PSYCHOANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER AS SEEN IN THE MOVIE BRIGHTBURN BY DAVID YEROVESKY THESIS Submitted to Board the Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department By: AHMADI TRESNO AI160768 ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANIORA FACULTY UIN SULTAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2020 APPROVAL Jambi, 15 September 2020 Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed Supervisor II : M. Beni Saputra, MA Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi To The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University In Jambi Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb After reading and revising as necessary, then we agreed that the thesis of Ahmadi Tresno with register number AI160768 with the title “PSYCOANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER AS SEEN IN BRIGHTBURN MOVIE BY DAVID YEROVESKY” can be submitted for the Munaqasyah exam in partial of the fulfillment to the requirement for the degree of Literature Scholar. We submit this thesis so that it can be accepted and used properly. Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb Supervisor I Supervisor II Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed M. Beni Saputra, MA NIP. 197401031999031006 ii NOTA DINAS Jambi, 15 September 2020 Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed Pembimbing II : M. Beni Saputra, MA Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi Kepada Yth Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi Di- Tempat Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudara: Ahmadi Tresno, NIM. AI160768, yang berjudul “PSYCHOANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER AS SEEN IN BRIGHTBURN MOVIE BY DAVID YEROVESKY”, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana srata satu (S1) pada fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar diterima dengan baik. Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti. Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb Pembimbing I Pembimbing II Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed M. Beni Saputra, MA NIP. 197401031999031006 iii LETTER OF RATIFICATION This thesis has been examined by the session of Adab and Humanity Faculty of The State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi on September 2020 and accepted as a part of the requirement which has to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Literature Department. Jambi, 12 November 2020 Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S.Ag., M.Fil,I NIP. 196012111988032001 Secretary Chairwoman Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd Dian Mukhlisa, MA NIP. 198902032018012002 NIP. 198808112015032006 Examiner I Supervisor I Ulfatmi Azlan, MA Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M. Ed NIP. 198411272011012012 NIP. 197401031999031006 Examiner II Supervisor II Yenti, S.S., M.Pd M. Beni Saputra, MA NIP. 198808112015032006 iv v MOTTO They plan, Allah too plans, and Allah is the best of planners – Qur’an Surah Ali – Imran Verse 54 ”Mereka berencana, Allah-pun berencana, dan Allah adalah sebaik-baiknya pembuat rencana” ―It‘s not about how hard you hit. It‘s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward‖ Bukan tentang seberapa kuat kau memukul tapi tentang seberapa kuat kau dapat menahan pukulan dan tetap terus maju. -Rocky Balboa- vi DEDICATION “In the name of Allah, The most Beneficial, The most Merciful” The Last and Final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) a good role model and the leader of human kind. I dedicated this thesis to: Myself who never give up no matter what happen. To both of my parents who always give me the best prayers, supports, and love. To my family and friends who are always there for me in any circumstances. And finally, for everyone who have helped me in writing this thesis. Allow me to deliver my gratitude. vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bismillahirahmanirahim… All praises to Allah SWT, God the owner of the universe who wills over everything who has given me ease in completing this thesis with the title Psychoanalysis of the Main Character as Seen in Brigthburn Movie by David Yerovesky fulfill the requirement of the degree of Sarjana (S1) of English Literatre of Adab and Humanity Faculty of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Let‘s deliver our blessing and salutation to the last and final messenger of Allah, Muhammad pbuh who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness such as we feel today. I also would like to deliver my best appreciation to those who have helped me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to: 1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D, the first vice rector, DR. Rofiqoh Ferawati, the second vice rector, DR. As‘ad Isma, the third vice rector, Dr. Bahrul Ulum, who allowed to study in this University. 2. The dean of Adab and Humanity faculty Dr. Halimah Dja‘far, S.Ag.,M.Fil.I, the first deputy dean Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag, the second deputy dean Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed, the third deputy dean Dr. Raudhoh, S.Ag., SS., M.Pd.I, the head of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.Pd, and the secretary of English Literature Department, Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd and to all the lecturers who have shared their knowledge. 3. I would like particularly to thank Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed and Mr. M. Beni Saputra, MA for the many insights they provided me for writing this thesis. Discussions with them have also proven most helpful. 4. All of the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanity faculty for became the place where I study until undergraduate in this university. viii 5. My father, Faizan who always reminds me of Allah, who always told me to be patient and accept what happen for those are Allah‘s teachings and plans. For my mother who always gives me the best she could possibly give, for always there when I need her. For my siblings and my grandmother for being the best family I could ever have. 6. For my little niece Aisyah Jannatul Victoria for being born and for letting me be your uncle. 7. For my second family in Forum Indonesia Muda who has become serenity when the relentlessness come. 8. For all of my classmates for sharing all the moments during 3 years pass. 9. Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all of this hard work, I want to thank me for having no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, I want to thank me for never giving up on me. This thesis is still far from perfection, the researcher humbly request some critiques and suggestions in order to make it better in the future time. Finally, the researcher wishes that this thesis could extend useful contribution to the readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanity Faculty. Jambi, 12 November 2020 Ahmadi Tresno AI160768 ix ABSTRACT Tresno, Ahmadi. 2020. Psychoanalysis of The Main Character as Seen In the Movie Brightburn by David Yerovesky‖. English Literature, Adab and Humanity Faculty, State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed. Supervisor II : M. Beni Saputra, MA This research is discussing about the psychology of the main character as seen in Brightburn Movie directed by David Yerovesky. The purposes of this research are (1) To discover what kind of characterization depicted by the main character (2) To discover what kind of conflict that are experienced by the main character (3) To find out how the main character reacts to his conflict within the story. The researcher uses objective theory and psychological approach in composing this research. This research uses qualitative method and uses descriptive technique to analyze the data. This research went through several procedure, first collect all the data that has been obtained from the movie and other sources, collect the images, dialogue, and expressions then the researcher analyzes the problems that are related to the main character, the depictions of the problems and the resolutions of the problems within the Brightburn movie. The findings in this research show that the main character‘s characterization is delivered indirectly within the conversations. This research also shows that the main character is experienced some external conflicts of character versus society and reacts to them using Id. Keyword : Psychology, characterization, Id, Ego, Supergo, Brightburn. x ABSTRAK Tresno, Ahmadi. 2020. Psychoanalysis of The Main Character as Seen In the Movie Brightbrn by David Yerovesky‖. Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed. Pembimbing II : M. Beni Saputra, MA Penelitian ini membahas tentang psikologi tokoh utama sebagaimana terlihat di dalam movie Brightburn yang di sutradarai oleh David Yerovesky. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui perwatakan tokoh utama yang di gambarkan di dalam cerita (2) untuk mengetahui masalah-masalah yang di alami oleh tokoh utama (3) untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara tokoh utama menyelesaikan konflik yang ada di dalam cerita. Penulis menggunakan teori objektif dan pendekatan psikologi untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dan teknik deskriptif untuk memaparkan dan menganalisa data. Penelitian ini melalui beberapa prosedur. Pertama mengumpulkan semua data yang di peroleh dari movie Brightburn dan sumber- sumber lain, mengumpulkan foto, dialog, dan ekspresi kemudian penulis menganalisis masalah yang berkaitan dengan tokoh utama, penggambaran dan penyelesaian masalah yang ada di dalam movie Brightburn. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perwatakan tokoh utama disampaikan secara tidak lansung di dalam percakapan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tokoh utama mengalami beberapa eksternal konflik karakter melawan masyarakat yang di sebabkan oleh kekuatan yang ia miliki dan semua masalah nya di selesaikan dengan menggukan Id.
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