DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE STUDENTS AND PEOPLE FIGHTING AGAINST SEMPER SEMPER FLOREAT - FRIDAY JULY 26 1968 - PAGE 2 EDITORIAL semper floreat" W the UQU. newspaper Friday July 26 1968 One cannot help noticing the air of quietness surrounding this year's Union elections. Last year RADICAL CONSERVATIVE When will you demand the freeholding of land in this State (the we were peppered with pamphlets, ear-blasted by Government has most of it, and parcels it out to tiie Yanks and Dear Sir, otiiers) so that the primary industries really get an incentive? You numerous all-afternoon forums, exposed daily in the Might I express the opmion tiiat students today are a bundi of wouldn't bloody know. You think so littie you have to take the mass media, and had two or three distinct groups squares and finks. Really square. And you Uiuik that you are the second hand thinking of hardworking com organisers. in favour of which to cast our votes. leaders of world change and opinion. Actually you are so terribly square you horrify your elders who fought so hard to make a better However, it seems that things are not going to be world for you. Maybe we made it too easy. You Ye a witless, illiterate the same in 1968. There will be a much greater bunch witii no sense of history. Christ all bloody mighty you cant emphasis placed on the individual candidate, and even ^ell. You get led by the noses by every professional com this is Ukely to be reflected in a loss of student organiser witiiout even tiie current affairs knowledge (1 slipped) to We did our share and you are benefiting. Buf you bastards are know what comsahns are and how they organise and operate. There loafing on tiie job, you havn't contributed a thing. You let your­ interest ui the elections. Furthermore, the new is notiiing worse than a Patsy (oldie language - look it up and find selves be stood over by bought bearded louts They lecture paid Presidency is likely to emphasise the adminis­ out what a Palsy is), The bloody corns set you bastards op and you, and there isn't one with the brains or the satire or the analysis trative side of Union activities to a much greater without a bloody brian or an origmal idea much less a sense of to stand up and cut the stupid paid bastards to pieces, or attadc analysis you chant the pre-arranged, you ignore the obvious, you degree than ever before and this may lower the their peasant Russian and coolie Chines philosophies. The world refuse to fight for the tilings tiiat really deserve attention, and deserves something better than the vast bureaucracies of Russia and radical vote from the 40% it reached in 1967. worst of bloody all - you refuse to think when we fought so hard China which at witii gross fat warm behinds on the indocrinated and just to set you bastards up to carry on the work that we got rubbish­ passive masses of tiieir peasant subjects. It goes without saying that the voter should ed, discriminated, and punished for. carefully read the policies of all candidates before Have you or any other students ever told the coms that Russia Thhik of the world we mherited from tiie Victorians! is run by a vast public service. Is tiiat the world - the Brave New making up his mind. This has been emphasised to Inhibited about sex - we killed tiiat during War I and War II. Worid you want? me as I read various plans for SFM?^^ put forward Afraid of newspapers - we attacked them. It's comfy in the public service and everyone in Russia is a public by several executive candidates. These people And you inherited the servant. What a horrible idea. 1 bet you've never thought of it? apparently do not realise that the only person who bloody lot. So easily. That's the trouble - you didn't have to think What did you do about bteatiialysers? Didn't give you or to fight. You're mentally constipated witii easy success obtained a lead there which could have (witii proper student satire and has control over SEMPER (except the editor) is the by the labours of the generation that really kicked the system to thought) rubbished the idea out of the State, and the Government President, and all lie can do is to order the removal get the modem outiook. And you blame us for the truths we put out of office. Or did you miss the whole pomt of who had shares. of material which is likely to lead to a successful before you, as if you had just bloody discovered tiiem. It takes What of the restriction of our oil supplies, so the world monopolies prosecution. Maybe these candidates, and others time to do anythuig, and you nits think it happened overnight just can work out the supplies of other less safe countries first Where is because you can act with a freedom we violently rebelled to get for the savage student attack on this. Or don't you bloody know. Why who have not mentioned the paper, are just as you. should we waste foreign exchange on importing oil if we have enough, misinformed about other areas enveloped in their Let's have a look at some demonstration points today. And we and yet are forbidden to use it because it does not suit the financial policies. The responsibility and the choice is yours. demonstrated by writmg with guts and vigour, not sitting in the plans of various international cartels. What the hell are you bastards streets like bloody dogs scratching their arses. We talked, we wrote, doing about our economy or our national conscience. All you can we satirised - we didn't get led by the nose by bloody international see is Vietnam, because the coms are desperate for a win there. If coms mto childish imitations of brainwashed Red Guards waving the ttiey get that they get the lot. Mao book to keep the evil spirits away. BIGGEST SEMPER We're getting old. We thought we gave you a start. Put you ahead of the game. But you're just square EVER finks. No guts, no brains, no originality, no fire, no satire. Just follow tiie coms when they order you into the streets or against an embassy like a lot of bloody dogs. WhisUe and you come. You have med students and phyacs students and biology students. Where are they when the French start nuclear testing? Do you But do me one really know anything about radiation and the babies it deforms? favour. Drive m through Mt. Gravatt. There is a wooden fence. It Or can you only care about the Viet Cong because the coms tell had three signs. Vote Communist Crisp. No war over Berlin. Fight you - yet ignore the fact they are murdering civilians in Saigon to Fascist Crimes act. Do you tiiuik the average Australian knows which gain a diplomatic point? What have tiie University students con­ half of Germany Berlin is in, or even cares. It was international com tributed to the fight against nuclear testing, have the students consid­ party line that Kennedy should be pressured over Berlin. And on the ered tiie role of in enforcing same day throughout the world that sign went up on fences and into compulswy radiation doses in this State. Who got the rake-off? pamphlets passed out by brainless uni studes. I thmk the fence is When an old lady was fined and threatened with jail for refusing around Grown stoves factory. Pull a stdng and the puppet jumps. compulsory X-rays, what did Uie students do to expose the story. When will you bastards begin to thhik and act instead of being Wouldn't it be better to targets for well organised and hardworking coms? have compulsory VD tests than compulsory radiation doses? Or On recent performance, I despair. You're just a bunch of squares This issue of Semper Floreat has set two new havntyour med students any brahis orguts? Who'stiiinkuig these days and peasants. Nor original thought, no analysis, no guts. But Alf, records for the paper. It is the largest issue ever now we are getting old? I suppose next you'll start pissing against I exclude you of course from this judgment. lamp posts when you sit down in the streets. Why a cap and gown? produced (30 pages containing 2,520 column Why not a leash? The bloody corns have you responding with Name supplied but withheld inches) and advertising revenue is above the $1,000 Pavlovian shnplicity, level which is an all time record for one issue of the How long shice a student demanded theChuiese get out of Tibet. (Grammar as received - Ed.) paper. The previous record for size was held by an That Russia end her racist policy of keeping black and yellow out? (They do, you know). That China drop her nuclear testing. That issue produced in late 1966 by one unknown England stops murdering Biafrans vnth arms to Nigeria, and Austral­ CHANGE CHANGE? A. Nucifora. ians and New Zealanders with supplies to Hanoi. When are you gohig to get off your hindquarters and savage Russia for her contin­ Sir, Authorised & Edited by Ken Sradshaw uing repression of her fotdbly occupied colony - Hungaria. They're At a Union "grodge" meeting recently.! undertook to find out Associate Editor & Advertising Manager Evan tlam down, boy, over there. The Russian troops have been in for ten why Uie cashier no longer gave change for use in the copying machuie.
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