The Star-Spangled Banner John Stafford Smith orch. by Walter Damrosch Hoe Down from Rodeo Aaron Copland Essential Ellington: Duke Ellington & Billy Strayhorn Music of Ellington and Strayhorn arr. by Jeff Tyzik My Baby Just Cares For Me Music by Walter Donaldson Lyrics by Gus Kahn Fever Eddie Cooley and Otis Blackwell Nadege Bellande Robertson, mezzo-soprano and Lynn University Jazz Trio Superman March from Superman John Williams 01' Man River from Showboat Music by Jerome Kern Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II orch. by Robert Russell Bennett Oh, What a Beautiful Momin' Music by Richard Rodgers from Oklahoma! Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II orch. by Robert Russell Bennett Neil Nelson, bartione West Side Story Selection for Orchestra Leonard Bernste in arr. by Jack Mason Summertime from Porgy and Bess Geo rg e Ge rshwin Lyrics by DuBose Heyward Kristen DiNonno, soprano Peop le Will Say We're In Love Mu sic by Richard Rodgers from Oklahoma! Lyr ics by Oscar Hammerstein II arch . by Robert Russe ll Bennett Kristen DiNonno, sopran o and Brian Ricci, tenor Impossible Dream from Man of La Mancha Music by Mitch Leigh Lyr ics by Joe Da rion Brian Ricci, tenor Armed Forces Salute arr. by Bob Lowden A Tribute to America: arr. by Nelso n Navarrete America the Beautifu l, Music by Samue l Ward , Nelson Navarr ete Freedom and Progress & Irving Be rlin and God Bless America Lyrics by Kat harine Lee Bates & Irving Be rlin Kristen DiNonn o, soprano,· Nadege Be llande Robertson, mezzo -soprano,· Brian Riw~ tenor,· and Neil Nelson, baritone Kristen DiNonno Kr isten D. onno has bee n perform ng profess iona lly ·n South Flor'da since 1994. She has bee n see n n many loc al production s of mu s·ca ls: ·n rol es such as Ju l·e and Ca rr' e from Carouse l, ar'a and L' ese l from the Sound of Music, and e11· e ·n FAU's product'on of South Pacifi c. Kr ,sten has bee n featu red as a guest solo. st fo r many local pro duction s and pro ess ional org an·za ton s includ ing FAU's ense mbl e-in-res'de nce, th e Wind Symphony of Florda, the Boca Mu sic Gu Id, Coral Spr'ng s Fr' ends of Mu sic, and The Maste r Chorale of South Flor ida wh ere she se rved on th e bo ard of directors and held th e pos it'on of soprano sec ion lea der. In the fa ll of 2007, Kr' sten was a soloist for The aste r Chora le's perform ance of Vivaldi's Glor ia. She has since be en a fea tured solo. st n th eir perform ances of Mend elsso hn's Elij ah, Morten Lauridso n's Lux Aeterna, and Be rn ste in's Chiches ter Psa lms. Kr isten DiNonno is· th e pro cess of re cord ing a solo CD to be released at th e end of Febru ary 201 3. Her vo· ce is cu rr ently feat ured on th e Pure Energy Prod uction s CD, Looking Up, release d in 1999 and she perfo rm s two so ng s on th e released PROject LIFE CD by Golden Dome Reco rds. Nadege Bellande Robertson Bo rn in Ca li forn ia to a fa m:l y of mu s'c ians and aca demicians, Nadege Be ll and e Robe rts on began playing th e piano and viol·n as a chi ld, but fou nd her tru e talent as a voca list. In 1994, she moved to Haiti pursuing her ca reer as a so loist and also cr ea ting the band N' Didge no s w'th Greg ory Vorb e. The ir album First Breath is an ec lec ic m·x of jazz influ ence d voca ls, ind ige nou s instrum ents, trad'tional Caribbea n rhythm s and electron ica. Nadege has also worked with Jea n Pierre Grasset, the Widmaiers, Strings, and perform ed with Wyclef Jea n, Th e Marl eys, G'lb erto G' I and Be rn ard Lavil liers among oth ers. Marr ied to Hans Tipp enh auer, she has thr ee chil dren , currently res. des in De lray Beac h, Fla., and s pur su ing her master's ·n intern at:on al co mmun ication at Lynn un·vers· ty . Brian Ricc i Orig na lly from New York, Br' an R'. cc' rece :ved h's B. voc al per orma nce from he New England Conse rvatory of us c. He cont in ed h' s gradu ate stud ies in th e New Engl and Co nse rvato ry opera depa rtment, wh ere e sa ng the ro le o' Chevali er de la Fo rce ·n Dialogues of The Ca rm elites, Sa m ·n Ca rlisle Floyd's Susannah and Da ndy ·n Ba llad of Baby Doe, among others. Af er mov·ng back to New or Cty in 199 7, Br'. an st ud 'ed actng at th e 29th Str eet Reperatory Thea tre Sc hoo l. Wh'l e st ll in schoo l, he was contracted w th the Bo ston yr ic Opera Company, wh ere he sa ng choru s and co premar' o ro les in La Traviata, The Ballad of Baby Doe, Elixir of Love and Street Scene to name a fe w. His pro'ess iona l mus·ca l th ea te r ro les includ e Curly/Wl l Parker (Oklahoma), Tommy (Brigadoon), Perch'k (Fiddler on the Roof) and Sa (Street Scene). e was hand ­ c osen by Phil li p Glas s to prem: ere a ro le of th e reporte r, a d the co ver ro le of Ce geste in h: s opera Orphee at the Am erican Rep The ate r, Bos on, and Brook lyn Aca demy o Mu s·c. R'chard Dye r ( usic crit c of The Boston Globe) wr ote, "Brian ·s a rich, warm bar' on e w th a compe lli ng midd le reg· ster. " Neil Nelson Neil Nelso n graduated from New E gland Co nse rvato ry with a deg ree in mu sic perfor mance . Wnn ing awards such as th e Steph en Shrest' ·an Award fo r Excellence (Bosto n Lyr ic Ope ra), the He:n z Refuss Sing·ng Acto rs Award (Orl ando Opera), and plac:ng top ten in th e New York Metropo li tan Ope ra aud· ion s laun ched h'm ·nto h' s profess iona l ca ree r. Neil has perform ed lea d ro les w'th Boston Lyric Ope ra, Opera Theatre o St. Lou is, Be rksh·re Opera, Or lando Opera, and Bosto n Symphony Orchestra. Som e of h' s ro les includ e Lepore ll o ·n Don Giovanni, Pa page no in Die Za ub erflote, Figaro in Le Nozze di Figaro and Bot om n A Midsummer Night 's Drea m. Jon Robertson Jama· ca born maest ro Jon Robe rts on, dean of the Lynn un ·vers'ty Conse rvato ry of Mus ic, en; oys a d st' ngu shed ca ree r as a p·an ·st, co ndu cto r and aca em' cian. He bega h' s p' ano st ud. es wt Et hel Leg·n ska at age 7 and made his Town Hall deb ut 'n ew York City at age 10. A grad uate ofThe Ju'll' ard Sc hoo l of us·c, he stud ed piano perform ance un der Bever'dg e Webs er, chora l co ndu ct'n g w· h Ab raham Kaplan at Ju'l li ard, orch estral co du cting w th R chard P'ttman of the New Eng land Co nse rvatory of Mu s·c and erb ert Blomstedt, fo rm er d recto r of e Gwea ndh aus Orchestra (Ge rmany) . is conduct ing ca ree r spa ns the globe from symph ony orc hestras ·n Norway, China, Eg ypt, South Afr' ca and Au stria to th e Red land s Sym phony Orc hest ra in Ca li fo rn ia, wh ere he has bee n pr inc'pa l conducto r since 1982 . Robertso n ·s fo rm er cha'r of the Herb Alpert Sc hool of Mu scat UCLA . He co nt: nu es to guest-co ndu ct and to perform in co cer as a memb er of the Co le-Robe rtso n Trio. Nelson Navarrete Nelso n Navarr ete is an Amer' ca n co po se r, pe rformer, arrang er, and prod ucer. Bo rn 'n Co lomb ia, he sta rte d h:s mu s·ca l stud' es at the ag e o 8 at the National Un'vers· y of Co lomb a (So uth Am erica ) Conservatory's youth program . Nelson has always bee n stron gly motivated to create mu s·c w'th an ope n and unbiased a tract ion to differe t mu s·ca l gen res. He has at end ed the Po ntificia Un iversidad Javeriana (Co lomb ia), Broward Co ll ege, Be rk lee College of us ·c, and he ·s cur rently study'ng co position in the maste r's prog ram at the ynn Un ivers'.
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