The Information Authority for the Workboat • Offshore • Inland • Coastal Marine Markets Volume 27 • Number 7 arine JULY 2016 M News www.marinelink.com Propulsion Technology Full Speed Ahead with Volvo Penta Insights Propulsion Defined by Bob Kunkel ATB Design Comes of Age Marrying the hull to the propulsion package Emissions Proactive Partnership Produces Environmental Protection MN July16 C2, C3, C4.indd 1 6/20/2016 11:36:17 AM MN July16 Layout 1-17.indd 1 6/20/2016 3:13:24 PM CONTENTS MarineNews July 2016 • Volume 27 Number 7 Credit: Volvo Penta Credit: Volvo INSIGHTS 12 Robert Kunkel LNG? Methanol as fuel? Hybrid systems? Tier 4? MarineNews readers have questions and Bob Kun- kel has answers. Features Credit: Co., Inc Bouchard Transportation REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 24 ATB Design Comes of Age Bouchard’s newest ATB units have been exceeding 20 How Watertight is Your Integrity? performance expectations. Coordination between the design A watertight boat is a beautiful thing. It keeps you team and the propulsion OEM is a major reason why. afl oat in heavy seas. Can you say the same for your By Kathy A. Smith company’s integrity? By Captain Katharine Sweeney 30 Volvo Penta Debuts New Diesel Engine and IPS Volvo Penta’s concerted push into the commercial marine market continues with the introduction of the D8 diesel INSURANCE engine and the new IPS15 propulsion system. 22 Revised PREP Guidelines By Greg Trauthwein Effective June 2016: What You Should Know By Kate Kelley 38 Partnerships Produce Proactive Environmental Protection A forward-thinking approach by environmentally con- PROPULSION: EMISSIONS scious ferry operators produces green ferries that exceed local emission standards. 44 Economics, Efficiency and Emissions By Joseph Keefe Drive Effective Choices ON THE COVER 4HE)NFORMATION!UTHORITYFORTHE7ORKBOATs/FFSHOREs)NLANDs#OASTAL-ARINE-ARKETS Louisiana-based Karl Senner widens its propulsion 6OLUMEs.UMBER solutions toolkit with two options, both designed to Off the west Coast of Sweden, arinea JULY 2016 provide economics, effi ciencies and lower emissions. M News WWWMARINELINKCOM By Joseph Keefe the former Finnish rescue boat Propulsion Technology Rescue PAF/PTA81 is propelled Full Speed Ahead through the water by Volvo with Volvo Penta PROPULSION: WATERJETS Penta’s new D8/IPS15 engine confi guration, under the steady 47 A Sea Change in Waterjet Technology hand of MarineNews Associate Long time water jet propulsion equipment provider Publisher Greg Trauthwein. The Insights 3URSXOVLRQ'HÀQHGE\%RE.XQNHO NAMJet introduces key advancements for this sector. story begins on page 30. $7%'HVLJQ&RPHVRI$JH Marrying the hull to WKHSURSXOVLRQSDFNDJH By Joseph Keefe (Image Credit: Volvo Penta) (PLVVLRQV 3URDFWLYH3DUWQHUVKLS3URGXFHV (QYLURQPHQWDO3URWHFWLRQ 2 MN July 2016 MN July16 Layout 1-17.indd 2 6/20/2016 3:14:10 PM MN July16 Layout 1-17.indd 3 6/20/2016 3:14:43 PM MarineNews MarineNews July 2016 Volume 27 Number 7 (ISSN#1087-3864) (USPS#013-952) Florida: 215 NW 3rd St., Boynton Beach, FL 33435 tel: (561) 732-4368; fax: (561) 732-6984 New York: 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010 Departments Analysis tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271 www.marinelink.com & PUBLISHER John C. O’Malley • [email protected] Associate Publisher & Editorial Director Greg Trauthwein • [email protected] 6 Editor’s Note Editor Joseph Keefe • [email protected] Tel: 704-661-8475 Web Editor 8 By the Numbers Eric Haun • [email protected] National Census of Contributing Writers Ferry Operators Susan Buchanan • Lawrence R. DeMarcay, III Joe Hudspeth • Randy O’Neill PRODUCTION Production & Graphics Manager Nicole Ventimiglia • [email protected] 18 OP/ED SALES Vice President, Sales & Marketing Fix the Harbor Maintenance Rob Howard • [email protected] Trust Fund Now … or in 2027 Advertising Sales Managers By Shane Skelton National Sales Manager Terry Breese • [email protected] Tel: 561-732-1185 Fax: 561-732-8414 Lucia Annunziata • [email protected] Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6220 Fax: 212-254-6271 49 Boat of the Month Frank Covella • [email protected] Brunswick’s all new 1100 Tel: 561-732-1659 Fax: 561-732-8063 IMPACT D-COLLAR Mitch Engel • [email protected] Tel: 561-732-0312 Fax: 561-732-8063 Mike Kozlowski • [email protected] Tel: 561-733-2477 Fax: 561-732-9670 Dawn Trauthwein • [email protected] Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6230 Fax: 631-868-3575 Jean Vertucci • [email protected] Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6210 Fax: 212-254-6271 50 Vessels Managing Director, Intl. Sales Paul Barrett • [email protected] 52 People & Company News Tel: +44 1268 711560 Fax: +44 1268 711567 Uwe Riemeyer • [email protected] Tel: +49 202 27169 0 Fax: +49 202 27169 20 57 Products CORPORATE STAFF Manager, Marketing Mark O’Malley • [email protected] 60 Classified Advertising Accounting Esther Rothenberger • [email protected] Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6810 Manager, Info Tech Services 64 Advertiser’s Index Vladimir Bibik • [email protected] CIRCULATION Circulation Manager Kathleen Hickey • [email protected] Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6320 TO SUBSCRIBE: MarineNews ( ISSN# 1087-3864 ) is published monthly ( twelve issues ) by Maritime Activity Reports Inc. 118 E 25th St. Subscriptions to Marine News (12 issues per year) New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send for one year are available for $60.00; all UAA to CFS. NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY FACILITIES send address corrections to Marine News 850 Montauk Hwy, Two years (24 issues) for $95.00. #867 Bayport, NY 11705. Send your check payable to: MarineNews, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any misprints or claims or actions taken by advertisers. The publisher reserves For more information email Kathleen Hickey at: the right to refuse any advertising. Contents of the publication either in whole or part may not be produced without the express [email protected] permission of the publisher. 4 MN July 2016 MN July16 Layout 1-17.indd 4 6/20/2016 3:15:20 PM MN July16 Layout 1-17.indd 5 6/20/2016 3:15:50 PM EDITOR’S NOTE rrespective of the editorial focus of this edition of MarineNews, it is inadvisable to begin without acknowledging the arrival of the U.S. Coast Guard’s long awaited, much anticipated and far reach- Iing subchapter M towboat rules. The preliminary take on the advance text that the Coast Guard provided in mid-June is that the rule will be more forgiving than it otherwise might have been. The Coast Guard itself says it endeavored to soften th e impact of the new regulations in its fi nal version. If that’s the case, one has to wonder whether the ultimate impact on safety will be similarly dulled. Without getting into the weeds on what it all means, the Coast Guard asserts that subM will affect about 5,500 U.S. fl ag towing vessels engaged in pushing, pulling, or hauling alongside, and the 1,100 companies that own or operate them. Ultimately, they say, this translates into a net benefi t of $4.9 million for industry, not counting un-monetized benefi ts such as reducing [email protected] the risk of accidents that have secondary consequences on waterways, highways, and railroads. That’s interesting but encouraging math. On the other hand, the apparent grandfathering of certain hulls and equipment and the ulti- mate delay to full compliance won’t be good news to shipyards hoping to change their luck with increased business. The 798-page document that I viewed prior to deadlines for this edition was daunting. Interpreting what it all means will be equally diffi cult. Stay tuned. On a brighter note, MarineNews Associate Publisher Greg Trauthwein arrived back from yet another incredibly diffi cult [?] assignment in Gothenburg, Sweden just in time to fi ll us in on some remarkable developments in the world of propulsion technology. Volvo Penta’s newest equipment for the workboat world – as only Greg can attest to after having driven much of it – will no doubt very soon make a huge splash in your world. Before that, it debuts here, within this edition, starting on page 30. Separately, we have learned over time that propulsion technology today involves so much more than just engines and/or the devices driven by them to move vessels through the water. That’s because the need for combining speed, effi ciencies, emissions control and fuel economy are changing the way naval architects design hull forms. Matching the propulsion arrangement to the hull in a fi t-for-purpose manner isn’t just a fad. For example, it is the way of the future for forward-thinking ATB operators – such as Bouchard – who hope, among other things, to maximize their bottom line. That story begins on page 24. This month, it seems only fi tting that I end with a few remarks on how we began this edi- tion. Our usual INSIGHTS feature typically revolves around the Editorial Calendar, and this version is no different. In this case, I once again turned to my good friend and fellow Mass. Maritime alumnus Bob Kunkel, who speaks with authority on all things ‘propulsion.’ That he does so, primarily from an OEM agnostic position, makes his ‘insights’ that much more valu- able. See if you don’t agree. Download our Apps iPhone & Android Joseph Keefe, Editor, [email protected] SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to the print or electronic edition of MarineNews at www.marinelink.com/renewsubscr/Renew04/subscribe.html or e-mail Kathleen Hickey at [email protected] DAILY NEWS via E-MAIL Twice every business day we provide breaking news, tailored to your specifi cation, delivered FREE directly to your e-mail.
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