CONTENTS PAGE ADMINISTRATION Constitution - w By La s . Ba dg e Accessions to Lib ra ry MEMBERSHIP: Present Officers a nd Former Execu f tive O ficers . - Committee s 1 9 1 9 1 920 . List o f Members Necrology MEETINGS: Hudson County Branch Banquet . Annual Meeting Officers fo r 19 1 9 HONOR ROLL R IN MEMO IAM . ILL USTRATIONS PAG E Seymour Van Sa ntvo o rd — Portrait Fro ntispiece Badge of the Society The Society Button Eagle Tavern at Bergen Theo dore Roosevelt— Portrait — Dr . Charles Alexander Richmond Portrait . Facing — Dr . Franklin Henry Giddings Portrait Facing — Dr . Jacob Gould Schurman Portrait . Facing v — t i Rev . Robert Da is Por ra t Facing no C O NS TI TUTI O N AD P D AP IL 0 1 88 . O TE R 3 , 5 A AM ND D AP IL 1 s E E R 7, 91 9 . ARTICLE I . Na me . I SECTION . This organization shall be called THE HOLLAND SO CIETY O F NEW YO RK . A I RT CLE II . The object of the Society shall be : IR F ST . To collect and preserve information respect ing the early history and settlement of the City and State of New York by the Dutch , and to discover, collect, and preserve all still existing documents , etc . , relating to their genealogy and history . SECO ND . To perpetuate the memory and foster and promote the principles and virtues of the Dutch s ancestors of its members , and to promote ocial inter course among the latter . THIRD . To gather by degrees a library for the use m of the Society, composed of all obtainable books , ono graphs , pamphlets , manuscripts , etc . , relating to the m Dutch in A erica . FO URTH 2 Tu e HOLLA N D SOCI E TY FO URTH. To cause statedly to be prepared and read before the Society, papers , essays , etc . , on ques tions in the history or genealogy of the Dutch in America . FIFTH. To cause to be prepared and published when the requisite materials have been discovered and m procured , collections for a me orial history of the Dutch in America , wherein shall be particularly set forth the part belonging to that element in the growth nd a development of American character, institutions , and progress . ARTICLE III . Members . N I m SECTIO . No one shall be eligible to me bership a unless at the time of election he is eighteen ye rs of age , of respectable standing in society, of good moral char acter, and the descendant in the direct male line of a Dutchman who was a native or resident of New York or of the American Colonies prior to the year 1 675. This shall include those of other former nationalities who found in Holland a refuge or a home , and whose de sce nda nts in the male line came to this country as Dutch settlers , speaking Dutch as their native tongue . This shall also include descendants in the male line of Dutch settlers who were born within the limits of Dutch settlements , and the descendants in the male line of persons who possessed the right of Dutch citi i z e nsh p within Dutch settlements in America , prior to the year 1 675; also of any descendant in the direct b e male line of a Dutchman , one of whose descendants 6 1 6 1 . came a member of this Society prior to June , 88 So long as there are one thousand members of the Society no further elections to membership shall be held , but candidates for admission shall be placed in ro de order upon a waiting list ; p vi d, however, that this restriction shall not prevent the immediate election of any candidate who is the descendant of a present or former member of the Society . ARTICLE CONSTI TUTI ON 3 ARTICLE IV . Ofieers . - S TI N I . A EC O President, Vice Presidents as pro vided B - in the y Laws , a Recording Secretary, a Cor responding Secretary and a Treasurer shall be chosen at each annual meeting and shall hold office for one year and until their successors are elected . There shall also be chosen from its members twenty Trustees . Those elected at the first ele ction shall divide them selves into four classes of five each ; one class to hold o fi e c one year, the second class for two years , the third class for three years, and the fourth class for four years , next thereafter . At each annual meeting thereafter there shall be chosen five Tru stees to fill the place of the class whose term will then expire . The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one person . If one who is not a Trustee should be elected Presi dent, Recording Secretary or Treasurer, he shall be ex-o fli cio a member of the Board of Trustees during f his term of o fice . S C I N 2 All E T O . elections shall be by ballot, under the direction of inspectors , to be appointed by the President, and a plurality of votes shall elect . ARTICLE V . P r nd D i r owe s a ut es of Ofiee s . I N I . SECT O Th e President of the Society, and in - his absence the Vice President for New York County, shall authorize the call for all meetings of the Trustees , and of the Society, and appoint the place of each meet n ing, a d shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer . - Vice Presidents shall , as far as possible , keep in touch with the members resident in their several counties and stimulate their interest in the affairs of On the Society . the occasion of the death of any mem - ber, the Vice President for the county in which such member has resided shall represent the Society and procure 4 TE E H OLLA N D S O C I E TY procure the necessary material for an appropriate m i emor al sketch to be inserted in the Year Book . S I ECT ON 2 . The Recording Secretary shall make e r and ke p a t ue record of all meetings of the Trustees , m and of the Society, and of all Standing Com ittees ; he shall also act as Librarian and Curator and shall B - have the custody of the Constitution and y Laws , the Corporate Seal , and all books , pamphlets , manuscripts and personal articles belonging to the Society . The Corresponding Secretary shall notify each Trustee of all meetings of the Trustees , and each mem ber of all meetings of the Society ; issue all other t s au horized notices to members , distribute all book , pamphlets , souvenirs and other matter, authorized by the Trustees , and conduct the correspondence of the Society . S TI n N . EC O 3 The Treasurer shall collect, and u der the direction of the Trustees disburse, the funds of the Society, and shall keep regular accounts thereof, which shall be subject to the examination of the President r and T ustees . He shall submit a statement thereof r to the T ustees at each regular meeting . S I ECT O N 4. The Trustees shall have general charge ff of the a airs , funds , and property of the Society . It shall be their duty to carry out the objects and pur poses thereo f ; and to this end may exercise all the powers of the Society, subject to the Constitution , and to such action as the Society may take at its special or stated meetings . C r SE TION 5. The T ustees shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur from death or re signa tion among the officers of the Society, for the unexpired co nsecu term of O ffice vacated . Absence from three t s ive stated meetings of the trustees , without a tis r o r m facto y explanation excuse, shall be dee ed equiv a le n t to resignation and may be acted upon accordingly . S I N ECT O 6 . The Trustees shall cause to be prepared annually a detailed statement of the financial condi ex e ndi tion of the Society, showing its receipts and p tures CONSTI TUTI ON 5 tures for the current year, the number of members , and other matters of general interest to the Society, and a statement thereof shall be printed and a copy sent to each member ten days previous to the annual meeting . I N . SECT O 7 The Trustees shall, from time to time , b - w make y la s , rules and regulations , and appoint standing committees and sub-committees on matters not herein determined . A I RT CLE VI . Mem rs hi be p . I SECT ON 1 . Candidates for admission must be pro posed by one member and seconded by another, and the member proposing a candidate shall state in writ ing the name of the person proposed , his occupation , place of residence , and his qualifications for member ship . S TI N 2 . EC O The name of every candidate , with those of his proposers , shall be sent to the Correspond ing Secretary at least fifteen days , and by him sent to each Trustee at least ten days , before he is balloted for . Members shall be chosen by the Trustees , and no candidate for membership shall be elected unless he receive an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the u Tr stees present, and in every instance two blackballs shall exclude . S I n N .
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