GIVE OR TWO BOOK MCTOT (See Fg. 3) VOLUME xxxrv Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, February 10, 1948 Z 88 No. 28 Irvine Heads WHUS Network University To Get Eight Buildings; Succeeding James Campell Dorms To House 200 Students Willard, Keer, Silver BUDGETS Tony Frank Provides Rhody Concern Is Awarded Contract; Fill New Positions; The Finance Committee of the Meeting Scheduled Senate wishes to announce the fol- Music at Newman To Use Precast Slab Construction lowing list of appointments to dis- Club's Annual Dance Thomas Irvine, Class of 1949, of cus budgets for the spring semes- Torrington is the new station man- ter. We urge tha* all club treasur- 9 UConn Delegates 4 to Be Available ers or business managers appear at Three revolving balls will reflect ager of the Husky Network, suc- the Central Treasurers Office at a storm of colors throughout the Attend NSA Confab By September, '48; ceeding James Campbell. Other the appointed time. You must have Armory as only Frank and his or- members of the WHUS staff for your budget approved at this time chestra play for Mardi Gras goers Nine Connecticut students at- Others by Feb., 1949 the spring semester include if possible. Call Bud King at 9363 on Friday night from 9 to 1 p.m. | tended the inter-regional confer- Charles Willard, assistant manag- Eight new dormitories to house er; Hilda Keer, program coordin- if you are unable to appear at the Tony Frank has gained popu- ence of the National Student Asso- scheduled times. larity in the Hartford area with nearly two thousand additional ator; Saul Silver, chief engineer. I ciation held February 6 to 8 at students will be constructed on Monday , Feb. 16 his smooth, sweet music. He fea- Reelected were Andy Arcelaschi as i Boston University. 300 students campus The Gilbane Construction 1:30 WSGA tures Ernie Nichols on the alto sax; business manager and Dave Han I from 46 schools took part in the Company of Providence has been as advertising manager. 1 45 Debating Pete Del Mastro, tenor sax; Frank 00 Rosetta, drums; and Mike Barney , conference which planned the NSA awarded the contracts by the Irvine has been active in the 2 University Theatre Archery on the trumpet. 1 State, for the pre-cast concrete Husky Network for five semesters, 2 15 program for New England. buildings. 2 30 in addition to his work on the White Caps Silver-grey bidestenciled with a Among the University delegates 2 45 President Albert N. Jorgensen Campus, International Relations Psychology black fan and edged with red will 3 00 SAM and observers were Joan Luddy of stated recently that four dormi- Club, student correspondent for be $3.00 including tax and are ob- 3 15 Education ; WSG. Bud King and Robert Gar- tories should be completed by Sep- the Hartford Courant and United tainable from Catholic men on 3 30 Engineers campus or from committee mem- |vey for the Senate, Howard Ra- tember 1948 and the other four by Press, Junior Variety Show of February 1949. It is estimated that 4 00 IRC bers. phael, Mary Anne Spodnick, Jan 1947. Last year he was selected at i the eight buildings will cost about the Junior Prom as Court Jester. Jacqueline Dudack is chairman Murphy, Carl Nielson and Sandy of the Newman Club Mardi Gras I $1,730,000, or considerably under Among the positions he has held 264 New Students Kravitz. ; previous estimates for building with WHUS were assistant station committee. Bob Fitzgerald is in charge of orchestra arrangements; The conference voted to take the i dormitories like Manchester or manager, program manager, an- Admitted to Storrs; ,Wood Hall. nouncer. Pauline Fahey, decoration; Joan following action in the internation- 160 From Trumbull Luddy, bids; Joe Lopes and Sue ', al program. Orientation programs The new permanent dormitories The new manager said today, Prevot, tickets; Dorothy Ruggie | and a tour of New England during | will be located on the North Egle- "Jim has done such a good job About 264 new students have and Eugenia Brodeur, refresh- Easter vacation for foreign stu- ville Road opposite the temporary this past semester that the station registered for the spring semester, ments; and Harry Gaucher and dents in the region were planned. ! faculty housing project and be- is in good shape, better shape than Arwood S. Northby, director of Eileen Skelly, publicity. The New England NSA will try ! tween cemetery hill and the poul- ever. He was really interested in student personnel, announced to- I to obtain ships for students trav- , try isolation plant. the station and radio and we are Late permission for the dance is day. 1:30. Refreshments will be served : eling abroad. The buildings will be construct- only sorry that he did not con- The 264 new students at Storrs in the Trophy Room at intermis- Nationally this NSA group de- i ed of pre-cast concrete slabs and tinue." will approximately replace the 150 sion. Irvine added, "The Network is j cided to oppose the proposed will be faced with red brick on the students who left for scholastic ; exterior. In this type of construc- having an organization meeting on reasons, or were dismissed, and Barnes and Wentzler bill now be- •■ tion large sections or even a whole Wednesday, February 11 at 7:30 about a hundred students who ! fore the Massachusetts legislature. IRC Concepts Forum ! wall or floor can be cast at one p. m. in Engineering 214. 1 hope have completed their work at the The bill would prohibit colleges time and this is one reason for the that everyone interested in work- University. Mr. Northby stated Presents Exposition | from employing communists as low cost. On the interior of the ing for the station will be there, that the turnover will be about the I teachers. It was voted to conduct ' dormitories, the concrete floors especially the freshmen and the same for full time students as it Of "isms" Principles | a survey of discriminatory prac- will be covered with asphalt tile boys who have been working on has been in the past. i tices against minority groups now- Station WRUM at Fort Trumbull." The majority of the 264 are stu- The International Relations prevalent in the region. Plans were and the corridors and ceilings with accoustic tile. Other staff members include dents transferring from the vari- i Club, as part of its program to aid also made for an all student cul- John Hamlim, assistant chief en- ous branches of the University. Of the student in his understanding of tural program to be held late this Each unit will be four stories gineer; Ken Kamens, chief an- the 225 extension students coming | the problems of the world, will spring. in height and will house 160 stu- nouncer; Walt Reck, personnel to Storrs, over a half, or 160, are present a forum on the various dents. All rooms are double with manager; Gerald Moore, news edi- coming from Fort Trumbull, 39 i concepts abroad in the world to- S.A.M. Sponsors Talk the exception of eight singles in tor; and Carolyn Marczyk, music students have been admitted as day with special emphasis on their each building. There will be lava- librarian. transfers from other colleges and relation to the recurrent problems On Aptitude Testing, tories and shower rooms in the The coming semester marks the as freshmen. in international interplay. center of every floor. Recreation eighth anniversary for the Husky Participants in the forum will Use In Industrial Field | rooms, lounges, trunk rooms, re- Network. Since 1940, WHUS staff Announcement has been made be, Dean Waugh of the Economics ception rooms and apartments for has grown from 10 to 100 and its by Mr. S. A. Dole, Director of department, Dr. Tilley of the Eng- Dr. Kline, President of the house mothers will be located on broadcasting hours were expanded Veterans' Counseling Service, lish department and Dr. Moore of Kline Institute of Aptitude Test- the ground floor. from two hours three times a week that Veterans wishing supply the History department. The dis- ing of New York city, will be guest Funds for the new dormitories to six hours five days a week. The slips may obtain them from their cussion will attempt to arrive at a speaker of the Society for the Ad- were derived from a self-liquidat- network started out with one port- Dormitory Proctors. These slips satisfactory exposition of the prin- vancement of Management Feb- ing bond issue. Eventually the able transmitter in a corner of a will cover all stationery and ciples behind Fascism, Commun- ruary 12 at 7:30 in Sprague state will be paid back through room; today it has seven in the other expendable materials. ism, Capitalism and Nationalism. Lounge. room rentals which will not only various dormitories In addition to Commuters may secure these In a statement to the Campus, The institute has done extensive amortize the bonds and pay inter- its three-room studio. Its appro- slips at Beach, room 232, 8:30 IRC Vice-President, Hal Adams work in aiding American industry est charges, but will also meet all priation from the Student Senate A.M., Thursday February 12, said, in personnel selection, especially in maintenance costs. in 1940 was $123 and in 1947 was 1948. "The club feels that these con- the field of sales. Dr. Kline will The housing problem sn campus $2,040. All veterans under Public Law cepts have been in too frequent discuss the problems and actual became acute this semester when But the station personnel are No. 16 are requested to see their use to be allowed to go undefined.
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