THE U. S. Aids Moves to Crush MILITANT DominicanDominican General Strike By Harry Ring head of the opposition National Balaguer jointly proposed that any Published in the Interests of the Working People DEC. 6 — While troops used Civic Union. A spokesman for the new government must continue guns, clubs and tear gas to smash Dominican middle class, Fiallo is Balaguer as president, all mem­ V o l. 25 - No. 45 M onday, D ecem ber 11, 1961 P rice 10c the general strike of the Domini­ bent on terminating the revolu­ bers of the military must be can people, U.S. warships, which tionary struggle of the masses but, guaranteed immunity from pro­ had hovered three miles off the at least for the present, he is be­ secution for crimes committed un­ country’s coast, quietly withdrew ing blocked from complete capitu­ der Trujillo, the slated m ilitary to 12 miles from shore. The move lation by the force of that strug­ budget for 1962 must be main­ gle. Letter to Communist Party at the height of the military tained and elections should be held On Nov. 29, Fiallo called for an bloodletting, gave the lie to Pres­ “within two years.” end of the general strike. The The counter-proposal by Fiallo ident Kennedy’s claim that the ships had been sent to prevent anti-strike stand was publicly re­ is hardly better. Reluctant to defy versed the same day as a result the mass demand fo r Balaguer’s reestablishment of dictatorial rule SWP Offers Help in Fight of strong, nationwide protest. ouster, he is willing to settle for on the island. The “compromise” offered by a seven-man junta, including a Despite ferocious government Balaguer adds up to a continuation attacks, and handicapped by a representative of the military, a of the post-Trujillo dictatorship. Against Gov’t Repression spineless top leadership, the gen­ representative of arch-conserva­ The terms were drawn up by Maj. tive Catholic Church, plus five eral strike to topple the hated Gen. Pedro Rodriguez Echavarria, Balaguer regime is now in its persons without “partisan” polit­ To the National Officers head of the armed forces and -the ical affiliation. ninth day. Any illusions among Of the Communist Party man directly responsible for the According to press dispatches the Dominican masses that U.S. attacks on the strikers. He and Dear Comrades: power would be used to help them (Continued on Page 2) The Socialist Workers Party supports unconditionally establish democracy have been your defense against the government attack which in force dispelled. Last Friday government and effect is plainly to outlaw the Communist Party. We troops opened fire without warn­ ing on a procession of more than hold that agreement or disagreement with your political a thousand women in support of views has no bearing on the the strike. Nine women were case. A t stake in your fight are wounded. One correspondent re­ basic democratic rights pre­ ported that the crowd turned on U.S. newsmen and one person cious to the American people. shouted: If the Communist Party can “Your ships are out there to be persecuted because of its defend this government so it can opposition to government pol­ machine-gun women!” icies, the cold warriors w ill Cash Bonus become even more vicious It is now revealed that U.S. ef­ against all opponents of their forts to save the “constitutional” drive toward nuclear war. government of Balaguer — he Labor haters w ill intensify was appointed “president” by the their campaign for repressive late dictator Trujillo — include plans for a handsome cash bonus. laws against the trade unions. A Dec. 5 Chicago Daily News White supremacists w ill per­ press service dispatch said: petrate even worse frame-ups “The Kennedy administration against Negro freedom fight­ appears eager to bestow a $50,- 000,000 w in d fa ll on Dominicans ers. Witch hunters w ill step- through premium prices for sugar, up their general attack on civ­ the crop responsible for half the il liberties. income of the republic. The pur­ If the Communist Party can pose would be to convince Latin in effect be outlawed today on Americans that life under the A l­ Farrell Dobbs liance for Progress has more se­ one pretext, a precedent w ill curity than anything a bum like One of the first fruits of the government drive to outlaw the have been set whereby other parties can be outlawed tomor­ Castro can offer.” Communist Party was an administration-imposed campus ban on row on another pretext. If the party holding governmental Who would enjoy this “secur­ Party speakers at New York City Colleges. These are some of the power can outlaw its political opponents, nothing whatever ity?” The report adds: “U.S. tax­ payers may buy milk for fancy several hundred students from Hunter, Queens and City Col­ w ill remain of the B ill of Rights. To prevent such a dan­ ladies and feed for polo ponies of leges who demonstrated at the Board of Higher Education head­ gerous turn in our country, all who believe in fighting to the exiled members of the Trujillo quarters Dec. 2 to protest the ban as a blow to their academic preserve democratic rights are duty bound to defend the mob.” The vast sugar holdings of freedom. The picket line was sponsored by Student Government. rights of the Communist Party. the Trujillos were supposed to The Socialist Workers Party stands ready to aid the have been expropriated by Bala­ guer, but, the report notes, oppo­ Communist Party defense in every way we can. You are sition leaders say that as late as Attorney General Pretends He's welcome to use our meeting halls everywhere in the coun­ a week ago sugar income was be­ try. We hereby extend a standing invitation to your speakers ing forwarded to the Trujillos. Not Trying to Outlaw Communists to address our meetings and public forums to explain your News of the U.S. plan to pay higher prices for Dominican sug­ Attorney General Robert Ken­ could be prosecuted as admitted case. ar was rushed to Balaguer last We are prepared to help build the broadest possible nedy is a rank hypocrite. This was members of a “seditious” or­ Thursday as he was preparing a demonstrated in his Dec. 1 an­ ganization. movement in defense of the democratic rights of the Com­ radio appeal for an end of the nouncement of the indictment of And, of course, there would be munist Party, a defense movement based on the great Amer­ general strike. The slated wind­ the Communist Party for not reg­ the extra-legal hounding by the ican labor tradition that an injury to one is an injury to all. fall became a big point in his istering under the Internal Secu­ FBI and by federal, state and-, speech. rity Act as a “foreign agent.” Ken­ local witch-hunting committees. Fraternally yours, Meanwhile, in the midst of the nedy asserted th a t the act “ does But Mr. Kennedy doesn’t want Farrell Dobbs ferocious government attacks on not outlaw the Communist Party.” to “outlaw” the organization. He the strikers, negotiations for a National Secretary The party was indicted on 12 just wants to kick it to the ground “settlement” are continuing be­ counts. Eleven were for each of and then give it a stomping. tween Balaguer and Viriato Fiallo, the days it failed to register after the Nov. 20 deadline, and the twelfth for failing to file a list of members and a financial state­ Asks FBI to Report Call-Up of Reserves Stirs a Hornet’s Nest ment. If convicted, the party could be fined $10,000 on each of the 12 On Monroe Beating By John Thayer gripe, and the one that makes all pose behind a ll this,” said a re­ counts. the others so infuriating, is that servist at Ft. Devens, Mass., “ but In his claim that registering the NEW YORK — Conrad Lynn When President Kennedy called the called-up troops simply do not if there is, it escapes us entirely.” organization was not equivalent to counsel for the Committee to Aid up reservists and national guard believe their call-up was neces­ There are reports of camp outlawing the organization, Ken­ the Monroe Defendants, is de­ units for active military service sary for the defense of the coun­ movies having been stopped be­ nedy said — with a straight face manding that Attorney General four months ago he did so in order try. cause of the tremendous booing — “Such registration is not un­ Robert Kennedy reveal the cur­ to impress Khrushchev, but even “I’m disgusted and consider my­ when Kennedy’s picture appeared usual . Registration is required rent status of the FBI investiga­ more especially the American peo­ self a pawn in a political game,” on the newsreel. in a number of fields, including tion of the near-fatal beating of ple, with his readiness to go to was the way one reservist at Ft. According to a series on the the sale of securities, the estab­ Freedom Rider Richard Griswold war over Berlin. Apparently he Knox, Kentucky, who had al­ various army camps by Warren lishment of welfare and pension in the Union County, North Ca­ little reckoned then that he was ready served two years, p u t it. Rogers of the New York Herald plans, campaign contributions and rolina, jail. ■ opening a political hornet’s nest “Almost four months have Tribune, it was reported at Ft. lobbying.” Lynn indicated that the timing on the domestic scene.
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