l .. I .~~ I .cZ Dul"-%2M; 7.19 __CQ4-O; * < __ __ . ______ ..lViI,.JAGEMENT -I. Fi ruroswir i . I UOse . E 1997 Unpato ! * SubiMiit.a for Stat-t Raview Nov-.,nber, 1997 Rocommrrenied by theoBrur.;s'viA' (;rourty Plannirn Uirc!.j Miay *:.ark*1 i A~dopted Liv the Brun.n.swkck County Board oi Comrnissionesii October I.-, 199.; hdopied as Rev'.-.ed, Decemseor 7. i 9OE3 m Certifie3d bIV the North Carolina Coastal Resources Coinrnissmnn. Novermber 20, 1 ro a) Brunswick County Land Use Plan 1997. Update, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jo Ann B. Simmons, Chairman, William M. Sue, Vice Chairman . .. eslie Z. Collier * .David Sandifer Donald E. Warren * Jimmy Vamer, County Manager. Robert Hyatt, Assis.tant County Manager . Joyce C Johnson, Clerk to the Board * . - . COUNTY PLANNING BOARD, . Ricky Tompkins, Chairman Alan Lewis, Vice Chairman. Boyd Evans Sharon Marshall Jo Ann B. Simmons Stuart Smith John Thompson, Past Chair Beverly Brown, Past Member BRUNSWICK COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Jeff Coutu, AICP, Planning Director Don Eggert, AICP, Planner 11 *Brian Huneycutt, Land Planner Connie Marlowe,.Administrative Assistant . .GLENN HARBECK ASSOCIATES . Glenn R. Harbeck, AICP Planning and Public Involvement . 5607 Keswick Court Wilmington, NC 28409 STATE REPRESENTATIVES Zoe Bruner, District Planner Rosetta Short, CRAC Representative The preparation of this document was financed In part through a grant provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended; which Is administered by the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. I! / -ContentS - 1. EXECUTIVE SUJMMARY ..................................... 1-1 * 1.1 Summary of Local~ Land Use Issues . ......... ................ I-1 1.2 Policy Statements ..................................... 1-2 1 .3 The Land. Classification System . ........................... 1-1 4. *2. INTRODUCTION ....................................... 2;.1 2.1 Why preipare a CAMA Land Use Plan?*........................2-1 2.2 Functions of-the nd..Us...Plan..2-1 .. 3.. COMMUNITY VISION AND OBJECTIVES ..... ....................... 3-1 * . 3.1 Community Vision .................................... 3-1 3.2 'Objectives..........................................3-1 .4. SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTION. AND ANALYSIS................ ... 4-1 41 Establishment of Information -Base ........................... 4-1 4.2 Some Findings from the Technical Studies;... ........ :;.......4-1 4.3 For Further Information:.................................4-2 5. PRESENT.CCONDITIONS................. ..................... 5-1 5.1- -Present Po'pulation and Economy .... :.............. .......... 5'1 *.5.1.1' Population and Housing ................ ........................ 5-1 *5.1.2 Local Economy .................................. :.............. .. s- is 5.1.3 Impact of Seasonal Population....................................5-24 5.2 Existing Land.-Use and Wate-rQuality Analysis..................5-26 5.2.1 -Existing Land Uses ~Mapp'ed.;-.. ....... .......... !.................... 5-26 5.2.2 Analysis by Geograp~hic Areas of Geheral Recognition.; ...................... 5-26 * 5.2.3 Land Use Analysis by Watershed-Areas....................................5-29 5.3 Current 'Plans, Policies. and' Regulations..................... 5-31 6. CONSTRAINTS ........................................... 6-1 6.1. Land Suitabii~ty ........ ....................... 6-1 6.1.1 Physic-61 Umitations -for Development......................................6-1 A. Major Hazard Areas ............................................... 6-1 B. Areas with Soil Limitations........................................... 6-2 C. Potable Water Supply;.................................................6 -3 D. Areas with Slopes.Exdeeding 12% ................................... 6-3 *E. Shoreline Areas~with High Erosion Potential.. ........................... 6-3 F. Small Watersheds Draining Into Special Waters ......... ........-...... 6-4 6.1.2 Fragile Areas ......... ;........................... 6-4 6.1.3 Areas with Resource Potentil~l...f.......................................... 6- 6 6.2 CommUnity"FacilIties and Services ............................ 6-9 6.2.1 Potable Water System .... ............................................. 6-9 6.2.2 Sewer ....................... :....................... ......... 6-10 6.2.3 Stormwater Management .................... ?............... ......... 6-12 6.2.4 Transportation..............6..-12.. I 6.2.5 Law Enforcement ........ ........................................ 6 -1 6 6.2,6 Fire and Rescue ...................................... ........... 6-16 6.2.7 Schools............................ ............................. 6-1 8 6.2.8 .LUbrary System ............... ............... 6-19 6.2.9 Parks, Recreation, and WaterfrontAiccesis................................... 6-19 *6.2.1'0 Solid Waste Management.... ..................... .................6-20 6.2.11 Public Administrative Capability~~..................................... 6B-20 Contents Continued 7. .ANTICIPATED DEMAND.;:;.......................... ... -........ 7..1... 7.1, Permanent and, Seasonal Populations ...................... 7-1 7.2 Future Land'Use Needs ........ ........................ i.....7-4 7.3 Community Facility and Service Demands...........I.......... 7-4 8. POLICY' STAT1EMENTS................ .... ............. ...... Introduction to the Policies. ............. 8.1 Policy Format ................. ......... .8.... * 8.0 General Vision Policy. for Next Te ear .................. 8-2 8.1 Resource,,Protection Policies 0:..........:............; ........... 8.-2 8.1.0 Basic Policy Statement Regarding Resource Protection ........................ 8-2 8.1 .1 Constraints Caused by Soil Limitations and Flood Prone Areas ................... 8-;2 *8.1.2 Areas of Environmental Concern........................................ 8-3 A. Coastal Wetlands.......... ............................... .... 8-4 *B. Estuarine Waters........................................... .... 8-4 C. Public Trust Waters' .... ..8-5 D.. Estuarine Shorelines ..--.. 8...5' E. Ocean Hazard Areas ............................... ........ : ...... 8-6 F. .Public Water Supply AEG's........e................................. 8-7 *G. Natural and Cultural Resource AEC's .................................. 8-8 *H. Wildlife Protection............................................... 8-8 8.1.3. Wetlands of Highest Functional Significance................................ 8-8 .8.1.4 A. Freshwater Wetlands ..................... ?...................... 8-1 0 B. Maritime Forests................................. ... ............ 8-1 0 C. Outstanding Resource Waters.........I............................ 8-i 1 D., Shellfishlng Waters.............................................. 8-1 1 E. Water Supply Areas and Other.Waters with Special Values .................. 8-1 2 *F. Cultural and Historic Resources ........................ ............ 8-1 2 G. Man-Made Hazards............................................. 8-1 2 *H. Hazardou's Materials and Events.................................... 8-1 3 8.1.5 Protection of Potable Water Supply;................................... 8-1 3 8.1.6 Package SewageTreatment Plants......................... ............. 8-1 6' *8.1.7 Storm Water Runoff................................................ 8-1 7. * 8.1.8 A. Marinas ........................................... .. ;........... 8-1.8 B. Floating Home Development....................... ................ 8-1 8 C. Moorings andorn Fields .................... 8-1 8' D. Dry Stack Storage................................. ............. 8-1 9 E. Commercial Fishing Operations ................ ........ 'z:............8-1I 9. -~.8.1.9 Industrial Impacts On Fragile Areas......................... .8-1 *8.1.10 Development of Sound and Estuarine System Islands ........ ................ 8-20 8.1.11I Development Near Sea Level ........................................ 8-21 8.1412'Upland Excavation for Marina Basins................................... 8-21 *8.1.13 Marsh Damage From Bulkhead Installation ................. :.............. 8-22 8.1.14 Water Quality Problems and Management Measures ........................... 8-22 8.1.15 Air Quality...................................... 8B-22 *8.2 Resource Production and Management Plce .. 8-2 * 8.2.0 Basic Policy Statement Regarding Resource Production and Management . 8......-24 8..1 Productive Agricultural Lands ........... 2 *8.2.2 Commercial Forest Lands ........................................... 8-2 5 8.2.3 Mineral Production Areas-Existing and Potential ......................... 8-25 * 8.2.4 Fisheries Resources ..... ... 8-2 5 8.2.5 Off Road Vehicles .................................... !............. 8B-26 * 8.2.6 Development Impacts.............................................. 8-26 .8.2.7 Peat or Phosphate Mining Impacts....................... ................ 8-27 *8.2.8 Gamelands/Hunting Clubs........................................... 8-2 7 8.3 Economic and Community Development Policies................ -,28 8.3.0 Basic Policy Statement Regarding Economic & Community Development..........8-2 8 8.3.1 Types and Locations of Industries Desired ................. .............. 8-2 8 Contents Page 2 *Contents Continued 8.3.2' Provision of Services to Development ....2 ...... ... 8-2 9 8.3.3 Urban Groiw th Pa fltemDesiied................................................8-3 0 8.3.4 Types of Residential Development
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