, rev , 435-437 Addison, Joseph, 94 "Anthony Wayne Soldier as Politician," by Adjustment to Empire The New England Col- Paul David Nelson, 463-481 onies•, 1675-1715, by Richard R Johnson, Archibald Campbell and Co , 372, 38 1, 383 rev , 433-434 Armstrong, John, Jr , 300, John Armstrong, Adultery/fornication, eighteenth-century Jr , 1758-1843 A Biography, by C Ed- Philadelphia, 172-176 ward Skeen, essay review, 555-560 African Methodist Church, 527, Philadel- Arthur Lee A Virtuous Revolutionary, by Louis phia, 447-448 W Potts, essay review, 555-560 Ahlstrom, Sydney, 458 Ashton, James, 158 Air conditioning, 33 1 Ashurst, Henry, 434 "Albert Winslow Barker, Photographer," by Association of Superintendents of American Barbara T Simmons, 99-108, with illus- Asylums for the Insane, 277 trations Astor, John Jacob, 333 Alcoholic beverages, 83 Atlanta (cruiser), 529-530 Alcott, Bronson, 441 Atlanta Journal, 254 Alexander Holley and the Makers of Steel, by The Atlantic Economy and Colonial Maryland's Jeanne McHugh, rev , 581-583 Eastern Shore From Tobacco to Gram, by Alexander, James, 567 Paul G E Clemens, rev , 561-563 Allaire, Peter, "The Man Who Frightened Atlantic Monthly, 533-534 Franklin," by Claude-Anne Lopez, Atwater, Lyman, 356 515-526 Auburn Prison, New York, 190, 199, Allaire, Rebecca, 524-526 218-220 Allen, Gay Wilson, Waldo Emerson, rev , Audubon, John James, 141 440-442 Allen, Richard, 438, 527 Aurand, Harold W , rev of David A Cor- Allen, William, 381 bin's Life, Work and Rebellion in the Coal Alter, George, 424 Fields Southern West Virginia Miners, American Catholic Historical Society of 1880-1922, 451-452 Philadelphia, 458 Austin, Aleine, Matthew Lyon "New Man" The American Daguerreotype, by Floyd Rin- of the Democratic Revolution, 1749-1822, hart and Marion Rinhart, rev , 438-440 essay review, 555—560 American Friends Service Committee, 291 Austin, Benjamin, 39 American Institute of Mining Engineers, 582 Automation, 332 The American Law of Slavery, 1810-1860 Automobiles and steam power (1780), 331, Considerations of Humanity and Interest, by 334 MarkTushnet, rev , 138-141 American Medical Association, 277 "Babies in the Well An Underground In- American Philosophical Society, 133, 329 sight Into Deviant Behavior in Eigh- American Psychiatric Association, 277 teenth-Century Philadelphia," by Sharon American Political History as Social Analysis, Ann Burnston, 151-186 by Samuel P Hays, rev , 459-460 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 3 1 American Revolution, "Anthony Wayne Bache, Franklin, 189, 192, 202-206, 209, Soldier as Politician," by Paul David Nel- 213-215 son, 463-48 1, The British Soldier in Amer- Bacon, Margaret, 292 ica A Social History of Military Life in the Bailyn, Bernard, 297, 559 Revolutionary Period, by Sylvia R Frey, Bakers, Joseph, 161 rev , 301-305 Baldwin Locomotives, 366 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Baldwin, Mathias, 335-336 582 Baltimore, Lord, 123-124, 458 589 590 Baltzell. E Digby, 449-450 Bezilla, Michael, Engineering Education at Bancroft, Edward, 515-518, 524, 526 Penn State A Century in the Land-Grant Bank of North America, 327 Tradition, rev , 453-454 Bank of the United States, 273, 333, 437 Bicetre (Pans), 275 Banks and banking, industrial develoment, Biddle, Nicholas, 333 324, 327, 333, Philadelphia as financial Biddle, Thomas, 333 center, 327, 333 Bier, Jesse, 2, "Benjamin Franklin Guilt Bannister, Robert C , rev of Reginald and Transformation," 89-97 Horsman's Race and Manifest Destiny The Bierstadt, 141 Origins ofRacial Anglo-Saxonism, 309-310 Bird, Dr , 439 "A Barbados Planter's Visit to Philadelphia in Blame, James G , 528-530 1837 The Journal of Nathaniel T W Blair, Mr , 436 Carnngton," by James C Brandon, Blake, George, 166 411-421 Blodget, Lorin, 365 Barbirolli, John, 588 Blumin, Stuart, 557 Barclay, David, 77 Blundin, Richard, 210, 212 Barges, John, 166 Blundin, Mrs Richard, 215-216 Barker, Albert Winslow, "Albert Winslow Boas, Franz, 141 Barker, Photographer," by Barbara T Bogue, Allan G , The Earnest Men Repub- Simmons, with illustrations, 99—108 licans and the Civil War Senate, rev , Barker, Elizabeth, 100 445-446 Barkley, Alexander, 247 Bonam, Ephraim, 158 Barlow, Joel, 571, 573 Boone, Daniel, 69 Barnard, George, 312 Bordley, Thomas, 124 Barnngton, Lord, 130 Bostic, Chester, 263 Barth,lohn, 561, 573 Boston, Second Church in Boston, 441, The Bartholomew, John, 19 Urban Establishments Upper Strata in Bos- Barton, Michael, Goodmen The Character of ton, New York, Charleston, Chicago and Civil War Soldiers, rev , 301-305 Los Angeles, by Frederic Coplejaher, rev , Bartram, John, 68, 79 449-451 Bass, Harry W , 357 Boston Guardian, 254—256 Bastardy, eighteenth-century Philadelphia, Boston Prison Reform Society, 189 172-176 Boswell, James, 519 Bauman, John F , See Coode, Thomas H Bowling, Kenneth R , rev of The Journal of Bauman, Ronald M , 2, "Philadelphia's the Proceedings of the Presidency, Dorothy Manufacturing and the Excise Taxes of Twohig (ed j in The Papers of George 1794 The Forging of the Jeffersonian Co- Washington, W W Abbot (ed ), 434-435 alition," 3-39 Boyd, Julian, 307, 516, 526 Beale, Howard, 445 Boyer, Paul, 569 Becker, Carl, 297 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 571-573 Beecham, Thomas, 587 Bradford, William, 29 Bell, John C , 265 Brady, Matthew, 313 Bellerone Historical Sites Commission, 315 Branam, Ebenezer, 160 Bellegeau, Henry, 22 Brandon, James C , 332, "A Barbados Plant- Bellingham, Uriah, 399-400 er's Visit to Philadelphia in 1837 The Benezet, Anthony, " 'A Tender Regard to Journal of Nathaniel T W Carnngton," the Whole Creation' Anthony Benezet and 411-421 the Emergence of An Eighteenth-Century Breen, T H and Stephen Innes, "Myne Owne Quaker Ecology," by Donald Brooks Kel- Ground" Race and Freedom on Virginia's ley, 69-88 Eastern Shore, rev , 561—563 "Benjamin Franklin Guilt and Transfor- Breen, Timothy, 569 mation," by James Bier, 89-97 Brewster, Samuel, 198, 211 Benninghove, Jacob, 19 Briggs, Richard, 57 Bentham, Jeremy, 191 The British Soldier in America A Social His Berbower, Hall and Company, 394 tory of Military Life tn the Revolutionary Berger, Raoul, 574 Period, by Sylvia R Frey,rev ,301-305 Berkeley, William, 568 Bronner, Edwin, 292 Bernard, Francis, 130 Brook Farm, 441 Berry, Albert, 247, 264 Brooks, Victor D , rev of Richard R John- Bessemer, Henry, 582 son's Adjustment to Empire The New En- Bethlehem Steel Company, 137 gland Colonies, 1675-1715, 433-434 591 Brown, Bolton, 99 3, 1799-1820 From Philadelphia to New Brown, Charles Brockden, 371-373 Orleans, rev , 133-134 Brown, George, 21 Cash, William J , 267 Brown, Jacob, 166 Cass County, Ind , 552 Brunei, lsambard Kingdom, 582 Castek, Albert, 313 Bryn Mawr College, 100 Catesby, Mark, 69 Bucks County, 484, "The Township The Catholic Church, American Catholics A His- Community of the Rural Pennsylvanian," tory of the Roman Catholic Community in by Lucy Simler, 41-68 the United States, by James Hennessey, rev , Bumberger, Elizabeth, 177 458-459, burial records, 162 Burial practices, "Babies in the Well An Catlin, George, 141 Underground Insight into Deviant Behav- Cazenove, Theophiles, 19 ior in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia," Centerville, Ind , 549 by Sharon Ann Burnston, 151-186 Central heat, 331 Burstein, Alan See Hershberg, Theodore Centre County, Historical Buildings of Centre Burnston, Sharon Ann, 150, "Babies in the County, Gregory Ramsey (coordinator), Well An Underground Insight into De- rev , 314-316 viant Behavior in Eighteenth-Century Chambers, D , 166 Philadelphia," 151-186 Chapman, John J , 266 Butland, James, 158 Charleroi Coal Company, 405 Butler, William (Judge), 259-261, 265 Charleston, The Urban Establishments Upper Butler, William (Negro), 262 Strata in Boston, New York, Charleston, Butler County, Ohio, 545 Chicago and Los Angeles, by Frederic Cople Butter field, Lyman, 307 Jaher, rev , 449-451 Chase, Calvin, 256 Chase, Samuel, 305, Justice Samuel Chase, by Calhoun, John C , 377 Jane Shaffer Elsmere, rev , 573-574 Calico, Peter, 175 Chasms, Abram, Leopold Stokowski A Pro Called and Chosen The Story of Mother Re file, rev , 587-588 becca Jackson and Her Philadelphia Shakers,Chester County, "'Community on Trial' The by Richard E Williams, rev , 447-448 Coatesville Lynching of 1911," by Wil- Callender, James Thompson, 35 liam Ziglar, 245-270, Swedes in, 491, Calligan, John, 400 493, "The Township The Community of Calvert, Cecil, 123-124 the Rural Pennsylvanian," by Lucy Sim- Cambria Iron Company, 582 ler, 41-68 Campbell, John, 343, 346, 357-358 Chester County Committee of Safety, 466 Canals, industrial development of Philadel- Cheyne, George, 82 phia, 325, 327-329, 334 Chicago, The Urban Establishments Upper Canby, Dorothy, 172 Strata in Boston, New York, Charleston, Canby, Louis, 172 Chicago and Los Angeles, by Frederic Cople Cane, Margaret, 175 Jaher, rev , 449-45 1 Capper, Henry, 158 Chicago's South Park Commission, 395, 407 Carey, Mathew, 586 Chinard, Gilbert, 135 Carmichael A , 247 Christ Church, Philadelphia (Anglican), birth Carnegie, Andrew, 583 records, 158-159, Upper Menon, 488 Carnegie Steel, 318-319 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 539, Carolina and excise taxes, 3 547-548 Carr, E H , 436 Christian Recorder, 269 Carnngton, John, 412 Christians Friends, 548 Carnngton, John Walsh, 412 The Christopher Sauers
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