r CAMPUS' UGLIEST MAN TO GET ALL EXPENSES PAID ON HOUSTON I RIP Stomp the Steers, \> elcome Home, Frogs Exea Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University \()l.l Ml. 35 FORT WORTH, TEXAS, NOVEMBER 6, 1936. M MIMIt S 'Ugliest' TCU Boy Swing's King! Hand ( Impel Speaker V i c 'vv s ' n | A Histon Thinks Radio Broadcast Broadcasts Tonighl Popular Coeds To Win Expenses Switzerland Is Begins Activities To Be Chosen Viewpoints Program to He Given ;ts Stage "Tops" In Europe] Show al 6:30 O'clock Waits and w irden Differ On Houston Trip For Homecoming in Auditorium. For Yearbook "I'; . 1 ' ed Svi Itxerland betb \\ elcome Ki Ihc \\ ord ! Don't Forget Helen Rice Game .Will Have ■ er place," Wiley I Bwiti apondi d ei Huge Fireworks Display I'' Four (.iris From Each f Exes Encoui IJCC 'King' Ugly .Man t IOTI n \\ hai pn ferrea on and Pep Rally on ■ the A the H Class Will Be Pre- rip to Europe last summer. Fro ■ Band gives its + u\ PROF. I . VV. MeDI VRM1D * t<> Get Honor, for Tonight sented al Revue. Wiley group of atu i ■ I he. pi ogram ■ i Edit*) « N»ti. Oil ..i.M, f«rh wfk i" 'ini.iriii Mntftnti "t r n. nit % s ' ■ nwmhrr* « ho nrr n-K-1 ! ■, p ■ -ml Ihrlr 5 Alternate Prize Univeraity. Mr thi ■ Event to Be Dec. 5 i irv. point* mi HID niSjwll »| It th<-t *n Texans Arrive at 12 former Miaa Johnnie Weathi a rhumba and Dire I Belzner in < h n t( Vn Skiff to Sponsor Contest—Vot- one of his companiona, pro- ( ing V ill lie In Hallnl Miss Connor to GrexH Steer gram. iv nta hri Imas rhemc 'I he ine elera ipi c tn o Fans'—Game and Dance Both Weeks. !'■■ Will Be 1 sed. to be warder i ■ I- ram e. Ita \ro \11ractiona, dom re tun kenstein or Jekyll li to and 8« Itxerland. They croa ted on the I Britannica and returned on thi . ; '■ lea of "Ni ■ . ' i Who is the ugliest boy or the nia, both British ahlpa. - ■ •■ Did Vi ' s rsduat es wi pu s ? Wile; but Svt ■ and G I h-. I dmund 11. inaohn, \u^tin ■ 'i o the one meriting that dis- timation because it was : ■ the Ban mini iter, ^ ho will apeak on the I I i The Skiff will award an ! as he had always p International relation* in chapel T. C U, trip to Houston, Now I : i 21, "ii the official special train ■ .-I was delicio \\ edm ['. C. U.-l cheap. A ig the I lur t is no MH h feeling on our ■ brought back, ha I of the campus. Quite the contrary. There The ' ody has had its Swiaa watch. ' i- a ith ni r< grel that the en ■ do Service Planned for nearly every oc i on, i fri bmai re I 0 Joi tint return oftener, and longing to ■ i ■ ■ tee 11 .i HI certain exei a ho. behind Jan is Hi and N'TA ■ i , as anol On Armistice Day av a c kaoa . hai e in rer r< turned ■ I have then tn their college home since thi j will follow ■ I'lt It Business along thii line li I \ I etlermeif*fl Banquet Tonighl Rice GSSM B ill Have "Slag". Dr. Heinsohn to Speak pirkiim up. however, and Home- Another M Band to Initiate - ■' ■ ir some on International coming Da] nremieei to be the big Gene Cox to Be ■ gesl Mini' 1 he depii • nion a h lull have ■ . tonighl Concerts Tuesday Relations. rurted before the one a hkh p First "Y" Speaker : Frog Bai ed the hut Mas ill. ,r tribe in- ook MI the minor no*. men, ■ T i I ■ ■ and decide I In ther or not J nu h i * ■ nexl Wedncsdi : ■ a son will he ! a chance to win! Throw J our Six Others to Follow tit body will I I ruesday in I MI u plea to the fou w ittdfl am tret on Clubs Tenta- They Dr. 1 W ELL t 0M1 ' '■ it,* 0 thr spirit <r n, woftL If n.1 w ho is contest. 1 lil- 'I tive Program. gliesl M in' on the cam pus is tn ■ I i of thi » be "King" for ■ dsj . Anc the ■ thojr who ha mcerta in- EC ' El ii i:. hcrt faj lor wot Idn't Cox, aoi for uhn I ■ ■ *rc those \«. ho e played ii Rev. Snodgrass sneer al th i. ioiv: li ft T C. i last ipring to i lit 11 will flo1 - ■ n M Praises Churcn farm project ■ U ppi, v ill speak Band la Luncheon Guest. and. in- ' II |tl to 'he tn the "Y's" m Xt '■ i two girls, of 'Uglieat Di recto Don < Speaker Urges. Youths | i | |. ' by the executive i of the ■'. m. in ■ to Defend Christ If the winner do v iii be lets. V > for thi ! p, \: and Religion. ■ gram. a] chairmai an mi gram ." were in college . D 'I he Re», Lj nn II Hough, i ■ workho Drarw I I Madison, the rei •I : rip coach ticket on the spec- champioi N. .1 , and former - alumni . ■ eat in the T. C. 1 ' ■ H ill be ■ Student Council Rice | ■ . an I $1 ca gram opei class, if you i an find one -1" aker for Nov. 16, II benhoui. i. Ei of Chi ■ for the honor of "I g. Will Honor Exes president 'a door ,.. Visit Miaa Mui -. Li ter, managi I ■ Freshmen Triumph i ' Man" may he nominated by ua- the registrar ... Kingaley Houai. I Eng land, is ■ ballot appearing on paga 3 of Over Sophs in Plays ■ ■ men . Confine j Queen to Be Crowned ■ ■ ■ ber, Hi ea in social work. dropped During Intermis- Cometh Directed bj Miss Bryan Queen t" Be Mono ed al Half, cabinet < Box" in the mam hall In December, Samuel I sion at Dance. \\ ins Third > ear and Building, is managi - of the Di Ita Farm, will he ■ Cup for Class. dinner out ol P grid ron cla th «ill take placi i . ■ i -. i el i A the "Y" speaker, I dance h hai a go : M ■ Ruth John \) ■ eld in the ! ■ M I . W, C, A CM tarj of \c- 'I'll Gymnasium from - floor of i he A I li' O'I ■ Five Men to Be in Run-Off. gi o co . appear in February. ou v H n who receive the treat She will speak on "Rat i re the intermission Mi-- I: it on the field. Hi I worth ii ... Look p and I'll go i Dr. Edwin Aubrey of Chicago Uni- '■'■ Will lie ; "Hi. with you . Let Peti ■ for the pi i is the speaker for March or show I' Sp, a ker a i Campu» *.' oups girli go to si Dr, Aubn ■ field ia thi pi ■ t ho field, Homecomii g Da atioi Embs rra p in all oard in the of reliaion. end w ith two di ... I in t Wi dm iday morning, I" April Mil l: will be Altho ■ To cheer up I The ol i ontain on the campus to give her time for ■ Worth \\ orth I * ('oun- be ] confei ence work with the f asine. all i o invil- M . ■ 'I In m Skiff. The voting committees of the "Y's." ■ i the camp Eat ■ iiw al hflil In the !• ■ I id re « II l>" the same in the run- I v ■ drop a ] . < 'lil Jooj it 9 I'. III. rather :■• ■ i i ot in the kitchen b it "Foundal ><>n of Ideals" fchei c . Discussed al "\ .Mfi-I Timoi h\ Club Heara The Former Art .Majors "Faith ol Paul" 1;ilU "Religion Should Be the Founda- Srr ihc fire* erka! ... I'iral on \\ ill Sponsor Exhibit Miaa \ atieiiti in Plav tion of Our Meals." was the subject taded thai neither life the canapua . Then at the Stadium On KTAT Broadcul for diacuaaion by the Rev. i not deal fn m the . Get to j our aeata earlj ■ ■ . and Brushes i<> Honor Club EZM as wi Snodgraaa al the joint meeting of the I' ■ ated in hi Vau b fi .i thU »ord far onlj a limited few, \\ ith Formal Tea Sun- The "YV Tuesday night. tured in a violin solo on the K IA I Ica^c j our i La ika behind j on with da> Afternoon. M ll.hl Tom Swiiry. fro innan Y. U C. A, thy Club I Sunday. Plllir M Mrs. Beekhim * aei e thej « ill be 1 ' ! tig. I perfect!) aafe , . Don'l fail to hon- A I [omi coining at I exhibition fea- or Hie (Iran ol women with B call turing the works of former ttudents Upon her at Jan LI Hall ... * Ine of in the art itudioa ihc brM. Correction! The verj and w ill be contin- beat! Kane better' Selah! ■ Where Former Student Body Presidents Go and What They Do 3 until 8 o'clock Sunday after- Lost one student body president, law in noon t he Bruah, Club will aponaor a The return ol I iw Whet . i Hubert Ami. rson, I formal tea in honor of former tiieiu ■ ■ ■■-. 1916- I . I', i Mm I an . England, great deal to ■> ou ai a thi E one la Invited. bods bead for 1926-27? Not even his : ate stu- of our i lit ii- be Mae \. H. San freshman roommate, Da> Id Leavell, 1921 S2: H ■ : ■ til'y th<' vaihln • of our work.
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