OND OF PI KAPPA Pike reversal amazes eampus Pi Kappa Alpha's Theta chapter (Southwestern at Memphis) will celebrate a century of continuous activity soon. But it had absolutely no active members during two or three very early years of its life. Usually a chapter folds when it is in that kind of trouble. A situation like Theta's existed for a few months at Eta Kappa chapter (South Alabama) last winter- there w.ere no active members in the chapter and the few-remaining alumni we re unable tor verse the group's inclement campus image. Two months later there were 13 quality m mbers. And the chapter expects to have over 20 by the time.you read this. The tum-around amazed the campus and the Greek Advisor Ri ck Nelson who had given up on the chapter. In fact, the university had withdrawn rec_ognition and the IF had voted to "kick the Pikes off campus." One man, a special marketing consultant hired by Executive Director Pat Halloran to make last·dit.ch efforts such as this, made the difference. Eta Kappa experiment nets large Founders' Day turnout Charlie Barnes, an alumnus of Delta Lambda (Florida State). Brother Barnes and new Chapter Consultant group (consistently over 100 members) in the continuance of the chapter after Barnes' departure Dave Dyson were hired at mid-year to bolster the late 1960's. After a service obligation, Charl ie in March. Headquarters' consulting efforts, especially in returned to Florida State and kept the size Alumni Advisors weak chapter situations. Dyson's success has also tradition alive while embuing other chapters in been attested. When he walked into Eta Eta the Southeast with similar rush skills. At a "The alumni board of advisors will provide chapter (Morehead State) last March, he situation like South Alabama, "he was the man long range supervision of the chapter's operations," encountered a club which hadn't met in four for the job," Halloran noted. said Barnes in his follow-up report to the Memorial months. A week later they had 14 members, had About the South Alabama experience Barnes Headquarters and Supreme Council. The board reinvolv d four alu mni and were talking about a said, "The project was a success. The chapter- consists of seven alumni from four chapters. 20-25 man chapter by year's end. is functioning again and will have a representative Dixie Region President Mike House, from "We've always known that a dynamic, at the convention this summer. Results were Montgomery, Alabama, assisted Barnes' selection take-charge kind of leader could pull a critical immediate and dramatic." process and whenever possible in rush and chapter up by its bootstraps and turn it around," Starting with no members, no pledges and no organization. ~o m men ted Halloran. " But finding that guy house, winter rush was conducted in-February The defunct Mobile alumni association was n the local scene is difficult at best. The alumni after all 12 other fraternities had finished. His revitalized and has among its objectives helping jon't have the time that a student has to really personal approach to ru sh and the careful the chapter. ln addition, II K A is the only ;ave a chapter. So, we decided to give it a try utilization of a few dedicated alumni led to the fraternity at South Alabama now to have a set of :hrough extended chapter consultant visits." largest winter pledge class on campus, nine, plus written objectives and a chapter growth plan which He added, "The experiment worked even better three re-activated initiates and one graduate projects 20 members returning next fall, 40 :han we had anticipated." student member. members by January and 55 by the end of the Charlie Barnes, 28, has long been a rush asset Several area alumni contributed toward tbe 1976-77 academic year. The plan is based on .o the Fraternity. He was most tesponsible for fees of the new members and various fail -safe realistic rush potential held by the group on campus. noving his chapter from a small to a very large measures were implemented to ensure the Contmued on page 3 nKA Renewal TINJ~lliQ)IE RUSH A TOUCH OF CLASS The latest anti-Greek era over, Nearly a year of meetings and who is retiring this year. A 1 ... Pike reversal 1974 was the year Pi Kappa planning led to the program's third-year law student who stole amazes campus Alpha refocused some attention kickoff last summer - and the a year from his studies to be 1 ... A touch of class on its majority members- its hiring of a full-time alumni alumni director, Pease jumped 2 ... PERSPECTIVE 70,000 living alumni. Notably, director, Ed Pease. into the project last summer. many undergraduates joined in Since then, ll K A has "found" His toil since then may be the 2 .. Master trio the drive for a renewed alumni (address updates) some 28,000 cornerstone for the project's departs staff relations and involvement alumni; has added 15 active unparalleled success. 3 . 200th Pike chapter program. "Add a touch of class alumni associations with many " Ed Pease has to be credited 4 ... 2,000 attend 1975-76 and a professional director to mora in the works; has doubled with the amazing turnaround in regional conferences n KA's national alumni program II its voluntary alumni donations; our alumni program," agreed 5 ... ALUMNI NOTES was the charge. has provided many new services Mike Clancy, vice president for Done. And it will continue, and in formation to all of its alumni affairs on the Supreme 6 ... CHAPTER NOTES perh aps to grow into the most 70,000 living alumni. CounciL "AU the planning and 8 ... OUTSIDE RUSH complete, classy, national "We've had an incredible fraternity alumni program response from alumni all over anywhere. the country," clamored Ed Pease continued on page 4 PERSPECTIVE }'lastei.. trio departs staft· ... Why go to a Pik e convention? . Capable staHe1.. s p••c,mc,ted Mike Fletcher and orm Hulcher, both chap ter consul tants, step into two Memorial Headquarters positions vacated by the departure of three By Pat Halloran resident staff members June L The disposition o f Executive Director the third position, director o f chapter development, was unknown at deadline. Brother Fletcher, Eta Tau (Austin Peay State), steps into Director of Alumni Affairs Ed Pease's shoes in J une. After two years of travell ing for 11 K A and earning a reputation as one o f the best ever consultants, Fletcher is bringing experience Recalling the annual tax season television and a chapter-related perspective to the position. campaign of H & R Block, Mr. Block began each commercial by introducing himself and saying, " I would like to give you one of my 17 reasons why you should let H & R Block help you prepare your income tax return ." This article is being written one Friday afternoon at a point of waning creativity, so I am going to copy Mr. Block's approach and enumerate the reasons why you ought to come to Memphis August 8-13 Fletcher fo r the Pi Kappa Al pha Bicentennial Celebration and National Convention. I may run out of " reasons" before I get to 17 The Master tr io fro m left : Ed Pease, Bill Kingston and but I think I can make a vecy good case. So, let J im Highbe rg e r. me begin. No .1: This is 1976, the 200th anni ve rsacy of our nation and the 200th anniversacy of the Employee turnover is a problem- a constant American college fraternity movement. We have problem in the national office of a non-profit cause for a double celebration. Ths historical organization. Harris Colburn backdrop of this convention will undoubtedly So ho w does a quality national office like Pi He was SMC o f Eta Tau and student body be-a catalyst for making this an importan t event Kappa Alpha's Memorial Headquarters operate at and for the satisfaction o f refl ection and president at A us tin Peay as an undergraduate. peak efficiency and continuously produce Brother Hulcher, Delta Tau (Arizona State), future planning. outstanding programs and products? No. 2: Memphis is the home of your Memori al accepted the position o f director of chapter It recruits and hires dedicated, creative young servi ces voided by his Arizona State counterpart wil l be the convention headquarters. From the men who give it aU they 've got in the year or two Rivermont one can quickly reach many of the Bill Kingston. Hulcher was SMC at Delta 'f.au, a or three, or if n K A is reall y lucky , four years four-time Smythe Award recipient during his fi ne restaurants, entertainment areas and tourist that they stay. Such is the case with three attractions Memphis has to offer. undergraduate years. He brings creativ ity and resident staff members wh o are leaving the tireless enthusiasm to the job. No.3: We expect over 600 members and guests Headquarters this spring. They are Director of to attend the Convention and what better way Chapter Services William D. Kingston, Director of New consu lta nts Not to defend the information in the audit but to Chapter Development James A. High berger and Executive Director Pat Halloran announced the explain the manner in which you became a loyal Director o f Alumni Affairs Ed Pease. hiring of five recent graduates to travel as chapter member of Pi Kappa Alpha. Bil l Kingsto,, has given Pi Kappa Alpha four consultants for 11 KA next academic year.
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