Curriculum Vitae - Guido Emilio Tonelli Personal Information Born: Casola in Lunigiana (MS) Italy, 8 November 1950. Nationality: Italian Current address: 13F Chemin Florian, 01210 Ferney Voltaire, France Current job: Full Professor, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; since 2007 on leave of absence from the University as CERN Scientific Associate. Personal status: Married to Luciana Piddiu; two sons: Diego (34) and Giulia (26). Contacts: Home+33-450-429560; Mobile +41-76-487-2594; E-mail [email protected] Education and Academic Experience 1975: Ph. D. (‘Laurea cum laude’) in Physics, University of Pisa. 1976: Research Contract of the Ministry of Research and Education, University of Pisa. 1980: Permanent position as Physics Researcher, University of Pisa. 1992: Associate Professor in Physics, University of Sassari, Italy. 1996: Associate Professor in General Physics, University of Pisa. 1999: Full Professor in General Physics, University of Pisa. Invited lecturer in many Advanced Courses and International Schools. Among them: SLAC Summer School, ICFA International School on High Energy Physics, INFN School on Advanced Detectors, Winter School on Hadronic Physics, International School on Modern Physics. Research activity 1976-1984: NA1/NA7, fixed target experiments at the CERN North Area. The experiment was a typical fixed target spectrometer based on a series of forward analyzing magnets, tracking chambers, and Cerenkov and shower counters. The mechanism of coherent diffractive photo production was used to produce charmed mesons on an active target and to measure their lifetimes and branching ratios with high precision. Later on, the same apparatus was utilized in a slightly modified configuration to perform precision measurements of the π and κ electromagnetic form factors. The measurements were done by scattering π− beam (with a contamination of κ) on the electrons of a hydrogen target. The measurement of the π electromagnetic form factor was also performed at threshold in the time-like region by producing π pairs with a positron beam. As of today, this is still among the most precise measurements in that energy range. My major personal contribution to the experiment was the development of completely new experimental techniques based on the use of active semiconductor targets that led to unprecedented precision in measuring the properties of long living charmed mesons. The exceptional results obtained with the new devices initiated a brand new field of experimental techniques. I was among very few physicists who started the pioneering work on the development of semiconductor devices for High Energy Physics, which in turn led to the production and test of the first micro-strip silicon detectors that have since been widely used in all modern HEP experiments. 1981-1987: CDF, general-purpose experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The original scope of CDF was to exploit the proton anti-proton collisions, which were produced at the highest center of mass energy available at that time in the world. The program included measuring the elastic and total cross section, studies of QCD, measurements of the properties of the intermediate vector bosons W and Z, searching for the top quark, and looking for phenomena beyond the Standard Model (SM). My major personal contribution to the detector was the proposal to equip the inner part of the tracking system with a new device, the silicon vertex detector that would have allowed the identification of b and c jets. For the first time in High Energy Physics a general-purpose hadron-collider experiment included in its baseline design a high-precision tracking device to measure with unprecedented accuracy the track impact parameter and to reconstruct primary and secondary vertices in events. It took many years of complex R&D to solve all technical problems and to be able to build such a device. Thanks to this choice, CDF has been later able to develop extremely sophisticated b-tagging techniques which played a crucial role in the successful discovery of the top quark. Moreover, it has been the cornerstone for an extremely rich program that still lasts today on precision measurements of B and Top physics, and in searches for the Higgs and physics beyond the SM. The participation in the early days of the physics analysis at CDF allowed me to gain a valuable experience in handling the complex environment of hadron colliders, particularly at the accelerator start-up, and to contribute personally to the first set of measurements: charged particle multiplicity, inclusive jet production, di-jet angular distribution, total and elastic cross section, and preliminary measurements of the W and Z mass. 1985-1999: ALEPH, general-purpose experiment for the LEP collider at CERN. The most important physics results of Aleph have been the determination of the number of light neutrinos families, precise measurements of the mass and width of the Z and later, with LEPII running at a higher center of mass energy, accurate determination of the W mass. Combining a large series of precision measurements collected by the four LEP experiments, combined with measurements done by CDF and D0 at the Tevatron Collider, it has been possible to perform the most careful test of all main electroweak parameters. These measurements, together with the limit coming from the direct searches, still play an important role in defining the current constraints on the SM Higgs mass. In addition, the experiment has been able to provide a vast amount of precision measurements of τ and b physics. My main contribution was the proposal, accepted by the Collaboration, to equip the inner part of the tracking system with the first Double-Sided Silicon Vertex Detector. Once the Vertex Detector proposal was accepted and included in the baseline design of Aleph, I took the responsibility of developing the first double-sided silicon strip devices and later on I was in charge of the construction, installation and operation of the detector. Following that I contributed to the precision measurements of the B hadron and τ lifetime measurements. The impact of the Aleph Vertex Detector on the whole physics program of the experiment has been universally recognized and soon after other LEP experiments adopted similar devices. 1993 to present: CMS, the best general-purpose experiment at the CERN LHC Collider. I joined CMS in 1993, attracted by the sophistication, robustness, and elegance of the original concept. Due to my previous experience, I concentrated my initial efforts on the Central Tracking System, which was based on an Inner Tracker made of Silicon Strip Detectors and an Outer Tracker made of Micro Strip Gas Chambers. In 1995 Michel Della Negra appointed me as Project Manager of the Silicon Strip Tracker. In this role I contributed significantly to the optimization effort of the entire tracker aiming at high efficiency in the reconstruction of charged tracks with pT >2GeV/c in a large pseudo-rapidity region (η< 2.5). It is worth noticing that while the physics potential of a high-performance tracking system at the LHC was universally recognized, very few people at that time really believed that it would have been possible to build such a challenging system for the LHC environment. Therefore, in the following years I created a large group of physicists and technical experts to organize the complex R&D activities, which were needed to produce rad-hard detectors and read-out electronics, to find the right industrial partners, to define the engineering solutions for supporting structures and services while maintaining the whole project within very stringent budget and material constraints. This work has been extremely successful and led to important developments in detectors for high-energy physics. A major milestone in this work was the preparation of the Technical Design Report (TDR) of the Tracker for which I contributed as one of the editors. In 1999, by extrapolating the good results obtained from the R&D activity for the Inner Tracker, I presented the Collaboration with a proposal to adopt a Full Silicon Tracker showing that it would have been possible to find technical solutions to all remaining issues: large scale production of high quality devices and large dimensions of the outer tracker silicon modules. The proposal was adopted by the Collaboration as baseline design in 2000 and an Addendum to the Tracker TDR was approved soon after. During the following phase I led the construction effort of the Tracker Inner Barrel and Disks; they were delivered to CERN in 2006, well in advance of the projected integration schedule. In parallel to the Tracker activity during this period, I developed for the upgrade of the experiment for the Super LHC (SLHC) the concept of a L1 trigger for CMS based on tracks and prepared a conceptual design of the CMS Tracker. At the beginning of 2006 I was appointed Deputy Project Manager of the Tracker. I worked with Peter Sharp to complete the construction and to organize the integration of the Tracker Sub-components at the TIF. Since January 2007, as Deputy Spokesperson, Jim Virdee asked me to follow mainly all critical activities related to the installation and commissioning of the detector at P5 in preparation for first LHC collisions. The list of challenges is well known to the whole Collaboration: lowering of the major detector elements, installation of the services in YB0, installation and commissioning of the Barrel ECAL and of the Si-Strip Tracker, re-furbishing of the tracker cooling system, completion of the construction, installation and commissioning of the End-Cap ECAL and of the Pixel Detector, and re-commissioning of the magnet in the cavern. More recently I have also been helping various detector communities (End-Cap RPC, CASTOR, ZDC) in solving still pending technical issues. It has been an immense privilege for me to share this responsibility and work with an incredible group of people whose skills and dedication have been simply fantastic.
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