Learn co tn/s Last. Sit* Socratec, at an extreme age, leorned to play <m musical instruments, for th« PUBLISHED lva*TF*iDAV MUKNIHU, in the Third purpose of resisting the wear and tear Story uf tu« Jrfck Ulack,corner of Mum u.ud Huron Streets of old ago. Cato, ut eighty years of ngc, thowghc proper to learn the Greek language. Kutrance ""» Hurun street, upfos.U thi- fou.kliB. Plutu ch, when between tho ng« of seventy nnd eighty, commenced tho EL1HU B. POND Htudy of Latin -fj<j.it,ox and Boccacci 1 was thirty year* of ngo when he commenced his studies in fx>» iito literature; yet lies bar nine one of V ol. XVII. A.1STJST ARBOR, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1862. TSTo. 868 the three great masters of th« Tuscnn .Jne square (1'2 lines ur ieaa) cue week, ou cents . »no *oats for every iuartiou taer-aliei. ie^ than fchret dialect, Dunte and Petrarch being the other two There are many among us yuartei col. 1 year ....$'-( The Germs of the Eeauufu'. would take a good mauy diuivs to make The Speech Charles J. Ingersollwas Ar- Xhe French System of Draiting. The Extent nf the Loss. The Continuance of the War. liail col'uin 6 an OK lb ten years younger than Boccaccio, who S'VT'i * ••••• Scattei tbc terriiH of tlie beautiful I ili.it From the I^evv York World. Half do 1 yeiir «J5 ie3ted for Making- Under French law every birth in the The following is an extract from an are dying of ennui, and regret that '„„ ,,'r.s 8 mos » One do 6 mos i>b By the waymde let them fail, •' His wife smiled, but did not volun- Empire must be recorded within forty- Thn rebels could hare afforded to pay address by Archbishop Hughes, recent- One do 1 year Ct That the rose may spring by the cottage FBLLOW-CITIZBXS:—I ariae to support that they were not educated to a tasta •.»„ d» i y»' ** teer to enlighten hi HI as to the correct- eight hours, under pain of severe penal- ten millions of dollars for the results ac- ly delivered : »a- \dvertiacmeuts UUILI;COIII|.IIIII(.-'1 by written elver- gate, these resolutions, and 1 would support, for literature; but now they are toi , I Urcctiuns will be published umil omeiet) out, an. And the vine on the carilen wall. ness of the coijecure. if necet>ary, resolutions still i tronger.— ties for any attempted violation of thecomplished by their cavalry raid on Gen I do ni>*. know what may happen in o d. Cover the louyh and the i ude of earth o urged accordingly. bo things went on till at_ length camo J3ut. t|,, trut|, jSi tue ,jme for ,|iSCUSbion code France is divided into 40.UOO Pope's headquarters at Catlett's Station, case this war should continue as it ha* Sir Henry Spelman neglected tha . j.lvertisements, firnt insertion, 60 cents |ie, With the va.l and leaves ol flowers, the pallia of 1857 —a panic so recent communes, each of which has a M .yor, Friday night They took possession of been nince I left this country. Tho pa- .|,.i 15 cents per folio for e.-vcli subwuuent insertion And mark with the opening bud and cup and reaolutioiis hns pas-ed, and we have sciences in hi* youth, bat commenced •Vlie'ii » Dirtponemeot in »Mrf loan nrlvi-rtis. mint thi that it will be reineuibuicd how univi.r arrived withih n six weeks nf the time holding his nppointmeut from the De- our c;iuip, pillaged and plundered to pers tuive rendered the condition ut the , hole will be charged th*MM M for first inseiti, n. The inarch of summer hours. s<il trade and I usmtss of every kii d the nludy of them when he was between when we are tn go to th biillut box and partment of the Interior at Paris, which their heart's content, ;md besides t e country reifectlv confused It i» very fifty and sixty yearn of age. After JOB FiCiicTTasro. S< alter the gems of the beautiful were depre.»s<d at this period—among tefle— I hope forever— 'he question ny the wtiy, is by far the most important lives, money, horses, and personal effects d'fficuit for one even acquainted with In the holy shrine of hi n.e; this time he became a ir.ost lourccd un- --inlnhlots, Hand-bill", Millars. Cards. Hull Tirkots. otheis, (he tivde which oeeuni. d (Jlias. which fnr eighteen monthhs hah s distracteddd branch of the French Government i;i nillost, General Pope lost the muster rolls thw country to comprehend bow the ,.1"her varieties of 1 - in and Fancy ** Printing, Let the j.uie, ai,d the fair, and the graceful Lynford suffered t quaiian and lawyer. Our young men ° ' ,,4 ,,th promptm*: id in the BEST RIU thi countrv, and iu regard to which so respects. It is in '.he presence ot theof his army, and all his private papers, land lies; itnd so it is with toreigne-n there. O i begin to think of laying their enniorn In their loveliest lustre come ; One eveni.g he came limnc^ looking much• effor- t "ha- s bee" n made to brin• - g ,ht. Mayor that births are declared nnd for copies of dispatches and reports, memo- Nor is ii in uny one's power to say wiili on the shelf when they have reached BOOK nn Leave not a trace of defoinilty (juite serioui—an expression which sel great deiuociatic party into disn putH — mally placed on record for future refer- randa of the campaign and the past and absolute certainty whut may ha[ipen if .-ixty years of ago How different the In the tcmpie of the heart, (iom came over his cheerful face. ence ami use. The law requires that the present condition of '.he army, copies of this war continue*, ?v!te<1 with the Office is B Rook Hinrtpry in But gather about its hearth the gems c rstand it, tho demoorutiu party present eslimn e put upon experience ni often t workman. County Record*, Caroline, wliu had watched the signx now t e majority of the people of child itself shall be brought before the all the telegrams which he has sent to Whut is the prospects of its coming from ttmt which characieriz-d a cer- Of Nature and of Art. of the tiinea. was not unpn pared to see a ne..t »nd du »hle m.nnfr, j Pennsjlvan a. Wo haev u majority in civic functionary, the name of the infant Washington since taking I113 present to an end' I do nut see any propei ts. tain period of the Grecian republic, ,nc.«tonin<lerythronBli limrs Office. Scatter the germs of the beautiful this. Shu sunpecied that her husbaud's the kVute and in the city and I believe given, the names and condition ol b"thOomnMtid, all the dispatch"* received There does not appear to he an irtaue, when a man was not all.twed to open In the temple of our God— bii-iinss »ould be affected the iieiylibuting Slates will prove, whe i parents, when known, given, also the sexfrom the President, General Hallcck, (•nd it may be that God, for some de- his mouth in political meetings who The God who.sUfr'd the uplifted sky. " What i- the matter, Charles ?" she !their,elections take place, that they are of the child declared ami al the facts General Me.Cle.llm, General ISurnsi'U-, -i^n of His OV.'D, which fiituru gener:i- was under forty yem-s of oge fttftiefi And Sowi red the trampled *od. Mfced ehoerfully. When he built a temple for himself, in the majority there certified to by two creditable witnesses, and the War Department, copies of nil tions will iippr ciate, h:i.-i pertained this Colbert, the fjinou*French minister, And a home for bis priestly lace, " The muttur, tb:it we will liavo to We :iie within six weeks of the elec- whose names, ivsi ieuce*, and occupations the orders issued to his Generals and ealumity to .-courge the country in 01 CA.RDS! CARDS!! CARDS!!! economize greatly." 1 at sixty years of ago returned to bis 5 He rear'd eacli arch in symmetry, ure also carefully recorded. corps divisions, all his maps und topo- del to bring from these results betn fit Nfinp tirchased a U*OOLKS ROTARY HIAMOM Care tion, ami this is the only reason why the Latin and law stuciec How ntany :'roas, vith a. fine issnrtm>>nt of O»rr. type, the And mired each lino m "race. '• Anything unfavorable turned up iu It will bo seen ut a glance that the giMphieal eh irts, and iu short, every re- to the whole human r ce. These are the democratic party i.* B> loudly denounced of our college learnt men have over lli.i'w ifi-p-tred to print Pjirdu nf all kinds i business mutters ?" by the republican |i;ipers, and that 8 theinformation thus obtained ia of immense cord and Dicce of information whioh any circumstanced the results of whioh no IBitstt pa4*U»1e«tjlf ;ind ai a great reductmi Scatter the germs of the beautiful looked into their classics sinco thoir -rm^r »rices, fnc1u*\inp Husinpf^ Cnrtih f..r nipr of M " I should think there had I will reason why this meeting has been spe utili y to die Government, in conducting one could wish who desired to know man can fnthom, they depend upon so • *»,-*ti>np ir\i\ >rnfp^Hions, Hall VW.Irtinff.
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