1 ENG 335: Digital Rhetoric and Writing English 335 consists of study and document delivery. The writing practice in writing electronic genres assignments for this course consist with consideration of rhetoric, media, primarily of digital texts for the major and writing principles. The course deliverables but also include paper- will focus on issues specific to based work such as planning and language, visual rhetoric, brainstorming documents. composition, and publication in digital environments. This course Prerequisite: 9 semester hours of involves reading about topics related English. to digital rhetoric but is focused on the creation of online texts. Readings are focused on technology-related topics, such as writing for the web, online genres, multi-modal argument, and methods of electronic Course Resources Dr. Courtney Ferguson 184 Writer/Designer. First floor, Steen Adams Wooten TR Kristin L. Arola, Library . Wootenc1@sfas 2:00-3:15pm Jennifer Sheppard, http://library.sfas u.edu Cheryl E. Ball. 2nd u.edu/aarc/ LAN 263 edition. Bedford St. 936-468-4108 TR 12-2, W 12-1 Martin’s, 2018. 936-468-2079 2 Course Objectives processing, website design, audio, English Program Learning Outcomes video, and coding tools; 1. Students will demonstrate the • Create multiple digital texts, such ability to think critically and perform as websites, wikis, and audiovisual close readings of complex texts in a texts, using a variety of media that particular subfield of English studies. vary in scope, purpose, and 2. Students will demonstrate the audience. ability to comprehend both traditional and contemporary schools/methods of Course Requirements critical, linguistic, or rhetorical theory 1. Multimodal Genre Analysis: and apply them to textual analysis. This project requires you to 3. Students will demonstrate create a digital project using the knowledge of literary, linguistic, or tools of your choice – anything rhetorical history in regard to particular from a wiki, to a WordPress site, periods and cultures of study. to an audio-narrated Prezi. The 4. Students will demonstrate the project’s purpose is to analyze ability to apply literary, linguistic, or four to six digital or multimodal rhetorical theories and methodologies to texts from a certain genre in the study of selected texts. order to explain how certain 5. Student will demonstrate ability to strategies are used to what ends. effectively conduct advanced levels of 2. Group Audio PSA: For this research relevant to the specific course project, you will work in groups to of study. create a Public Service 6. Student will demonstrate the Announcement for a social ability to write clear, grammatically project or issue that is selected correct prose for a variety of course- by the group. Each group has related purposes. only thirty seconds to convey a specific message calling for English 335 Learning Outcomes action, asking questions, relating At the completion of this course, a story, etc. students will be able to: 3. Digital Storytelling: For this • Describe the unique features, project, you will create a challenges, and opportunities storyboard depicting a well- commonly present in digital known fairy tale, urban legend, or documents and genres, including myth that is translated into a considerations of the rhetorical visually based format (a situation. Wordpress site, Pixton, etc.). • Understand the challenges and 4. Usability Testing: For this constraints of designing and writing project, you will pair up to multi-modal documents for digital facilitate and test two classmates’ genres; websites. For one, you will serve • Gain proficiency in multi-modal as the facilitator, and for another, composition tools, including word you will serve as the user. Each should result in a 30-45 minute 3 Screencast video that is posted occur, I encourage you to take on D2L. advantage of the two total freebies you 5. Digital Class Portfolio: This can trade in for those parts of the project requires you to design grading contract marked with asterisks and built a Web portal for our (*). These freebies can: class assignments. It needs to • Delete an absence (one freebie include your name, a bit of erases one absence); information about yourself, a link • Delete an ignored daily work (one to class projects, and a link to freebie erases one ignored daily your digital text series. The rest is work); up to you. This portfolio will be • Delete a late daily work (one freebie presented during the final exam erases one late daily work). period. An assignment is considered late (but 6. Weekly Digital Text Series: At not ignored) if it is still turned in within the beginning of the semester, five days of the original due date; this you must choose a topic related means that a late assignment could be to digital rhetoric and writing. due on a day we do not have class. An Then, you must determine assignment is considered ignored if it is whether you will construct a blog, never turned in. For the purpose of this vlog, or podcast. Each week, you contract, “projects” on the contract must post a new part of this include items 1-5 in the course series. requirements list above. 7. Codecademy Courses: You will be assigned particular An important part of contract grading is Codecademy courses to that you choose what level of time and complete so that you learn some effort you spend on this course. You are basic coding. If trying to complete welcome to determine that a C is the A or B requirements, you will sufficient for your purposes. You are take additional Codecademy also welcome to decide that you will courses. strive for an A, indicating a higher level of engagement with the course. Grading Contract In order to receive a particular grade, This course is graded using a grading you must complete ALL of the contract, which is attached at the end of requirements specified under that the syllabus as a chart. All assignments particular grade. I encourage you to are graded on a pass/fail basis, and an choose the highest level of engagement assignment is awarded credit if it you can while managing your time and completes all specifications listed on the energy wisely. assignment sheet. Satisfactorily completed work forms the basis of final Because unplanned traumatic events grades. can occur, if you contact me within 24 hours of the event and provide Sometimes situations arise that written documentation, I will be happy necessitate missing work. When these to provide up to two excused absences 4 in addition to those unexcused time on their due date. The grading absences allowed on the grading contract specifies how late work affects contract. Valid excuses are limited to your final grade. health emergencies, religious observation, family emergencies, and Adhering to academic integrity participation in certain SFA-sponsored standards at all times by producing your events. In order to receive credit, I own work and successfully attributing encourage you to turn in all assignments others’ ideas to them is a necessary regardless of whether or not an absence aspect of university communication. is excused or unexcused. Academic dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism. Cheating Since unexpected circumstances may includes, but is not limited to: (1) using arise, you can arrive up to ten minutes or attempting to use unauthorized late and still be counted as present for materials to aid in achieving a better the day’s class. grade on a component of a class; (2) falsification or invention of any Course Citizenship and information, including citations, on an assignment; and/or (3) helping or Expectations attempting to help another in an act of To help yourself and other students cheating or plagiarism. remain focused and engaged, I hope you will avoid eating meals, sleeping, or Plagiarism is presenting the words or reading other materials during class. ideas of another person as if they were You are welcome to use laptops and cell your own. Examples of plagiarism phones when I indicate these will be include, but are not limited to: (1) useful. submitting an assignment as if it were one's own work when, in fact, it is at We may discuss sensitive or least partly the work of another; (2) controversial topics as part of class. submitting a work that has been Disagreement is expected and vital to purchased or otherwise obtained from learning how to express one’s position the Internet or another source; and (3) in a convincing way. That said, we must incorporating the words or ideas of an cooperate to avoid showing disrespect author into one's paper or presentation toward others in class and/or their ideas, without giving the author due credit. beliefs, or position, and to avoid any type of hate speech. If you choose to Any appeals on academic integrity engage in any distracting or cases must be made within thirty days disrespectful behavior within a single after the first class day of the next long class meeting (or, for that matter, across semester. Students should appeal to the multiple meetings), you will be asked to instructor first then to the chair if the leave the class and counted absent. situation is not resolved. Further appeals can be made to the dean and In order to receive full credit for provost if necessary. assignments, I recommend submitting assignments by class 5 Inclusive Learning well. If you need official Your success in this class is important accommodations, you have a right to to me. We will all need have these met. ODS is available at accommodations because we all learn Human Services Building, Room 325, differently. If there are aspects of this 468-3004/468-1004 (TDD) or course that prevent you from learning or http://www.sfasu.edu/disabilityservices/.
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