SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW (ISSN: 0036-8377) Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC P.O. BOX 11408 AUG 1980 - VOL.9, NO.3 PORTLAND, OR 97211 WHOLE NUMJER 36 PHONE: (503) 282-0381 RICHARD E. GEIS, editor & publisher PAULETTE MINARE', ASSOCIATE EDITOR PUBLISHED QUARTERLY FEB., MAY, AUG,, NOV. COVER BY MARCO BIANCHINI LETTERS SINGLE COPY - $1.75 BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER; GEORGE HAY; LARRY NIVEN; SANDRA MIESEL; JAMES J.J. WILSON; DONN VICHA; JOHN SILBERSACK; IAN WATSON; RAY NELSON; JOHN REVIEWS- BRUNNER; ROBERT S. COULSON; ALIEN THOUGHTS BOB LEMAN; JOEL DAVIS; JOHN YONDER.5 BY THE EDITOR.A W. THOMPSON; ROBERT BLOCH; THE FABULOUS IDIOT.5 JOHN E. BAER.44 AN HOUR WITH ANNE MCCAFFREY.5 I M LOOKING FOR KADAK.5 I HEAR VOICES... DUNE, THE BANQUET SCENE BY THE EDITOR.5 interview: ROBERT A. HEINLEIN SANDWORMS OF DUNE CONDUCTED BY THE BATTLES OF DUNE DAVID TRUESDALE.49 Reviewed by Mark Mansell., ,5 REALITY IN DRAG QUESTAR, AUG. 1980.12 A PROFILE OF PHILIP K. DICK BETTER THAN ONE.12 BY CHARLES PLATT.6 YOU GOT NO FRIENDS IN THIS THE BRIDGE OF CATZAD-DUM...12 THE BLACK LION.12 WORLD THE EMPRESS OF EARTH & A REVIEW OF SHORT FICTION THE PURPLE CLOUD.12 SMALL PRESS NOTES BY ORSON SCOTT CARD.52 BY THE EDITOR.12 EBON ROSES, JEWELLED SKULLSlZ STARSHIP, SUMMER 1980.12 THRUST #15.13 THE VIVISECTOR THE DUENDE HISTORY OF interview: ROGER ZELAZNY BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER.56 CONDUCTED BY NEAL WILGUS...14 THE SHADOW.13 ETERNITY #2.13 WHOLE FANZINE CATALOG.13 THE HUMAN HOTLINE A STONE IN HEAVEN.22 OUTSIDE THE WHALE S-F NEWS BY CHRISTOPHER PRIEST.17 DAUGHTER OF THE BRIGHT MOON23 BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT.59 SABELLA:OR THE BLOOD STONE.23 THE VISITATION.23 THE MONITOR, THE MINERS ITEMS OF INTEREST AND THE SHREE.24 4sJ, JAMES J.J. WILSON; TIMESCAPE.24 IAN COVELL, A.L. TEREG0....21 INTERIOR ART- SCAVENGERS.24 THE FANTASY ALMANAC.26 OTHER VOICES TIM KIRK"”2,4,12,32 BOOK REVIEWS BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT;STEVE LEWIS; SUSAN Copyright (c) 1980 by Richard E. M. SCHWARTZ; PAULETTE MINARE'; Geis. One-time rights only have DEAN R. LAMBE; JOHN DIPRETE; 52;55;56;58 been acquired from signed or cred¬ DAVID N. SAMUELSON; RITCHIE PAUL CHADWICK—8; 9; 53; 54; 58; 59 ited contributors, and all other BENEDICT; RENFREW PEMBERTON; JAMES SHULL—10,57 rights are hereby assigned to the JAMES J.J. WILSON; WILLIAM BRUCE CONKLIN—11;44 contributors. GIBSON; JOE SANDERS.22 DEP (Lost your name.)—11 HARVIA-13 THE ALIEN CRITIC ALLEN KOSZOWSKI—14,15,43,60 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW AND THEN I SAW.... MIKE GILBERT—16,25,48;51 Available in microform from: BY THE EDITOR.32 VIC KOSTRIKIN—24,46 OXFORD MICROFORM PUBLICATIONS, LTD BARNES—49,50 Wheatsheaf Yard, Blue Boar Street KURT REICHEL—57 Oxford OX1 4EY, United Kingdom SCIENCE FICTION AND POLITICAL ECONOMY SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is published at 1525 NE Ainsworth, Portland, OR BY MACK REYNOLDS. 34 97211. NO ADVERTISING WILL BE ACCEPTED AND THEN I READ.... Second Class Postage Paid BY THE EDITOR.40 at Portland, OR 97208 UN I SAVE. I have not even had an answer to THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.... my letters.'...'Can you help to ... INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY , / CHARISMA. sort out the bottleneck? I would of electric Tower companies.' a - THE HOUNGAN. appreciate anything you can do.' SEEKING k,ORU> congest... /-■ - A DEAD GOD DANCING. ((DELAP'S doesn't owe you any¬ IN JOY STILL FELT. THE INFINITIVE OF GO. thing; non-response is an answer serpent's REACH. in itself. EMPIRE SF, however STILL FORMS ON FOXFIELD.... does owe you some accounting, and RAHNE... I hope this publication of your CITY COME A-WALKIN. letter will accomplish what your ZELDE M'TANA. private letter could not.)) THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.... IT S ALIVE. IT S ALIVE AGAIN. By the way, our policy here at ALMOST HUMAN. good ol' SFR is to send a copy of THE LEGACY. the current issue with a subscrip¬ RABID. tion form and return envelope; if THE SHINING. the enquirer likes the magazine SUBSCRIPTIONS THE DARK. and returns the subscription form SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW don't GO IN THE HOUSE. with a check, that copy he receiv¬ P.O. BOX 11408 ed is the first one of his sub. THE MAGIC LABYRINTH.40 PORTLAND, OR 97211 If not...we lose a copy and post¬ STRANGE SEED.40 age. But 90% subscribe. A copy THE SHADOW OF THE TORTURER.40 For One and Two Years PULSAR 2.40 of SFR is its best advertisement. At Fcur-Issues-Per-Year Schedule GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE?.40 SONGMASTER.40 THE SHERIFF OF PURGATORY ... 40 STOREHOUSES OF THE SNOW,...40 THE HALF-A-MOON INN.42 THE MARTIAN CRYSTAL EGG....42 CANADA*: US$6.50 One Year THE GREAT ROCK N'ROLL US$13.00 Two Years SWINDLE.42 *Canadians may pay with personal CHANGELING.43 cheques if the chequing acct. THE ENNEAD.43 number on their cheques is print¬ SINS OF OMISSION.. .43 ed in computer numerals. (Thus "JOSIE AND THE ELEVATOR ... 52 ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS, NEW AND OLD, we become slaves to the needs of "MEN LIKE US .52 ARE HONORED AND FULFILLED ON AN the Machine.) "SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS"..52 ISSUES NUMBER BASIS. FAR FUTURE CALLING.56 UNITED KINGDOM: Send pound equiva¬ BRIDGE OF ASHES.56 lent of US$6.50 One Year WATCHSTAR.57 Next Issue.. US$13.00 Two Years THE SKYLARK OF SPACE to agent WM. DAWSON 6 SONS Cannon House, SKYLARK THREE THE AFFAIR OF LOGICAL Folkestone, Kent CT19 SEE THE SKYLARK OF VALERON LUNATICS SKYLARK DUQUESNE.57 By Philip Jose Farmer or write them for current quote THE DANCERS OF ARUN.58 CURRENT AND SOME BACK ISSUES OF TAC AND SFR ARE AVAILABLE FROM: Introduction to WE'RE COMING FANTAST (MEDWAY) LTD THROUGH THE WINDOW 39 West Street, Plus the complete story Wisbech, Cambs., PEI3 2LX LAST MINUTE MATTERS By Barry Malzberg AUSTRALIA: Send A$ equivalent of US$6.50 One Year US$13. Two Years LETTER FROM I.G. PEmALL TERRY CARR REVIEWS WARHOON 28 P.O. Box 463 to agent SPACE AGE BOOKS 305-307 Swanston St. Kingston, A.C.T. 2604 Melbourne, 3000 Vic. Australia 6 July, 1980 ALL OTHER FOREIGN: US$6.50 One Year US$13.00 Two Years 'I write to seek your assist¬ All foreign subscriptions must be ance in resolving a rather sad /'M YO^K COLLECT! OKI OF paid in US$ cheques or money orders state of affairs which has arisen OLD Z-lP COt>E5 JS OUTSTAY, except to agents. in connection with subscriptions MR.erEiS, >TS ousnw The (or attempted subscriptions, I SMITH SDN'tAM TOEFMT HAME W should say) to DELAP'S F6SF RE¬ •ROOM IN THE ATTiC M™. VIEW and EMPIRE SF. Almost two MAKE ALL CHEQUES, CHECKS AND years ago now (on 6 August 1978, MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO SCIENCE to be precise) I wrote to both FICTION REVIEW magazines, enclosing a subscrip¬ tion check to EMPIRE SF and mak¬ SAVE A HASSLE AND EXTRA EXPENSE ing enquiries of DELAP'S. How¬ IF YOU MOVE WE NEED YOUR FORMER ever, despite a reminder letter ZIPCODE AND YOUR NEW COMPLETE to both in April last year, I have ADDRESS. not seen hide nor hair of either; And usually the publishers get ALIEN THOUGHTS away with it because there isn’t a damn thing the average writer can do BY THE EDITOR M about it. Who can afford to hire investigators, a top lawyer or two, for a year or two? Again, what’s the answer? Is it an organization like the Sceince Fic¬ ILLUSION AND REALITY tion Writers of America? SFWA has done wonders for its I get phone calls... I hear members with its grievance work, but things... I know things I dare not it has only so much power, so much tell in specific words, using names, willingness by its officers to risk for fear of lawsuits, perhaps per¬ their careers, their future sales, sonal assault. by offending---seriously offending--- These bits of knowledge, gleaned a given publisher/editor/agent. over the years and added to my own The truth is unpalatable. The personal experiences, add up to what truth is there is no answer to agent- most of you would judge a sickening, editor-publisher abuse of the author. revolting situation in the editing, The screwing will continue and may agenting, publishing industry. grow worse as the depression closes Agents who double-cross their cli¬ its fist even further on the publish¬ ents, who have sweetheart, kickback ing industry. Agents will do anything arrangements with editors and pub¬ to make a sale and insure a few extra lishers... Agents who refuse to bucks.. .editors .will do anything to heed the wishes of their clients... keep their jobs...and publishers will Agents who outright steal from their do anything to stay alive, to keep clients.... going. Editors who take kickbacks from Foreign sales will go unreported agents, from authors... Editors for most writers. TVo sets of books or undervalued, contract payments who buy from lovers... Editors who are not uncommon in publishing—one will be delayed, ignored...and roy¬ deliberately sabotage a book out set of records for the IRS and the alties will be (more than usual) a of envy, hatred... Editors who authors, another set for the milking, rare event. blackball certain authors.... skimming, laundering process. This is the real world of writing And publishers! Publishers who [How would you make dirty' gambling, for a living. You may be extremely steal manuscripts, who chronically dope, prostitution money "clean"? talented and become a star, a best¬ violate provisions of a publishing Simple: buy a publisher and claim mil¬ seller overnight, and get a rela¬ contract.
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