—«r VOLUME'XXXVIII. NO? 13. RED BANK, N.1 J.f'WEDNtiSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1915.' PAGES 1 TO 8. AUTO HITS HORSES. POTATO SHIPMENTS STOPPED. -• -:•'-• y Lam Ketcham's Team Hit by Atlantic fjona Sent Away Last Week Because Highlands Car. of Heat and Low Price. TWO SCJQfJPY UMBRELLA MEN An automobile owned by Mrs. During the latter part of last week Wrightson of Atlantic Highlands got MAKE TROUBLE FOR COPS. no potato shipments were made by ©AHE WARDEHS K3ARE A RQIJND-UP ®F caught in the trolley tracks on East 'olicomaa Joseph Bray Had a Lively the Farmers' Exchange. The hot Front street, Bed Bank, last Wednes- Tussle with One of Thorn—Chase weather caused the potatoes to rot day afternoon ajid Hkidded. It struck Led Through Store and Wound Up and forced the price down to fifty a team of horses owned by Lemuel on Mechanic Street. cents a barrel. Most of the farmers Kotcham and driven by Jerry Beldo. Two umbrella menders full of rum at Holmdel, Bradevelt, Marlboro and Howard Gaffey of Atlantic High- Hazlet make their shipments through and fight made a lot of excitement in the exchange. They say that they lands was driving the car, and when the business section of Red Bank last he attempted to pull out to avoid hit- will make no profits from potatoes Friday afternoon. The men didn't this year and that they will be for- ting the team, the rear wheels caught lo any umbrella mending that day. in the tracks and slid along until the tunate to make expenses. The yield They spent the morning in begging per acre is the heaviest in years, but Car hit the horses. The pole of the for money and in drinking. As fast ar© Leas Respected'Here'Than in Any Other Part wegon was broken in three places, the price which potatoes bring has us they got a nickel or a dime they been lower this year than in a long but the men and the horses were not hied themselves to the nearest palace time. injured. >f drink. Peter Doles, one of the Pines amounting to $180 were im- to be after game themselves. The nen, soon succumbed to the influence posed upon six Italians Saturday by Italians boasted freely of their ex- if liquor, and it was not long before Justice Edward W. Wise. The ar- ploits and said that they had no foar le became unsteady on his feet. His rests wore made by William Hobht- of the farmers on whose lands they companion, John Dempsoy, had a ssell of Railway and Charles Steur- were gunning. SIGMUNDEISNER HOST AT BAN- more capacfous appetite for alcohol, NEW OWNERS FOR STORE AND wald of South Amboy, gams wardens The guns of the three aliens were QUET AT ELKS' HOME. and the only effect which the many HOUSE AT THAT PLACE. of Union and Middlesex eountieB, confiscated and turned over to tho flasses of fiery liquid had upon him They were assisted by William Chand- game wardens to be placed with the Business Men Gather to Become Ac- vns to increase his confidence in him- The Store Was Bought by Wolcott ler of Red Bank, a former constable, fish and game commission. The li- quainted with the Aims of the;elf and to fill him with a desire to Bros, from Mrs. James Hathaway RED BANK GROW! The arrests were the result of an af- censes of the three men who had per- State Chamber of Commerce—• ight and sing, and the House Was Bought by Ira ternoon's work by the three men. The mits to hunt were revoked. Mayor Advocates Public Park, Late in the afternoon the men Wolcott from Rufus Cooler. Above is shown three houses which are being built on White avenue, game wardens hud been in this sec- One of the boldest and most brazen About thirty business men were talked down n lane leading in back Two real estate' sales aggregating just outside of the southern boundary line of Red Bank, by the Cook tion a week or more gathering evi- acts ever committed by illegal gamo guests of Sigmund Eisner Friday >f Degenring's bottling works. They p5,500 were made at Eatontown last Building Company. The houses will be completed next week. Each is donco nnd making other preparations hunters occurred Saturday morning night at a banquet at the Elks' home eated themselves on the ground and week. The properties sold were a for the arrests. on the Chapin farm on Riverdale ave- on East Front street. The purpose of egan to ring. Policeman Joseph store which was bought by Wolcott 22x26 feet. The foundations are of hollow Natco tile. Hardwood Monmouth county is at present nue, near Swimming river. Edward the gathering was to acquaint busi- Bray saw the men go down the lane. ros., seed and plant dealers, and a floors are laid throughout. Each house has six rooms and is provided with without u game warden. J. Elvin Bennett is the foreman of the farm: ness men with the aims of the state Dempsey and Doles are old offenders, ouse which was bought by Ira Wol- gas and water. John H. Cook, Jr., is the builder. These houses make liurtis of Asbury Park formerly held He was eating his breakfast when he chamber of commerce, an organiza- both having been arrested many ott. The store was owned by Mrs. twenty-seven houses which the Cook Building Company has built in and this position. The visit of the Middle- was alarmed by hearing the discharge tion which is trying to bring about Jmes. ' Policeman Bray knew that fames Hathaway and it was pur- sex and Union county game wardens of several guns. Rushing outside Mr. better business conditions and co-op- ;hey would make trouble if left to hased by the Wolcott firm for about Red Bank within the past three years. to Monmouth county was caused by Bennett was surprised to find several eration among business men. Meet- ;arry out their own wills, and he un- !3,000. The house belonged lo Eu- a large number of complaints which Italians picking up robins which they ings of this character are being held ertook to arrest them. This proved us Casler. It sold for $2,500. were made by farmers living in this had shot while the birds were on the by the state chamber of commerce at ;o be a big contract. The store is on the east side of TWO NEW HOUSES. neighborhood. The game wardens roof of the house. The farmer was various places in the state. Doles was so drunk that the cop Main street, near the railroad cross- say that never in all their experience indignant and he ordered the Italians ad to almost carry him. Dempsey Horace Tros is Building Them on off the place. The men laughed at Mr. Eisner, who is the largest man- ng. It comprised part of the estate Clinton Avenue. have they found so much flagrant dis- ufacturer of uniforms in the world, vanted to fight, and the cop had to >f the late Joseph W. Johnston, father MANY CHANGES BEING MADE rcgurd for the game laws as is ex-him. Then Mr. Bennett threatened opened the meeting with a brief ad- eep him subdued while he dragged if Mrs. Hathaway. Mrs. Hathaway Two new houses are being built on hibited in this part of the county. to use forcible measures to eject the Clinton avenue in West Red Bank TO THE MINOR BROWN PLACE. men. TJl'e Italians listened to hisdress in which he expressed his pleas- Doles' along. At the top \>1 the hill nherited most of the estate and she Nearly every farmer they visited told ure at being host at such a gathering. Doles'a hat fell off and Dempsey vol- has placed all of the property on the for Horace Tros. Each house will William A. Jamison, who Recently them Htorios not onlv about illegal threats and then pointed their guns During the rest of the evening Daniel unteered to pick it up. Mr. Bray let market. A number of sales have al- be 22x24 feet and will have six 1,'urae hunting but also about wanton nt Mr. Bennett and ordered him to go rooms, a bathroom and a vestibule. Bought the Property, Will Spond into the house at once if he didn't H. Applegate presided. Mayor George loose of Dempsey to allow him to ;ady been made, hut a large amount Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars destruction of farm proporty. M. Sandt advocated a public park for ick up the hat, and the umbrella man. if property remains to be disposed Modern improvements will be in- want his brains blown out. The men stalled and hardwood floors will be for Improvements. Previous to last Saturday no seri- were tough looking customers and Red Bank. He proposed that the took advantage of this to run away. )f. The store bought by Wolcott Work which when completed will ous effort had boen made for a num- property fronting on the river from The cop left Doles in charge of Theo- 3ros. is 30x100 feet, with living laid throughout. The first story will they made their threats in a manner have weatherboard enclosures and cost hundreds of thousands of dol- ber'of yearn to curb these acts. The that indicated that they would put Rumpf's boat works to the steamboat dore Morris and hot-footed it after •ooms overhead. The members of lars is under way on the Minor Brown illegal shooting of game constituted their threats into execution.
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