Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1974 6-29-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 29, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1974 Volume 55, Issue 196 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 29, 1974." (Jun 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SIU's budget bounces back to Senate By Jeff JoueU block the Senate's extra three per cent U of I appropriations passed the House way to the House noor" when the U of I Dally Egyptian Staff Writer salary boost for SlU employes Thur­ 137 to 2 while SlU's bill pulled only 72 of bill was voted on, sday, sending the appropriation bill the 89 votes necessary for passage. The $2-million question in SlU's 1974- back to the other body. Choate claimed Gov . Dan Walker, the According to Choate, Walker bas 'r,; appropriation bill-with all that im­ The Senate. must now decide whether lllinois Board of Higher Education, and assured him he will veto the portion 01 U plies for the University 's employes and to withdraw its higher figure or send the 1'ilP".· Jators had agreed on five per cent of I's $266 million appropriation student workers-is back in the state matter to a joint conference committee. p1\y hikes for all state workers. prividing an eight per cent pay increase. Senate for an answer. According to Choate's press Actually, it's a $2,176,000 question­ The House Thursday passed ap­ A spokesman for Walker said the secretary. the Anna representative propriations for the University of DIinois the difference between the $106 million argued against the SlU\ncrease because governor was "very much opposed to approved for SlU by the Sena te and the and schools under the Board of the additional increases" but would the eight per cent raises would be unfair Governors allowing for eight per cent three per cent lower figure that has await legislative action on the other to other state employes who are only pay raises just before Choate ~arked cleared the House. slated for five per cent boosts. university appropriations before House Democratic leader Clyde opposition to a similar bill for SlU and Choate's press secretary said Friday deciding to veto, sign, or reduce the U of Choate of Anna led a successful drive to the schools under the Board of Regents. that Choate was " in the lobby on his I bill. ~C&Jition Oil companies focus 'Daily hunt near Shawnee By John Russell Several Murphysboro land owners Daily Egyptian Staff Writer agreed. C£gyptian Robert Van Cloostere of RR 3, Mur· While the National Forest Service has physboro, said he was one of the first instituted a moratorium on oil and gas persons in the area to lease his land to leases in Shawllee National Forest , a oil companies, starting 12 or 14 years Southern minois University number of private landowners in the area have been leasing out their all ~an Cloostere said his land has been rights for years . leased to two small oil companies, and SiiU'day . .AIle 2;, 1974-Vot 55 1'«>, 196 The Forest Service announced last to Texaco, and is currently leased to month that no leases for oil drilling Amoco . would be granted in the forest until fur· Wells have been drilled on the 2,300 lher environmental studies have been acres Van Ooostere owns in Perry and completed. Jackson coWllies, but no oil has been Granting of leases will be delayed un­ fOWld, he said. Billswould block ruling til at least late fall , after public Abraham said he knows of only one hearings have been held on the dirlling well in the area that has struck oil . The issues. Seven companies have applied oil gushed an hour before the well went by cities on occupations for leases on all 250,000 acres of the dry, he said. forest . Wells were drilled two years ago on Ron Abraham , information specialist the 440 acres owned by R.A. Williams SPRINGFIELD, tAPl-The Illinois The measure return to the House for for the Forest Service, said private Ian· House passed Friday and sent to the approval of an amendment that near Vergennes, but no oil was found . downers in the Murphysboro area have Williams said he has leased land to governor several bills that deny clarified which debt collectors would been leasing almost all their property municipal reguJatqry authority over rome under the law. to oil companies for many years. (Continued on page 2) such occupations as doctors, social workers and a rchitects. The measures, which originated in e Senate, give the state the exclusive right to ·regulate and license the oc­ cupations despite the home' rule provisions in the 1970 Illinois Con ­ stitution. Among those affected are dentists, physical therapists. veterinarians, shorthand reporters, beauticians , funeral directors, land surveyors and detectives. TIle series of bills drew opposition primarily from Olicago Democrats. They argued that the 1970 Constitution prohibits the state from taking ex· clusive authority over the occupations. The House has spent some nine hours in the last several days debating motions by Olicago Democrats which would have watered the bills down to the point where the state would not have had total regulating power . If Gov . Daniel Walker signs the measures, the matter will almost assuredly go to the courts. The House also approved measures whim would make minor changes in the Regional Transportation Authority . The two measures sent to Walker would limit the RTA's ability to impose parking taxes and require public bid­ ding on RTA purchases. A measure dealing WILD real ~lalt brokers was amended in the House and must go back to the Senate for its ap­ proval. In other action , the Senate passed a bill requiring licensing of collection agencies which included a fine for agen­ cies that use intimidation to collect debts. The old tree \toad for years before the -..t side of campus blossomed around ' it. But years ~ to shew when di-. caught up with the sentinel In frant 01 TIff> l'tIt/ the Communications Building, and Friday morning Ronald C4w1hon (left) and Gus says Oyde didn't mind voting for a Amy Russe'li put it GUt of its misery. (Staff photo by Jad< Cress.) SS,ooo raise for legi$fatOl)5, I , .Dean gets ~()(ldwork Ni~ontalks••• • •••• • •••• • •• j •••• I. for new job at SIU weigh limit on ,missles By Gary T. HOllY Hunt said he learned of some of tho MOSCOW (AP)-President Nixon aDd DUly Egyptian S&aff Writer fmancial problems at SIU from an ar­ ti cle in the Chronicle of ftigher Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev an­ Education. "I know there's t>een a nounced Friday-in a manner that good ... ized drop in enrollment here'. And suggested agreement-that their Olarles B. Hunt Jr. has been getting I suppose we may have additional drops summit talks already have dealt with the feel of his new position as dean of in the future, just like many other in­ " the question of additional measures to the CoUege of Communications and stitutions," HWlt said. '''That means our limit" the antiballistic missile systems FIne Arts. college needs to keep the programs up of their two countries. He won' officiaUy become dean until to high quality." Since negotiating room on the question July 15, but he's been spending the was limited, it seemed most likely that weekends at SIU for several weeks. Still serving as graduate school dean any new accord on Al!Ms likely would at George Peabody College in Nash­ freeze the sophisticated defenses at their Hunt, 58, took some time out of a busy ville. Tenn .• Hunt drives to SIU every schedule Friday to discuss his Friday and drives back to NashviUe present level. background and some of his plans for Monday. Since the coUege has not yet FoUowing 4 hours and 10 minutes of his new job. found a replacement for him, Hunt will wbat were described as "very direct" "I haven' had any time to practice in move here Aug . I ·and begin fuU duty negotiations during the day , the tw.o leaders said the ABM que ion " was the last 10 years," he said, referring to sometime "in the middle of August." a,.ries B. Huat Jr. his favorite musical instrument, the discussed. " clarinet. ' 'Since then, I've tried to bring Hunt and his wife will move into an A joint statement added: ' An ex' .. the best out of the people I work with. old house in Carterville which they Hunt said he believes students should change of opinion also took place on the That's what creativity is to me now. have already started renovating. The have a "working relationship with the question of limiting nuclear wea'fiOn house is "only a five ~ninule drive" to faculty." Graduate students need ex­ And I hope some creative things can be tests. The discussion on this question done here." the boat dock at Crab Orchard Lake, perience as much as instruction , he Hunt said. His fa vorite hobby is fishing. said. will be continued." Seeming at home in the office of the The fact that the statement referred to dean, Hunt, said he is impressed with ' 'T1Iis is a professional school that " My first immediate goal is getting to continued discussion of putting new the people he has met at SIU so far.
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