Introduction Part I Project Preparation Part II Operational Design Part III Physical Design Part IV Integration Part V Business Plan Part VI Evaluation and Implementation 4Resources, Annexes, and References ������������������ �������������� ��������� Bus Rapid Transit - Planning Guide 2007 Resources endeavour. Many organisations and resources are available to cities seeking to upgrade the “You see things as they are and you ask why. quality of public transport. This section notes But I dream of things that never were and I some of the key organisations that provide ask why not.” either technical assistance or distribute technical —George Bernard Shaw, 1856–1950 information. Also, this section presents some of Cities embarking upon improvements to their the key resource materials and websites on BRT. public transport system are not alone in this The full content of this section is: 1. Support organisations 2. Technical resources 3. BRT city websites Support organisations 5. Bus Rapid Transit Central 1. Access Exchange International This site holds articles on BRT and links to Access Exchange International (AEI) is a non- technical information on various BRT systems. http://www.busrapidtransit.net governmental organisation promoting accessible public transport for persons with disabilities 6. Bus Rapid Transit Policy Center and seniors in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and The Bus Rapid Transit Policy Center has been eastern Europe. The organisation’s web site developed by the Breakthrough Technologies provides resources on good design practices that Institute is a US-based organisation that seeks improve quality access for those with physical to provide key background information on the disabilities. BRT option. The web site provides news on http://globalride-sf.org BRT developments, links to key BRT reports, 2. American Public Transportation and information on different vehicle tech- Association (APTA) nologies. Also, the Breakthrough Technologies Institute publishes a journal called Transport APTA is a national trade association representing Innovator that provides analysis of BRT issues as public transport agencies and operators in the well as updates on projects around the world. United States. The APTA website includes useful http://www.gobrt.org background documentation on BRT concepts. http://www.apta.com 7. Bus Rapid Transit UK (BRT-UK) BRT-UK is an association dedicated to the 3. Associação Nacional de Transportes sharing of information about evolving bus Públicos (ANTP) based rubber tyred rapid transit technology. The Brazilian National Association for Public BRT-UK is a particuliarly key resource for Transport provides information on a range of news and publications related to BRT in the sustainable transport topics, including BRT. The United Kingdom. Portuguese web site includes access to a range of http://www.brtuk.org publications. http://portal.antp.org.br/default.aspx 8. Clean Air Initiative The Clean Air Initiative (CAI) advances in- 4. Bus Rapid Transit China novative ways to improve air quality in cities BRT China is a Mandarin language web site by sharing knowledge and experiences through devoted to providing BRT information and partnerships in selected regions of the world. updates on projects in China. The CAI website as well as its training initia- http://www.brtchina.org tives provides knowledge and information on 744 Resources Bus Rapid Transit - Planning Guide 2007 mechanisms to improve public transport. for sharing information across the public trans- http://www.cleanairnet.org port sector. UITP publications and conferences provide a key international perspective on best 9. The Commons practice in the field. The Commons is an “Open Society Sustainability http://www.uitp.com Initiative” developed by Eric Britton and EcoPlan International. The site provides information and 14. International Energy Agency (IEA) offers the opportunity for cities and individuals to The IEA has compared the environmental exchange experiences. The site also hosts a wide performance of different fuel and propulsion selection of BRT related videos (see the “World options for buses in its publication entitled Bus Outreach” and “Video Libraries” headings). Systems for the Future: Achieving Sustainable http://www.ecoplan.org Transport Worldwide. This research has also compared the emission impacts of tailpipe 10. Energy Foundation technologies to the benefits of mode-shifting The China Sustainable Energy Program of the strategies. Energy Foundation has done much to spread http://www.iea.org awareness of BRT in the context of Chinese cit- ies. Of particular note is the development of the 15. Metro Magazine China Sustainable Transportation Centre which Metro Magazine’s website hosts a BRT home provides training and resources on BRT. page that provides a range of information in- http://www.efchina.org/FProgram.do?act=list&t cluding updates on recent BRT news stories. ype=Programs&subType=2 http://www.metro-magazine.com/t_brt_home. cfm 11. GTZ Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTP) 16. National Bus Rapid Transit Institute The German Overseas Technical Assistance Based at the University of South Florida (US), Agency (GTZ) has developed an information the National BRT Institute is an information source on a wide range of sustainable transport clearinghouse on BRT. The site includes BRT topics. The SUTP web site hosts this BRT mod- publications, presentations, video, and images ule and other documents on sustainable trans- from both US and international projects. port. GTZ also supports sustainable transport http://www.nbrti.org projects in a variety of developing-nation cities. http://www.sutp.org, http://www.sutp.cn 17. Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) 12. Institute for Transportation & TCRP is a component of the US Transportation Development Policy (ITDP) Research Board (TRB). TCRP has produced ITDP is an international non-governmental several key studies on topics related to BRT, organisation that provides supports to BRT ini- including a compendium of BRT case studies tiatives and other sustainable transport projects and planning guidances. in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. ITDP has http://www4.trb.org/trb/crp.nsf assisted BRT projects in such countries as Bra- zil, China, Colombia, Ghana, Senegal, South 18. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Africa, Tanzania, Bangladesh, India, and Indo- TRB is a division of the US National Research nesia. ITDP also publishes a regular newsletter, Council which acts as an independent advisor e-Sustainable Transport, which features frequent to the US government. TRB seeks to promote articles on BRT projects worldwide. innovation and progress in transport through http://www.itdp.org research. Each year in January, TRB hosts its annual review conference which includes many 13. International Association of Public useful sessions on BRT related themes. Transport (UITP) http://gulliver.trb.org UITP is a worldwide network of public trans- port professionals that acts as a point of reference Resources 745 Bus Rapid Transit - Planning Guide 2007 19. Transport Roundtable Australia 24. World Bank This site provides useful information and The World Bank, along with the Global Envi- articles both on general BRT issues as well as ronment Facility (GEF), has supported many specific links to Australian systems in cities such BRT initiatives world wide. The World Bank as Brisbane and Adelaide. The site also provides also publishes a range of useful background information on the “Smart Urban Transport” topics, including reference guides on access for conferences which cover a range of sustainable the physically disabled and data sets on existing transport topics, including BRT. systems. http://www.transportroundtable.com.au http://www.worldbank.com/transport 20. US Federal Transit Administration 25. World Resources Institute - Embarq (USFTA) Established in 2002, EMBARQ - The World This site provides an overview of the USFTA’s Resources Institute Center for Sustainable national BRT programme as well as information Transport - acts as a catalyst for socially, finan- on the activities underway in each of the partici- cially, and environmentally sound solutions to pating cities. The site also provides a number of the problems of urban mobility. The Embarq useful links to technical documents. website includes information on specific projects http://www.fta.dot.gov/assistance/technology/ as well as information resources. research_4234.html http://embarq.wri.org 21. Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI) Technical resources The Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI) This document has sought to provide an over- has produced the on-line TDM Encyclopaedia, view of the BRT concept as well as provide in- which is one of the most complete and expan- sights into the BRT planning process. However, sive works to date on sustainable transport top- there are several other publications that also ics. Amongst the topics covered by the On-line provide additional perspectives and information TDM Encyclopaedia are: BRT, Non-Motorised on the topic of BRT. This section lists some of Planning, Park & Ride, Transit Improvements, these documents. Transit Examples, Transit-Oriented Develop- ment (TOD), and Evaluation. Public transport technology options http://www.vtpi.org Allsop, R. (2000), Mass rapid transit in develop- ing countries. London: Halcrow Fox. 22. Weststart-CALSTART Flyvbjerg, B., Bruzelius, N., and Rothengatter, WestStart-CALSTART is an advanced trans- W. (2003), Megaprojects and risk: An anatomy portation
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