the iAdlIdet flit R1(d Student Ghetto renovations in the works.5 sip- - - Volleyball team squeezes N111111 1.1. 1,r ad. 1,. p 0O. VOLUME 84. NUMBER 59 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1990 Teddy Bears.15 UF best in SEC, but victory bittersweet L Please see related stories, page tor Bill Arnsparger, who weath- 16. ered allegations that UF was not in By MATf ADAMS control of its athletic programs, Alligator Witer was cheered. Barred from the terminal by As UF's football team disem- Gainesville police officers, the barked their chartered Pan Am air- crowd watched Tennessee assure plane Saturday night, Debbie UF of the SEC's best record, beat- Poppell looked around at the crowd ing Ole Miss 22-13, through the gathered at Gainesville Regional charter terminal's plate glass win. Airport. dows. Cheers broke out when Ten- "I wish there were more people nessee won the televised game. here," she said, "They've earned But a bittersweet memory dom- it.w e inated the evening for Gators fans. Popped] was one of about 300 When UF won its first SEC title fans who went to th airport to e in 1984, a crowd estimattd at 4,000 greet the football team who, after met the plane at the airport. A pep S a t u r d a y rally at Florida afternoon's vic- NDINGS Field drew 22,000 tory at Kentucky, SEC S fans. had earned the UFs 47 I5 vi cto ry Saturday Two days later, conference's over Kentuckyyaassured the LF was informed best record. Galors of the, to ,rd. first- that because it in 0Southeast tat becaA it But not the place finish Confierencce a 58-year wason NCAApro- championship. fem bation, it would A Southeast- history - , EC OWUALL not be allowed to ern Conference UP I 9-1 play In the Sugar bylaw requires Ab'm 4 1 1 7 2 1 Bowl. In the Above: UF President John Lombardi greets the team that Tennessee 1 622 spring of 1985, fans Saturday night after the Cators de- wins the confer nhsSisi 4 2 82 the SEC .2 officially feated Kentucky, 47-15. Right: Football ence champion Alrtiay 3 6.4 Kentucky 3 3 46 stripped UFofthe players, top to bottom, Jerry 0dom,, Kirk ship to be LSU s2 5 46 championship Kirkpatrick, Godfrey Myles, Marc Murray eligible for the Georgia 2 5 4-6 That memory and Chris Broley arrive at Gainesville Re- The Miss State 5 5-5 Sugar Bowl may have tem- gional Airport after their win. National Colle- vanderft" 5 8o pered this year's .omable, S giate Athletic ' EC Sui.dt la celebration, but Association's has Pcbaton when the plane imposed a post- landed, temper- T-mshirts brag seastn ban on UF a mi sktWeh ance evaporated. Fans carrying Gatrs ineligible for the SEC signs reading "Number 1" and Championship. "Best in the SEC' crowded the "It's great to be the best," Pop- fence that blocked them from the about record; pell said as the applause grew airstrip. The band played "We Are louder. "But underneath all these T'he Boys" for the fourth time. cheers, there's a lot of pain." After the game, the team silent on title Despite those feelings, a small awarded game balls to Lombardi celebration occurred while waiting and head coach Steve Spurrier, By MIKE ERUCELL for the team's Arrival. An eight- thanking them for their support Alligator Staff Writer member version of the Pride of the through the NCAA sanctions. Sunshine band played improvisa. Before UF's football team even clinched the tional versions of "We Are The UF exercise and sports sciences best record in the Southeastern Conference Boys" as the crowd sang along Professor Onen Holyoak said the Saturday, Stephen Little beat other sports rfer- softly. lack of a Sugar Bowl berth chandisers to marketing a victory T-shirt. shouldn't dampen the season for little said hi. company sold 4,000 shirts to Cheers and applause accompa- the Gators. stores such as Pic N' Save, Campus Shop and nied the players a- they walked to Bookstore, Florida Book Store and Gator Plus, the buses Several walked to the 'odaq's win Is the way it's sup- many before the Gators even kicked-off against fence and shook hands with the posed to be," he said. "Everything the Kentucky Wildcats. Shirt prices vary. fans. UF President John lambardi about this year has been handled Little said UF gave him permission Friday raised his arms and exchanged with class. If you don't love this afternoon to sell the shirts, which show a uni- high fives with the crowd As he left year of Florida football, then you the terminaL Even Athletic Dhe- anything. formed Alligator thrusting hi. finger up with the don'tlre caption "Air Florida 1990-Best Record In 'The SEC" and "Gators - We Won It On The Field." It Is not accidental that the shirts afrid men- tioning the SEC title. DebbleGay, productlicensingcoordinator for UFs University Athletic Association, said she and SEC icensing officials demanded that Little uid claiming what many fans insist - that the Gators a-e SEC champ. despite their NCAA probation. The teamnlostashotat thetitleafler the NCAA penalized UF for breaking several muls, Includ- ing Supplementing coaches' salaries. Se hIrbm, page 4 Cafr 2-,.- V* VOLUNTEERS Office manager needed it) donate three afternoons a spoils fans needed to help with a Nov 2T - Dc 2 week working with Wordstnr or Word Perfect office football classic for youth. Volunteers also needed for Systems for a small, non-profit organization with a focus concession stands. on resear( h and conservation of the sea tuII Hospitality hostess needed to assist a non-profit trle Seamstress needed to make small pillows to be used vision station Dec 3.7 from 5 30.10-30 p m by individuals alter a mastectomy Gift shop attendants needed to assist in a museUm CrisIs line counselors needed toanswer botlines and stocking merchandise, unpacking orders and helping counsel people whoare ina crisis situation Anextensive customers with gift selections. Cash register training 50-hour training is provided over a six-week period The provided Tick JT 00LES next training class beginsjan 26 State Attom y's OffIce needs volunteers to work in MCfN TRAL CITY- Arts and crafts Instructor needed to assist children the VictimWitness Servicesoffice located off 112SE 2nd in a local grade school with holiday crafts such as dip- Ave. Call Minerva at 374-3627, ping beeswax candles and making gingerbread houses For more information. write or call The Volunteer Cen- rc -- and simple ornaments. ter, P0. or 14561, Ceaneswlle, FL 32604, 378-2552 -4 WHAT'S HAPPENING eJ Wild thIngs: The Wildlife and For Tac Kwon Do Club meets today, the corner of West University Ave- Est Conservation committees meet Wednesday and Friday at 4.30 in nue and NW 13th Street The show today at 5 on the Reitz Union North Norman Gym Call Rick at 392-9698. runs from 104 Call (305) 849-0986 CiENTRei lawn to make posters for the fur Go dawgs: The philosophy de- Wear a ti.: UF President John CITY protest and write Paynes Prairie let- partment presents a speech on psy- Imbardi speaks Tuesday night at rs Call Sabrina at 334-7644, chophysical laws by Tony Dardis of 7:30 at the Alpha Kappa Psi meeting NAACP: The NAACP meets to. the University of Georgia today at in McCarty Auditorium. Profes- a 1_s, d night at 6 in Reitz Union Room 347 4:30 in Dauer Hall Room 233, Call sona attire is required Call 375- Call Karl at 334-8090 Dr. Biro or Dr iudwig at 392-2084. 6061. Undergraduates: Anthropology Close your eyes ao point: UF Judo: TheJudo Club meetsevery undergraduates meet tonight at Sat Peer Counselors present a "Choos- Monday and Wednesday night at 6 the Shish Kabob Cafe on West Uni- ing Your Major" workshop this intheWomen'sGym Call336.8159 versity Avenue to discuss under- morning at 10 40 in 311 Little Hall. graduate events and curriculum Call 392-1575. Mat's Happening is free public- CallJulie at 375-3107, Prayer meting: Chi Alpha Cam- servme space The Alligator provides Human rIghts now: Amnesty In- pus Ministries meets tonight at 7 in to local organizations wishing to an- erit onal meetsTuesday nightji 7 Little Hall Room 201 Call Elaine at nfounce upcoming events The an- to discuss letter writing and related 376-0341 or Dave at 334-7189 ou ncements are printed on a miORI Lor location call Christine at Iltrade you: Admission is freeto space-ovaidable basis, in random or- 1719586 a baseball and football sports card derand, when necssary, are editedor Tae Kwon Do: The Traditional show Nov. 23 at the Holiday Inn at cut randomly. Too shy to ask a guy to wear a condom? Especially if you don't know him well? Then he's exactly the kind of guy you should ask - the one you don't know well Don't make a mistake that could ruin your life, I volume 84 ISSN 0889-2423 number 59 tiindependent florid. Not ollially aSsocated ator ofalli Noohalascewth I.,Universily olFlorida Publ'hsdby Campus Communicatrons. Inc of GamesvIie.R.L n m o.SN-dde Ed to, Judy A Plunked Copy Dask Chtw Tray Surangee Maagmg Editor M 0 Curneila Aistani Capy Dutk Cei.r Oar Win. ln's Editors Ge Boucher, DansEvans Art Dirctor Stapan Swishe Stinger Editor conya Curti. AmsistaMArtrOisc o Lauro Dach Photo Ed,ior NfiI. Wier Afilaus Edtor Jeremy wriger O none Edrtor JacQdaur'sarAo AssistanAdIruse EdM, gie.
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