Brief Historical Reminiscences of the County and Town of Ayr, from Its Earliest Period to the Present Day, to Which Is Added

Brief Historical Reminiscences of the County and Town of Ayr, from Its Earliest Period to the Present Day, to Which Is Added

^ "^^ ^/^pi^r -/S.4'^ <;^^^. \/h^. National Library of Scotland 'B000052786* f^r^v-;^^^- ^iS^. • BS. 1. 7^.H^ '\ / -€ V CA.'^^- - ^^;,^l /^.•' v- ^> f-. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from National Library of Scotland *S«a5.. # AND ev FOR ^^V> *' Brtatlies there a man with soul so deaJ, Who nererto himself hath said land This is my own—my native ; Whose heart hath ne'^r within him bunied, - As HoxK hi« fooUt«p8 he hath turned. Scott. V . BRIEF OF THE C€>UMTY AND TOl^VJl' OF AX it? FEOJM ITS EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE TO WHICH IS .ADDED A CORUECT LIST OF THE LIEUTENANCY, FliBEriOLDERS, COMM ISSIONERS OF SUPPLY or THE COUNTY, MAGISTRATES OF THE TO WN OF AYR, NEWTON, PRESTWICK, S:c. f.r t.lST Of R33PECTABLE INHABITANTS, PERSONS IN KfSJNESS, WITH THEIR FLACKS OF RESIDEKCS. In the Shape of a Pd- t-Office '1' "^ B ^ ^ € O m, FOR AYH, NEWTON AND ^f^ALLAGETOWN, &«, And Tichiity, three r.iilcs ruuud, WITH OTHER USErUI, INFORM A riO>", TOGETHBR WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE INSTITUTIONS, &c. OiTJng a Pictiiif of t'le Piesent Situation of th» TOWN OF AYR, (With Kngia-siiiys) BY A EUHGSSS, •IILD BROTHER OF niE TOW M A Y R; Similltam Mamvtn. 1830. c% 7Vc^^ui/m> cyuoa^^ &docMze^ o/ ^^a^, e^. <^. /or de "i^ocoTiC^ o/ ^^9-. tJo /A& tM^o/wnw&e /Ae JzyO/'d £r,roa;oti^^ <!.^c^cta{^f^aiecf^ ^ozan- Occfmcco tJAe *y6onorcw^ej, J^Ae ^Oeizfh or y^'iu'uA, ^yuc^{/ ArelATen, o/^kA tyuccoye/de() or /^A& '^AhouU'A <^araAi^ o/'^yVur. fJo ryAi.O'?7Uui t^Pf^am'CcJ tyiPenne€Ay^'j t/i& J&u/r^gA^ o/ <^^r, cj'o. " Past assd Massing Events," ^oi>- c^b ^ //le aS:'tJt-a'nc'& . aA'fLyf&. <:96co':y^c^^ conneclecA ADDRESS. The Editor was induced to imdertake this warM partly from tKe increasing importance of this valu-^ concise able Comityy of which there is no Tcpogra-- phical History, ^c. or Guide ; and partly in con- sequence of the glaring blunders and palpable in- attention exhibited in what are called the West- Country Lists, the only guide incomplete and imper- fect as it is, we have hitherto had of the various insti- tutions of our town, and partly from the disappoint- m.ent the want of it has been felt by Travellers and Tourists who, during all seasons of the year have of late visited the Land of Burns. Of the utility of a Directory for so large a place as Ayr now is, there cdnhelMt'iMeopiniofl^ and a desideratum long calledfur has now at a considerable trouble and eafpence been supplied ; in compiling which the Editor begs to acknowledge the obligations he is under to the Local authorities of the Town, for such informa- tion as appeared inaccessible. The Editor htg€ further to state that no name ofplace of fe^dmce has been omitted so far as could pd&sibly be obtained^ and shoiild any person whose name ought to have appeared here^ find it oimltedghe must'-bldm^e himselffor such omissioUias upwards of 1500 notices were served on the respectable inhabits untsofthe Town and neighbourhood of Ayr* If musti however, be ^dm,itted that notwithstanding the iUmosi eare and diligence, perfect accuracy is undt- iidnable, awing to the changes which sir frequently^ Th^ Editor begs to apologize t6 his respectable Roman Catholic and Episcopalian friends, for the omission of their places of worship amongst those of their Brethren, but considers he is only responsibU for such communications as were handed in proper time. Several are in the like predicament, and inust unavoidably be reserved for another Edition should such ever be called for. The Editor begs also to apologize to those respectable individuals lately come to reside within the bounds of this Directory, for the non-insertion of their names and addresses—that part of our work hav^'-' ing gone to press previous to their domicile here. A limited number of copies of this work have been thrown off, a number about equal to defray tke expence, which if disposed of, will be a satisfaction that the labour hasnot been m vain. Another Edition m,ay be afterwards got up in the course of a year, should a sufficiency of subscribers be obtained, betwixt and then, and any corrections or suggestions for the further improvement of this Guide, will be thankfully received, addressed to the Publisher, No. 7> New Bridge Street, Ayr. ... .. ... .. ». .. ... ... CONTENTS. Dedication . • • • • . 5 '^ Addrens . • • • • • • • View of Ayrshire . • . 21 . • • . 23 j Rivers—Stinchar . • Tigg 24 I Girvan . * . • • . ib. Doon • • • > • • • • ib. Ayr . ib. Irvine . 25 Garnock . ib. Lochs—Lccbdooii . i'j. Water . • * . • ib. Climate . ^ . ... 26 Minerals . ib. Coal . 27 Limestone . « ib. Ancient History of Ayrshire . a . 2S Royal Burg'bs .. .. .. .. 31 Political Divisions . ib. Garrick . , . ib. Cuningbarae . 32 Kyle . ... , . ib. I': . .. CONTExXTS. Monasteries. Abbey at Kilwiniiing 3 Dalmulin . - • . 3 Maiichline . ... ib • ib.| Crossraguel . • . Failford Remarkable Engagements. Battle of Largs 36 ge37 . at BegGalston Barns of Ayr . 38 :PaFt III. Agriculture of Ayrshire . \ . 45 Daiilop Cheese 53 Lords Lieutenant— Members of Parliament— Provosts of the Town in prevloii? year^j. • Roads; . - • • • • • ' • • ^^ • • • • • • • ^^^' Railways • - • . Inventions. 5t Steam Boat (Jas. Taylor^ Esq. Inventor) . Gas-^^Mr Murdoch do. 57 ibf Railways—Mr Dick, . Rid ploughs—Mr Finlayson on 58 Apoorraph—Mr Reid ib^ Ayrshire, Nursery of Reformation _L Disputation beiween Abbot Q. Kennedy and John Knox 6% Fenwick, Mr Guthrie 63 ^ Covenanters at Dramclog. 6 . CoNTKNTS. faiinfaci'ires m M Linen Ih- Silk ib. Cotton ih. \h. I>eatlier . ... Irofi Works at Mun-kirlc. 5.5 Maffjiesiia and Salfs ih. Ayrshire Needle Work ih. tfr PuELic Buildings. ' Coanty kiildiflgs Sf) C>;n?nly Hall Sheriii' Court Commissary Clerk's Office Sheriff and Commissary Coarts Messciigers Cheers ih, Constables th. Tbc Sheriff's Small debt Court sh. Sheriff Clerk's Office 01 Sasine Office ib. Justice of Peace Clerk's ofOee ib. Revenue Co^rt 95 Excise Cowrt ib. Commissary Court ib. Council Chamber ib. Prisons and Governor's House 94 * Armoury . ^7 . CONTENTS. Town Buildings. Coffee Room 100 Ayr Advertiser ib. Billiard Room ib, Theatre ib. Public Offices. Ayr Barsk 101 Hank of Scotland's Office 102 Savings Bank 103 Post Ofiice 104 Stamp Oiiice 105 Herrinff Fishery Office ib. Custom House . ib. iifirbour ("ounly Cess Office and Tax Office Burgb Cess Office Ijiiieu Stamp OlTice Steam Boat and Packet Oiflce Public In-stttutions* SiDJth's InstitTjtioii The Poors House Ayr Librar/ Ayrshire Uoiti cultural Library Ayr Academy Female Academics Private Schools ^^lecbanicij'' i-astiiution Churches. Ej^tabiished Caurcb An1,Jburghers Moravians Methodists Burghers Relief . CONTEXTS. T^abernacle • • ib. Macmiilaniies » • ib. Episaopaliaiis See Address Roman Catholics • • ditto Ayrshire Bible Society . 117 Sabbath School Union • • 118 Dispensary • • ib. Public Bodies. Medical Practitioners ^ • ., 121 Sailors' Society 121 Merchants' Company . 122 Writers Society • • ib Whipmen Society . ib. Friendly Societies (Male) 125 — ~ (Female) • • ik MisoN Lodges. Ayr Kilwinning' .. .. Ifi Royal Arch . ib. Ayr and Renfrew St. Pauls it-. Newton St, Andrews . ib. AOENCIKS. Fur Irjsurajice Companies W ine and Tea Company Distilleries , . Bleachfields. Clober, Donniston, Dalmiiir, Fereneze^ Nfy^SPAPERS Giving; out of \V«bs (vre&ving) — Sewing Ciivi.'iS'Iitvitation to Funerals Coaivrorks Content*. Hisfory ef Newton, Magistrates Rope Manufactory Foiindrifcs Wbipiiien Society History of Prestwick Siagistrates and Councillors Mason Lodges . Ayr Rnces 125 Caledonian Hunt ib. Burns' Monument ii3. I'am o"' Shanter and Souier Johnnie 123 The Landlord and Lady 129 Ilui at the Monument ]31 Buriis Anniversary .131 f'ltjb ib. I. £2 RssoRTS OF Fashion ABLE Partif.s. Cagtiehiil Garden Monkwood Grove ib. Loch Dooa ('ieiieys Gouk^croft Clubs.. Qooit Ciub ih. Curling Club ib. Darham Ciub ... DiSTINGUIHED PERSONS. Sir W. Wallace 64 Robert Brijoe r« .. .. .. ib. S j )ts Greys . • ib. Literary Characters. ib. Jolm Dons Scotus .. .. .* ^ . ib. Chevalier Ramsay . ^ . 68 Count Hamilton . ib. Sir Alex. Boswell . ib. Dr,W. Dalrymple .- .. .. .. 67. Hugh Ferg'iisson, Esq. .. .-, .. ib. Mr Robert Potter ib. Robert Burns . - . 68 John G oldie .. .... (TO- Sir Gilbert Blane . 70. John ShaWj Esq. ^^ ^^ . ib James Montgomerie, Esq. .. .. .. 7i John Gait, Esq. .. -^ . .. ..72 Miscellanies. Keepers of Fire Engines—^Occasional Waiters - Markets —Conveyances— Ca,rriers. Lieutenancy— -FreeboldeFs — Commissioners of Supply— Resident Justices —Magistrates of Ayr— CoRvener''s Board— Visitors. Newtoil upon Ayr^—Hope Manufactory—Found- aries-— Whipmen Society— Magislrates. - Prestvvick —Mas-islrates. contekts. Incidents. Story of Destniciion of Kilwinning Abbey 42 " Our Lady Kirk of Kyle" ib. Establishment for persons afflicted with Leprosy, by Robert Bruce, at Kilcaiss ib. -Ayrshire Militia . 65 Usurpation of Oliver Cromwell 72 Foundation of the " Old Church" 73 of « Old Steeple" 74 _. of « Auld Brig" 75 of Wallace Tower 78 Rev. Mr Adair .. ..75 Rev. Mr Welsh . 79 Maggie Osburn .. 81 The " Devil Almighty'* . SS Calendar, 1830 Fairs in the County, 1830. Fiars do. for formers years. Directory. Appendix. Engravings, Frontispice—County Buildings Old Malt Cross Old Steeple New Town Buildings Ayr Academy Burns' Monument Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnnie Table of the Extent population, &c.ofthe County of Ayr. THE We'll awa to Ayrshire, Where green grow the rashes, 0, We'll awa lo Ayrshire, To uae the bonnie lasses, O. Si a Alex. Boswbm.. AYRSHIRE The Land of Bruce, of Wallace, and of Burns, ia one of the largest Counties south of the Forth. It is bounded by the County of Renfrew on the north and north east, by the Counties of Lanark and Dumfries on the east, by the Stewart- ry of Kirkcudbright on the south east, the County of Wigtou on the south, and by the Frith of Clyde, or western ocean oa the west. It stretches in a crescent shape along the coast, from Gallowayburn upon the north side of Lochiyan, its boundary on the south to Kellyburn, which divides it from Renfrewshire on the north, nearly 85 miles, and the breadth from east to west, is in some places 30 miles.

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