The Royal Engineers Journal. The Effect of the Quetta Earthquake on Various Types of Construction Captain H. L. Lendrum 327 The Preparation of Engineer Exercises without Troops . 344 Some Notes on the Wa States . Captain A. D. B. Cocks 354 Some Principles of Protection in Air Raids . Colonel W. Garforth 367 Railway Survey in Tanganyika Territory . Captain C. E. M. Herbert 378 The Progressing of Production in New and Repair Work Lieutenant A. E. M. Walter 394 The Last Days of an Old Turkish Bridge in Palestine Lieutenant E. C. W. Myers 414 Artillery Survey . Captain A. S. Wilson 419 A Trip to Kabul . Captain C. T. Edwards 429 The Royal Engineers and Anti-Gas Defence . Captain G. L. Watkinson 437 Motorization and Blocking Operations. Colonel Dennerlein 439 Memoir. Correspondence. Books. Magazines 448 VOL. L. SEPTEMBER, 1936. CHATHAM: THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS, TELEPEONE: CHATHAM, 2669. AGENTS AND PRINTERS: MACKAYS LTD. LONDON: HUGH RBBS, LTD., 5, REGENT STREET, S.W.I. INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE v "Ex "Expamet" Expanded Steel has been in successful and ever increasing use all over the world for more than 40 years as a reinforcement for concrete; It has excep- tional qualities, especially in large plain and curved areas: it Is particularly suitable for reinforcing concrete In foundations, walk, floors, roofs, culverts, bridges, etc. The 41' and 3' mesh weights are used mostly for such work, and the i', 2' and 6' meshes also In some cases; the lighter weights of J', I' and If' meshes are used frequently In concrete encasement to structural steelwork, and in pre-cast con- crete articles. ExPArMET EXPANDED METAL British Steel : British Labour THE EXPANDED METAL COMPANY, LTD. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal. Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete & Fire-resistant Construction BURWOOD HOUSE-CAXTON STREET-LONDON-S.W.1. Works: WEST HARTLEPOOL Established over 40 years Solo Agents for India- WM. JACKS & CO., Bombay, Karachi, Lahore,Calcutta, Madras. ADVERTISEMENTS. i Y I VICTAULIC FOR SERVICE WORK -. Part of 38,000 metres of I4" steel tubes for the Water Supply of Paramaribo (Dutch Guiana). The main is fitted with Victaulic joints, assembled by native labour, Test pressure, 25 atmospheres. VICTAULIC COMPANY Ltd. KINGS BUILDINGS, DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W.1 , I . - ii A D VERTISEMENTS. £ST. 4 8 'S6S. ESTABLISIIED OVER 50 YEARS AS MILITARY TAILORS AND AS MAKERS OF DEGE'S CELEBRATED " SEAMLESS KNEE-GRIP" BREECHES " Extensively patronised by Officers of the Royal Engineers " J. DEGE & SONS, LTD. Itilitary anb ttlufti nailors, brler!rjst iltahtrs 13 Conduit Street, London, W.1 Telegrams: Harkforward, Piccy, London Officers waited upon at Telephone: Mayfair 1325 Military Camps and Barracks ii ehn:lolih025 ,AtleyPac,Wowc,S..8 Telephone: Woolwich 0275. 1, .Artillery Place, Woolwich, S.E.18. Regent 3560. 6, St. James' Place, S.W.1. J. DANIELS & Co., Ltd., Military & Civilian Tailors,Outfitters and Breeches Makers. R.E. AND R.A. COLOURS IN STOCK. CARLISLE & GREGSON 5, LEXHAM GARDENS, KENSINGTON, W.8. STAFF COLLEGES, PROMOTION, ARMY, NAVY AND ROYAL AIR FORCE ENTRANCE EXAMS. CIVIL SERVICE AND UNIVERSITIES, TERRI- TORIAL ARMY AND SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVE. Telegrams: " Lexjam, Kens, London. " Phone : Westemn, I287. Teerm:"eja,Kn,Lndn"Poe:Wsen 27 A D PERTISEMENTS. !l1 ADVERTISEMENTS. II; erect - IN EVERY DETAIL This also applies to every suit made by MR. MORRIS of 28 Sackville Street, London, W.I Expert in every detail and the guarantee of a suit of the finest cloth, perfectly fitted, a suit that will create better appearance and last, and last. UNIQUE OVERSEAS SERVICE with an entirely new system enabling you to obtain a suit beautifully made as if you had been fitted in London. Please .rile fr altterns andl particlars. ro d on aiscoulall first orlers. CUPID AND PSYCHE, BY CANOVA (LOUVRE, PARIS) -~an;ras~- - --- J. G. PLUMB & SON VICTORIA IIOUSE, 117, VICTORIA ST., WESTMINSTER, S.W.I Established 1895 Telephone : Victoria 3434 Military Tailors and Outfitters By Appointment to THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH for the past Quarter of a Century Mess Jacket, Vest and Overalls complete £14 7 6 Dinner Suits from £9 19 6 Lounge Suits - . from £6 6 0 . o... .....o. ........ ........o....... ....... ....... ......... .. .. .. A special discount of o1%is always given to Gentlemen Cadets, past and present EXTENSIVELY ENIPLOYED BY OFFICERS RECENTLY COMMNISSIONED FROM THE SHOP, AND APPOLNTED TAILORS TO THE ROYAL ENGINEERS TRAINING BATTALION, CHATIIAI. I - I iv A D VERTISEMENTS. THE MILITARY ENGINEER IN INDIA. By Lieut.-Colonel E. W. C. Sandes, D.S.O., M.C., R.E. (retd.) (Author of In Kut and Captivity, Tales of Turkey, etc.). VOLUME I. 594 + xxiii pages, with 25 half-tone illustrations, i8 plans in text, and 5 maps in pocket. With a Foreword by General Sir Bindon Blood, G.c.B., G.c.V.O., Colonel Commandant Royal Engineers. Price Twenty-five Shillings, post free. (To Members of the Institution of Royal Engineers, 6s. post free.) VOLUME II. 392 + xxii pages, with 41 half-tone illustrations, 5 plans in text, and 4 maps in pocket. Price Fifteen Shillings, post free. (To Members of the Institution of Royal Engineers, 6s. post free.) NOTES.-I. Retired officers who have been Meimbers during the whole of their service, but have resigned membership, may also obtain these books for six shillings each, post free. 2. Non-members ordering Volumes I and II together can be supplied for thirty shillings, post free. Obtainable from the Secretary, Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham, and at Headquarters of Sapper and Miner Corps in India. THE ARTHUR FFOLLIOTT GARRETT PRIZE. THE Arthur ffolliott Garrett Prize is awarded for the best article received and published in The Royal Engineers Journal in any year, which deals with any of the following subjects:- I. Irrigation and Water Supply. 2. Railways. 3. Survey. The Prize is confined to officers on the Active List not above the rank of substantive Major, either singly or in syndicates, and its value is about £7. THE MONTGOMERIE PRIZE. ATTENTION is invited to the conditions under which this prize, in value about £14, is offered for competition each year. I. The Prize is awarded by the Council of the Institution of R.E. in the manner considered best for the encouragement of contributions on professional subjects, by R.E. Officers, to the Corps publications. The Prize is confined to Officers on the Active List not above the rank of substantive Major, either singly or in syndicates. 2. The Prize shall consist of (a) a book on Survey, Exploration, Travel, Geography, Topography or Astronomy; the book to be whole-bound in leather, and to have the Montgomerie book-plate with inscription inside; (b) the remainder of the year's income of the Fund in cash. The following are suggested as subjects for contributions:- (a) Descriptions of works actually carried out in peace or war. (b) Invention. (c) Design (excluding works of defence). (d) Labour organization on work. (e) Scientific investigations generally. (f) Accounts of exploration work and surveys. ADVERTISEMENTS. v "BAKER'S" FURNISHING Whether it be replenishments of Linen, fresh curtains or chair covers, a single piece of furniture or setting up house completely. You can furnish conveniently, entirely, and at a very considerable saving of expense through "Bakers." Proof of the saving of expense to you, and the con- venience, is best provided by the hundreds who after examining every other source of supply have set up house on retirement through " Bakers." So many have recommended " Bakers," that we have extended our Linen, Blanket, Bedding and Furnishing Fabric Showrooms on our own premises considerably. We have concentrated on Furniture and all Furnishings by creating a specialised department in co-operation with the finest Furnishing houses in the country thus offering a wide choice of prices and quality. PERSONAL WEAR At 2, Upper James Street, Golden Square, it is possible to choose in the Sample Rooms every quality and kind of Men's wearing apparel, both for at home and abroad, at exceptionally low prices. CONIE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF-OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS F.P. & Co,Ltd. 2, UPPER JAMES ST. (pifcao 'trcu) GOLDEN SQUARE, W.1. Telephone: Gerrard 6351 vi AD VERTISEMENTS. Work of the Royal Engineers in the European War, 1914.1919. For sale in the olfice of the Secretary, Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING VOLUMES:- Bridging.-With 3 maps, 59 photographs and 31 plates. Price 12s. (to members, 3s.). Military Mining.-With 25 photographs and 62 plates. Price 12s. 6d. (to members, 3s. 6d.). Geological Work on the Western Front.-With 19 plates and 9 photographs. Limited to 500 copies. Price 15s. (to members, 5s.). Signal Service in the European War, 1914 to 1918, The.-(By special arrangement with the Signals Association) R. E. Priestley, M.c., B.A. (late Major, R.E.). With 2 photos and 20 plates. Price i2s. 6d. (to members, 4s.). Supply of Engineer Stores and Equipment.-Price 7s. (to members, is. 6d.). Water Supply (Egypt and Palestine).-With 7 maps, 6 photos, lo plates, and 20 sketches in the text. Price 8s. (to members, 2s. 6d.). Water Supply (France).-With io maps, 37 photographs and 41 plates. Price i6s. (to members, 5s.). " A simply invaluable compendium of the work done in this vital respect on the Western Front."-Spectator. Work under the Director of Works (France).-With 6 maps and 71 plates. Price 21i. (to members, 5s.). "Miscellaneous," comprising:--() The Organization of the Corps, 1914-1918. (2) Engineer Intelligence. (3) Camouflage. (4) Concrete Defences and Factories. (5) Forward Communications. (6) Machinery, Workshops and Electricity. (7) Inundations. (8) Anti-Aircraft Searchlights. (g) Schools. With o15 Plates and Photographs.
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