NO. 4 VOL. XIV. MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 34, 1889. Stockbridge longs to became an incorpo Our reporter says E.v-Mayor Donoyan of GOVERNMENT IIEADSTONIS Imjkm Coujitg ^^mocrai SAVE MONEY! rated village, and Representative Fitch bus Laiining, gave the Edeu Lecture Associa. Publitiliud ovory Tliuratlay presented a petition usking the legislature tion a fine historic talk on the "The Growth To Mark Union Soldiers' Graves in Our by City Cemetery. Our plan of making it an inducement fo: to incorporate territory now occupied by and Development of Northern Michigan," O. p. WHITMORE & CO,, subscribers to the Democrat to pay in last Friday evening. It was not only an MASON, MIOniGAN, 520 souls. Last Saturday seventeen headstones, to Ford's Bazaar ailMJicc, therebj saving 25 cents frotn the hour of pleasure but one filled with profita• \Vanted--10,OO0 pounds of butter, 10, be placed at the unmarked graves of Union rei?ular subscription price, haa proven so ble reflection, a laying in a store of practi• 000 pounds of dried apples, and 10,000 Yoar, $1.50 ; Six monthi, 75 conli; Thrac soldiers buried in our city cemetery, were satisfactory that we have decided to con cal knowledge. Mr. Donovan is quite al fnonthB.40 conti. dozen of eggs, for which we will pay the received at this station, consigned to Past We have just received a Full tinuo it. home with this theme and makes it one of highest market price in cash. Commander John C. Squiers, who made Line of Genuine Whalebone Cor• It is because we need the money, and be thrilling interest. •* A. L. 'VA.'JDEReooc. Our tidvortiairif; rates iiro glUO ])or coliimri pnr un- the requisition upon the U. S. Quarter• sets, best in the market. cause we feel that the subscriber who regu aum. Buninurtri noticcn tlvo cuiittj por lino fur onch Cash paid for live poultry. Hunt&Trim master Geueral at Washington something Our new 50c Corse t knocks out riMortlon. Kililorml notict-tt Ui cciitH. larly pays us, In cash, for a year in advance, J. M. Dresser will lecture at the Presby BiiHlncHH curdrt §l.U(i jior lino pur year. over a year ago, hy request of the G. A. R- all eompelion. • ftlnrrliiK"* Mrtli (iriii tloiith iiotlcoM iriHortcd frcd. is entitled to a little better rates than those teiian church Friday evening, Feb. 1, under Hart & Lindner's Patent Hay and Grain Dbiluury roinriioutH, reiiolulioriM,'ciirdB uf tlmiilirt, etc. Post of this city. The government furnish• A full line of Misses Corsets, the auspices of the Ladies' Library Associ• Unlpuder, was recently exhibited on the rt'ill horunftor bo clmryed for ut iho rate of livu conlM who have the use of their money until the es them free of charge, engraved and de worth 50c each, for IMc. pur lino. end of the year, that we havo decided to ation. Subject: Me.xico, its homes, the court house squere and met with such Corrcrtpondonce contftlninK local uowo, Ih aolicitod livered at the depot here, freight prepaid. Extra Bargains in Ladies' and from fill piirtu of tlio county. continue this olFer. habits and the peculiarities of the people. general approval that Brown Bros., boot AnoiiVMioiiH coiiiiitutUciitioDB not inHortcd undor The slonea are quite imposing, and bear Gents' Underwear nnd Hosiery. (iriy clrcumtituncob. Now bear these facts in mind: and shoe dealers, were uot slow iu securing We have something to say Jn another the following inscriptions : A full line of Tin, Glass and The subscription price of the Democrat the territory of Ingham county, and will no column concerning the Detroit Free Press, Philip McKornan, Capt. Co. B, 7tli Mich. Infantry. Crockery. JOB PRINTING! remains as it has always been—§1.50 per dnubt take means to acquaint the public Died Sept. 2fi, ISiJI. conceded by nine tenths of the people—no Isaac B. Woodhouso, Lieut. 2d 17. S. Cavalry. Died Business must boom. Our nivtorlal is new ami of tho latest stylos and w year, si.Y months 75 cents, three months -10 wilh the practicability and advantages of Doc. 22.18S5. ::uarauleo satisfaction, l>ollj;in prices and matter what their political opinions may be We will soon show you the Fin- quality of work. cents. this simple device. Alexander Gunn, Sargt. Co. F, Sth N. Y. Heavy —ns the greatest newspaper in Michigan. Artillery. DIeil .lune 1, tS72. est Wall Paper and Curtain De• If you are a new subscriber, or an old Wm.llonry Child, privateCo.B, 7th Mich. Infantry. Biisiuess DlrectorT. Detroit gives the ofEcers of the State Died Oct. 9, 1872. Peter Malcolm, who is working the gravel partment in Central Mich. one whose subscription is paid to date, one Lewis A. Ilolden, Sargt. Oo. B, 7th Mich.Infantrj-. igricultural Society to understand that they pit, just south of the city, is working on a Died Jan. 3, tSTU. Come right in and get warm. ATTORNRVS. dollar and twenty.five cents in money, will are uot at all anxious about having the John II. llowoll, Lieut. Co.B, 7th Mich. Infantry. contract for 5,000 carloads for Bay county. Make yourselves at home with ua. Geo, M. UtiNTi.voTo.N. C«o. E. D*v. pay for the Democrat a whole year. Died Aug. 18,1880. UNTINGTON ic DAY, AttornoyBandOouuaelors state fair located in the cily of the straits Chaa. II. Meach, private Oo.K, iOth Mich. Infantry. He has heen boring this week for building You are always welcome. at Law, Office over /irlt National Bank, If you are sis months in arrears, and Died I'eb. 20. 1872. H They don't longer look upon it as a paying Mason, Mich. 2l'l stone but has not met with any success Philip Bortlns, private, Co, B, Mth Midi. Infantry. Respectfully, pay us SI.25, you will be entitled to credit iuvestiucnt. Well, Ingham county is con Died Dec. 13, 1877. T. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law. Conveyancing thus fur. Goo.G.Goncher, private Co. K, iiStli Micli. lofantry. for but ten months, being at the rate of J and coilectiona a speciality. Mason, Mich. trally located, and Lansing has as good Died D.JC. 0, 1879. FORD & KIRBY. I lOlIlce Upstairs, over PcMocllAT olllce. 81.50 per year. The place to buy diaries is at Ford's Frank C. Sayers, Sargt. Co. D, .Ith Mich. Infantry railroad facilities, grounds and buildings Died Oct. tl, ISSl. E. S. AvmiY. Enwis N. llaowN. Bazaar. ° On the other hand, if you owe for si.x hotel accommodations, &c., as most any Chas. Rix, private Co. A, 8th Mich, Cavalry. Diei VERY X BROW.N', Attorneys and Counselors ut Jan. 12, 1879. Law. OtUce over Farmers' Bank, Masoin A months, by paying To cents—the amount Harvey Sted of Ingham, received by other city in the state. The state society Junn-a B. Worden, jirivato Co. I, lat Midi. Cavalry Diod Aug. 3, m:i. due, then $1.25 more would entitle you to PHYSICIANS. e-xpress yesterday another Ohio Improved could not do better than to locale there John J, Kennedy. Sargt. Co. F, 28tli Mich. Infantry. Died April 8th, 188.0. credit for a whole year. Chester White pig. It certainly ought to perinatienlly. H. CULVER, M. D., Pliyaician and Surseoo. John C. Corey, corporal 3d N. Y. Cavalry. I . Oilice over Webb's Clothing Store, Mason, M. S This offer is made for the solo purpose of be a good one, tor Mr, Sted says it is but Dec. 21, 187-1. OCTOR A. D. CAMPBELL, Physician, Surgeon Great reduction in underwear at M. Warren Ellsworth, private 1-ith Mich. Infantry. inducing prompt, advance payment, and is eight weeks old and he paid 825 for it nt OIBceoTor II. 3t. Wllliam'sdruystoro,Mason. Died June;3(i, 1883. D Gregor's. * Clias. Fairhaiika, private 4th N. Y.'Heavy Artillery. open to all subscribers, old and new alilte, Cleveland. B.DODGE,M.CHomtupathist. OIHcein Par- Died Marcli 14,1874. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belief Aurelius, . row block. Residence corner A and Oak tdts. and the more who can take advantage of it Setli U. .Wells, private Co. K. 127th Illinois Infan• J A very pretty specimen of stone—or try. Died Dec. 27,1875. A. LOCKE, M. D., nomuopalhiat. OlllCBOVor the better it will please us. wore just leaving tho city last Saturday perhaps petrifaction—picked up on the D, liuntiuKton's shoe atore. evening and when near the Donnelly House As soon us the ground becomes settled Respectfully Yours, Lindsay farm, Alaiedon, and presented to in the spring the stones will be set in their AUCTIONEER. D. P. WniT.MORE & Co. their horse became unmanageable and ran us by David Lindsay, has been polished on proper places. OHN IIIMELBEliGER, Auctioneer. Proportysold away, throwing them out near Andrew J at reasonalilo rahis. Mason, Mich. ^Jl-80 one side and now graces our table as LOCAL, AND G£!V£RAL. !V£WS. Farren's, the horse continuing up into Agricultural Meeting. paper-weight. UNDERTAKING. the cemetery. Mrs. Bell was badly bruised Bee Hive. P. STHOtID, Undertaker, llrst door west of tho Rough roads this week. As there seems to be considerable sparring and for a time it was feared seriously in S. DKJiooaAT oilice, iMason, Jlich. Two llrst-clasa Tho annual meeting of the Ingham hearses and lietter facilities than ever before, ."jltf in this county by agents and owners of so jured, hut is getting along all right. Mr. Best prints only five cents, Saturday, County Agricultural Society was held in called patents of rail and wire fences, Bell was also badly shaken up, and the DENTISTS.
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