Rev. 8;01. Trop .. 44(3Y45(1): 395-400.1996-1997 Alpheus agrogon, a new species of alpheid shrimp (Decapoda: Alpheidae) from Gorgona Island, Pacific coast of Colombia 11 Gabriel E. Ramos' Contribución No. 63 del CIME. Centro de Investigaciones Marinas y Estuarinas de la Universidad del Valle. 1 Apartado A�reo 24262. Cali. Colombia. (Re<. 13-IX-I995. Rev. 20-VI-1995. Accep. 28-IX-I995) Abstraet: A ocw species of alpheid shrimp.AlpMus agrogon, is described (rom Gorgona Island. Pacific coa"'! of Colombia, whc:re il wa...; collected in a tide pool.1ñe new spec:ies resembles mosl c10sely A. hy�youflga� Kim &. Abele. and A. "cOpUIU.f Kim &. Abele. bul can be differentiated by the: absence of a rostral carioa belwecn the base of roslrum and Ihe posterior margin of eyes, of leelh or spines aJong lhe inner inferior margin of merus of tirsl pair of pereopods, and of movable spine on lhe ischium of third and fourth pereopods. Key words: Alph�u.f uxro/(on, ocw species. Alpheidae.Gorgona Island.Colombia Several papers describing new species of descriplion. During an aulhor visil lo Ihe alpheid shrimps from Ihe Pacific coasl of National Museum of Natural History. Colombia and ilS islands have been published Smithsonian Institution, Washinglon. D.C., (Abele 1975, Chrisloffersen & Ramos 1988a, lype malerial of selecled species of lhis genus, 1988b, Wickslen 1988, 1989, Ramos & Prahl known from the area, were also exarnined and 1989). Recenlly, Lemailre & Alvarez (1992) compared lo lhe collecled specimen. The laxo­ compiled Ihe published lileralure on decapod nornic analysis lead to the conclusion that it crustaceans from this coast, and recorded in a belongs lo an undescribed species. checklisl nineleen species of snapping shrimp The lerminology of morphological slruc­ of Ihe genus Alpheus from Ihis area, allhough lures is lhe one used by Kim & Abele (1988). Ihe repons of A. he/erochaelis (Prahl 1986, Abbrevialions are: el = carapace lenglh, mea­ Prahl e/ al. 1984, Kim & Abele1988, Wickslen sured between tip of rostrum and posterior dor­ & Hendrickx 1992) for Ihe easlern Pacific may sal margin of carapace: USNM = Nalional be doublful. Museum of Nalural HislOry, Smilhsonian The presenl sludy described an odd alpheid Inslilulion, Washinglon, D. C. shrimp of Ihe genus Alpheus, collecled in a lide pool on Ihe rocky shore "La Venlana", Alpheus agrogon new specios Gorgona Island. during a field Irip of lhe (Figs 1-3) Marine Ecology Course, Universidad del Valle. The specimen was examined and compared Material examined: Hololype I Q, el 6.5 wilh Ihe descriplions of species of Alpheus cur­ mm; La Ven lana, Gorgona Island (2°56' IO"N, renlly recognized for the eastern Pacific (Kim 78°12'05"W) Iype localily; colleclor R. Neira, & Abele 1988), bUI did nol lil wilh any of Ihese 9 Nov 1989. USNM 259395. 396 REVISTA DE BIDLOGIA TRDPICAL .... --... - .,.,,-.....� ¡:_... ...""' "" ... Jv.. B E o Fig. l. Alpheu.t tlgro}(OIl ncw species. hololype remale. el 6.5 mm. (USNM 259395). Gorgona Island: A. anterior region of the carapacc and cephalic appcndagcs. dorsolaleral vicw; B. sanlC. dorsal view. C. majar chela. Duler face: D. sanlC. inncr face; E. = 2 carpus, '!1CruS and ischium of majar chclipcd.ouler face: F. sanle, inncr raee. (Seales mm). G. E. Ramos: Alpheu.f oRmwm. ncw spccics 397 Dcscription: ROSlrUm short. aCule. triangu­ ahlc fingcr (dactylus) round. overreaching Ihe lar. ovcrreaching middle of visible part of firsl tip of immovable finger. Palm rather broad. anlcnnular segment (Figs I A-B). Rostral cari­ Superior ouler palmar dcpression well dellned. na prcsent. lincar dorsally. inlerrupted bctween reclangular. cXlending 10 oblique suture or lhe roslral base whcre il is replaced by a decp. ¡;Ilea impressa. Superior Iransverse groove nallcncd depression. rising again poslcriorly 10 dcep. U-shaped: proximal shoulder wilh no form a suhtriangular area which fadcs away in overhanging groove. Immovahle finger wilh midgaslric rcgion. shallow longitudinal depression along median Ocular hoods lInarmcd. slrongly inflaled pan 01' oulcr race: depression extending poste­ dorsally; anterior margin almost slraight. riorly lo region hetween superior ami inferior Orbitorostral groovc decp and wide. exlcnding palmar depressions. Superior inner palmar bclwccn Ihc eyes from the rostral base. occupy­ depression irregular. extending up posteriorly ing Ihc cmply spacc left by Ihe missing portion loward superior margino jusI past middle 01' of roslral carina and conlinuing bcyond the palm: eXlending anleriorly 10 dactylar articula­ posterior edgc 01' the ocular hoods. where il tion and continuing downward 10 join inferior splils in IwO due to the rising of the roslral cari­ palmar depression. forming a bossy arca na (Fig. lB). earapaee smoolh. lalerally eom­ dcmarcaled with nUlllerous short selae. Inferior pressed. plcrygoslomial margin rounded: ven­ transverse groove deep. direcled upward: prox­ lral margin convex helwccn coxae of firsl 10 imal sholllder heavy. produced anteriorly. wilh fourlh pcreopod: poslerior margin rounded ven­ numerous sl11<1l1 tubcrcles. Inferior Olller palmar lrally. with pronounced cardiac notch (Fig. 3). depression narfQw. eXlending ohliqllely upward Antcnnular scgments slender. with dislal to 0.25 times in widlh of palm. Inferior inner margins bcaring a few sewe. second segl11cnl palmar depression V-shapcd. extending upward about 1.7 limes as long as broad. slightly 10 0.25 limes in width of palm: posterior mar­ longer Ihan Ihird segmcnl and visible pan of gin well delimited, with several SClae. huI ante­ thc firsl scgmcnl. Ihc latesl IwO almosl cqual. rior margin ill defined. Merus ahOUI 2.2 times Slyloeerile dorsally Ilattened. wilh dislal mar­ as long as brQad. wilhoul leelh or spines on gin tapcring. tip aCule, reaching 10 dislal mar­ margins (Figs I E-F). gin of flrsl anlennular segmenl (Fig. lB). Minor chela of firsl pereopods about 3.5 Scaphoccrilc about 2.5 times as long as times as long as broad. wilh sOllle scalllcrcd brand: lateral margin concave. Lateral loolh selae. speeially on inner face (Figs 2 A-B). ovcrreaching disial end of Ihird anlcnnular seg­ Fingers wilh acule tip. about 0.5 lenglh 01' ment. huI no re;;¡ching lhe distal end of car­ chela and almost as broad as palm. Palll1 poccrile. Inner hlade or squamous portion sl11ooth. wilhoUI groove. A dislinclive. triangu­ shorler Ihan bleral loolh. reaching Ihe distal lar loolh 011 dactylar articulalion of inner face cnd 01' Ihird anlennular segmenl (Fig. lB). and obtuse toolh on ouler race. Merus ahout 2.0 Carpoccritc ovcrrcaching dislal end of limes as long as broad, wilhout leelh or spines anlennular pedunele by 0.7-0.8 limes Ihe Icnglh on rnargins (Figs 2e-D). of Ihird ;;¡ntennular segl11enl. Basicerite with lal­ Second pereopod wilh firsl segment 01' car­ eral loolh slllall and acule (Fig. lA). pus 1.5 times as long as second: second seg­ Distal segmenl of Ihird rnaxilliped aboul 3.3 ment aboul 2.2 limes as long as third or times as long as hroad and 2.5 limcs as long as rourth and 1.5 times as long as nfth: Ihird penullilllate segmento bearing long setae dislal­ and fourth segmcnls subequal in size ami Iy: superior margin wilh a few scallcrcd selac. lenglh (Fig. 3). anel inferior margin wilh sevcral tufts of shon Daclylus 01' Ihird pcrcopod simple. conical. selae. Exopod slighlly overreaehing distal end aboul 0.3 limes as long as propodus. Propodus of anlepenultilllale segmenl. with short selae al abollt 1.2 limes as long as carplls. hearing 6-7 distal end (Fig. 2E). spines of differcnl sizes along Ihe inferior mar­ Major ehela of flrsl pereopods bearing shorl gin. and a p;;¡ir of spines al the distal cnd. sclac on inncr and ouler faces. cOlllpressed lal­ Mcrus aboul 2.0 times as long as carpus. ahoul crally and aboul 2.4 limes as long as broad 4.0 limes as long as braad. bearing 6-8 sclae on (Figs le-O). Fingers oceupying distal Ihird of superior margino Ischiul11 wilhoul Illovahlc chcla. much narrower Ihan palm. Tip 01' 1ll0V- spine (Fig. 3). 398 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL A B Fig. 2. Alph�u.f axwxon new species: A, minar enela. ouler race; B. same, inner (ace; C. carpu�. merus and ischium of minar cheliped, Quler (ace: D, same, inner face; E. third maxilliped; F,lelson and uropods, dorsal view. (ScaJe... = 2 mm). Fourth pereopod similar to third pereopod. ron of fifth somite elongate on posterior ventral Ischium without spine. margin, with fringe of short setae; sixth Fifth pereopod much narrower than third or abdominal somite produced iOIO narrowly fourth pereopods; propodus with 4-5 small rounded triangular lobe dorsal lO ¡nserlion of spines and transversal 1uft of shon selae 00 uropod. and ventral margin acute posteroven­ inferior distal margino Ischium wiLhout spine. trally. Telson (Fig. 2F) about 1.8 times as Abdominal pleura of first through fourth long as broad at distal end, armed with two anterior somites broadly rounded (Fig. 3); pleu- pairs of Slout dorsal spines; without a median G. E. Ramos: Alph�u.r ugrDRon. new species 399 Fig. 3. Alph�u.ragrDRon new species: Body in lateral view. (Scale = 2 mm). longitudinal depression on dorsal surface. Remarks: Of the 43 valid speeies of the Posterior margin convexo anned with a pair of genus Alpheus eited from the eastern Paeifie spines at each lateral end; ¡nner spine larger by Kim & Abele (1988), only two most elose­ than ouler one. Iy resemble A. agrogon n. sp.: A. hyeyoungae Left uropodal exopod with a stout mov­ Kim & Abele 1988, and A. scopulus Kim & able spine flanked laterally by an acute Abele 1988. These can be differeneiated from inmovable tooth and internally by a rounded the new speeies by the following eharaeters: triangular lobe. Right uropodal exopod sin­ In bolh species the rostral carina is nol inter­ gular with two stout movable spines; trans­ rupted between the eyes; in A.
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