CHAPTER 2 loWer dan river SubbaSin HUC 03010104 Includes: Dan River, Country Line Creek, Lake Roxboro, Hyco River, Hyco Lake, Marlowe Creek, Mayo Reservoir & Aarons Creek C 03010104) SubbaSin at a Glance u (H countieS: SubbaSin Water Quality overvieW Rockingham, Caswell, Person, & asin bb Granville u The Lower Dan River Subbasin is the second western most subbasin and s runs along the North Carolina/Virginia state line. The subbasin contains MunicipalitieS: R two Impaired streams: Dan River is Impaired for fecal coliform bacteria Reidsville, Yanceyville, Milton, & ive and turbidity; and Marlowe Creek is Impaired for biological integrity as Roxboro R well as zinc in the downstream segment. an D ecoreGionS: R During this assessment cycle (2004-2009), the subbasin experienced Northern Inner Piedmont, a moderate drought in 2005 and 2006 as well as a prolonged drought Southern Outer Piedmont, & owe between 2007 and 2008. Monitoring the biological community during this Northern Outer Piedmont : L time showed a small percent improved. There were no major ambient asin monitoring violations; however, there were a few elevated levels for perMitted FacilitieS: B turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria. NPDES Dischargers: ..............67 R ive Major ...........................................3 Minor ...........................................8 R General .....................................56 NPDES Non-Dischargers: .......26 Stormwater: ............................12 oanoke General .....................................11 R Individual .....................................1 Animal Operations: ................. 11 population: 2010 Census ....................50,017 2006 land cover: Open Water .........................2.2% Developed ...........................4.7% Forest ...............................61.8% Agriculture .........................19.5% Wetlands .............................1.3% Barren Land ........................0.2% Shrub/Grassland ...............10.3% 2.1 Lower Dan River Subbasin (03010104) Kerr NB22 N3500000 N4590000 Reservoir S 70 m NC-7 NC-700 C D ER NB40 John n Cre e NB74 it 9 IV so e d h k a 2 A r - R NF31 B S R N ROA0343A ra M U ek nc i N4250000 e h v r a NF24 1 C nak 0 s e e Cr L r e i Eden 5 n l c N t k t - Mayo o r r NF26 t B M S C s C NC R a ra im -57 n n U - NB64 c o NF15 9 h h n ROA030G a o y e Reservoir 6 J C r r e k l k ttl NB86 r ROA030C o i R a ROA030F F L E r r NB43 C w ROA0342A IV n NB112 d C s R C e s N e 9 s e N4400000 k A l -4 n D n t N o t C a C o C e N o g a n r - i r 8 ROA030E o L r k 6 R C H a e y e N3410000 tr NB85 r US r ROA0341A A C Stovall -B n 9 C n i -2 NB116 Hyco NB87 US n u ta o o n k R ROA031H u e E o Lake o re NF35 C Lake IV M M C R NB36 ROA031E e Issac r lu N NF18 ROA031C NB118 B A C D r Walton NB119 o Yanceyville C U y S o - a 1 r Farmer ROA027L c 5 Wentworth NF30 9 8 M C 4 - , y 5 Lake C 0 e US N r -158 H 1 s C ROA027J u es h o Jon t H u 9 ROA027G 2 r o - 6 k 8 S S - c U NB84 C C o N Roxboro o ROA030DE 58 R US-1 c r 2 6 y Reidsville C - Reidsville C H ROA030DC ne N Lake N E C-87 i N L Roxboro L y ROA030DA L r O t I U n S u V S 50 o - 1 - C R 2 C N 9 N - E B A U P N R ROCKINGHAM S C - 8 G 7 (03010104) CWSA LE L ROCKINGHMA REP OS N LA MA NA CE Legend 2010 Use Support asin GU ILFORD ORANGE Supporting NC-150 bb Primary Roads u Not Rated N s C No Data -6 1 Municipalities R Impaired County Boundaries ive 7 Permits -5 C N *# R Minor NPDES Dischargers 9 8-Digit HUC 4 - C an XY Major NPDES Dischargers N #0 D Monitoring Sites NPDES Non-Dischargers6 -5 5 C 8 R - N ¡¢ E N I C Ambient NPDES Stormwater - 1 1 9 ¡[ Fish Community owe NC Animal Operation Permits -8 N ")à 7 C L N Benthos 0 C-1 ,1 k 00 0 - 5 8 0 0 7 Individual State 8 1 6 , 5 - 1 I 1 -6 U ^ - S-7 Lake Stations 5 C 0 C Cattle 1 ¯ 9 - N 1 N S 1 ¢ U - ¡ C 1 RAMS (`07-`08) Swine 2-1: N 6 N I - C- -40,85 2 5 C e NC Division of Water Quality 4 ¡¢ 6 4 N 5 - C-49, I-40,85 RAMS (`09-`10) Wet Poultry NPDES R C N Basinwide Planning Unit 7 N N U 8 C S 0 - 2 - 4 8 12 16I -70 !< 5 -4 N -B USGS Gage Stations Y C 4 0 US " Aquaculture August 2011 9 C I N -8 4 igu I - 5 - I Mil-e4 s 8 -85 C 0 6 F N 2.2 Roanoke RiveR Basin: LoweR Dan RiveR subbasin (HuC 03010104) Water Quality data Summary For thiS SubbaSin Monitoring stream flow, aquatic biology and chemical/physical parameters is a large part of the basinwide planning process. More detailed information about DWQ monitoring and the effects each parameter has on water quality is discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 of the Supplemental Guide to North Carolina’s Basinwide Planning document. StreaM FloW The basin experienced prolonged droughts from 1998-2002 and again from 2007-2008, with moderate droughts in 2005 and 2006 (Figure 2-2). More detail about flows in the Roanoke River Basin can be found in the 2010 Roanoke River Basinwide Assessment Report produced by DWQ-Environmental Science Section. FiguRe 2-2: Yearly FLow Rates (cfs) oF tHe USGS gage stations in tHe LoweR Dan RiveR subbasin Between 1997 & 2009 450 From Left to Right: 400 350 • 2077200: Hyco Creek (Leasburg) 300 C 03010104) • 2077303: Hyco River u 250 (McGehees) (H 200 • 2077670: Mayo Creek 150 asin (Bethel Hill) bb u 100 s Discharge, cubic feet/second Discharge, 50 R ive 0 R an D R 2077200 02077303 02077670 owe Indicates periods of drought in the Roanoke River Basin : L asin B bioloGical data R Biological samples were collected during the spring and summer months of 2009 by the DWQ-Environmental ive Sciences Section as part of the five year basinwide sampling cycle, in addition to special studies. Overall, 12 R biological sampling sites were monitored within the Lower Dan River Subbasin. The ratings for each of the sampling stations can be seen in Appendix 2-B. oanoke R Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Each benthic station monitored during the current cycle is shown in benthic SaMplinG SuMMary Figure 2-3 and color coded based on the current rating. Each of the sites are discussed in more detail in the watershed section below. Figure £ Total Stations Monitored 6 2-5 is a comparison of benthic site ratings sampled during the last two £ Total Samples Taken 6 basinwide cycles to indicate if there are any overall shifts in ratings. Of £ Number of New Stations 4 the two existing sites, one declined and one improved. 2.3 FiguRe 2-3: BentHiC stations CoLoR CoDeD by Current Rating in tHe LoweR Dan RiveR subbasin Benthos 2004-2009 Excellent Good Good-Fair Fair Not Impaired Not Rated R oanoke FiguRe 2-4: Current BentHiC site Ratings FiguRe 2-5: CHange in BentHiC site Ratings R Excellent ive R Good B Improved asin Good-Fair Declined : L Fair owe Poor No Change New Station R Not Rated D an Not Impaired R ive R Fish Community Sampling s u Each fish community station monitored during the current cycle is shown bb FiSh coM. SaMplinG SuMMary asin in Figure 2-6 and color coded based on the current rating. Each of the sites are discussed in more detail in the watershed section below. Figure £ (H Total Stations Monitored 6 2-7 shows the percentages of each rating given during this sampling cycle £ within this subbasin. Figure 2-8 is a comparison of fish community site Total Samples Taken 7 u C 03010104) ratings sampled during the last two cycles to determine if there are any £ Number of New Stations 1 overall watershed shifts in ratings. Overall, the community is relatively stable. FiguRe 2-6: FisH CommunitY stations CoLoR CoDeD by Current Rating in tHe LoweR Dan RiveR subbasin Fish 2004-2009 Excellent Good Good-Fair Fair 2.4 FiguRe 2-7: Current FisH Comm site Ratings FiguRe 2-8: CHange in FisH Comm site Ratings Excellent Good Good-Fair Improved Fair Declined Poor No Change New Station Not Rated Not Impaired For more information about biological data in this subbasin, see the 2010 Roanoke River Basinwide Assessment Report. Detailed data sheets for each sampling site can be found in Appendix 2-B. Fish Kills/Spill Events C 03010104) Mayo Creek: u A site visit, conducted on 30 March 2004 by DWQ staff, resulted in the observation of approximately 60 dead common carp in various stages of decay within 500 meters of the reservoir spillway. There were also (H approximately 200 live carp congregating in the shallow areas and around spillway. Approximately 50% of asin the live carp had sores on top of their head and body. Many carp were very lethargic and unresponsive, as bb u was a bluehead chub. Live carp were in spawning condition, but no spawning activity was observed.
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