World Series Broadcast!

World Series Broadcast!

7:30 WBLK-To be announced D-9/51 Page 27 Premiere *WIBX-Ben Selvin's Orchestra. NBC -Cavalcade of America, News historical drama: WEAF KYW 9:00 WEDNESDAY WBLK WHAM WCAE WTAM Premiere These Stations WSYR WBAL (also KOA KFI NBC -Time to Smile; Eddie at 9:30 p.m.) Cantor, comedian; Dinah Shore, October 2 A radio adaptation of Paul vocalist; Rae & Davis; Tommy Green's Pulitzer prize-winning Mack; Harry von Zell, announc- Gillette's Lost Colony," a Will Carry pageant, "The *News: WJAS WHAM WCAU story about America's first white er; Bob Sherwood's Orch.: WEAF settlers. KYW WBEN WGY WLW WCAE WKBW WCAE WKBO WORK *News; Sports: WMFF WSYR 'CBS -Meet Mr. Meek, comedy - WSYR WTAM WHAM (sw-9.53) (also KOA KFI at 12 mid.) *CKLW-Canadian Club Reporter drama, with Frank Readick, *KDKA-News; Tuneful Time Adelaide Klein & Premiere Doris Dudley, *KYW-News; Songs of Romance SERIES Jack Smart: WABC WGR WJR IIIF-CBS-Texaco Star Theater; WORLD Fred Allen, comedian; Kenny *WBEN-News; Ironic Reporter WFBL WHEC WIBX WGAR *WBRE-News WCAU WJAS (sw-11.83-6.06 Baker, tnr.; Portland Hoffa, Mighty Allen Art WFBL-sports: Sun Dodgers (also KNX KSL at 10:30 p.m.) comedienne; Baseball Players; Al Goodman's Orch.: *WGBI-News; Scores NBC -Easy Does It: KDKA WGR-Bowling News; Interlude WBRE WMFF WORK WEBR WABC WJAS WGAR WIBX BROADCAST! *WGY-New=: On the .r WGBI WNBF WHEC WKBW With (sw-9.55) WHK-The World Tonite WHP WFBL WCAU WJR (sw- NBC -New Echoes of New York: *WHP-News; Europe Then & 6.06-11.83 ) nearest you and WJZ Now ¡/ Check the station For further detail see sponsor's MBS-Toe Lone Ranger, drama: announcement on this page. *WIBX-News: Vienna: Interlude WKBW WBAX *MBS-Gabriel Heatter, comm.: *WLW-News tune in each game at 1:15 p.m., CKLW-Recital Series WHK WMMN-Jack Gru at the Organ WAZL-Variety Prgm. Your Life: *WTAM-News; Ted King's Orch. House NBC -The Song of Eastern Standard Time. WBEN-International WJZ WMFF WEER WJTN 11:15 WCAE-Variety Prgm. KDKA WBRE WBLK WBAL CBS -Joey Kearns' Orch.: WABC WFBG-Dream Home Greenville WGTC WASHINGTON WJAS WIBX WKBW WNBF ALABAMA KENTUCKY WFTC of Yesterday CKLW-Mart Kenny's Orch. WCMI Kinston Aberdeen KXRO WGBI-Voices Birmingham WSGN Ashland Bellingham KVOS WAZL-Dance Music WFBL WMMN WHEC WCAU Mobile WMOB Lexington WLAP Salisbury WSTP WGY-To be announced WSFA Louisville WGRC WGTM Centralia Dance Prgm. WHP WGBI (sw-6.06-9.65) Montgomery WOMI Wilson t IK(RKO WHCU-World Symphony Orch. WBAX-Evening Tuscaloosa WJRD Owensboro Winston-Salem WAIR Longview )(MILK *WHK-News WFBG-Farm Prgm. "CBS-Lanny Ross, tnr.: WJR ARIZONA LOUISIANA NORTH DAKOTA Olympia KGY Phoenix KTAR New Orleans WSMB Bismarck -Mandan . KGCU Seattle KOt. WHP-Don Allen Revue *WGR-News: Baseball Game WGAR Tucson KVOA Shreveport KTBS Devils Lake KDLR Spokane KG WKBO-Rev. G. E. Lowman MBS-Football Follies: WBAX Yuma KYUM MAINE Fargo KVOX a WJTN-Make Believe Danceland Jamestown KRMC Wenatchee KPQ ARKANSAS AugustaRDO Yakima KIT WKBO-George Kobler, songs WMMN-To be announced WAZL Fort Smith KFPW or ... ... WLLBZ Minot KI.PM WORK -Rev. G. E. Lowman P,c;ci Utüag ;r new football quiz Hot Springs KTHS Lewiston -Auburn WCOU OHIO WEST VIRGINIA WLW-Cavalcade of America =huiv. fea taring I)n ve Store., Siloam Springs KUOA MARYLAND Canton WHEC Bluefield WHIS WKRC WMMN-Buckhannon Community 9:15 nrvhe,.tra. I,-=- CALIFORNIA Baltimore WCBM Cincinnati Huntington WCMI Lott> .Icn,e Rhm Hagerstown WJEJ Cleveland WCLF. Wheeling WWVA Salute MBS-To be announced: WHK vucalist, and Art Nita Ilk as quiz- Bakersfield KPMC Columbus WHKC master. Chico KHSI. MASSACHUSETTS TERRT'YOFHAWAII *WWVA-News; New Martinsville WBAX WAZL EI Centro KXO Boston WAAB OKLAHOMA Hilo KHBC Eureka KIEN Fall River WSAR Ada KADA Honolulu KGMB Salute WFBG-Lest We Forget NBC -Dance Orch.: WEAF WGY Los Angeles KIIJ Greenfield WHAT Enid ICCRC 5I creed KYOS KBIX CANADA ' Lowell -Lawrence WLLH Muskogee 7:45 WFBG KDON KTOK 9:30 riunterey New Bedford . WNBH Oklahoma City ALBERTA CKLW-Talk by Major Robins NBC -Woody Herman's Orch.: Redding ..... KVCV Pittsfield WBRK Shawnee KGFF Caa CFCN 'N BC -Mr. District Attorney, son Bernardino KFXM Springfield WSl'R Tulsa ROME Edmonton CJ('A *WHCU-News WLW WHK WORK WMFF WSYR San Diego KGB Lethbridge CJO(' sketch: WEAF KYW WGY San Francisco .... KFRC MICHIGAN OREGON WGBI-The Islanders WBRE KDKA San Jose KQW Detroit CKLW Eugene KOBE BRITISH COLUMBIA WBEN WHAM WCAE WTAM .... Rapids WLAV Marshfield KOOS CFJC W H K-Factfinder San Luis Obispo .. KVEC Grand Kamloops WSYR Music You KY% WHAM Santa Ana KVOE Lansing WJIM Portland KALE. Kelowna CKOV Want: ROB Roseburg KRNR CKLN *WJTN-Sports; News Santa Barbara MINNESOTA KSLM Nelson MBS-Sheep & Goats Club; Col- *CKLW-Britain Speaks Visalia -Fresno ... KTKC Albert Lea KATE Salem Trail CJAT WTAM-Musicai Dinner Hour WHEN -Weather -ports COLORADO Duluth WDSM PENNSYLVANIA Vancouver CAR ored Revue: WBAX WAZL KEEL Fergus Falls KGDE Greensburg WHJB Denver -St. MANITOBA 8:00 -N e w Roy Shield's WCAE-Geo. King's Orch. Greeley KFKA Minneapolis Philadelphia WIP Brandon CKX *NBC s: Pueblo KGHF Paul ' WLOL Pittsburgh KQV Winnipeg CRY 'NBC -Quiz Kids; Joe Kelly, Revue: WJZ WBAL WBLK WGR-Nocturne Moorehead KVOX Scranton WARM m.c.; WJZ WEBR KDKA WHK WLW-Manny Prager's Orch. CONNECTICUT Winona KWNO Wilkes-Barre .. WBAX NEW BRUNSWICK KDKA WEBR WJTN WMFF Bridgeport ..... .. WICC MISSISSIPPI RHODE ISLAND Fredericton CFNB WHAM WBAL WSYR (also KGO 11:30 Hartford WTHT Greenville w.OPR Providence WEAN Moncton CKCW CKLW-The Question Box New London WNLC Hattiesburg WFOR Sackville CB.A 11 p.m. EDT) I I at MBS-F o o t b a Follies: WHK Waterbury WATR Jackson WJDX SOUTH CAROLINA Saint John CHSJ WBRE-Brunon Kryger's Orch. WBAX WAZL DELAWARE Charleston WCSC 'NBC -Hollywood Playhouse, Wilmington WII.M MISSOURI Columbia WIS NOVA SCOTIA WFBG-Hits & Encores Jefferson City KWOS Greenville WMRC Halifax CHNS drama starring Gale Page & Jim NBC -Ray Heatherton's Orch.: Kansas City WIlB WHK-Music by Willard DIST. OF COLUMBIA KFEQ SOUTH DAKOTA KYW Washington, D. C. WOL St. Joseph Yarmouth CJL Ameche: WEAF WGY WEAF WFBG WCAE WGY St. Louis KWK Aberdeen KARR WLW WCAE WBEN WTAM 9:45 FLORIDA Springfield KGBX Yankton WNAX ONTARIO KDKA-This Man', Army NBC -Russ Morgan's Orchestra: Jacksonville WJAX TENNESSEE Fort William CK lilt (also KFI KOA at 11 p.m.) M )ami WIOD MONTANA WTJS WJZ WJTN WORK WBAL St. Petersburg WSUN Billings KOHL Jackson London 10:00 Tampa WFLA Bozeman KRBM Knoxville WNOX Kingston ti't,' "CBS -Uncle Jim's Question *MBS-Raymond Gram Swing: WBLK WBRE WMFF WSYR Butte KGIR Memphis WMPS Kirkland Lake t'.I KI. Bee: WABC WGR WJRX WIBX GEORGIA Helena KPFA Nashville WSIX North Bay ('FriI WGR WBAX WAZL WEER Atlanta WATT. TEXAS Ottawa CBI) WFBL WHEC WGAR WJAS Macon WMAZ NEBRASKA Sault Ste. Marie C.IIC CBS -Eddy Duchin's WTOC Grand Island KMMJ Abilene KRBC CKSO NBC -Kay Kyser's Prgm.; Orch,,: WABC Savannah KOWII Amarillo KFDA Sudbury WCAU (sw-6.06) (also KNX Omaha KNOW Simms, Sully Mason & WKBW WNBF WMMN WIBX IDAHO Austin Torontos C CAL KSL at 9:30 p.m.) Ginny Boise KIDO NEW HAMPSHIRE Beaumont - WCAU WGBI WHEC WJAS Laconia WLNH Pmt Arthur KPAC WindsorWindsor CKLW Harry Babbitt, vocalists- WEAF ILLINOIS Manchester WFEA .... MBS-To be announced: WNBF WFBL WHP (sw-6.06) Chicago WON Corpus Christi .... KRIS PR'CE EDW. ISLAND WBEN WCAE WTAM WBRE Rock Island WHBF NEW JERSEY Dallas WRR Charlottetown CFCY WBAX WKBO Bridgeton WSNJ F:1 Paso KTSM WSYR WGY KYW WLW WFBG *CKLW-News INDIANA Fort Worth KFJZ QUEBEC Indianapolis WIRE NEW MEXICO KXYZ NBC -To be announced: WORK WHAM WKBO WORK (sw-9.53) KDKA-Al Marsico's Orch. Albuquerque KOS Houston Chicoutimi CBJ IOWA Longview KFRO Montreael CBF WBLK irCBS-Glenn Miller's Orch.; WBEN-The Three Sons Trio Cedar Rapids WMT NEW YORK Shn Antonio KABC MoVal CBM CKLW-Good Neighbors Davenport WHBF Albany WABY erman KRRV New Carlisle CHNC Ray Eberle & Marion Hutton, *WGAR-News Des Moines KSO Buffalo WKBW Waco WACO WAZL-Dance Music WGR stars Over Manhattan Shenandoah KMA Elmira WENY UTAH Rimouski CJBR vocalists: WABC WHP WJAS New York (Newark) WOK Ogden KLO WBRE-Music & Beauty WGAR WHEC WJR-Michigan Speaks KANSAS Plattsburg WMFF SASKATCHEWAN WFBL WIBX Coffeyville KGGF Rochester WSAY VERMONT Moose Jaw CHAR WFBG-Baseball Scores: Swing for WKBO-Music You Want Emporia KTSW WSYR Rutland WSYB WJR WNBF WMMN WKBW Great Bend KVGB Syracuse Prince Albert CKBI Your Supper WLW-Gardner Benedict's Orch. Pittsburg KOAM NORTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA Regina CKCK WGBI WCAU (sw-6.06) WSOC Harrisonburg ... WSVA Saskatoon CFQC WGBI-Club 880 WTAM-Music You Want Salina KSAL Charlotte CBI( NBC -Dance Orch.: WJZ WHK Wichita KFBI Elizabeth City WCNC Richmond WRVA Watrous WHP-Musiqulz 11:45 *Preliminary list. Other stations to be added as time is cleared. WJTN-Hits & Bits WBLK WBAL WJTN WMFF WEBR KDKA *MBS-News; Jan Savitt's Orch.: *WKBW-News; Orch. of Week CKLW Gillette Safety Razor Company. Boston, Mass., maker of WMFF-Request Chest CKLW-Serenade for Strings KDKA-Al Fremont's Orch. Gillette Tech Razor, Gillette Blue Blades and Gillette and Brushless). *WMMN-News; West Virginia 10:15 WBEN-Bob Downey & Roberta Shoving Cream (Lather University *MBS-News; John Steele: WAZL WGAR-Bob Kelley: Interlude WWVA-U. S. Army Band WBAX 12:00 8:15 CBS -Public Affairs: WABC WIBX *NBC -News; Gene Krupa's Or- MBC-Interview from London: WKBW WMMN WJAS WNBF chestra: WJZ WHAM WKBO Look for a beautiful album portrait of the "Myrt and WNBF WBAX WHP WJR WGAR WGBI WFBL WSYR KDKA WBRE WHK George Arlie.

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