THE GLENGARRY NEWS The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., October 15, 1937. VOL. XLV.—No. 42. *2.00 A YBA* liiril Kenyon Hoad laken Rev. W. R. UlcRallum SI. Lawrence Sanalorium Beciial By Canadian Pnef New Sidewalks Reiny fiuill Miss M. MacKinnon, Max- Premier RepRurn Names Over By Province SI. Omo Named Moderator Now Ras 28 Palienis Oelighls large Audience Along Pari of Main Sireel ville, Heads leachers’ Inslilule Thirleen Man Cabinet GLENGARRY MINISTER HEADS APPROVED APPLICANTS BEING WILSON MACDONALD’S VERSE WINCHESTER TO ALEXANDRIA TOWN COUNCIL INTENDS TO CHIEF INSPECTOR EXPLAINS NEW MINISTERS SWORN INTO MONTREAL AND OTTAWA ADMITTED—62 BEDS SHOWS BRILLIANT AND 42 MILE STRETCH TO BE REPAIR OTHER SECTIONS NEW COURSE OF S’TUDY OFFICE JUST SIX DAYS PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD AVAILABLE RARE CONCEP’TION WHERE NEEDED TO CONVENTION AFTER ELECTION Rev. W. B. McCallum, of St. Elmo, sixteen additional miles of Glen- Since October 1st when St. Lawrence Some 600 persons from the Alex- Work was begun late last week on ’The Glengarry Teachers’ In- Premier Mitchell Hepburn surround- was elected on the first ballot as Mo- Sanatorium, near Cornwall, first open- andria district formed an appreciative garry road, the 3rd Kenyon stretch the building Of new sidewalks along stitute held its two days of sessions in ed himself Tuesday with 13 ministers, derator of the the Montreal and Ot- ed its doors, 28 patients have been ad- audience at the Armouries, last from Alexandria to the Stormont a section of Main Street which has Alexander Hall Oct 7 and 8 under the giving Ontario its biggest cablneB tawa Synod of the Presbyterian mitted to the new institution, built in Thursday evening, when Wilson Mac- County line, have been taken over by for some time been badly In need of capable direction of the President, since the Liberal party came into Church in Canada at its opening busi- the fight against spread of tubercul- Donald, one of Canada’s best known the Ontario government in acquirins- replacement. The municipality’s work- Miss Elmira MacDonell, B.A. Excel- power under Mr. Hepburn in 1934. ness session Tuesday evening, in con- osis in the United Counties. All are poets, gave a delightful recital of his- an important Jink between two of men began breaking up the pavement, lent papers dealing with phases of Eight achieved cabinet rank for tho vocation hall of the Presbyterian Col- from the three Counties and applica- works, under the auspices of the High the main north and south highways last Priday, working north from St. the New Course or kindred subjects first time. lege, Montreal. tions have been received and accepted School. Every available seat was fill- in Eastern Ontario. The 42 miles of Paul street along the west side of were given by Miss Mary Allen, Miss In the drawing-room of Govern- Rev. William Paterson, of Westboro, for fifteen others. They will be admit- ed and judging from the enjoyment road connecting Alexandria and Win- Main, and already some of the new Alice Fraser, Miss Gladys Hill, Miss ment House,, Leutenant-Govemor and Rev. Kenneth McCasklll, of ted as- fast as they can be examined. of those present, twice that number chester have been made a Provincial sidewalk has been laid. Gertrude Morin, Miss Bessie Stewart, Herbert A. Bruce swore into office tho McDonald’s Corners, Ont., were also would be on hand on a later occasion, highway and an order-in-council to There are 62 beds available for pa- Present plans call for the building Mr. Robert MacMillan and Mr. D. new cabinet, just six days after the nominated, but Mr. McCallum obtain- should Mr. MacDonald pay a return this effect appears in the current is- tients on the second floor of the new of new pavements on both sides of McLean. The singing of classes from Hepburn Government was returned to ed a clear,majority in the first ballot. visit. sue of the Ontario Gazette. building, and these will be filled as Main street, from St. Paul to Elgin Apple Hill, Alexandria and Maxville power in a general election. Mr. Hep- Rev. E. E. Preston, of Vankleek Hill, Prom beginning to end of his hour- lieeve E. A. MaoGilllvray of Alexan- rapidly as possible. It is not expected, Sts. and the repairing of other bad ably conducted by the Music Supervl- bum completed his cabinet list dur- had been nominated by his Presby- and-a-half recital, Mr. MacDonald dria, M.L.A.-elect for Glengarry, a however, that the 108 beds of the in- sections throughout the town. The sor, Miss Catherine McRae, attracted ing the day following a series of con- tery, but withdrew his name before held the deep interest of his hearers consistent advocate of such a move, stitution will J}e filled until next year. Roads Committee of Town Council »s much favourable comment as did ferences. the vote was taken. as he moved smoothly along from his received definite confirmation ' on Satisfactory progress is also being to meet at once, to decide finally just the demonstration of history teaching Retains Five Veterans Nominated Before. more serious poems to light verse Wednesday from the highways’ de- made on the new nurses’ home im- what work is to be done. and the stirring music which was in Five members of the former cabinet The new Moderator is a native of which invariably provoked bursts of partment in Toronto. Taking over this mediately west of the sanatorium. The work on Main Street has been charge of the Sisters of the Holy Cross were back in office—^Harry C. Nixon Pictou county. Nova Scotia, He had link between Provincial Highways 31 Workmen are busy inside, installing appreciative laughter. More than a sorely, needed since the street was from St, Margaret’s Convent. as Provincial Secretary; Hon. T. B. been nominated at each annual meet- glimpse of the beautiful, clever mind and 34 is but another step inthe pre- plumbing and wiling ,and will be ready paved, as the sidewalks, were in a Other prominent contributors to McQuesten, Minister of Highways; ing of the Synod for the past two of Mr. MacDonald was given the au- sent government’s programme of as- to go ahead with the plastering in a bad condition. The new sections will the Convention included Miss Lowiy I Hon. Peter Heenan, Lands and Por- years. Last year he withdrew on ac- suming the full cost of construction few days. Authorities hope that the dience through his works, master be built flush with the curb thus doing and Miss Rutherford of the Eastern ests; Hon. L. J. Simpson, Education, count Of illness and inability to at pieces Of imaginative effort which and maintenance of Ontario roads. new building will be ready for occu- away with the potentially dangerous Ontario Health Unit, Mr. J. T. Smith, and Hon. Paul Leduc, Mines. tend. The year before he had tied in could have been conceived only by a ’The cross-counties highway starts pancy by December, At present, the space which now sepalates street and Principal of the Alexandria High Only ministers beaten at the the voting with Rev. Dr. Donald Mac- genius. nurses are quartered on the top floor sidewalk. School, Mr. V. Langton, Agricultural polls last week, Hon. Duncan at a point south of WSnchester, on Odrum, of Brockville, and then with- Highway 31, runs east to Chestervllle of the, sanatorium building. In opening Mr. MacDonald spoke on Representative, and Professor Earl, Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, drew in his favor. Mr. McCallum suc- the necessity of poetry being sincere At Monday’s Council meeting a and thence via Pinch, Avonmore, and Head of the Department of Biology and Hon. j. A. Faulkner, Minister I ceeds Rev. Dr. A. M. Gordon, of Que- and cautioned his hearers never to be resolution was passed expressing Monckland to Algxtuidria, where it in Queen’s University. of Health, were not included in bec City. Council’s pleasure in the election of joins Highway 34. Sixteen miles are in afraid to admire beauty. He declared ’Thursday evening’s banquet which the new Cabinet. Neither wsis Dr. Gordon preached the sermon at New West Cornwall Reeve E. A. MacGlllivray to the On- Glengarry, 21 miles in Stormont and that a love for poetry is growing was provided by the C.W.L. presented Hon. c. W. Cox, Minister without the devotional service with which the tario legislature. Mr. MacGilUvray the remainder in Dundas. Cliurcl] Blessed Sunday steadily in Canada and that the an opportunity for a lively smg-song Portfolio in the last Government... annual meeting of the Synod' opened, spoke in reply, thanking the members ’The present road wlU be rebuilt as movement is being fostered not in the led by Archie Ross. This was followed ..Victor in Port Arthur, Mr. Cox prior to the business session. Cornwall’s most recently establish- large cities, but in the towns and vil- for their kind words. a provincial highway and it is thought by music from Miss C. McRae and will sit as a private member. Rev. Robert Good of Ersklne ed Catholic parish in the West End lages where people live closer to na- Accounts totalling $2,683.51 were likely work will get underway early Miss Agnes Valade and greetings from Newcomen to House. Church, Ottawa, proposed, and of that city ,was graced by the pre- ture. He spoke appreciatively of the passed as was a by-law to establish next year. Widening and re-pavlng, Father Campbell of St. Raphael:^ Three of the new ministers have Very Rev.
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