- -- ~--~---c-- , , , Dance -page 8 VOL XIV, N0.8! -an inde-~ iident student newspaper servin_g nolre dame and saint mary: s FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1980 FBI claitns strong evidence against N.J. Senator Williams WASHINGTON (AP) - The sheik. partment sources, the papers federal case against Sen. Harri­ _Officially, sources close to the also listed Reps. Michael My­ son A. Williams Jr. was descri-~ investigation say all eight mem­ ers, D. Pa., and Richard Kelly, bed yesterday as among the bers of Congress remain sub­ R-Fla. strongest in the FBI's political ject to possible grand jury bribery investigation which has action, although the govern­ The Star said other strong implicated eight members of ment considers its case against cas~s were being prepared Congress. Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., to be agamst Reps. John Jenrette, As FBI agents interviewed the weakest. D-S.C., and Raymond Lederer, members of the New Jersey Williams was reported in the D-Pa. Instead of those two, the Casino Control Commission, Washington Star and the New Daily News listed Reps. Frank which figured in the allegations York Daily News to oe a strong Thompson Jr., D-N.J., and against Williams, the House of target for federal prosecution. Jo~n Murphy, D-N.Y., as other Representatives turned its at­ Quoting unnamed Justice De- pnme targets. tention to the ethics of the manner in which the FBI con­ ducted its 16-month inquiry. In advance of the House floor CAP seeks to diversify debate, FBI Director William Webster told an Oklahoma City news conference his agency had Arts and Letters program ''followed the rules of law'' in its undercover operations. He by Michael Lewis Several students met with denied any entrapment of mem­ Executive News Editor faculty members last week to bers of Congress. discuss ideas to combat their Allegations have been made Citing what they term "bore­ feeling of stagnation. Another against as many as 20 public dom and stagnation'' with the meeting is scheduled for Feb. officials and 10 businessmen Notre Dame Arts and Letters 21 at 7 p.m. in room 104 Margie Vermeulen watches the ballet rehearsal at after FBI undercover agents, program, a few AL majors are O'Shaughnessy. All students 0 'Laughlin Theater as she awaits her moment on stagt!. The posing as wealthy Arabs or initiating a discussion of ways are invited to discuss the Uni­ performance wtll be heldFnday and Saturday at 8:00pm representatives of Arab inter- to improve intellectual life at versity's intellectual life at that the University. ==S=ee=s=to=ry=o=n=p=a=g=e=B=.[p=h=ot=o=b=y=r;=d]=. ========== ests, paid nearly $500,000 in meeting. = cash in exchange for promises Terry Keely and Ken Scarbor­ ough, two leaders of the effort, At last week's meeting, the of political favors and other said last night that some AL group discussed the establish­ serv1ces. ment of a new course, a Webster said the law allows majors are "a bit bored" with FLOC plans campaign the regular curriculum. These faculty-student lounge, and a use of deception when there is scholarly student journal. evidence of a predisposition to students, they assert, could against Campbell's, Libby's commit a crime. "We follow benefit from additions to the The idea of a student/faculty criminality,'' he said W ednes­ regular curriculum, which lounge is not new. emielity by Tim Vercellotti tures required to bring the J day. "We do not target would be designed to increase noted that the college used to StaffReporter issue to a vote by Notre Dame individuals. We do not target faculty-student discussion and sponsor a ''coffee hour'' for students. These petitions will institutions .... We have no bring the Arts _and Letters students and professors to min­ The Farm Labor Organization be available in the dining halls interest in testing any public disciplines together. gle and discuss current issues. Committee (FLOC) met last at lunch and dinner late next officials. · Thomas J emielity, director of night to discuss plans for the week. Williams, a New Jersey Demo­ the Committee on Academic Ideally, the lounge would fur­ planned referendum concern­ The proposed boycott is a crat, is reported to have told Progress (CAP), said yesterday nish a place where students and ing a boycott of products manu­ means of applying pressure to FBI agents on videotape that that the CAP has been con­ faculty could come and go as factured by Campbell's Soup companies that receive their Joseph Lordi, chairman of the cerned about this problem for they pleased, and discuss any­ and Libby's. produce from farms in Ohio. some time. casino commission, helped him thing. Keely noted that, since The group, which is campaign­ According to Anne Huber, a save $3 million for developers all students and faculty could ing for the rights of migrant spokeswoman for FLOC, these J emielity called this "bore­ of the Ritz hotel-casino project use the lounge, discussions farm workers in northwestern canning companies set a certain dom" a "fairly widespread in Atlantic City. Lordi and could take an inter-disciplinary Ohio, is plannints a campus­ price that they will pay the phenomenon among serious­ approach to issues. wide publicity blitz from now Williams have denied involve­ minded students.'' When asked farmers for their crops. ment in such a deal. until Feb. 25, the date of the This set amount of money is about how many students felt The course, if initiated, would Referendum. The campaign then used to pay the migrant In addition, government sour­ frustrated with the Arts and consist of a small group of ces said last weekend that consist of posters in the various workers. Unfortunately, the Letters curriculum, J emielity students examining an intel­ campus buildings and pamph­ t:.nion that represents the Williams last August had ac­ replied, "More than I would lectual problem of their choice cepted stock in a titanium mine lets to be distributed by FLOC farmworkers has no say in what prefer. It's not an uncommon under the direction of a profes­ in return for a promise to help members in the residence halls. the annual price will be, and complaint.'' sor. A paper would be pub­ FLOC believes this publicity is obtain government contracts for Keely and Scarborough said lished at the .end of the course needed to get the 1,013 signa- continued on p. 10 a venture backed by an Arab that academic pressures on as a kind of "mini-disserta­ both students and faculty at­ tion.'' tribute to their sense of frusta­ The journal, if formed; would Age 19-20 tion. Keely stated that there ideally be another examination needs to be a ''change in of a problem from an inter-dis­ emphasis" away from the GPA ciplinary viewpoint. Students and credit ·hours. could select a topic, then pro­ Scarborough said that, at the vide essays, research, poetrv, Carter calls for female registration freshman and sophomore lev­ photography, and other talen'ts els, "The only intellectual rela­ to complete the work. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Carter will call made available. tionship a student has is be­ for the registration of women for the military Carter announced plans last month in his State tween his books and his notes.'' Keely and Scarborough noted draft, White House officials said yesterday. of the Union message to resume draft registra­ From a professor's standpoint, that these ideas are only at the The White House scheduled an announcement tion, citing an increasing military threat from the J emielity said th<jl an emphasis discussion stage, and invited all for today detailing the president's plans for the Soviet Union. on research and publications students to participate. The entire draft ree-istration program. Although he remained mum on the question of takes away from the faculty's Feb. 21 meeting is designed time and inclination for free both as a "brainstorming ses­ I The president's proposal, disclosed by officials whether he would include women, he has who asked not to be identified, is a sharp break previously taken the position that any such discussion with students. sion and as a way to deter­ 1- with historical precedent. It will be the first time program should include women. Scarborough, a sophomore mine student interest. that a president has suggested registering In recent weeks, Carter's decision has been CAP member, said that a J emielity s.1id that, although women for the draft. foreshadow~ by statements from administra­ synthesis of the various liberal the CAP is involved in this Carter decided to include women in the tion officials and the president's wife, Rosalynn, arts disciplines is needed. discussion, all students should program despite a warning from House Speaker who urged registration of women. Keely, a junior and spokesper­ participate. Thomas P. O'Neill that it would not pass the Currently, there are about 150,000 women in son for the group, said, ''Peo-­ "One of the things CAP is Congress. the military, out of a force of more than 2 milion. ple are just frustrated with their supposed to do is to serve as a The president probably will limit re~istration to However, women still are banned by law from classes .. .It seems purposeless clearing house for those ideas,'' - persons 19 and 20, though full details were not combat. after a while." he said. - ,.,_ ''-..__ .r--------------.-----~~----------------------~---------------------------------------------------------- News in, brief __ Friday, February 8, 1980 -page 2 University scientists search At Monday lecture prison rubble for bodies Almon to discuss hydrocarbons by carbons in diagenetic traps.
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