V ■ NET PRESS RCNl Coim. Slate Library AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the month of December, 1927 5,079 ' f Member. of the Audit Bureau of •' vTTTf Circulations ________ Bli^CH^STER, CONNJ, ElQteiTTANUARY 20, 1928 , (EIGHTEEN PAOES) VOL. XLU., NO. 94. Succor for Prisoners of the Deep PRESmENIOF Science To 4- FREE STATE IS Man Within ON ALL NATIONS IS W R i m O f A D aVENJimOHE Washington, Jan. 20—Before an-*reau of Standards, is the painter of this alluring picture of future life other century has winged its way p l a n o f GUERRERO down the corridors of time, the in the civilized world, and he basep world will be remoulded to the his prediction, not on dreams and End Conies Suddenly and Un­ Wilfiam T.C osgrave Greeted heart’s desire of mail—a world de­ fan<^, but upon the remarkable ac­ void of pain, worr^, poverty, bru­ complishments of sciehce. tality—emancipated from the over­ “Man's mind‘is far too valuable expectedly Though He Foreip Mmister of San Sal­ By Thousands In New whelming crusher of dreams and for craative work to waste on do­ I achievement—routine. ing the same thing twice in the vador TeDs Correspon­ It is sound psychology that our same way,” Dr. Hubbard told the Had Been Long 111—For­ York—Visibly Affected conscious actions and efforts re­ International News Service today. spond to the vision of an end to be “Since measurement is the quest dents His Views At Pan- attained. Physical man, his mind for truth and truth makes men free, mer Postmaster. By Cheers of Crowds. and body and soul, will be remodej- we begin to see a universal func­ ed along lines that will correspond tion of measurement—we measure American Congress; Unit­ to the new and ideal conditions of our way to emancipauon from the Death ^tnick swiftly last night New York, Jan. 2 0 —President tomorrow—fatiguing, manual labor routine by such analysis of skill will be banHsired and we’ll work that we can specify it in units of when it took a man who had been ed States Delegates Keep William T. Cosgrave of the Irish measurement. fighting it gamely the better part Free State, a slim soft-voiced man “for an age at a sitting and never Mrs. Gaudet Dies and Hart­ be ured at all.” Ideal Human Being of his life, Fred H. Wall, veteran In the Background. of 47 with sandy hair and mus­ The Autlior “We are measuring our way to Manchester news and publicity tache, arrived in New York today the specification for an ideal human Dr. Henry D. Hubbard, an out­ writer, finally lost his battle, lost to pay his respects to America. It standing American scientist and ford Vetermarian Is Close­ was the first time in the long, secretary of the United States Bu- (Continued on l*age 3) it so suddenly that it came in Havana, Jdn. 20—Compulsdry stormy history of Ireland that an shocking contrast to the long, up­ ly Guarded After PoGce arbitration of all international dis­ Irish leader had come • to these hill struggle he had been through. putes In the western hemisphere Is shores bearing tidings of success Shortly aftqrj six‘o’clock last eve­ already achieved in Ireland s fight REWARD INCREASED MAYOR OF ALABAMA Get Dying Confession. favored by Gustavo Guerrero, for­ for freedom. ning Fred Wail passed away. He eign minister of San Salvador, this Nineteen guns from the batteries had ’ become suddenly ill at riioon- official told the correspondents to­ time’lunch, fell into a semi-con on Governor’s Island boomed a wel­ Haitford, Coritt., Jan. 20—Mrs. day. Minister Guerrero was elected come to President Cosgrave as he FOR MISSING GIRL RAPS SEN. HEFLIN scions state and never i-egalued stood on the deck of the city’s re- consciousness before death. Max J. Gaudet, of New Haven, died chairman of the committee on pub­ ception boat, the Macom, which - , • Bom Here. in Hartford hospital at 8:03 A.M., lic international law, one of the brought the distinguished visitor up ■ Fred H. Wall was born in Man­ - today from the effects of a bullet most important of the Pan-Ameri­ the bay from the liner Homeric. Wires Sen. Robinson That chester, but' shortly after his birth Smith Family Offer $10,000 his folks moved to Talcottville wound in her body after a shooting can conference, and his selection in­ “My heart is filled with the deep­ affair that took place' Wednesday est feelings of emotion,” said Ccs- where his father had purchased sures the Uveiiests debate upon the grave as he .stepped on American If Daughter Is'Found He Will Not Be “Tarred a farm. In Talcottville Fred night in the apartment of Dr. Har­ question of codification of interna­ soil, at the Battery, shortly before revived his education. After old Guilfoyle, a federal veterinarian tional law. leaving the grammar school in noon. and Feathered” in State. on Maple street. Minister Querrero said he does Police Precautions Alive— Mother Collapses. that village he worked in the card-room at the Talcott Brothers Two hours after Mrs. Gaudet not favor the proposal for estab­ Extra police precautions were There’ll be less loss of life in submarine accidents like the S-4’s if lishing an arbitration court for the taken to guard Cosgrove. Fully plant. Then John Wall, . Fred’s the device here pictured in tests off the Charlestown. Mass., bridge is died, Frank J. Carlton, prosecuting Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 20.—Re­ attorney for the City of Hartford, American republics, holding that 3,000 mounted and motorcycle po­ New York, Jan. 20.—The search adopted generally by under-water craft. As part of a submersible’s the existing machinery of the lice lined Broadway, from the Bat- for Miss Frances St. John Smith, futing today the assertion of Sen­ hull, it would form a separate compartment through which food, water announced he had issued a warrant changing Dr. Guilfoyle' ■with the World Court is sufficient lerv to City Hall, where Mayor 18-year-old student who vanished ator Heflin, Democrat of Alabama, and air could he passed to the crew in case of disaster. He e’Vaded the question as to James J. Walker welcomed the Irish murder of Mrs*,, Gaii&eL - ’The' war­ from Smith polleg a v cek ago that Senator Robirtson, Democrat rant will not b^»er»ed,4lie piTOsect^- whether he favpred this cofaference swung back to New York City to- i of Arkansas, minority leader of the tor said, until Dr. Gullfoyle’s condi,- writing a hew definition of “inter­ tlon improves sufficiently for him to vention,” such as proposed by Mexi­ day with the arrival here of her | Senate,. would be “tarred and Ifalian-Americans Lead co, Haiti, Uruguay and others. brother, St. John Smith, Jr., and a feathered’’ in Alabama for con­ leave the hospital. At present the demning Heflin s attacks on Gov. , doctor is pronounced on the road private detective. to recovery and is being guarded Havana, Cuba, Jan. 20.—The A1 Smith and the Catholic. ct\urcfa, in New Haven *s Schools threatened Latin-American insur­ Their hurried trip from North­ Mayor W. A. Gunter, Jr., of Mon- 24 hours a day. rection against the Latin-American ampton, Mass., wheru the search gomery, sent the following tele- ^ Get Confession policy of the United States appear­ gram tA Robinsonl Prosecutor Carlton and William has centered, stirred rumors that New Haven, Conn., Jan. 20.— <^-tialian 18, Austrian 241, Austro- ed today to be pretty well squelch­ “As mayor of the capital city of J. Hickey, county detective, inter­ ed. Yeoman diplomatic work had Frances was being held captive' by Alabama, I speak not only.for the About twQ-third3 of New Haven's Galician 8, Belgian 18, Bohemian 2, viewed Mrs. Gaudet just before she abductors waiting for a further in­ Eulguriau 4, Canadian 224, Chinese been accomplished by the Ameri­ people of Montgomery, but for a 33,291 public school children are died and obtained a signed state- can delegation since its arrival in crease in the $10,000 reward of­ large majority of the people of Ala- : 5, Negro 9o2, Croatian 2, Czecho­ inent, accoiTiing to the prosecutor. fered by the girl’s father. of foreign-born parents, according slovakian 37, Danish 84, Dutch 17, Havana to deal with the Sixth Pan- bama, when I request you to visit’ While the real story of the shoot­ American Conference. As a result Another report was that the Montgomery at some early' date Caa' to the annual survey announced to­ East Galician 1, Egyptian 1, Eng­ ing affair is in the hands of the day by the Board of Education. Tha lish 3ji), Esthohina 3, Finnish . 25, of this work, the conference swung young student has sought seclusion the guest of the city and the people authorities through this statement into the committee stage today in a thickly populated neighbor­ of Alabama, and speak to our total having foreign-born parents Is French 58, German 502, Greek 193, the authorities refuse to divulge 23,208. School children born »n Hungarian 144, Irish 1,137, Italian with the most of the opposition hood where., she was likely to re­ people. what actually happened. elements in a friendly mood. main unrecognized. Deeply Humiliated. | other lands uumt -r 537. 12,426, Japanese 2, Lat-vian 6, Lith­ John T. Guilfoyle, of Philadel- Children of Italian-born parents uanian 518, Norwegian 5 3 ,Nova .
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