^; a»" «K ^'"> :;': ''", • ,'"'*'.:,?<:; ,; B__I_R^-' • ^ HaHa_nH_wHHHMHBaa__HHHBaaHBaH ©8*0 STATE ttUSBtW LtBBARt %$t& '* BIOB ST* Arlisfs Fight TB c0Ly*3'JS» oaio YMCA Campaigners Go Over Top B JUSTIFIABLE PRIDE IN A JOB WELL DONE IS depicted In accompany­ U ing photos of workers participating in Columbus'. Spring St. YMCA annual mem- bershipilrive, whose arduous werk in behalf of the campaign saw them go over the top both in total memberships and financially. Detailed story appears else­ where in this edition. VOL. f>. No. 27 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1957 20 CENTS COLUMBUS. OHIO FROM LEFT: Shirley Joan Williams. Willie Williams; Lillian E. Taylor . Story on Page 2. THE KILLER THE VICTIM NEVYSPAPER CARTOONIST EUGENE CRAIG shows budding high achool artists how to design ef­ fective posters to further fight against tuberculosis. Health education programs of this type are carried on within Franklin county schools through Christmas seal funds. Christmas seal sale, now underway, also fi­ nances free chest X-rays, rehabilitation services and JAMES S. WADE, LEFT. GENERAL CHAIRMAN. SPRING ST. FMCA membership tuberculosis research. From left: Judy Brannan, roundup, presents Napoleon Bell, manager, Division B, with coveted general chairman's tro­ Holy Family school; Craig, Richard Isbell, Rosary; pin for reporting 1211 members and 04422 cash on a quote of IIto members and S4200. Looking Don'Yoho, Rosary. Students were selected to repre­ on left to right are Marie Mallory and James Thompson, associate managers of Division B. sent their schools "recently at TB Society where special interest session for artists highlighted afternoon con­ ference on TB. _____ Cheer Franklin To Victory • Story On Page 2 1 It All Depends Upon One's Point Of View - I :>». TOWNER SMITH, CENTER, MANAGER OF DIVISION A, I* presenting LoweU White, right. Division A captain, with manager's trophy tor leading his tram over the top vrilb 76 i mrmixTs and $753 on team quota of S350. J. Shelly LaMonte standing, at left, holds the cap­ I tain's trophy for reporting highest amount o*f cash individually. , _*? SPURRING FRANKLIN JR. HIGH'S CUBS on to victory throughout the current basketball season Us this*attractive quintet of inspirenTdeluxe. They are. from left: Rebecca Lloyd,"Camille Watkins, Brenda l Downs, Jackie Woods and Sue Gill. • Kill ____J _i CAP/TAINS OF TEAMS IN DIVISION B who busted their quotas are. left to right: Sunny Adam*, Lillian Mann, JunJous Burroughs, Dorothy Bell, Dayton Erby, Mabel Tldmore. 1 • ? • • . KING AND QUEEN OF THE SPRING .ST. MARY NEWSOME OF COLUMBUS, THE COMcLY MISS AT LEFT, and Cincinnati's Myrtle Green impress upon Sentinel readers two YMCA membership 'roundup, Adolphus Dean and widely "different versions of how to beat the winter weather problem, and so long as our subjects are as ah-tractive as Mary and Myrtle we'll go Annabell Harris, receive congratulations from A. P. along with either version. As you can see Mary ia more the outdoorsy type who bundle* up comfortably and faces the elements headon, whila CAPTAINS OF TEAMS IN DIVISION A E CCEEDING OOOTAS arc, |*ft to right: Adol- Bentley, YMCA board chairman, for outstanding per­ Myrtle prefers to stay indoors and relax.—Photos By Roosevelt Carter and Nat Sharp. pfaux Deau, Marvin Harris, Sarah Smith, Richard Hill, Lowell While. formance. <?y . ;'-^£#^ -H ->^is« PAGE a THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1957 8ATURDAV, DECEMBER 14,1957 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE | AHOTHER EXAMPLE Of WHY TO BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS WIIIHHI.SM I |I_1I-III1.W II •»»-•-•• I i.lfl II — in • '•~~r*~~J'**^T*T-~"~*"M^'' Father Of Six Licks T ubereulosis, Slapped During Card Game, Corners Assailant In Grill, Shoots Him 1 DEAD IN A hand slap across the door as Marsh opened av. and Main st., where ha He was treated for lip nicipal court Tuesday andj mouth during a card fire. fell to the sidewalk. lacerations at Grant hos­ his case was continued to Reunited With His Family At Last game argument* led to One of the .38 calibre '. ' a • » pital before taken to city Dec. 24. the shooting of a 30 year slugs struck him in the .MEANWHILE, Marsh prison. Later ho was released! old Columbus man in a chest, and one lodged in fled from the scene but Charged with aggra­ under $500 bond. Southside grill early Sun­ his hip and right leg. waa later arrested at vated assault, Marsh McNeeley was report«d day. McNeeley ran to Grant 238 !i 5. Grant av. pleaded innocent in mu* to be In good condition. GUN DUEL William McNeeley, 433 < u E. Mound »t., was shot by Geoffrey R. Marsh, 33. By JOHN B. COMBS formerly of Columbus and now of Chicago. A 68 year old Columbus nan, known to be According to police, fast with a knife and a gun, was too slow on Ihe draw after the card game inci­ 1 Special Holiday Sale at MORREY'S dent. Marsh left and re* in a shotgun duel Sunday and was shot to death. turned with a revolver i looking for McNeeley. I Killed by a 16 gauge shotgun blast through Later he found htm in* e, side the Dew Drop Inn, 1 his left thigh was Thomas Greer, 311 N. Washington 347 E. Main st e, av. James Gill, 39, 456 Jefferson av., Apt. 1, was * * * 9?: McNEELEY, WHO waa the winner in the dramatic gun battle. seated in a booth with 1 Arrested and taken to two other men, spotted city prison, Gill readily coroner, said the blast severed Marsh as he entered* the admitted the (hooting, but a main artery and Greer bled to place and dashed toward instated he didn't mean to death within a matter et min­ the rear door. kill hi* adversary, accord­ utes. Unable to open the ing to Oats. John McPeak Police could not determine door, he whirled and and Jim Carr. exactly what started the argu­ sprinted toward the front The akaotmg occurred ment, but were of the opinion In the hallway of tke Jef- that whisky and a woman might ferioa av. apartment have been at the bottom of it. building. Charged with manslaughter. Neighborhood Gill was beend to the grand jnry under SSCO bond when ar­ Photos On Page 1 raigned ta municipal court Presents Monday. Tha duel waa set off when rolke records show thai Greer and Gill became in­ Greer had been ta and out of Mary Hoif volved in a heated argument Jail since 1S3Z. hi 1939 he was Sunday, Dec. 15, 7;30 p. m., and Greer was told to leave sentenced to. serve a term of Neighborhood House will present the Gill home. 120 years ta tbe Ohio penHen- a concert and fashion show at Greer, who haa a long po­ Uary en a rotting to wound East High school,. Columbus, lice record of cutting and charge. featuring Mary Holt, outstand­ ',). ahooting, went to his home, • . » • • ing Cleveland radio and televi­ CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE ROOTER HORACE WALKER waa discharged and returned wearing his HE WAS ALSO SENT to the sion personality. hunting jacket containing penitentiary in 1942 on a cutting from Benjamin Franklin (TB) hospital Saturday. He la pictured working on a Appearing with Mrs. Holt will 24 spare sheila, loaded hi* offense and was arrested again leather purse, occupational therapy he learned while recuperating at the hospital. be the Otay Singers. Five An­ shotgun and challenged on a similar charge in 1948 Horace Walker, 30, is reunited seal X-ray cruiser, health edu- tients, and medical research, gels of Harmony, Primrose Gill, who had also armed Records also show he had with his family at last. cation programs, rehabilitation They are the Tuberculosis Singers and Columbus' Chora­ himself. been arrested for discharging a For six months Walkers' six services for patients and ex-pa-. Society's only means of support. liers. • • * firearm in the city. children, the oldest 13, visited Tickets are available at WITH BUS SHOTGUN in In addition to those cases, he him at bis temporary "resi­ Neighborhood- —House. Capital shooting position, Greer stepped had also been arrested several dence" — Benjamin Franklin City News, Heaton's and local In the door of the apartment times on minor offenses, police (TB) hospital—from thc ground Boosters Bungle, Land churches. building and was met by Gill.!stated outside his window. whot firtd on him from about 8 Funeral arrangements werej Beyond this tantalizing kind of ft. away. incomplete at Sentinel, edition contact, the only way h« could Poindexter (enter Dr. £_irl JB. Tetixick,. deputy time. keep up with his-growing family In Capital City Lockup Plans Xmas Workshop WM was through his wife's "descrip­ ?h By JOHN B. COMBS A Christmas workshop geared tions of their childish pranks. towards utilising materials in the A Cleveland trio, arrested by Columbua police last Children are not allowed to home for inexpensive Christinas Memorialize Dr. Charles L. Hill week and charged with a total of nine counts of grand visit patients inside the hos­ decorations will be held at Poin larceny, is being held under total bond of $54,000 in city pital. dexter Center, Columbus, Satur prison. But Walker arrived home Sat­ day, Dec. 14, 9:30 a.m. to 12 i urday at 693 Welch av.—much Identified as Willie Williams, noon. 24, Shirley Williams, 23, and Lil­ twecn Cleveland and Huntington, sooner than would have been Warren Eggleston and Mrs lian E. Taylor. 33, they are said W.Va., hitting smaller towns and Queen Mitchell, staff members of • possible several yvars ago, cities in between. thanks to the Christmas seal by police to be "members of one Columbus Recreation Dept., wil] sale.
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